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#1 Old 26th Jan 2009 at 9:31 AM
Default Welcome to the Island!
Okay, so we're not really on the Island. But I figured this could be an introduction thread so we could all get to know each other. Or, rather, so I could get to know you, as I've been a lurker until recently. ANYWAY.

For starters, just introduce yourself and tell a little bit about when you started watching LOST, what got you hooked, what you love most about it, etc.

My name is Christine, I'm nineteen years old now, but I've been watching LOST since it first started. When I was in my freshman year of high school, I was obsessed with the Lord of the Rings. I was watching the DVD special features one day, and Dominic Monaghan (Charlie Pace) mentioned he'd be in a new show on ABC. So essentially, he was the reason I started watching it, but I think I'd have become hooked either way.

A lot of people think the show is too confusing, but I love the fact that it's so complicated, probably because all the details fall into place eventually. I love how I can watch the episodes a dozen times, and still notice something new each time. And every little detail is relevant to the whole picture in some way or another; it's absolute genius. It's fun to speculate and form theories, but I also just like to sit back every week and let the show continue to surprise me. I really can't wait to see how everything ties in at the end. :D
Mad Poster
#2 Old 26th Jan 2009 at 10:11 PM
I'm Adrienne, and I've also been watching Lost since the premiere. I was hooked by the promotional commercials and have made a point of camping out on my couch every Wednesday night since. My favorite aspect of the show is the science- it really brings out the geek in me. There's a fair amount of emotional value, such as when Charlie died and met Desmond's hand on the glass, but the season five premiere just blew my mind simply due to the aspects of physics and time travel. I love speculating about theoretical physics, so the character of Daniel Faraday was a godsend, for me. My favorite living characters are Sun and Hurley, my favorite dead character is Boone, and I also love Sawyer, although that might be due to his shirtless physique .

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Lab Assistant
#3 Old 4th Jun 2009 at 9:08 PM
Hello! CTherese, here, and like both of you, I've been an avid LOST fan since September 22, 2004. Like Laithwen, the fact that Dominic Monaghan was on the show piqued my interest, though the entire concept of the Pilot would have had me watching it anyway. I don't watch much Television and haven't had something to really sink my teeth into since The X-Files. The show is really intelligent, and though I didn't like the way the story was going at times, I especially enjoyed this last season. I enjoy being surprised, and I also enjoy when I catch onto something before it's revealed.

The science is great, I agree; and leaves a lot of time for us to theorize on what the heck is really going on! But I also like the mystical as well as the religious aspects. The whole Virgin Mary element is "LOST" to many, but as a Catholic, I see how she figures into the scheme of things. From the first day that the Virgin Mary statues appeared, I theorized that our Losties had been "assumed", body and soul, somewhere beyond our realm. We Catholics hold the Feast of The Assumption (Catholic Dogma that Mary was assumed into Heaven after her death) on August 15th. 815

I find it strange how some new characters just didn't work out while other ones quickly became favourites of mine. There have been times (especially during the 3rd and 4th seasons) where I asked, "What happened to the whole concept of 14 survivors on a strange island?". I often re-watch Season One because I do miss those days.

Characters I don't miss:
Nikki, though I did like Paulo and feel they didn't give him enough character depth to really get to know him.
Michael: WALT!!!! Need I say more? LOL
Shannon: The whole Shannon/Sayid thing just didn't click for me. Her character seemed a bit shallow, but it could be I've missed something there.

On another note, I also like the way they've developed the characters so that you despised them during one season, then learned to love them. Jin is definitely one of my favourite characters now. But I have to admit that Desmond has stolen my heart. Sawyer...well...that goes without saying! Right up there on my list of favourites!
I've become very fond of Daniel Faraday, too; and also Frank and Miles! I love Miles' sarcastic humour and the episode that featured Miles and Hurley was hysterically funny.

I miss Charlie, Danielle, and Mr. Eko the most. And I did get to like Mr. Friendly aka Tom.

My favourite couple is Sawyer and Juliet. Both my husband and I have come to the realization that we just don't like Kate. She's selfish, uses people shamelessly and constantly feels sorry for herself. If you've seen the entire 5th Season, you've probably picked up on the fact that Kate messed everything up for everyone. grrrr

But despite the characters we've lost, and new/old characters we don't like, I'm in this until the end and am enjoying the ride!

#4 Old 9th Jan 2010 at 8:54 PM
Attention! This thread has not had a reply for over 7 months.

Is anybody here?

Hello, my name is Elena.
I'm obsessioned with LOST.
I miss Charlie
I loved Charlie!!
I'm waiting for the sixth season...

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There's never an ounce that I breathe
Without thinking about
Who I could have been if you didn't leave
Come Home ~ Eyes Set To Kill
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