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Imagine Wonderfully!
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#51 Old 14th Jan 2018 at 3:45 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Emerald1234
smell my own farts

Well, everyone does something weird and you just made my day . I sometimes pick at my scabs just to let blood out and drink it. (no, I'm not a vampire, I only like my own blood)

- When one gets inspired by the other, the one inspires another - Anything is Possible.

You can view some of my WIPs and other stuff for TS3 on my Twitter here ---> https://twitter.com/SweetSavanita
Mad Poster
#52 Old 15th Jan 2018 at 4:16 AM
Husband caught me talking to my fish...
and when my daughter was little I taught her to make chicken noises. We HAD chickens, so they are well done. We have been someplace in public baGAUKing at each other.

Stand up, speak out. Just not to me..
Mad Poster
#53 Old 15th Jan 2018 at 12:22 PM
My daddy, who was one of God's truly special people, used to amuse my sister and me by doing the Tarzan yell as we were walking through the grocery store. It embarrassed my poor mother so much, but we loved it.

"Fear not little flock, for it hath pleased your Father to give you a kingdom". Luke 12:32 Chris Hatch's family friendly files archived on SFS: http://www.modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=603534 . Bulbizarre's website: https://archiveofourown.org/users/C...CoveredPortals/
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#54 Old 16th Jan 2018 at 4:29 AM
Mad Poster
#55 Old 19th Jan 2018 at 4:42 PM
Sometimes, I'll generate text message conversations or memes with a generator app on my smartphone.

Lately, the text message generator app is more an exercise in staying in character. I tend to pretend I'm a character from one of my shows and for any deviance in general, I make a cat meme involving Gemini. Good thing I stay in character.

Personal Quote: "I like my men like my sodas: tall boys." (Zevia has both 12 and 16 oz options)

(P.S. I'm about 5' (150cm) in height and easily scared)
Lab Assistant
#56 Old 19th Jan 2018 at 7:04 PM
I talk to trees with my mind, and I talk to my dog verbally all the time.
Test Subject
#57 Old 24th Jan 2018 at 6:49 PM
when something goes negatively, I say "sad goose time" without even thinking about it
Mad Poster
#58 Old 25th Jan 2018 at 1:09 AM
Recently, I downloaded a few astrology apps in the event I open a divination tent and I don't know how to humor a customer but need material. My biggest customer is my father, which I've mentioned elsewhere on this forum is extremely superstitious. I am usually the type to read my horoscope at the end of the day to see if the generator was on par.

I also have a free Death Note app through Amazon's App Store. It's mostly part of therapy to write my thoughts on all noun-related entities. I have numerous writing apps, all of which are part of the ongoing study of my mind.

I also have been writing in a blank comic book (essentially a sketch book with a template for comics, available in various templates for Western, European and East Asian styles) a comic that is like a cross between the Kingdom Hearts series and the South Park Imaginationland Special. Of course, it will be based on my cast of Characters I seen over the years.

Personal Quote: "I like my men like my sodas: tall boys." (Zevia has both 12 and 16 oz options)

(P.S. I'm about 5' (150cm) in height and easily scared)
Mad Poster
#59 Old 27th Jan 2018 at 7:14 PM
Well, I tend to give our cat Gemini whipped cream, sour cream and cream cheese as a little treat. I put some on the tip of my index finger and she licks it.

I don't really believe that Death Note app will cause any damages and besides, my therapist finally got my letter and it's now on file that I am extremely uncomfortable with group therapy.

I am also just trying to argue my case about money to my mother, but I wasn't able to catch her in time.

In short, I am lousy at gauging opportunities.

Personal Quote: "I like my men like my sodas: tall boys." (Zevia has both 12 and 16 oz options)

(P.S. I'm about 5' (150cm) in height and easily scared)
Lab Assistant
#60 Old 9th Feb 2018 at 4:18 PM Last edited by OrennaKhali : 16th Mar 2018 at 4:20 AM.
Going back in same door I came out of house from, for fear of bad luck in the future.
Test Subject
#61 Old 19th Feb 2018 at 6:07 AM
I do witchcraft, competitive Pokemon playing, and I collect animal skulls and wish to go into taxidermy at one point soon.
Mad Poster
#62 Old 19th Feb 2018 at 6:34 PM
Quote: Originally posted by guzma
I do witchcraft, competitive Pokemon playing, and I collect animal skulls and wish to go into taxidermy at one point soon.

For reals, is there a connection between those things?
I'm a real witch (not to be confused with Wiccan), called (in the trade) a kitchen witch. Never cast a "spell on someone" - a total no-no for true witches, never even made a poppet, and don't have any dead animal parts. What I DO have is a garden full of animals and fairies.
All life being sacred, the few really bad people I have had the misfortune to be involved with, I would never "curse". The best "punishment" for the truly evil is to wish (or do spells) for them to get what they deserve. And isn't the best punishment for a truly miserable person is for them to have a long life?

Stand up, speak out. Just not to me..
#63 Old 20th Feb 2018 at 1:37 AM
i fight with my pillows when i'm angry, i Always use mortal kombat (theme song 2) for this because i can control my own anger when i'm very angry
especially when i'm angry at everyone and everything

it might be too weird to say it out loud but i'll feel better after i HIT my pillows a couple of times (i pretend like the pillows is an enemy or something )
Field Researcher
#64 Old 6th Mar 2018 at 10:37 AM
I sing in front of my mirror with only undies on. For some intangible reason I find it empowering,
(And this comes from an old-fashioned ,prude-like lad who strictly believes that kisses are acceptable only after marriage)
Mad Poster
#65 Old 31st Mar 2018 at 7:21 PM
During Easter season, I normally eat Cadbury creme eggs on regular basis like 1 every 5 days. But since my mother is watching my diet, it's been a struggle.

I don't mind an Easter Basket. In fact, I don't mind chocolate. But I am picky.

Personal Quote: "I like my men like my sodas: tall boys." (Zevia has both 12 and 16 oz options)

(P.S. I'm about 5' (150cm) in height and easily scared)
Space Pony
#66 Old 2nd Apr 2018 at 11:11 AM
sometimes when someone says something funny i repeat it numerous times when alone and laugh until i sound like muttley
Mad Poster
#67 Old 4th Apr 2018 at 12:41 AM
I just lounge around the house in brightly colored ankle socks, underpants, t-shirt and a sweat jacket hoodie. This is my normal attire.

I also been dreaming more about Dana Carvey. I guess after 18 blind years, Dr. Nye lost his appeal. But then again, I never really liked celebrities beyond comedians and hard rock musicians.

But then again, the weather is still crappy, so I have been staying inside lately.

Personal Quote: "I like my men like my sodas: tall boys." (Zevia has both 12 and 16 oz options)

(P.S. I'm about 5' (150cm) in height and easily scared)
Lab Assistant
#68 Old 6th Apr 2018 at 11:35 PM
Liknig ot eat cat meat, apparently.

I also enjoy them as pets, tho I don't eat my pets.
Mad Poster
#69 Old 18th Apr 2018 at 11:47 PM
We tend to lift countless jokes and bits from various cartoons and it becomes one big vocal rehearsal at family reunions.

Recently, my father played "Eine kleine Nachtmusik" by Mozart while working with a YouTube tutorial and I said "No Mozart! You're going to lure snakes to the house!" (Adventure Time reference).

Speaking of Adventure Time, I can actually recite the last couple of minutes of "Memories of Boom Boom Mountain" where numerous complaints pile up, Finn thinks back to his mission to help people and in Rube Goldberg fashion, solves all the problems... except the lovesick dolphin, which becomes his ride.

Personal Quote: "I like my men like my sodas: tall boys." (Zevia has both 12 and 16 oz options)

(P.S. I'm about 5' (150cm) in height and easily scared)
#71 Old 20th Apr 2018 at 6:49 PM
I still draw hearts in the snow, or the mist on windows.

Sometimes, if I'm sure no one else is around to hear it, I'll "mrrrraow" at cats.
Mad Poster
#72 Old 23rd Apr 2018 at 1:48 AM
I'm good at doing the voice of Kirby from Nintendo's Kirby series.

Then again, I favor his Mike Copy Ability. (I am pretty noisy at times, but when I am concentrating on something, I get extremely quiet)

I also have crazy schemes, involved food plant powders, blank DVDs and 50 32oz Chinese Takeout boxes.

But to explain, the powders are part of a rainbow sushi rice recipe for veggie sushi that incorporates avocado, carrot and bell peppers, the latter two are hated by young kids in Japan.

The blank DVDs are part of an archival project. I have old pilot films from my early Chuckimation projects in data disc format and I plan to make a box set of these shorts. I had a LOT of time on my hands.

The takeout boxes are part of a coded banking system. 2319 is for DVDs\BDs and the new player I want. The number comes from a joke in Monsters, Inc. by Pixar with numerous possible meanings, one of which involves a legal document regarding anti-piracy. This number theory was talked in-depth in a YouTube video with someone who seems to be in Pixar's reach.

Personal Quote: "I like my men like my sodas: tall boys." (Zevia has both 12 and 16 oz options)

(P.S. I'm about 5' (150cm) in height and easily scared)
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#73 Old 25th Apr 2018 at 12:20 AM
I use BonBons lip gloss and nail polish. I also like Icing and Claire's makeup - especially anything with glitter or shimmer in it.
#74 Old 1st May 2018 at 7:27 AM
Talking to my birds at their level. For as long as I've owned zebra finches, I find it really easy to communicate with them except when my voice becomes hoarse from a cold. They enjoy responding back, so it can be a back-and-forth beep beep to each other. It's enough to drive my dad up the wall sometimes. XD

Check out my profile for homes and community lots ready for download: My Homes and Stuff
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#75 Old 1st May 2018 at 10:31 PM
I warble and tweet at my birb - a little parakeet! I also try to get him to say "Pretty bird - TWEET!"
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