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#1 Old 17th Jul 2008 at 2:57 AM Last edited by HugeLunatic : 9th Apr 2024 at 11:39 AM. Reason: fixed links
Default MODDERS RESOURCE : Career Outfit Lists
Career Outfit Lists

These are lists of the male and female career outfits for various careers.
It can help you change wich career outfits are used.
You may want to look at this helpful tutorial:

attaching custom clothes to careers

You can feel free to add lists in posts, I'll put them in the table of contents below...
I may add other career lists as I make them...

Table of Contents

- how to find career outfit names and various SimPE values

- Dance career (Free Time)
- Music Career
- Athletic Career
- Military Career

Please spay or neuter your pets. --- Cat Music Video! --- my meshes
Not actually evil.
Original Poster
#2 Old 17th Jul 2008 at 2:57 AM
How to Find CAS names and Instance Numbers of Career Outfits


Create some sims, up to 8. Put them in a house. Give them jobs.
Try to stagger the jobs so they don't all leave for work at once
on the same day. See what outfits they change into.
Take screenshots. Go to BodyShop or CAS in debug mode and get
the outfit names.


1) Find the Text List of career job names, do a STR# search,
ie. search for SimJazzer to find dance job names.
There is one list of adults, one for teen/elder jobs.

2) Get the group of the Text List, TGI search for stuff with that Group.
In that group is an item named Outfit GUIDs.

3) Get the Outfit GUIDs. Line 2 and 3 are the level 1 outfit GUID,
line 2 is the 2nd part, line 3 is the 1st part.
Lines 4 and 5 are the level 2 outfit GUID, etc.

4) Object Search for the GUID of a particular outfit, you'll get an OBJD.

5) Once found, sort the Resource List by Group (or do a TGI Group Search).
Look for *TWO* 3IDR resources in the same group.
One is for women, one for men.
IMPORTANT!!! For levels 1-3, there are SIX outfits, adult, teen, elder.

6) In each 3IDR, you will find the CAS name of that career outfit,
also the type, group, and instance number, and a texture image.
Click on (usually) the 2nd text line of the 3IDR in the Plugin View.

7) If you want the GZPS, for changing categories and such,
the GZPS has the same instance number as its corresponding
clothing text line in the 3IDR. Click a line in the 3IDR.

Please spay or neuter your pets. --- Cat Music Video! --- my meshes
Not actually evil.
Original Poster
#3 Old 17th Jul 2008 at 2:59 AM

Free Time Dance Career Text Lists - teen / elder
type 0x53545223
group 0x7F4549DB
inst 0x00000003

Free Time Dance Career Text Lists - adult
type 0x53545223
group 0x7F6A3D46 <-- this group includes outfit and vehicle GUIDs
inst 0x00000093

1 Aerobics Instructor
0x74224047 (GUID of career outfit OBJD)

2 backup Dancer
(teen, elder outfits same as level 1)

3 SimJazzer Instructor
4 Pop n' Lock Performer
5 Dance Video Star
3,4,5 are all the same as level 2 ('course, we could change that, heh heh)

6 Interpretive Dancer

7 Tap Dancer

8 Ballroom Dancer (Woooo! Ballroom! Yeah!)

9 Flamenco Master

10 World Class Ballet Dancer

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#4 Old 17th Jul 2008 at 3:01 AM
Music Career

Test Lists
group 0x7F22AC84

1 Record Store Clerk
2 Piano Tuner
3 Coffee Shop Sound Engineer
levels 1,2,3 nothing special here, no career outfits, I think

4 Summer Camp Music Teacher

5 Battle of the Bands Judge
6 Roadie
levels 5,6 same outfits
aftopshirt_black & afbottomcargopants_khaki
(I think the above is the one I've seen females actually use, but its not a full body outfit, so I may be wrong)
aftopshirt_brownvneck & afbottomshortshorts_blackshortstennisshoes (not used???)

7 Studio Musician
afbodysuspenderstights_winterwear (this is NOT winter wear, this is the actual career outfit, I've seen it worn)

8 Concert Pianist
(male same as level 4)

9 Symphony Conductor

10 Rock God

Please spay or neuter your pets. --- Cat Music Video! --- my meshes
Not actually evil.
Original Poster
#5 Old 17th Jul 2008 at 3:04 AM
Athletic Career
Text Lists with job names
group 0x7FC82329

1 Team Mascot
0x8CE5EA26 <-- outfit OBJD GUID
afhairhatllama_straight_grey (yes, this is af, not ef, but is used by elders)
amhairhatllama_straight_grey (yes, this is am, not em, but is used by elders)

2 Minor Leaguer

3 Rookie
same as level 2

4 Starter
same as level 2

5 All Star

same as level 5

7 Superstar
same as level 5

8 Assistant Coach
same as level 9

9 Coach

10 Hall of Famer

Please spay or neuter your pets. --- Cat Music Video! --- my meshes
Not actually evil.
Original Poster
#6 Old 17th Jul 2008 at 3:05 AM
Base Game - Military Career

Text Lists
group 0x7F4C28B2

1 Recruit
2 Elite Forces
3 Drill Instructor
0xCCC8FA1E <-- outfit Object GUID
0x7FF11988 <-- group with 3IDRs

0x4C870EF6 tfbodysoldier_greencamoplain <-- clothing/GZPS Inst, CAS name
0x6C870E74 tmbodysoldier_greencamoplain
0xEC870EB0 afbodysoldier_greencamoextra
0x6C870E1D ambodysoldier_greencamoextra
0xEC870ED6 efbodysoldier_greencamoplain
0x4C870E8A embodysoldier_greencamoplain
I've not seen the khaki's used as career outfits, only the greens.
0x0C870EF7 tfbodysoldier_khakicamoplain
0xCC870E75 tmbodysoldier_khakicamoplain
0x0C870EB1 afbodysoldier_khakicamoextra
0x6C870E1E ambodysoldier_khakicamoextra
0x0C870ED7 efbodysoldier_khakicamoplain
0xAC870E89 embodysoldier_khakicamoplain

4 Junior Officer
5 Counter Intelligence
6 Flight Officer
0x8CCFA318 <-- Object GUID
0x7F8E30BA <-- group

0x2CCE02AA afbodymilitaryofficer_lowrank (change to same green as men)
0xACB6D682 efbodymilitaryofficer_lowrank
0xECCE04B4 ambodygenerals_lowRank
0xECCE0856 embodygenerals_lowRank

7 Senior Officer
8 Commander
0x8CCFA387 <-- Object GUID
0x7FC45734 <-- group

0xECCE02AB afbodymilitaryofficer_midrank
0xCCB6D683 efbodymilitaryofficer_midrank
0xECCE04CC ambodygenerals_midRank
0xACCE085B embodygenerals_midRank

9 Astronaut
0x0CC8FB0A <-- Object GUID
0x7FCC9C43 <-- group

0x6DEFFB58 aubodyastronaut_white (used by adults and elders)

10 General
0x8CCFA3D8 <-- Object GUID
0x7FAA8D74 <-- group

0x2CCE02AC afbodymilitaryofficer_highrank
0x6CB6D684 efbodymilitaryofficer_highrank
0xACCE04C8 ambodygenerals_highRank
0x8CCE084B embodygenerals_highRank

Please spay or neuter your pets. --- Cat Music Video! --- my meshes
Mad Poster
#7 Old 10th Apr 2024 at 9:45 PM
Resurrecting this thread to add images with GUIDs of all the different career outfits I found in the vanilla game. Default replacements may change the appearance of these outfits. However, useful as a shorthand for picking career outfits in-game. Where there is a name written on the image, that is the name which appears in Bidou's Career Editor in SimPE. It seems to mainly be Sims 2 and Uni careers which use these. Whoever was doing the career outfits for the Law career REALLY had a fun time with this and gave me a total headache

I have tried to separate them roughly into categories, but there is some overlap.

First, casual type outfits and more casual officewear.

Check out my thoughts on Psymchology (Sim Psychology) - latest post is on the main six aspirations.
Mad Poster
#8 Old 10th Apr 2024 at 9:47 PM
Next, suits. SOOOOOO many suits!

Check out my thoughts on Psymchology (Sim Psychology) - latest post is on the main six aspirations.
Mad Poster
#9 Old 10th Apr 2024 at 9:50 PM
A weird category that I called "Fancy" - I put stuff in here if it seemed more like formalwear than officewear. Of course, for Sanjay that means yet more suits.

Check out my thoughts on Psymchology (Sim Psychology) - latest post is on the main six aspirations.
Mad Poster
#10 Old 10th Apr 2024 at 9:52 PM
STEM and Sportswear types.

Check out my thoughts on Psymchology (Sim Psychology) - latest post is on the main six aspirations.
Mad Poster
#11 Old 10th Apr 2024 at 9:54 PM
More uniforms (honestly some of these are a bit ambiguous as to the category - sorry!)

Check out my thoughts on Psymchology (Sim Psychology) - latest post is on the main six aspirations.
Mad Poster
#12 Old 10th Apr 2024 at 9:55 PM
And lastly, all those weird costumes that didn't fit into any category let alone the categories that I thought up.

Thanks to the Ramaswamis for modelling for me

Check out my thoughts on Psymchology (Sim Psychology) - latest post is on the main six aspirations.
Mad Poster
#13 Old 11th Apr 2024 at 6:35 PM
And thank you to the white dog for modeling all the pet career outfits. XD
Test Subject
#14 Old 28th Nov 2024 at 4:04 PM
Quote: Originally posted by simsfreq
And lastly, all those weird costumes that didn't fit into any category let alone the categories that I thought up.

Thanks to the Ramaswamis for modelling for me

Hi there! I was wondering if you took pictures of all the career outfits for each level in the game for adults. Also, is it possible for you to show the teen and elder career outfits as well?

edit: I don't need pictures but just the names of the outfits that are shown on SimPE like this: "afbodysporty_greyorange"
Mad Poster
#15 Old 28th Nov 2024 at 5:32 PM
There's a resource that lists pictures and names of the work outfits right here: https://sims2defaults.dreamwidth.org/ - click on the age/gender you want to see, and the work outfits are close to the bottom.

All the "afbodyoutfit_color" extensions aren't named, but those are fairly easy to find with the Finder in SimPE (search the first half of the name string before the _ to find the property set. If you're after textures/meshes, skip the age/gender prefix, as several share textures between ages/genders. A few of the larger ones also share meshes). Use NameMap search in the Finder for textures/meshes, and PropertySet search for Property Set resources.
Test Subject
#16 Old 29th Nov 2024 at 9:48 AM
Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
There's a resource that lists pictures and names of the work outfits right here: https://sims2defaults.dreamwidth.org/ - click on the age/gender you want to see, and the work outfits are close to the bottom.

All the "afbodyoutfit_color" extensions aren't named, but those are fairly easy to find with the Finder in SimPE (search the first half of the name string before the _ to find the property set. If you're after textures/meshes, skip the age/gender prefix, as several share textures between ages/genders. A few of the larger ones also share meshes). Use NameMap search in the Finder for textures/meshes, and PropertySet search for Property Set resources.

Hi! Thank you for your help. I am aware of all this... It's just that some of the career outfits are not categorized as career outfits on the default database like "bodysweats_blacksprint" -- it only occurs in the athletics category. If you have never seen it in the game, you have no way of knowing that it is used as a career outfit. I think I will have to extract outfit GUIDs and check for myself for each career track on SimPE. I wanted to save the work if someone else has already done it but I couldn't find it anywhere.
Mad Poster
#17 Old 28th Dec 2024 at 11:24 PM
Quote: Originally posted by nergissims
Hi there! I was wondering if you took pictures of all the career outfits for each level in the game for adults. Also, is it possible for you to show the teen and elder career outfits as well?

edit: I don't need pictures but just the names of the outfits that are shown on SimPE like this: "afbodysporty_greyorange"

Yes, those pictures are all the career outfits for each level in the game for adults.

I didn't look up the filenames of them, and I didn't do other ages and probably won't. Isn't that what the first few posts in this thread do?

You can do it fairly easily yourself in the same way that I did - a clean game environment, Sim blender, two random teen sims, a dresser.

Use the blender to select a career for the sim, then direct them to the dresser to "Dress for work". Screenshot, change level of career, repeat. Age the teens up to elder and repeat.

Then cross reference with CAS in debug mode to find the names of each outfit.

Check out my thoughts on Psymchology (Sim Psychology) - latest post is on the main six aspirations.
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