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#51 Old 20th Mar 2013 at 6:03 AM
Quote: Originally posted by towritelove0
So, there is so much screaming that no one sleeps anymore. Idk what to do

Basement containment facility with double walls? Sell them to the werewolves? Boarding school?
Lab Assistant
#52 Old 20th Mar 2013 at 6:25 AM
The mother died -_-'. Of starvation of course! So Xavier quit work and is now searching for a new wife! But hes got his work cut out for him because just before she died she gave birth to triplets! Golly Gosh!

I may or may not have created a army of slaving children :D
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#53 Old 20th Mar 2013 at 11:55 PM
Quote: Originally posted by maddstar
The mother died -_-'. Of starvation of course! So Xavier quit work and is now searching for a new wife! But hes got his work cut out for him because just before she died she gave birth to triplets! Golly Gosh!

I may or may not have created a army of slaving children :D

Have you found a mother yet?
Lab Assistant
#54 Old 21st Mar 2013 at 1:31 AM
Yep! Now we are back on track! So now we have 23 with a single birth from the mother, when the 24th child is born I'm going to start again with him/her when they age into a young adult
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#55 Old 21st Mar 2013 at 2:05 AM
Quote: Originally posted by maddstar
Yep! Now we are back on track! So now we have 23 with a single birth from the mother, when the 24th child is born I'm going to start again with him/her when they age into a young adult

Wow. You're just killing this challenge. Almost 1/4 of the way there....

I started over! lol

My first house was awful and it was making me upset, lol
#56 Old 21st Mar 2013 at 2:17 AM
Quote: Originally posted by maddstar
Yep! Now we are back on track! So now we have 23 with a single birth from the mother, when the 24th child is born I'm going to start again with him/her when they age into a young adult

You are a freakin machine! Any kids taken by the social worker?

Sims are so stupid. What woman in her right mind would hook up with that guy?

Father: Yeah, I have 23 kids.
Potential breed mare...erm mother: Really? Where is their mother?
Father: She died of starvation because she was too busy poppin out more spawn. Sooo...wanna get hitched and see if you can beat her high score?
Potential mother: Well this doesn't sound sketchy at all. Of course!

Update on my nightmare brood:
The mother finally popped. Another set of trips. I'm pretty sure she was pregnant like two sim weeks. I think something got glitched when I installed seasons. Although, I didn't check the bushes for any abandoned larvae, so maybe there was a batch that I missed.

Most of the older kids are moving out with their partners, and they're breeding like mad. I think they're actually pushing out the existing families.

SP and woohooer brought even more horror into this town. The parents divorced, and the father moved in with one of the quads. Woohooer proceeded to tell me that they are now hooking up pretty much everywhere. That will teach me to allow close family relationships.

The mother moved in her new lesbian lover. Shame that I forgot to tell her that I enabled same sex pregnancies. Both women are now pregnant.
Lab Assistant
#57 Old 21st Mar 2013 at 2:49 AM Last edited by maddstar : 21st Mar 2013 at 3:27 AM.
None taken by the social worker so far but that may or may not be because I have a mod on that disables social workers But if a kid does get to 0 hunger I'm just deleting him and taking them away from the count, 3 so far.
Lol the entire caurting was me waiting at the bistro for a semi attractive, youngish women to pass. He caurted her all afternoon before promptly asking her to marry him :D

Lol! She probably chucked them in the garbage when you weren't looking and got pregnant again and she 'says' she didn't do it. The dad probably doesn't even realise it's his kid! He probably doesn't even know their names I would laugh if the mother went and continued on with the challenge without you :P
#58 Old 21st Mar 2013 at 2:56 AM
Quote: Originally posted by maddstar
Lol! She probably chucked them in the garbage when you weren't looking and got pregnant again and she didn't do it. The dad probably doesn't even realise it's his kid! He probably doesn't even know their names I would laugh if the mother went and continued on with the challenge without you :P

LOL 3 of your children starved! I'm pretty interested in seeing how many babies end up buried in the snow for my family.

She's pretty down with continuing this challenge without me. She's had 6 (assuming no dumpster babies) and another pregnancy without my intervention. I was ready and willing to give her a break. She must be getting close to elder soon.
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#59 Old 21st Mar 2013 at 2:57 AM
Quote: Originally posted by gnomequeen
The mother moved in her new lesbian lover. Shame that I forgot to tell her that I enabled same sex pregnancies. Both women are now pregnant.

wait...so, both females get pregnant in a same sex relationship? ._.
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#60 Old 21st Mar 2013 at 3:55 AM
by the way you guys have inspired me to give my first household another go...after i banished the 8 kids to military school (24/7) the household got easier. With 5 teens taking care of the 8 babies isn't so bad.

In total I have 21

EDIT: All the kids came back....apparently it isn't 24/7. This is upsetting, lol
#61 Old 21st Mar 2013 at 3:57 AM
Quote: Originally posted by towritelove0
wait...so, both females get pregnant in a same sex relationship? ._.

I don't think it happens during a single woohoo, but they can both be pregnant at the same time. So basically a pregnant mother could get the other mother pregnant. I wasn't watching SP closely enough to see exactly how it went down.

Quote: Originally posted by towritelove0
All the kids came back....apparently it isn't 24/7. This is upsetting, lol

Yeah, that's a nasty bug. If you're able to remove them, take em out and send them back. One of my kids jumped out of the car on the way to prep school, and I forced her to clean the house until I could get her in the next car to military school. I may be a little grouchy.
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#62 Old 21st Mar 2013 at 4:00 AM
Quote: Originally posted by gnomequeen
I don't think it happens during a single woohoo, but they can both be pregnant at the same time. So basically a pregnant mother could get the other mother pregnant. I wasn't watching SP closely enough to see exactly how it went down.

Whoaaa....let us know how many they have! lol
Lab Assistant
#63 Old 21st Mar 2013 at 7:07 AM
Alrighty! We have gotten to the 26 mark! We have 21 underaged kids in our house at the mo because the rest turned into young adults and left SOME SPACE! I'm still going, not sure how much longer I can take it though >.<
Forum Resident
#64 Old 21st Mar 2013 at 9:27 AM Last edited by lenglel : 21st Mar 2013 at 9:46 AM.
So far, four people have fallen into this parent trap.
They are, in order of appearance, and with number of children so far:

towritelove0 21, and mom's on the phone to the military academy.
Gnomequeen 21, not counting bush larvae and dumpster babies, and both moms are pregnant.
HEAVEN-SENT hasn't been heard from since yesterday.
maddstar 26 leading, in spite of mom's death, thanks to quick thinking and a passing bimbo
at the bistro.

Where are you, HEAVEN-SENT?
Could it be she has an actual life beyond the sims?
15, and mom's pregnant again as of yesterday.

What about tomorrow? I think that depends on
whether or not near-relation romance is enabled.
Two others have thought about this out loud, but haven't
been heard from since. Probably because they are still
running. Running away. Quickly.
#65 Old 21st Mar 2013 at 4:07 PM
When you put it like that, lenglel, it sounds really horrible!
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#66 Old 21st Mar 2013 at 4:11 PM
Quote: Originally posted by gnomequeen
When you put it like that, lenglel, it sounds really horrible!

well, i don't know about you guys, but i'm dying, lol
Lab Assistant
#67 Old 21st Mar 2013 at 11:49 PM
I'm now up to 28 and the Bimbo died <.<, I mean jeez she was such a wimp and hated children, so what if she had 5 screaming babys and 4 screaming toddlers? And then was givivg birth and starved to death, jeez the women in this game.......... Well looks like the hubby is looking for bimbo #3!
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#68 Old 22nd Mar 2013 at 1:11 AM
Quote: Originally posted by maddstar
I'm now up to 28 and the Bimbo died <.<, I mean jeez she was such a wimp and hated children, so what if she had 5 screaming babys and 4 screaming toddlers? And then was givivg birth and starved to death, jeez the women in this game.......... Well looks like the hubby is looking for bimbo #3!

HAHAHA! You need to find a sturdy girl, maddstar. Btw, how do you send the dad out to court ladies with all the kids? Just hire a babysitter?
Lab Assistant
#69 Old 22nd Mar 2013 at 1:23 AM
I took all the kids with me I just got all the teenagers to look after them and I found #3 at the beach! She was the first single lady I found! God there is soooo many married women lol
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#70 Old 22nd Mar 2013 at 1:28 AM
Quote: Originally posted by maddstar
I took all the kids with me I just got all the teenagers to look after them and I found #3 at the beach! She was the first single lady I found! God there is soooo many married women lol

Aw, she's pretty! Hopefully she's fertile...really fertile.
Lab Assistant
#71 Old 22nd Mar 2013 at 2:13 AM
Quote: Originally posted by towritelove0
Aw, she's pretty! Hopefully she's fertile...really fertile.

Lol I hope so to! Or else she might go to the chopping block
#72 Old 22nd Mar 2013 at 2:46 AM
I don't think she has the hips for it. I wager no more than 4 kids with this one.
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#73 Old 22nd Mar 2013 at 3:25 AM
i'm so curious about Maddstar's new birthing machine....update soon! lol
Lab Assistant
#74 Old 22nd Mar 2013 at 7:05 AM
She managed to give birth to 6 children before turning to an elder..... I THOUGHT YOU WERE A YOUNG ADULT! D:
#75 Old 22nd Mar 2013 at 11:12 AM
Quote: Originally posted by maddstar
She managed to give birth to 6 children before turning to an elder..... I THOUGHT YOU WERE A YOUNG ADULT! D:

Isn't that the worst? Your sim should probably take some birthday cakes to the high school to find his next bimbo.
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