27th May 2009 at 4:18 PM
Last edited by Phaenoh : 10th Feb 2014 at
6:28 PM.
Challenge: Sims make their own friends
This is a mini-challenge that can be played on its own or in conjunction with other challenges if you prefer, but the object of the challenge is to see what choices your sims make and what their true personalities are.
Certain mods like ACR come very much in handy for this challenge, as ACR can make it quite possible for sims to fall in love entirely on their own. But even if it's HELPFUL it's not imperative to the challenge.
This is how it goes. Create any sort of sim with personality and aspiration of your choosing, though it might be helpful to choose any aspiration that goes well with socializing, like Popularity, pleasure or romance. I know, the most hated aspirations. So this is merely a suggestion. An outgoing personality will also be helpful.
The sim MUST be single. You can move them into any house you like and use money cheats as money is not important to the challenge.
You may send them out to community lots anytime you wish, but at NO TIME do you direct any interactions with other sims. The only interactions you may direct are the check sim out flirt or scope room to set their chemistry and gender preferences. At no time are you to direct or cancel social interactions with other sims, no matter the situation. Even if your sim is about to burst a bladder yet insists on playing kicky bag forever with another sim. Eventually, their needs will kick them out of their actions at which you may then direct them to take care of their needs.
Once sims are home, they are not directed to perform any socials, including inviting a sim over UNLESS they roll a want for it but only if the want is for a specific sim. No invites if there's a general want for inviting a sim over. Same goes for "call sim's name for a chat" and "talk to (name of sim). General wants for social do not count.
At no time are social invites rejected. If townie calls your sim for a group outing, always accept.
If your sim rolls a want for a party, it must always be satisfied. If not that moment, then later, so all party wants must be locked.
If a sim is invited over, you cannot direct your sim to interact with their guest, though you may do such interactions as "ask to join" or "call to meal," but nothing else.
If you have nightlife, dates interactions are perfectly acceptable to perform on the condition that they are sim-specific wants. Which should be easy.
When it comes to things that do not happen by themselves, like asking another sim out, inviting a sim over, engagement or marriage, those social interactions may be directed on the grounds that there are specified wants for them. Only sim-specific wants.
With romance sims, there is a slight exception to this rule. It's possible to get a romance sim to roll marriage wants. This can only take place under four conditions: One, they have to be on a dream date. Two, they have to have three bolts of chemistry with their date. Three, it must be during the spring, and four: they need four or five woohoo memories with other sims. Romance sims roll marriage and baby fears more often if they've had fewer lovers. Take it from someone who's played plenty of them.
It makes no difference if the sim meets a townie or playable and are allowed to marry and move in either. The only rule is to only do so when there's an engagement between them, since I've never in my playing experience had a sim roll a want to add a sim to the household. Or you can just move them in through marriage only. I added in the move-in interaction free of wants and autonomy since I know that there are those who would like to control which sim does the marriage proposal since it will involve which sim gets the last name. So that's an exception. But only through engagement first.
If you have Apartment Life, I know they will roll the want to bring someone in as a roommate. You can satisfy that want and choose which one to move in yourself.
When it comes to romantic interactions, unless you have ACR, that's one of those things that sims won't normally do on their own unless they're in a committed relationship and even then it doesn't happen often. So for those who do not use that mod, there is a way around it using only wants. To make things easier, you can change all the seasons to spring only. Or have an outgoing family sim. Or use the free time's secondary aspiration option if you don't do that already.
With OFB, there's this thing about home business owners flooding their want panel with hiring their friends. That's the only social you WILL NOT have to satisfy since it's not always necessary or even desired to hire every single person that the sim knows.
I don't bother with points and the challenge can end whenever you want it to end. I've been playing this challenge myself and it's really broadened my game play experience. It really offers an insight into the individual sims themselves, where you can discover how often their choices are good or poor and how well they can fend for themselves but it mostly came about because I got so bored with how easy it is to make and maintain friendships in this game. That a sim can become a friend after one really good phone call, and I got tired of seeing in their friendship panels twenty or so best friends and BFFs of sims I hardly ever saw and were only developed through email and phone calls. But when I started doing this challenge, the friends my sim collected on her own actually became familiar enough with me to really feel like a part of her life.
So if you have any questions feel free to ask.