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#1 Old 11th Jun 2009 at 4:19 AM
Default Welcome to Go!

Weiqi was played in China for thousands of years and was gradually played by the Koreans (Baduk), Japan (Go) and in Tibet and Siberia. After the Japanese emigrated to the US, they brought Go with them and decades later, the Americans as well as the rest of the world are playing Go against the Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese players, who played with that game throughout their childhood.

How to play Go

It's about territories and liberties. You build your own territories by first playing out what is called a joseki in which you put them on the corners and the sides, then finally the middle. Then you make sure that while building your own boundaries that you have to avoid what is called a suicide move or Atari. If you want to learn more how to play go, go to google and google up How to play Baduk or Weiqi. Also, Fans of Hikaru no Go also can learn alot by playing the game in real life. It takes patience and practice in order to be a 1 dan.

God, please protect me from your idiot followers for they have blinded themselves with bleach.

Money doesn't buy you happiness but it buys you beer and coffee.

Life is like Go. Its takes smart and amoral people to make decisions based on their strategies of living.
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