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#51 Old 12th Apr 2005 at 5:25 PM
:nana: Ok here's aquestion and I hope it doesn't sound stupid, probably the answer is right in front of me, but bear with me I've never attempted to make anything for the sims before and this is my first career attempt. Where are the GUIDs for the outfits and cars?? It says in the tutorial about puting them in to change the career outfits and cars but I can't figure out how I am supposed to know the GUID for each outfit and car. Please help, I am very technically challenged.......lol.
Not a Llama
Original Poster
#52 Old 13th Apr 2005 at 6:02 PM
Quote: Originally posted by jmk4422
For the chance card money rewards . . any value over 30,000 isn't accepted.
I'm sorry, but you have been caught by the "didn't read the manual" bug.

As it says in my guide:
• For values 0x1 to 0x6, the values are in single whole numbers, so to represent 1 simolean / dollar, you would enter 1, to represent 20000 simoleans / dollars, use 20000, and so on.
• For values 0x7 to 0xA, the values are in single whole numbers multiplied by 1000, so to represent 1000 simoleans / dollars, you would enter 1, to represent 20000 simoleans / dollars, use 20, and so on.
Meaning that the bigger values beyond level 7 are entered as divided by 1000. For example your criminal career has a value of 60 at L10 to represent 60000.

It is likely that the upper value is actually 32768 for any one value in this set, but what it represents changes from L7 onwards, being multiplied by 1000.

Quote: Originally posted by juliek75
Where are the GUIDs for the outfits and cars??
No, you are not blind. This information is not yet included in the guide. I am planning on putting a reference list in the next version of the guide, if I can.

In the meantime, the easiest way to find the GUIDs for the clothes, is to use the "Object Workshop", under the Plugins menu. In here you can find an outfit subtree that lists all the oufit templates, including NPCs. Simply "clone" the one you want, and look at its GUID, then use it as described in the guide.

The best way to do this is to run multiple copies of SimPE, one copy for your project, others for reference.

Vehicles are the same, except you get multiple Object Data files. The one you want is always instance 41A7. This is the "root" object file.

Hope this helps. If you need further assistance, please post again.
Test Subject
#53 Old 14th Apr 2005 at 9:17 PM Last edited by SIMSpeare : 17th Apr 2005 at 12:14 PM.

Your dedication to helping people is astounding. Thank you, on behalf of all of us, for taking the time.

Just out of curiosity, I've noticed that the Maxis careers denote the skill requirment needed to get a "good" chance card result in single digits, not in 100's. In addition, they seem to only have one skill marked with said 1, mostly logic and charisma. You explanation seems much more precise. Why does Maxis use these single digits?

I'm thinking of writing a mini-tutorial on making custom vehicle carpools, but I don't want to cover something that you might be including in your next update. If this is something you're not going to cover in the next version, let me know!

Thanks, and again, kick A$s tutorial.

Never eat spinach with a stranger . . .
Test Subject
#54 Old 17th Apr 2005 at 12:19 AM
This is a fantastic tutorial - a quick question though - when I go to set the GUID, it still says athletic career there. Have I done something wrong?
Test Subject
#55 Old 17th Apr 2005 at 12:14 PM
random_c - no, it should be okay. The "athletics" name you're seeing is only the filename; it is the GUID that sets it apart from its clone. You can change the filename if you want, but it doesn't effect your custom career.

Never eat spinach with a stranger . . .
Test Subject
#56 Old 17th Apr 2005 at 6:56 PM
Thanks for that. I'll be giving it another go tonight, but I'm drawing up my own reference table first. I had a beer with my lunch so there's not much chance of me getting it right without having it all written down.
Test Subject
#57 Old 17th Apr 2005 at 8:57 PM
Oh also, something else confusing me but which I forgot to ask about before:

The work days. I get the whole hex bit, I worked with hex a few years ago (long enough that I could double-it-and-add-one in my head in hex faster than I could in decimal) but why is it only from 0x1 to 0x3? At what stages do the days worked change, if not every step?
Field Researcher
#58 Old 17th Apr 2005 at 9:06 PM
Thanks for this! :D
Test Subject
#59 Old 17th Apr 2005 at 11:16 PM
I've never made anything for the sims2 and i was wondering if that link will help me start creating things. Sorry new at all this let me know please.
Test Subject
#60 Old 18th Apr 2005 at 8:30 AM
Which link, Dr Mulder? This thread is about a tutorial on making new careers for your sims.
Not a Llama
Original Poster
#61 Old 19th Apr 2005 at 10:48 AM Last edited by Psion : 19th Apr 2005 at 10:50 AM.
Sorry for the delay in answering people, been busy the last few days with other stuff.
Quote: Originally posted by SIMSpeare
Maxis careers denote the skill requirment needed to get a "good" chance card result in single digits . . . they seem to only have one skill marked with said 1 . . . Why does Maxis use these single digits?
As much as I hate this sounding like a "passing the buck" sort of thing, I had not actually noticed that myself, being that this part is based on Bidou's work. It is likely one of 2 things:
01) Maxis use "weak" values, only requiring minimum "whole" points of the given skill
02) It is a boolean value, and the game automatically sets the required value for the level, so at L7 it needs at least 700 points of whatever skill is active.

I don't know if it has been proven one way ot the other.

Quote: Originally posted by SIMSpeare
I'm thinking of writing a mini-tutorial on making custom vehicle carpools, but I don't want to cover something that you might be including in your next update. If this is something you're not going to cover in the next version, let me know!
Most of the content of this tutorial has been adapted from other peoples work, hence the thank-yous at the beginning. Other than laying it out as a step-by-step with explanations, I have only contributed a few things, like the binding of the career reward, so as to get the right icon, posting standards, getting around changes in SimPE etc.

So that said, other than a list of GUIDs for standard vehicles and possibly a way to look them up, I wasn't planning on adding anything special for that in the next version. I would be more than happy to list a link or, with your permission, adapt your tutorial to be part of this guide, with appropriate credit of course.
Quote: Originally posted by random_c
The work days . . . why is it only from 0x1 to 0x3? At what stages do the days worked change, if not every step?
Forgive me if I misinterpret what you are asking, but it sounds like you are reading from the Teen/Elder section. The days worked are set per level of the career. So in your example 0x1 - 0x3 represent level's 1 to 3. As Maxis have basically made the teen careers as copies of the adult careers, you will also see listed 0x4 - 0xA, even though they are not used in the teen versions.

Also to address your earlier comment, previously answered by SIMSpeare, the athletic name (or other base career name) will still appear in your code as part of the process. I have yet to come up with an easy way to change this quickly and efficiently in all the places needed, and also at this point, don't know if the career will even function if such a change is made. It is nothing to worry about, as long as the base name does not show up in the game for the end user, which it should not, if the procedure has been done correctly.
Test Subject
#62 Old 20th Apr 2005 at 9:34 PM Last edited by IrreverentMalevolence : 21st Apr 2005 at 1:32 AM.
New here, with delusions of grandeur. Many, many thanks for Psion.

Second Correction: Worked now. I have some reading ahead of me.
Test Subject
#63 Old 21st Apr 2005 at 10:38 PM
Default custom icons
Hi Psion,
finally almost finished (whew), but I'm having trouble making the custom icon. When I extract the files, and go to the directory, they show up as something like "00000000-7FC82329-00000002." I know your guide says to rename it as a .tga file, but nothing I'm doing seems to be working. Neither GIMP nor my other program (paint shop pro) will open the files.
Thanks so much!
Not a Llama
Original Poster
#64 Old 22nd Apr 2005 at 12:22 PM Last edited by Psion : 22nd Apr 2005 at 12:34 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by spootcookie
I'm having trouble making the custom icon. When I extract the files, and go to the directory, they show up as something like "00000000-7FC82329-00000002." I know your guide says to rename it as a .tga file, but nothing I'm doing seems to be working. Neither GIMP nor my other program (paint shop pro) will open the files.
There are two likely reasons for your problems:

01) Your computer is not set to allow you to see the file extension (ie ".jpg") and so won't allow you to change it successfully

and / or

02) You are attempting to open the icon files by double-clicking them

In the case of #01 (for WinXP), you need to open up "My Computer", select "Tools \ Folder Options", select the "View" tab, uncheck "Hide extensions for known filetypes", click "Apply", then "Apply to All Folders".

In the case of #02, I am not sure about Paint Shop, but the GIMP does not register tga as a file type associated with itself. The easiest way to open such a file in the GIMP is to follow the instructions in the document and open the file(s) from inside the program.

I hope this helps.
Test Subject
#65 Old 22nd Apr 2005 at 1:38 PM Last edited by jmk4422 : 22nd Apr 2005 at 1:40 PM.

I had the same problem as you, and nothing I tried (including what Psion just suggested) worked for me. I got around it by manually renaming the file in DOS mode, like so:

1.) Copy the file somewhere easy to locate (like right under the C: drive, for example).
2.) Go to "Start", "Run", then type in "cmd" (to bring up the command prompt).
3.) Type "cd\" to get to the root drive (C).
4.) Type "dir" to get a directory list. Your file should be listed here if you followed step 1; if not, you're going to have to know how to navigate in DOS (which few people do anymore!).
5.) Type "ren <filename.tga> <filename.jpg>" to rename the file. You have to type this exact, which is a pain in the ass since the file names are so long, but oh well...
6.) Done!

Now just go back into windows and the file is a .jpg file which will open by GIMP or any other program, for that matter. After you're done editing everything, change the file back to a .tga by following the same steps.

I know this may seem like a long and complicated way to fix the problem, but it worked for me so I thought I'd share. I had meant to figure out a better way but I'm still working on that same career, so...!

Test Subject
#66 Old 22nd Apr 2005 at 11:16 PM Last edited by spootcookie : 22nd Apr 2005 at 11:21 PM.
Default fixed!
Thanks so much, Psion and jmk! I got it to work using your first suggestion, Psion. Strangely enough, the colors seem a bit off--the icon background is purple, and some of the details are funny--but I haven't tried to fiddle with it yet. Should probably be able to get it to work fine. Maybe because I'm using Paint Shop Pro? Oh well.
Again, thanks.
Not a Llama
Original Poster
#67 Old 23rd Apr 2005 at 3:44 PM
Quote: Originally posted by spootcookie
Strangely enough, the colors seem a bit off--the icon background is purple, and some of the details are funny . . . Maybe because I'm using Paint Shop Pro?
I have seen this in a couple of other programs as well. I don't know if it will affect the icons or not, but I know it works in the GIMP correctly.
Test Subject
#68 Old 25th Apr 2005 at 10:12 PM
Yeah I see it perfect in GIMP but in photoshop no.
#69 Old 26th Apr 2005 at 6:30 AM
thank you
Test Subject
#70 Old 26th Apr 2005 at 1:36 PM

To your knowledge has there been any progress regarding providing custom uniforms for a new career? I've been under the impression for a while that only the standard outfits in the game can be used (i.e. the Maxis uniforms). Is this true? Thanks!

Test Subject
#71 Old 27th Apr 2005 at 4:37 AM
Thanks a lot. for some reason when ever i do the stuff to name the career(career name/ranks/desctritions) it doesn't show up in the game,can ya help me?
Not a Llama
Original Poster
#72 Old 28th Apr 2005 at 4:09 PM
Quote: Originally posted by jmk4422
has there been any progress regarding providing custom uniforms . . . only the standard outfits in the game can be used . . . Is this true?
I have not heard of anyone making custom outfits as yet, but this doesn't mean no-one has. This is as opposed to normal clothes made in bodyshop. These do not have a GUID and so cannot be used in that way.

Quote: Originally posted by Deneric
when ever i do the stuff to name the career(career name/ranks/desctritions) it doesn't show up in the game
Assuming you have completed all the steps, it should work correctly. Have you tried testing using the testing section of the document? The careers will not show up immediately in the paper or on the the computer unless replacing a Maxis career.
Test Subject
#73 Old 30th Apr 2005 at 9:02 AM
Can anyone give me the link to downloading SimPE?
Test Subject
#74 Old 30th Apr 2005 at 2:41 PM Last edited by quilker : 30th Apr 2005 at 2:46 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by lalagirl
Can anyone give me the link to downloading SimPE?

You can find it here.

But that's not the main point of my post.

In the 'creating custom icons' section. I seemed to have bumped up a problem. It's probably me though. Still, i'd like to make sure.

Quote: Originally posted by creating custom icons
Extract the images from your career
This part guides you through getting the template images out of the career package so you can work with them in the GIMP.
1. Select “jpg/tga/png Image” from the “FileTypes“ list.
2. Select “Extract All” from the File menu.
3. Save the files in a new empty directory (remember where this is).
4. In Windows Explorer, goto the new directory and delete all the XML type files.
5. In the same directory, rename the extracted files from “.jpg” to “.tga”.

My problem is, when the files get extracted (and the xml documents appear), i can't seem to open them with GIMP.
I delete the xml files first like above, then...
the result...

So I don't really understand how am I supposed to edit the pictures if gimp doesn't work... :confused:


EDIT: Sorry, I just saw spootcookie's post...
Not a Llama
Original Poster
#75 Old 30th Apr 2005 at 4:38 PM
Quote: Originally posted by quilker
when the files get extracted . . . i can't seem to open them with GIMP . . . Sorry, I just saw spootcookie's post...
That's what I would have suggested trying
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