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#51 Old 22nd Aug 2009 at 4:31 AM
Yeah, this is pretty old, but this is a good one. I've never tried it, but now I will.
Test Subject
#52 Old 18th May 2010 at 3:32 AM
I've decided to try it and have made my own set of rules from the things I like from different RKCs I have followed. I think its the perfect time to try with all the new stuff from the medieval challenge .
Lab Assistant
#53 Old 13th Jul 2010 at 12:23 AM
Sounds good, I'll play this with my own adjustments, being:
1. Nobody has a Maxis job. Ever. There are plenty of medieval themed jobs available for download, anyway. To avoid LTWs of Maxis jobs, there's a handy mod right here on MTS.
2. Peasants who are farmers may never have a job outside the home.
3. No school. Again, there are game mods that allow you to do this, without fear of the social worker.
4. No fire alarms or auto-sprinklers. Let's face it, if there was a fire, you had to deal with it on your own at that time.
5. Radio is OK-medieval folks did make music, after all! To this end, I also allow instruments in my 'hood.
6. No buying food via delivery with Seasons. A small thing, I know, but really, the merchants and/or peasants should be farming anyway, right? And then there are the ponds....
And that's all I can think of. Getting ready to start now.
Lab Assistant
#54 Old 24th Jun 2012 at 10:17 PM
I'm so excited for this challenge. I've spent a few days setting up my hood, making backstories, and getting a bunch of CC for my Victorian theme. I'm playing with a few modifications, though. If a Sim in a class beneath Nobility makes enough enemies in the upper classes, they will be run out of their homes and forced to join a camp of "traveling" gypsies, who live by peasant rules, except they can only join the paranormal, show business, and criminal careers and as they are not considered subjects of the King, are not taxed. Another, Dragon Age inspired change is that a child will take on the class of their same sex parent if they are an illegitimate offspring. The wife of the bastard's father is not obliged to care for the child, so the child's mother must be moved into the household as a servant with her child. Thus, peasant women desperate for way out of poverty will attempt to seduce noble men in order to get better living conditions for themselves and their children.

I love this. (: Next it's time to set up my monastery and House of Ill Repute..
Test Subject
#55 Old 7th Jul 2012 at 12:12 PM
Default This sounds frigging awesome!
Throughout my time as a simmer, I'd never been one much for challenges and CC, but now I'm thinking why on earth not? Presently, I'm a bit disillusioned with my Sims 3 base game so decided to go all nostalgic and reinstall all my Sims 2 expansions on my laptop. I plan to get my hands on all the necessary wonderful downloads and begin with a medieval kingdom, and then update historical eras every couple of generations. These rules are extensive, but sound brilliant and it sounds like it could be a hell of a lot of fun, especially filming and storytelling in the album. I shall write their bios in Old English [or as far as my Lit work on Chaucer will allow]. I'm so excited, can't wait to design/build/create/play!

It's cool to see people still creating challenges &c. and others still playing them years down the line.
Field Researcher
#56 Old 28th Feb 2013 at 10:20 PM
Default Royal Kingdom Prettacy Challenge with a twist
I created a King with some unfortunate facial features. King Charwyn has monstrous ears and an awkward nose. He is also a romance sim with a mind to seed his entire town.

He begins by moving in and impregnating every woman he can in his 1st week.

The woman who delivers the most attractive child will become queen.

The next most attractive children will be the nobility, and so forth until you get to the least attractive who are the servants.

So far King Charwyn has made babies with 9 women and has selected a Queen. With the Queen he has three children and an heir. The challenge actually begins with his adult children marrying and having children and grandchildren.

Every household should be able to trace back to King Charwyn.
Test Subject
#57 Old 1st Mar 2013 at 1:41 AM
This sounds like so much fun! I definitely want to try this, except maybe I'll adapt it to The Sims 3. I've been wanting to play a historically-themed challenge for a while right now, and this sounds exactly like what I'm looking for. Thanks for posting it on Mod the Sims!

By the way, does anyone have any medieval-themed names? I'm not exactly a history buff, but I want to play this challenge as accurately as possible. Thanks for all your suggestions, everyone!

Thoughts of a Super Sparkly Teen
Chronicling the life story of one very non-super-sparkly teen.
Test Subject
#58 Old 1st Mar 2013 at 1:44 AM
Quote: Originally posted by DitzyEkko
I created a King with some unfortunate facial features. King Charwyn has monstrous ears and an awkward nose. He is also a romance sim with a mind to seed his entire town.

He begins by moving in and impregnating every woman he can in his 1st week.

The woman who delivers the most attractive child will become queen.

The next most attractive children will be the nobility, and so forth until you get to the least attractive who are the servants.

So far King Charwyn has made babies with 9 women and has selected a Queen. With the Queen he has three children and an heir. The challenge actually begins with his adult children marrying and having children and grandchildren.

Every household should be able to trace back to King Charwyn.

I love this idea! It's so creative! I think I'm going to try it out and possibly make it a blog or something. It definitely has write-able material, I think. Do you mind if I use it--crediting you, of course?

Thoughts of a Super Sparkly Teen
Chronicling the life story of one very non-super-sparkly teen.
#59 Old 1st Mar 2013 at 4:30 AM
Quote: Originally posted by DitzyEkko
I created a King with some unfortunate facial features. King Charwyn has monstrous ears and an awkward nose. He is also a romance sim with a mind to seed his entire town.

He begins by moving in and impregnating every woman he can in his 1st week.

The woman who delivers the most attractive child will become queen.

The next most attractive children will be the nobility, and so forth until you get to the least attractive who are the servants.

So far King Charwyn has made babies with 9 women and has selected a Queen. With the Queen he has three children and an heir. The challenge actually begins with his adult children marrying and having children and grandchildren.

Every household should be able to trace back to King Charwyn.

In my opinion, King Charwyn looks quite handsome! I don't think his ears and nose look awkward at all.
Field Researcher
#60 Old 1st Mar 2013 at 9:21 PM
Quote: Originally posted by dressingupskittles
I love this idea! It's so creative! I think I'm going to try it out and possibly make it a blog or something. It definitely has write-able material, I think. Do you mind if I use it--crediting you, of course?

I don't mind at all. I'm curious to see how it goes in my world and yours. Have fun and keep me posted please!
Field Researcher
#61 Old 1st Mar 2013 at 9:22 PM
Quote: Originally posted by CrèmedelaCrème
In my opinion, King Charwyn looks quite handsome! I don't think his ears and nose look awkward at all.

Few of his children might disagree. They work on Charwyn, but not his little ones
Field Researcher
#62 Old 3rd Mar 2013 at 4:42 AM Last edited by DitzyEkko : 11th Mar 2013 at 2:31 AM.
DitzyEkko's Royal Kingdom Prettacy...family trees of Royalty and Nobility

King Charwyn & Queen Jane (deceased) Reucastle
Princess Jeyne
Princess Wynne
Prince Charwyn II & wife Sierra

Lady Cecilia de Moore
Earl Rogyr (deceased) & wife Lady Jill
Earl Chauncey
Lady Cecily
Lady Jessamyn
Lord Hugh Goberd (deceased) & wife Lady Jill
Lord Hugh Goberd (illeg, son of Earl Petyr Copledike)

Lady Lynette Ternynck
Earl Aidyn (deceased) & wife Lady Gina
Earl Jon
Lady Georgia
Lord George
Lord Benedict (illeg, son of maid)

Lady Petronilla Copledike
Earl Petyr & wife Lady Allyn
Lord Paulis
Lord Alexander
Lady Primavera
Lord Gracien
Field Researcher
#63 Old 8th Mar 2013 at 2:52 PM Last edited by DitzyEkko : 11th Mar 2013 at 2:27 AM.
Default RKC Prettacy with a twist - the Peasants
All of King Charwyn's children who inherited his ears became peasants...there are three of them

Kendryck McCarthy, son of Kendra - wearing brown

Gymma Gypsey, daughter of Gypsy - wearing green

Ylan Blexham, daughter of Alinore - wearing purple

Gymma marries Remington Creelman (two children, Jenna & Jasper)

Ylan marries Bianca Monty (three children, Silvia, Francesca, Patrizio)

Kendryck marries Lyonesse (three children, Joshua, Accalon, Russell)
Field Researcher
#64 Old 8th Mar 2013 at 3:45 PM
Default RKC Prettacy with a twist - the Royals
Of King Charwyn's 3 royal children, only Prince Charwyn II has married (Jeyne & Wynne are spinsters)

Charwyn II and Sierra have 4 children and are expecting another

Princess Jane (dark skin)
Princess Adela (freckled skin, BIG EARS)
Princess Amelia (dark skin)
Prince Charwyn III (dark skin, BIG EARS)
Field Researcher
#65 Old 11th Mar 2013 at 2:25 AM
Default RKC Prettacy with a twist - the Royals
King Charwyn Reucastle died of old age shortly after his 5th royal grandchild was born.

King Charwyn II & Queen Sierra have 5 children total (Jane, twins Adela & Amelia, Charwyn III, Rion)

King Charwyn II Reucastle died just two years later and his youngest child (Prince Rion) was chosen as the new king.

Currently Princesses Jeyne & Wynne and Queen Sierra are adults, Princesses Jane, Adela, and Amelia and Prince Charwyn III are teens and King Rion is a child.
Test Subject
#66 Old 22nd Sep 2014 at 3:55 AM
I did something close to this once for fun. So this should be easy for me.
Lab Assistant
#67 Old 20th Mar 2015 at 9:01 AM
I've finally gotten around to building up my royal kingdom hood, and have been having a blast with it so far!! I've introduced some rules to make it more challenging, though, since I'm playing in a weird, anachronistic setting--medieval medicine and customs, but with some Victorian technology. To make it harder, I've been rolling a dice each childbirth to determine whether or not the mother dies. A 3 or a 5 means she's dead. Additionally, I took some inspiration from the TOT Challenge--if a lady Sim is caught having an affair, the men "duel," and the loser is killed. If the loser is her husband, she marries the other man. If the other man dies, her husband divorces her and she is sent to the convent to repent. In the same vein, the loser in a fight dies of complications.

Other random rules: Each noble and royal household may have one live-in servant for every $50,000 in their bank account. Wives take on the status of their husbands. The royal heir's spouse is determined by his mother's (or in case of her death, his father's) relationship with the noble families. The family that has the best favor with the current monarchs will have their daughter married to the royal heir.

Depending on how large the population gets, how crazy the drama becomes, and how grumpy the king is, I might roll for random executions in later generations.

I'm also doing a neighborhood event each generation! I roll a dice to determine which one--this generation is a religious uprising, and each family must donate 25% of their funds to the church every two seasons.

I also plan to advance the time period every few generations! I plan to go full Victorian after generation two, and then go up to the mid 1900s after generation four. At that point, I'll introduce some young money families to add some tension between the older families.

Anywho, here are my families!

The Royal Winstrates

Here is King Charles. He likes long walks on the beach, dark chocolate, and arguing with children. He's a great dad, though.

The late Queen Victoria. She bore the heir, had an affair with accidental playboy noble Penn Van der Woodson, then died of starvation while pregnant with the king's second child. Remind me to never take a two minute snack break with a pregnant Sim on the lot ever again.

The current queen, Clara. King Charles married her as a teenager, because she was the only unmarried, eligible female in the entire kingdom. She hails from the merchant family, the LeSuers, and is really bad at cards.

The heir to the throne, Ernest Winstrate. Ernest really strives for his dad's attention, and doesn't get along well with his stepmother, Clara. He cries a lot about his dead mom, which isn't surprising, I guess.

The Noble Fitzgeralds

Zelda and Francis, respectively. Zelda likes getting drunk and teaching her kids how to walk. Francis likes getting drunk and trying to write novels. They throw parties when they're not wrangling their wild children.

The Fitzgerald heir, Booker. He puked on his dad once.

Elizabeth Fitzgerald. She had her dad's nose and lips, which I think is kind of unfortunate. She splashes toilet water everywhere and is generally a gross, adorable baby.

The Noble Van der Woodsons

The patriarch, Penn Van der Woodson. He's a shy, literate guy who loves snake-wrangling and adventuring. He's also quite the playboy. He consumated his affair with the late Queen Victoria, and is currently sneaking off with Francis Fitzgerald. Really gets around (the world and everyone's pants).

I wasn't able to get a good shot of Vitaly, Penn's loyal wife, but she's in the background of this one! Vitaly is known for her bad sense of humor and for being totally oblivious about her husband's affairs.

The heir, Daniel Van der Woodson. Daniel's pretty cute.

The Noble Annans

Georges Annan thinks he's hot stuff. And he is. He made out with Zelda once at a party, but other than that, he mostly just works his butt off in the athletic career. The Annans are the richest family for a reason.

His wife, Aerowen, and one of their twin daughters, Isabela. Aerowen is kind of a drag, but she's totally in love with their servant, Haruka, who is more nervous, and less socially awkward than she is. Aerowen has few noble friends, but gets along well with the peasants. Isabela follows everyone in the house around.

Verona, the other twin. She looks like a rabbit.

The heir, Carlos Annan. He's still a baby, so there's not much to say about him. He poops sometimes, idk.

Their servant, Haruka Carrol. She and Aerowen are carrying out a quiet, slow moving love affair behind Georges's back. She works nearly thirteen hours each day, nannying the three brats, and cleaning up diaper after diaper. She's one of my favorite Sims, and I almost hope her and Aerowen get caught so they can elope to the convent together.

The Merchant Poes

Edgar Poe. Either he has a job and I forgot it or he's still unemployed. He likes hanging out with their black cat, Giles, avoiding everyone in the neighborhood but his wife, and writing scary stories while the baby's asleep.

Virginia Poe. Virginia is renowned as one of the most beautiful women in the neighborhood, and has been flirted with even by the king himself. She has few female friends, though, because they fear her freakishly cute face. She tidies the house and reads sappy romance books.

Their daughter, Berenice. Hopefully she won't die of tuberculosis or something like her namesake did.

The Merchant LeSuers

Lance LeSuer. He hasn't made an impression on anyone really, least of all his wife. He just kinda chills, goes to work, does stuff.

His wife, Meridel LeSuer. Meridel's a kind, boisterous woman who has befriended nearly every person she's met. She has been working hard on her flower arranging, and hopes to co-own a flower shop home business with her husband. She's very proud of their daughter, Clara, who's now queen, but is kind of salty that they weren't promoted to nobility, at least.

The Peasant Peraults

Kristoff Perault is a kind, friendly man who has half of the neighborhood bewitched by his charms and his night's uniform. However, he stole that chainmail from a dead man, and currently works as a getaway driver for the local criminals. He's very conflicted, though, by his dual lives, but can never bring himself to a moral judgment because at the end of the day, what matters is putting food on his family's plates.

Eva Perault is extremely shy, and spends most of her time trying to keep a clean house and farming their small plot. They have two dogs that she adores because they're cute, but hates because they smell nasty. She's been befriending the merchants, hoping to secure a marriage for her infant daughter, Elsa.

Elsa. She just kinda lays there, because the stupid custom crib keeps glitching.

The Peasant Eugenides

Romeo Eugenides is, well, a Romeo, or at least he tries. He's currently seeing the town prostitute, Karina, but is also an extremely loving husband to his wife, Valentine. He likes to farm their tomatoes, but has difficulty doing it because his hair gets in his face.

Valentine Eugenides. Half the town is attracted to her, but all she wants to do is gamble at the nobles' card tables. She's probably addicted, smh. She tends to win big, though, which keeps her coming back for more. She thinks she might sell herself like Karina does. She knows most of the nobles and even the king fancy her--she could make far more than Karina does (since Karina's pretty much stuck wooing peasants). She's very torn between staying loyal to her husband, though, or supporting her unborn child.

The Peasant Tolstoys

Alexei Tolstoy weirds out his neighbors by constantly farming in his underwear. He sometimes digs into nobles' trash and stores the leftover food in his beard. He wishes they had a dog so they could go knock over trash cans together.

Karina wishes she could spend her days as a happy, carefree socialite, but instead she has to sell her body just to buy baby supplies. She makes very little money, though, because the only clientele she seems to be able to find is Romeo Eugenides from across the street. Karina hopes her son can marry a merchant's daughter with a hefty dowry, so they can work their way to a level ten business and claw up and out of poverty.

Levin Tolstoy. Idk, he's a baby.

Whew, that was a lot of families! I've finished the Winstrates, the Annans, and the Van der Woodson's first autumns, and will post more once I've finished the full rotation!
Test Subject
#68 Old 17th May 2015 at 12:31 AM
At the moment, I'm sort of messing around with this challenge.
I made myself Queen - even named the town after myself - and my first born Sim-daughter will be the heir, rather than the first born son. I married a hot guy who became a Prince (not King though, because I'm not gonna hand over that much power). I made my best friends in the Nobility class, some random sims for the merchant class, and the people I dislike are now either my servants or peasants.
I have to admit, it's pretty fun!
I'm just doing this one for a laugh, but I've been reading through and looking at the pictures of the ones everyone else has attempted and it just looks so cool. It's inspired me to make another one, where I actually take it seriously and create a kingdom. I'm still keeping my royal town and everything, but now I wanna try this one for myself.
Looks pretty challenging, but I'll give it a go!
Top Secret Researcher
#69 Old 23rd May 2015 at 11:10 PM
I am setting up a RKC and can't wait to get started! I have tweaked and added some rules. Also since i'm 1 too lazy to hunt down all that CC and research how it was and 2 don't want to make my game take longer to load than it already does anyway I'll be doing a "modern-ish" RKC. (my tweaked or added rules)

I will make their castle with money being no object, possibly buy them a business (venue of course) and set them to start off with $200k, no more money cheats. (Through the kings job, any business they have and taxes they must survive. They should be fine..)
Children will go to Prep school (simlogical)
Peasants or Elves (below peasants) can be servants
Can have pets, they do not work
Can use all career and aspiration rewards (except the resurrection one) and can buy them (I have a mod and have them in a collection)

Children will go to Prep school, or Private if Prep is too expensive (both Prep and Private cost money but Prep more so)
May have pets, they can work
- 5% income tax (it'll be work keeping track of it all!)
Royals and Nobles may reach the top career level
Can use all career and aspiration rewards (except the resurrection one) and can buy them

Children can attend private school but they must have $10k per child in cash on hand, before paying for it.
May have pets, they can work
May rarely reach top career level, mostly using the job stoppinator at level 7 or 8, depending on the job
- 10% income tax
May use all career and aspiration rewards (barring the resurrection one) but has to earn them, can not buy them

They may marry Royalty but Royalty would consider it a disgrace and disown them, hence making the previous Royalty, become Peasants
Teens may or may not go to high school, they may stay at home to help out
Cooking may be learned from doing or from TV, not from a book. Mechanical/Cleaning may only be learned by doing. Creativity may be learned by: Xylophone, Activity table, Easel, Singing, Writing a novel (I have a notebook cc thing). Logic may only be learned from the newspaper. Body and Charisma as normal. May have bookcases (pretending they don't have the skill books).
May have pets, they can not work
- 15% income tax
May not use any aspiration rewards except maybe ReNuYuSenso Orb and Weathernaught 57X in certain situations and No career rewards, except the witch/wizard household can use the resurrection one, and go up to level 5 to get it at the expense of 1 eligible to work Sim not working
Can't go over level 3 in a job
Even though they can all technically work i'll be keeping some Sims home to tend the garden/home business/children

Rules for the Elf Class
- No Jobs, at all. They Garden and sell some of what they make, and can make things to sell or fish, in order to make money. They may not work as a bartender or the like on community lots.
- Anyone can be heir, eldest son traditionally
- No Uni
- No Elixir of life
- They may marry Royalty but Royalty would consider it a disgrace and disown them, hence making the previous Royalty, become Elves
- No private or Prep school
- May hire nanny or matchmaker, that's it
- Teens may not go to High school at all, they stay at home to help out
- Cooking/Mechanical/Cleaning may only be learned by doing. Creativity by Xylophone, Activity table, Easel, Singing. My headcannon they can write but no one would read their books except other Elves, also since they can't have bookcases due to lack of privilege they wouldn't really be up to snuff with the higher classes so to speak. Logic may be learned from the newspaper. Body and Charisma as normal. As mentioned, no bookcases.
- May have pets, they can not work
- 20% income tax
- May not use any aspiration rewards except maybe ReNuYuSenso Orb and Weathernaught 57X in certain situations and No career rewards
- No TV's, Computers or Burglar alarms
- No more than 49 squares (7 X 7) inside (they will need to get outta the weather sometimes!)
- Must sleep in tents (except for babies/toddlers of course)
- Will have a much more outside/nature-y and less modern/electrical way of life

General Rules
Women take on their husbands class, except in the case of a Royal man deciding to marry a Peasant or Elf. Other situations may arise, because story. But as a general rule, lol
Merchants – Brown hair Peasants – Black or Custom hair Elves – Blonde or Red hair (townie classification)
I may not always stick to the "roll a dice" to determine the aspiration for teens rule, but probably more often than not.

I have a big list with all their possible careers by class, including all EP jobs and CC jobs that I have

Royalty, Nobility and Merchants may have cars (and the town witch/wizard household as I will allow the witch/wizard household to have a (small) community lot business in order for me to have those Sims I want to buy witchy products or services do so at my command and they will be allowed to have a car but only the cheapest one)

Open for Business
-Only a home business is permitted
- Are allowed Retail businesses
- May only sell items they make themselves (or harvest)
- Will never be promoted to Peasant status because of their values in life (Family/Nature/Free spirits)
- Only family members may work in business

Adoption Fee- $5,000
Wedding Fee- $100
Funeral Fee- $500
Divorce Fee- $500
University Fee- $10,500
Private School- $5,000 per child/teen. Must be paid for elementary school AND high school
Prep School- $8,000 per child/teen. Must be paid for elementary school AND high school.
Taxi ride- $10 (so minimum of $20 to go there and back at least)

Other noteworthy things
In my headcannon aliens can make babies through woohoo with any gender, regardless of gender. Also witches can do a spell for same-sex baby making, but it takes at least magic skill 7. So if a same sex couple wants a biological baby and neither is an alien or a witch/wizard they will have to be best friends with a witch/wizard (aliens can't do the spell...unless they are a witch of course) that has at least magic skill 7 and give them $3,000 (it's a hard spell and has ingredients needed!). They would need to be friends because having a baby is serious business, and it's a tough spell to boot, so a witch wouldn't do the spell for just any random stranger.

Life states:
Aliens- Can belong to any class BUT since Peasants and Elves can not use the telescope they would have to be married into the lower classes and could only be born into the Merchant, Noble or Royal classes (to begin with anyway of course an alien can marry into the lower classes and have babies and they'd be born into them). As such aliens are highly regarded as a gift, a blessing, and probably given favoritism. (though i'm going to start with 1 alien elf sim)

Zombies: Are considered the lowest of the low. They are nothing more than servants with no rights of their own. They can be servants to anyone but generally Royalty, Nobility or the witch/wizard household.

Vampires: Because they live forever if their will be any vampires, there won't be a lot. Heirs and head of the household could probably never be or stay a vampire because they need to die to pass on their legacy to the next heir. Generally treated with respect out of fear.

Werewolf: Generally disliked and treated as such. Elves see nothing wrong with them, they are closer to nature and therefor, liked by the Elves. Peasants are indifferent towards them. The higher classes tend to dislike them and look down their noses at them.

Servo: Servants, only to Royalty and Nobility

Plantsims: Mostly indifferent attitudes. Would probably end up Peasants or Elves because of gardening.

Bigfoot: Can go live with any class but since that requires a vacation, which tends to be expensive, Peasants and Elves are unlikely to be able to get to bigfoot. Though they are allowed vacations, but good luck being able to afford one!

Witch/Wizard: Their is one household that will be the witch/wizard household from the start. Others may become witches but they would have to befriend a witch and have a spell done on them for it to happen, they would need to be close friends.

I have so far made one family, a Noble family

My Linktree
Test Subject
#70 Old 25th May 2015 at 1:07 AM
I still need to take pictures, but once I have, I'll try and post them on here.
My town is mainly Victorian based, but with both Medieval and modern influences. So far, I've made a Royal family, two Noble families, one Merchant family and sort of a Peasant family (I'll explain what I mean by that soon). So far, I've only spent 1 Sim week on each one, so the families haven't had chance to grow, but I've started creating backstories and it's pretty interesting so far!
I apologise for not having pictures yet, but I'll try and post some soon.

First, we have the Royal family: The Merics.
King Walter Meric is, obviously, the King. Despite being the ruler, he is actually very down-to-earth and is kind to his royal subjects. He even assists his servants with the cooking and cleaning, but I think that's mainly because he enjoys doing it. He's very devoted to his wife and he adores her to pieces.
Queen Bernadette Meric is his wife, who comes from a regular, Merchant background. The two fell in love instantly, and they quickly married. She is a very beautiful woman, and she certainly takes pride in her appearance! She is also currently pregnant with her second child.
Princess Roisin Meric is their daughter, currently their only child. She is now a toddler, and is adorable. There's not much I can say about her, she's still a baby. But she's very cute!

Then we have the first Noble family: The Van Graafs. (This is my favourite family, because so much has happened in a short space of time!)
Lord Malcolm Van Graaf is an interesting character. He seems like a quiet, reserved man, yet it's no secret that he loves a lot of women...well, his wife doesn't know that. In an interesting turn of events, he fell in love with the housekeeper; Esther Woodson, seduced her, then got her pregnant. In order to keep their love affair a secret, he planned to send her away before his wife would discover she was pregnant...and especially with HIS child. However, their love affair didn't last long, as early into her pregnancy, Esther discovered Lord Malcolm...shock horror...woohooing with his own wife. I thought that was pretty ridiculous; she already knew they were married, she's supposed to be the guilty one! Lord Malcolm and Esther aren't enemies, but they don't like each other now. Out of anger and heartbreak, Esther ended up quitting her job, losing money, becoming a Peasant, living in a tiny house and she has to raise her child alone. Since then, they have hired a new Housekeeper, but it's just not the same to him. Lord Malcolm, deep down, still misses her, but he has been trying to forget and pretend that nothing happened.
Lady Annabelle Van Graaf is his oblivious wife. I feel bad for her, because she is a lovely, outgoing woman who loves to meet new people. She was good friends with Esther, and never found out that her husband was cheating on her. She hates sitting around and always has to be doing something. Her hobbies include telling dirty jokes, juggling and playing the piano...badly. She is also currently pregnant with their second child.
Alice Van Graaf is their first-born daughter. She's a baby, so there's not much to say yet. :P

Then we have the second Noble family: The Trumans.
Lord Reginald Truman is a very arrogant man. He loves himself, and expects everyone else to be at his beck-and-call. He cares little for his wife and daughter, and is always trying to flirt with the maid, but always gets rejected. He thinks he's the most important man in the Village, excluding the King, of course.
Lady Christine Truman is stuck in an unhappy marriage. It took a long time for her to get pregnant, as her and her husband have virtually no chemistry. She hates the way he treats her and is thinking of divorcing him soon. She recently discovered that she is attracted to women, and has a crush on the maid, who also feels the same way. They are starting a love affair of their own while her husband is at work, but she is scared of the consequences of him finding out.
Saskia Truman is their newborn daughter, and since they have very little chemistry, she might be their only offspring.

Then we have the first Merchant family: The Cronans. (Just to point out, I've only played this family for 1 Sim day, so not much has happened yet.)
Geoffrey Cronan is a happy, friendly man. He feels like the luckiest man in the world to have his lovely wife. Their house isn't amazing, and they don't have much money at the moment, but he takes nothing for granted and is grateful for everything.
Olga Cronan is the prettiest woman in the Village, with her shiny auburn hair and gorgeous smile. Almost every man is infatuated with her, however, she only has eyes for her husband, Geoffrey. They are very happy together. The couple don't have any children yet, but she is currently pregnant with their first child.

Then we have the first Peasant family: The Woodsons. (Haven't properly played this family yet, but I'm basing this off from what happened in the Van Graaf story.)
Esther Woodson is a lonely, confused single mother. Up until recently, she had a nice, simple life. She was the housekeeper for the Van Graafs, a rich, Noble family. Sure, she had to cook, clean and work several hours a day, but she was well fed and looked after. However, she suddenly fell pregnant...with her employer's child. Everything changed, and she was forced to quit her job and live in the poorest and most affordable house she could find. Lost and alone, she gave birth to her child and is trying to raise her in the best way that she can, but her life has taken a turn for the worst.
Emily Woodson is her newborn daughter. Poor Emily has no idea that she is actually half Noble, and she may never know. Will she ever discover who her father is?

So that's it so far! I still need to make another Merchant family and one or two more Peasant families.

I think it's kinda weird how all the babies so far are females, no males just yet! Hopefully there will be some soon, so it's easier to choose heirs.

I'll keep you posted!
Test Subject
#71 Old 30th Sep 2015 at 4:20 PM
Quote: Originally posted by lomelindi
This sounded really cool to me so I started it last week. It took me three days to build everything and make all the classes. But I also added/modified a few rules.

My peasant families are very sad people.
*They are not allowed to have a television or smoke detectors or burglar alarms. They can have a telephone because I think sims need them.
*Peasants pay 25% of their weekly income to their chosen fief (I have two fiefs where the noble families live: Roderick and Everine). The fief then pays 60% of that to the Royal family as payment for living on the king's land. But since they also protect the land, they don't have to pay this from their own pockets.
*Merchants pay 20% of weekly income (I know that peasants, who make less, shouldn't have to pay MORE, but I'm cruel) to their chosen fief.
*Peasants may only cook one meal per day to eat because they don't have the money or the resources to make more. I turn the fridge around afterward to prevent them from eating more. Only babies and pregnant sims bypass this rule. Also, if they have a great crop and stock the refrig. they are permitted to eat as they like for as long as the sparklies last above their food.
*Peasants may not own book cases.
*Peasant teenagers may not attend school. They must work, and stay home to help with the work in the fields (if you have any crops).

I like a challenge. But those are also suggestions if anyone is looking to make it a bit more difficult.

I am probably going to add a large Cathedral (maybe with some monks hanging around), the town well, a town crier (peasant class), dancers and ladies of the court (they will live at the palace in servant quarters), the witch/wizard will be able to sell herbs and potions in a separate shop, if they like. I will also add a town jail. Several of my peasants are criminals, so I think I will send some of them to prison for a few sim days This breaks the 'heir must not leave the house' rule, but I don't consider it a violation as he will move back after the penalty has been served.

Those a good add-on rules, I think I might use the last one. I don't have any gardening stuff although I wanted my Peasants to be farmers (I think I'll just stick with Peasants in the end though) but I like the idea of the teenagers not being able to go to school!
Test Subject
#72 Old 7th Apr 2017 at 6:17 PM
Couldn't you use Dragon Valley if you were too lazy to make all the families and just somehow mark which families are Noble, merchant, royal, and presents?
Test Subject
#73 Old 13th May 2017 at 8:13 AM
I like this challenge, I would definitely add another rule : that in the merchant class, females must marry at age teen if the household is desperate, but all the females in the peasant class must be child brides (Marry at age teen). Married teens must not have kids until they are at least halfway through their teen years. Married teenage girls may not have jobs, married teen merchants may marry non-heir nobility, other merchants , the husband must be teen , ya, adult. Married teen peasants must marry merchants or other peasants, as long as the husband is a teen, ya , adult or an ELDER even. Thanks I will definitely be doing this challenge, in fact I'll start building right now.
Test Subject
#74 Old 9th Apr 2020 at 10:40 PM
k, know this thread is old but imma do it on TS2 seems fun, anybody have custom royal cc or neighborhoods?

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