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#51 Old 7th Jul 2012 at 1:25 AM
So jealous, Heaven! I want a new computer : (


3.10 - What a B- http://sarisimsrandomlegacy.blogspo...310-what-b.html

You can be "eh" about Pearl, Rio and even Nile... but not Kitten. You either love her or hate her. No middle ground.

The Love Legacy A Random Legacy Challenge Blog - Currently in Progress
#52 Old 7th Jul 2012 at 4:48 AM
For those of you that play with twallan's StoryProgression, do you leave rigorous home inspection on? I mean, what's the benefit of having it on? I know that it will check for enough cribs and beds and the like, but does it negatively affect the townies' moods if there aren't enough beds in their house? Or is that somewhat automated? I'm trying to determine if I need to go through and add cribs to all the houses in LP or if I can just be lazy and turn home inspection off. I'm curious what y'all do.

@Heaven- Congrats on the purchase! That's so exciting! What kind of computer did you get? (Or is that a rude question? I'm never sure. Don't answer if you don't want to, lol.)
Destroyer of Worlds
retired moderator
#53 Old 7th Jul 2012 at 5:06 AM
I don't even know what that option is. I usually don't fiddle with stuff unless I know explicitly what it does. Home Inspection is not one of those things!

I don't see it as a rude question. It's a Cyberpower. Don't want to brag so I'll put the specs in spoiler.

The monitor isn't actually here yet so I've got it hooked up to our large screen TV in the bedroom (nerd much?). I couldn't wait to actually turn it on. Also, I've got to get a wireless adapter (derp for not checking that out when I ordered) so it may not be until next week before I actually get a chance to play Sims on it. I've been contemplating installing TS2 just to play SOMETHING on it. Maybe Medieval.

Heaven Sims | Avendale Legacy
"On the internet, you can be anything you want. It's strange that so many people choose to be stupid."
#54 Old 7th Jul 2012 at 5:17 AM
*sighs* I want to play simsssss. Stupid stupid game, it is just broken. I don't know what's crashing my game, all I know is that I'm MAD.

Buckley, I BELIEVE they move them to a house that has enough beds. Not 100% sure though, that could have been some other Twallan feature.
#55 Old 7th Jul 2012 at 5:36 AM
Wow! Nice! That should run the game really well.

@Emma- Have you tried the help forums? They may be able to help your troubleshoot.
Destroyer of Worlds
retired moderator
#56 Old 7th Jul 2012 at 6:06 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Buckley
Wow! Nice! That should run the game really well.

@Emma- Have you tried the help forums? They may be able to help your troubleshoot.

When my game doesn't work, I just take everything out and slowly add it back in if the vanilla game runs fine. Granted, I've never had too many issues or even had to do a complete reinstall. Wish I could help more.

Heaven Sims | Avendale Legacy
"On the internet, you can be anything you want. It's strange that so many people choose to be stupid."
Lab Assistant
#57 Old 7th Jul 2012 at 6:45 AM
Buckley, I have the inspection on for double beds. If a house doesn't have enough beds to accommodate all the Sims in the house, they are moved to a house with enough beds, or made homeless if there are no houses that have enough beds. I used to have it on for cribs, but so many Sims became homeless that I turned it off. Apparently my Sims like large families. But that's all that option does as far as I know. It hasn't appeared to do anything else in my game.

Congratulations on your new computer Heaven!

I finally cobbled together an update. It's mostly baby and toddler spam. http://tudorsimslegacy.blogspot.com...winging-it.html

The next chapter should be up in a day or two; it's about three quarters of the way written, but I need to do a bit of research and finalize the plot.

I hope everyone who celebrated the Fourth of July enjoyed their holiday!
Field Researcher
#58 Old 7th Jul 2012 at 10:36 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Buckley
For those of you that play with twallan's StoryProgression, do you leave rigorous home inspection on? I mean, what's the benefit of having it on? I know that it will check for enough cribs and beds and the like, but does it negatively affect the townies' moods if there aren't enough beds in their house? Or is that somewhat automated? I'm trying to determine if I need to go through and add cribs to all the houses in LP or if I can just be lazy and turn home inspection off. I'm curious what y'all do.

I think it moves the family to a house with enough beds and cots, not sure what it does if there isn't a house with enough though. I tend not to turn it on because I don't want to go round the entire neighbourhood making sure there are enough beds and cots.

Heaven - I'm deeply jealous of your new computer! It sounds fantastic!

My name is Ali
My random legacy can be found here
#59 Old 7th Jul 2012 at 10:39 AM
Just on the (slight) topic of computer names, I named mine Henry, to which my dad asked "... Why?"

My iPod's name is Albert.

But with SP inspections, I think if you dont allow them, it won't negatively effect them, but I'm no expert.
Field Researcher
#60 Old 7th Jul 2012 at 7:12 PM
Hey everyone! I've been slowly starting to get back into the Sims, so I thought I'd come see how things were going for everyone in the challenge. Nice new thread you've got here. It will probably be a little while before I post any new updates still, but I might post some pictures around MTS, so I wanted to pop in and say hi.

Congrats on your new computer, Heaven. My partner just got one too, so I'm jealous even though mine's already pretty good. ^^;

For rigorous home inspection, I don't THINK it will kick Sims out of somewhere they're already living, but it will prevent homeless Sims from moving in. Don't hold me to that, though.
Field Researcher
#61 Old 7th Jul 2012 at 8:30 PM
I've just checked Twallan's site and Rigorous Home Inspection just means that Story Progression won't move a family into a house which doesn't have enough beds etc - it looks like he's updated it to include options for double beds, career items and pets as well

My name is Ali
My random legacy can be found here
Field Researcher
#62 Old 7th Jul 2012 at 9:32 PM
I've started my own random legacy. I put up the first chapter. I should really try to take more pictures. I'm not really doing a plot, but interesting stories are kind of happening on their own.

Sims 2 Rotation Blog Pleasantview Sucks
Original Poster
#63 Old 8th Jul 2012 at 1:44 AM
Yaaay! Miss Puff returns, if only briefly. =) I always miss ya.

I'll get caught up on the rest of you now.
#64 Old 8th Jul 2012 at 3:45 AM
Quote: Originally posted by teal_moonshine
Just on the (slight) topic of computer names, I named mine Henry, to which my dad asked "... Why?"

My iPod's name is Albert.

Woot, not the only one who gave names to electronics. xD My computer's name is Fred, while my ipod is Jeremy. My best friend and I also named all the appliances in her kitchen. >.>

So, I got that terrible thing in my game where when I enter CAS, it stays on Materializing Materials... Forever. Three days of combing through CC, and trying to get my launcher to open so I can clear that too, I finally gave up and just deleted the entire Sims folder in My Documents. So if this doesn't work. I don't know what I'm going to do. I'd just uninstall Sims, but I wouldn't be able to put it back on, since I gave my disks to my little sister to borrow. -_-

All this just to try and make an outfit to look like someone was in jail.

My Sims 4 Random Legacy can be found here.
My simblr .
#65 Old 8th Jul 2012 at 4:22 AM
Miss Puff!!! *hugs* I'm so happy you popped your head in (so to speak). It's good to hear from you.

Welcome Zexxa! Hope you're enjoying the challenge so far.

Quote: Originally posted by charmedqueen
Woot, not the only one who gave names to electronics. xD My computer's name is Fred, while my ipod is Jeremy. My best friend and I also named all the appliances in her kitchen. >.>

I like how you all gave male names to your gadgets. My computer is named Brünnhilde, after the character in Richard's Wagner's Ring cycle operas. Yes, I am a nerd who likes classical music. Or maybe I was just obsessed with Bugs Bunny as a child and he did a spoof on it once. (Here.) You decide.
Test Subject
#66 Old 8th Jul 2012 at 5:13 AM
Hey look there's a thread for this! Hooray! Well, hello all, my name is Lacey, and I am going to start a Random Legacy soon. I just popped in to say I'm very very grateful for all those that helped create the Random Legacy and also for the stories, as I do enjoy a couple of them. To add to the discussion of names - my iPod's name is Anakin, my computer is Zee V2.0, and my tablet is Zayva. I recently named by eReader Choco.
#67 Old 8th Jul 2012 at 6:13 AM
I named my laptop Sarah. (Not Say-rah. SAH-rah... I'm picky) She's beautiful, and sleek, and elegant, and I love her. <3

The desk where I used to have my big computer was Freddy. The computer itself had no name...

The Love Legacy A Random Legacy Challenge Blog - Currently in Progress
Lab Assistant
#68 Old 8th Jul 2012 at 6:32 AM
Welcome to the challenge Lacey and Zexxa! I'm looking forward to hearing about your legacies!

Everyone has such fun names for their gadgets. Technically my laptop is Artemis, but I tend to refer to her as "Old and Busted." Not very creative, but highly accurate. My iPod goes by Relic, as it is a relic.

There is no shame in liking classical music, as it is awesome, especially with Bugs Bunny. My orchestra played Barber of Seville overture last fall and our conductor stopped us and said, "I don't care how fast Bugs Bunny took the tempo, you need to follow MY tempo!" Silly conductor, Bugs Bunny's tempo is the best!

Update: Robert and Elizabeth get a mysterious phone call. http://tudorsimslegacy.blogspot.com...ious-voice.html
Field Researcher
#69 Old 8th Jul 2012 at 9:51 AM
I have to admit, I don't name my gadgets and it's never occurred to me to do so... Does that make me odd?

My name is Ali
My random legacy can be found here
Original Poster
#70 Old 8th Jul 2012 at 2:42 PM
I don't name my computers either. On our household network, it's just labeled with my own name.
Test Subject
#71 Old 8th Jul 2012 at 3:07 PM
Just finished my rolls for generation one, now I must allow the creative juices to flow and see if I can't come up with anything interesting. *steeples fingers*. Let us begin.

/serious business.
#72 Old 8th Jul 2012 at 7:11 PM
I'm just frozen on mine because my two possible Gen 3 heirs are teenagers now. But I can't release their backstories until the Story Time contest moves forward, because their mother is the basis of the contest story. *lesigh*
#73 Old 8th Jul 2012 at 7:44 PM
Thats why I made up a new world for the story contest. : P And just having a few of my legacy character CLONES making cameos or short appearances.

Also update!:

3.11 - Good and Crazy http://sarisimsrandomlegacy.blogspo...c27fcbc9068fc87

Pearl and Rio grow up and learn how strange the opposite gender really is. Nile and Kitten remain adorable.

The Love Legacy A Random Legacy Challenge Blog - Currently in Progress
Field Researcher
#74 Old 8th Jul 2012 at 8:25 PM
My old laptop is named the Beast. It suits him. He's like 15 pounds with a 19" widescreen. He needs a new video card, then I may use him again. This laptop is new, so it doesn't have a name yet.

Sims 2 Rotation Blog Pleasantview Sucks
Original Poster
#75 Old 9th Jul 2012 at 12:21 AM
I should have weighed my old laptop. It could play Black&White2, which was impressive to me at the time I bought it. xD

It's since been replaced by a desktop. I won't go back to laptops.

Chapter 115 is up: http://archlegacy.blogspot.com/2012...s-you-want.html
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