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Test Subject
#51 Old 9th Feb 2013 at 2:05 AM
I'm combining this challenge with the PG. Lots of fun!!!
Can I move out some family members if I have maximum number of sims and I need space for the spouse or children of my heir?
Test Subject
#52 Old 10th Feb 2013 at 3:53 PM
I like this challenge! I can't get rid of the paparazzi even though I have downloaded the mod. What to do then? (Oh, AND the tourists shows up!)
Test Subject
#53 Old 24th Feb 2013 at 6:12 PM
Hi everyone - I have started this challenge as well and am doing a You Tube LP on it - if you are interested in seeing my take on it (could use your input/suggestions), my channel name is Llandros09.

It's a very fun challenge and I am enjoying it. I will provide the link to the first episode if you want to check it out.

Test Subject
#54 Old 4th Mar 2013 at 11:25 PM
Default Question
Can i use supernatural creatures?I mean Can i be werewolf or vampire and others?
Test Subject
#55 Old 10th Mar 2013 at 2:15 AM
How do I download it? I have the link on where too, but I'm not computer savvy, so I have no clue what im doing here
Test Subject
#56 Old 24th Mar 2013 at 12:15 PM
A quick question about the world: does it have enough seed spawners? Or is gardening here really dependent on seeds you bring back from holidays?
Field Researcher
#57 Old 24th Mar 2013 at 4:44 PM
I don't know, I think it only has one rock spawner. I'd suggest you
1) Plant everything possible in your fridge. Hopefully you get one point from that, or later from watering.
2) Plant every seed in your inventory. Sims get free starter seeds with the 1st skillpoint so plant those.
3) Buy/harvest as many different fruit/veggies in your travel.
4)Use EA Store premium content if you have it. First that apply here is the SwiftGro gardening station that came with Stone's Throw Greenhouse, since the station has a built in seed spawner so there spawns all kinds of different seeds around your garden. It even spawns special seeds. Second Premium Content item that applies is the Market stall that sells all kinds of different fruit and gardening books.
Lab Assistant
#58 Old 24th Mar 2013 at 11:20 PM
Yeah I think so, a rare seed spawned on my island so it might, but I wouldn't depend on it
Test Subject
#59 Old 31st Mar 2013 at 9:50 PM
I'm on my third try. Some tips and/or observations:

Loner trait. Gets a good moodlet.

Insane trait. Talk to yourself. Even loners get lonely. You'll also be able to talk to plants when you put in a garden.

Easel. Better money maker than fishing. (Though you will have to fish or garden to fill the fridge eventually.)

Sleeping Bag (Generations) 100 simoleans and takes up very little space.

If you have Seasons, build a 5 x 5 house as quick as you can or heatstroke and sunburn will set in.

Very, very entertaining challenge.

I finally just uninstalled Late Night and Pets as both the paparazzi and horses get annoying. There is really no other non-mod way to get rid of them.
Test Subject
#60 Old 7th Apr 2013 at 1:22 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Anninen
I like this challenge! I can't get rid of the paparazzi even though I have downloaded the mod. What to do then? (Oh, AND the tourists shows up!)

If you downloaded NRAAS Register mod, you still have to tweak it. Place a computer on your lot, click on it and then on the NRAAS -> Register menu that will pop up. A mod menu will show and there you can set 'Allow Tourists' to False. Then you can enter the submenu 'Animal Control' and set the maximum number of all animals to 0 (you will have to do it separately for each animal species). Then enter 'Paparazzi' submenu and change 'Allow Paparazzi' to False. If there are already some paparazzi present in yor game, use the 'Remove Paparazzi' option. Voila, now you can enjoy a truly deserted island!
Test Subject
#61 Old 19th Apr 2013 at 6:51 AM
This is the first challenge i've ever played and its super awesome!!! I'm up to my second generation and they live in a basement and open deck thing so they have three stories I found a really awesome set http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=457515 that had like the most perfect furniture I'm real keen for the new expansion coming island paradise
Test Subject
#62 Old 3rd May 2013 at 7:32 AM
You worked hard on this world, hm? Maybe I build such an little island in my new world and someone will have to live there, I'll watch what's going on there *hihi* Later I'll try it myself
Lab Assistant
#63 Old 5th May 2013 at 7:28 AM
Question! Has anyone else noticed it's no longer the "isle of the midnight sun" after seasons/supernatural is installed? I installed them both at the same time, so I'm not sure which EP or Patch I started getting a moon and stars.

I tried to fix it and and my world was stuck in a permant full moon glow

It's something I can live with, but I was wondering if it was just me or across the board?

Random Legacy: the Parkes Legacy Finished
Random Projects: Crunchy
Lab Assistant
#64 Old 5th May 2013 at 2:47 PM
Quote: Originally posted by whitewater
Question! Has anyone else noticed it's no longer the "isle of the midnight sun" after seasons/supernatural is installed? I installed them both at the same time, so I'm not sure which EP or Patch I started getting a moon and stars.

I tried to fix it and and my world was stuck in a permant full moon glow

It's something I can live with, but I was wondering if it was just me or across the board?

For me it's alright, strange.... Do you have a mod on that edits days/nights or maybe even changes the textures of the sky? *Pulls at straws*
Lab Assistant
#65 Old 5th May 2013 at 10:55 PM
Thank you! I don't think it's my mods. I haven't added any new ones since I added those two expansion packs, and it wasn't doing it before.
I'll probably check into them since I now know it wasn't the EP.

I've had so many gliches and bugs with gen one on these guys I should give up. But I am determined!

Random Legacy: the Parkes Legacy Finished
Random Projects: Crunchy
Test Subject
#66 Old 24th May 2013 at 1:55 AM
Oy! Downloaded NRAAS Register and turned off all Tourists and Paparazzi but my lot is still getting flooded with people from the World Adventures worlds...They no longer have the (Tourists) tags behind their names when you hover over them but they are all from those worlds...sigh....

I really want to do this challenge but it's terribly annoying having all these people standing on my lot! Any suggestions? (I've restarted the game completely, resetsim * )

Lab Assistant
#67 Old 5th Jun 2013 at 2:09 AM
When Island Paradise comes out, are you allowed to have a houseboat?
Lab Assistant
#68 Old 14th Jun 2013 at 7:19 PM
This sounds fun! But also lonely T__T I think I will try it out when I'm done with my first "normal" legacy challenge.
Test Subject
#69 Old 6th Jul 2013 at 3:13 AM
I'm a few Sim days to finish this challenge. My fifth generation is in her mid-teens.

My original sim was a woman and she got pregnant while in Egypt. While she was there (for 6 days), she didn't get naseous and nothing seemed different, but when she came back from the trip, the pregnancy showed. I made sure each woman had a girl, so that I wouldn't have to bring husbands into the household (and overcrowd it). Some women got pregnant at their destination, others got engaged there and invited the fiancé to visit (getting pregnant when the fiancés were at their house). All fathers were involved in their children's upbringing by visit often! ;-)

All of my girls were writers, fisherwomen and gardeners. I've never had such a filthy rich family before! LOL!
Lab Assistant
#70 Old 6th Jul 2013 at 6:43 AM
Can't install custom worlds (messes up my game files ad caused crashing issues) but will a 64x64 world with a 10x10 island in the middle of the lot work if I fence it off and cover the rest with water? Of course using buydebug to place down spawners for fish
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#71 Old 11th Jul 2013 at 3:37 PM
I know it's a little bit late but it didn't occur to me until now that the rules should be updated for the University EP since it includes a new kind of travel destination. Read the University rules additions below (they are also added to the first post):

Quote: Originally posted by Gurra09
University EP addition: Your sim may go to Sims University instead of travelling abroad to find a partner. Unlike the other destinations they may travel there a second time to finish their degree. They can not go for a third time, so they must finish their degree on two university visits. Attending university totally rules out travelling abroad, which means you are using up all three vacations of that sim by taking them to university.

and Ceewah, that's totally ok. Whatever works for you.

Creator of the Perfect Genetics and Midnight Sun Challenges.
Visit the SimGurra tumblr - home to my TS3 creations, including the official Midnight Sun Challenge worlds!
Test Subject
#72 Old 19th Jul 2013 at 6:18 PM Last edited by epicperson8987 : 20th Jul 2013 at 3:21 PM.
The island Challenge
I really want to do this challenge. But I don't have WA.(Or UL for that matter) And i planned on using the new move from world to world. But it'd be too much of a hassle and remembering how many days. So i decided. I just want to have a challenge of having a family make a dynasty and survive with the town lots(rabbit holes and stuff) and on a 10x10 small lot. I'm going to do it on the Isle of the Midnight Sun, and on another island world i have.

EDIT- I have downloaded the world and started with a couple. ('Cause i can) And so far life on a mini island and with almost no money after building a small house, Is really hard. I have Henry and ______ Everett. I got Henry fishing and ______ Writing and Painting since her LTW is master those skills. We got a small 5x5 house. That the double bed takes up like all the room. We got a toilet totally open, and the desk inside. Easel and kitchen outside. I highly suggest Loves The Heat if you have Seasons. They can stay in the heat longer.
Test Subject
#73 Old 19th Jul 2013 at 6:31 PM
Help from me.
You could use testingcheats and delete all the animals and tourists/paparazzi.
Field Researcher
#74 Old 19th Jul 2013 at 6:49 PM
I played through this to the 2nd generation a few months ago but now that I have a clean install I'm considering doing it again. I had a custom version of this I was gonna do which would potentially shorten the time span of the challenge to make it a little more interesting for my attention span, but I can't figure out if the goal is too easy or too hard. If I do do it I'll post my variation and my progress!
Test Subject
#75 Old 20th Jul 2013 at 3:36 AM
So I have a question

Is it only your first sim that can go to the locations in WA once or does this apply to all future generations?(Not including partners from foreign lands)
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