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#1 Old 30th Apr 2009 at 8:56 PM
Default Plans to make MegaMan Themed Downloads besides Alias?
I have to make it important for some of us to create Megaman characters for TS2 since TS3 is coming out well soon. However, to introduce myself, I'm a long time TS2 fan as well as the person who had tried to make Zero by herself.

There is very few Megaman stuff made into sims by talented people that have the ideas to make reploids, humans, cyberelves, and net-navies (or Tron-like Characters in the MegaMan NT Warrior Universe) as well as fan-based clothes as well as other stuff that we want for our fandom.

Personally, I'm making Net-Navies as well for the TS2. But if you want to help me build a place for MegaMan characters as well as fan-made reploids and humans.


God, please protect me from your idiot followers for they have blinded themselves with bleach.

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Life is like Go. Its takes smart and amoral people to make decisions based on their strategies of living.
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