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#1 Old 24th Jul 2009 at 4:21 AM Last edited by rafa323 : 24th Jul 2009 at 9:16 AM.
Default Sims 3 Royal Kingdom Challenge (Not Official)
First off, I did not create this challenge I merely wanted to change the rules a bit to make it work for the sims 3. I copied and pasted and changed some rules is all.

The Goal: The point of this challenge is to make a themed neighborhood with a royal family, nobility, merchants, and peasants/farmers and reach 5 generations with at least one family from each category.

To begin you must make a new neighborhood In sunset valley or riverview, You must delete all the families in the neighborhood.
Make 1 King and Queen for your royal family in CAS
Make 3 or less families that will become the Noble class
Make 2 or less families that will be the Merchant class
Make 3 or less families that will be the Peasant class
You may not use any cheats except where specified

Rules for the Royal Family
All money cheats are acceptable
You may use boolProp cheats for building their castle
You may download a castle for the royal family is you don’t want to build one
The first-born son of the current King and Queen will become the heir to the throne and must never move out of the house
The heir to the throne may only marry a Sim from the royal family or the Noble class, but they may have lovers of any class (They can marry as close a relation as the game allows)
The heir to the throne must be the legitimate son of both the king and the queen.
Women of the royal family are not permitted to have a job or live alone
CAS King and Queen are to be adults since they are usually much older then their children.

Rules for The Noble Class
You may use the motherlode cheat only two times
You may use boolProp cheats for building purposes only
The first-born son will be the family heir and must never move out of the house
The HEIRS may not marry below their status
Women are not permitted to have a job
May only eat 3 fruits of life (if you can find them )

Rules for The Merchant Class
You may use the motherlode cheat only one time
Although the eldest son traditional becomes the heir, if the eldest becomes enemy's with his father, any of the children may inherit their father's house and fortune
The heir must never move out of the house
The HEIRS can't marry below their status
Only single women may have jobs
May only eat 2 fruits of life

Rules for The Peasant Class
You may not use any cheats (except boolProp for building purposes only)
Anyone and everyone is encouraged to have a job since they will have very little money
Although the eldest son traditional becomes the heir, any of the children may inherit their father's house and fortune
The heir must never move out of the house
Since they are the lowest rank, peasants may marry anyone but royalty.

General Rules
Unless otherwise specified you may not use any cheats. No mood or Trait cheats and no hacks that alter a Sims mood, personality, Traits etc.
To keep all the families and classes in the same generation try to play each family for a specified number of days and then move on to the next family. Play one family from each class before you move on to the next. .
To avoid confusion try to stop your Sims from having an affair until after the heir is born
Since reliable birth control was not used in the old days, you must choose "try for baby" each time your Sims woohoo.
Women always take the status of their husbands so make sure it is always the man who proposes
Illegitimate children below Royalty will take on their mother's class
You should assign a hair color to each Class for the townies so you know which class they belong to (example: All townies with red hair could be considered of the merchant class). However since Townies do not have a family tree they are less respectable and should not belong to the Royal or Nobel class
NPC's are servants so they may only marry Sims from the merchant class or lower
You may use move_Objects on only to decorate and move Sims if they get stuck or there is a glitch
You are encouraged to use custom content that fits the neighborhood theme. Pick a theme and try to make your neighborhood fit that theme as much as possible.
Try to use only objects that fit within the theme, this means no TVs, computers, electric guitars, etc. if you are doing a historical theme for your neighborhood. You may however use objects in the small electronics section such as fire alarms. You may also use the smallest stereo in the Royal and Nobility houses since they would have had paid musicians to play for them at dinners and parties.
You may not delete gravestones However they may be moved to a Cemetary.Peasants however cannot pay for a proper burial so their ancestors must stay at the Heir home.
You may buy all rewards

Career limitations:
Royalty would be limited to Business,Military, Politics, Science.Heir are limited to Politics
Nobles are the same as Royals but Heirs are not limited to politics
Merchants, would be limited to Business, Medical,Music, Science,Criminal and Culinary
Peasants would be limited to Part-time jobs
ONE child of each class per generation (not per house, only per generation) could go to ANY job.

Other Rules
Mods such as Awesomemod and Indiestone are recommended but not needed.
The minimum age length is 90 days.
Cas made sim traits can be chosen but in-born sims must have 3 of their traits randomized. (Either choose their first two traits or last two)

If medieval isn't your style you could also play this challenge with another theme such as Renaissance, Regency, Victorian, or fantasy.
If you want an even harder challenge you could create two kingdoms by having the second kingdom in a downtown neighborhood attached to your original neighborhood. However, this means two sets of everything, 2 royal families, two sets of nobility etc.
You can add a church/monastery or abbey to you neighborhood that you can send Sims to that you don't want to marry. You still must play these Sims. Sims of the Church are considered a separate class and must be added to your play list. You must play Sims of the Church as often as Sims of the other classes.
To keep track of who belongs to what class you can have each class have a specific hair or skin color (ex. all peasants could have brown hair or green skin).
If you can't decide which theme to choose, try advancing the time period every one or two generations. Then you could start at medieval, then renaissance, colonial, regency, victorian etc. If you find the custom content for it you could even start with an ancient period like Egyptian or Roman.

I limited Peasants to Part-time jobs because in the sims 2 it annoyed me at how fast they can become rich. Also Notes/Tips would be appreciated.

Edit:Sorry I didn't see that there was already some rules for Royal kingdom challenge already on here. Both challenges may be played at least so think of this post as another option of challenge
Test Subject
#2 Old 21st Aug 2009 at 9:58 AM
Default Questions
First I love love love this challenge! I was already planing to make a family in this style but making a whole town is so so so much better!

So I'm thinking of making the Sims different colors for different casts but that would get very confusing so a blue Sim marries a red Sim... some of their kids are blue some are red... are they of different casts?

If they aren't that could get very confusing after only a few generations. If they are of different casts that would mess with some of the rules as to taking the cast of your mother or father... the first child being the heir (if they are the wrong color)

What do you advise?

Again I love love love this challenge!
Test Subject
#3 Old 21st Aug 2009 at 10:10 AM
Default New thought
Quote: Originally posted by CyLe
First I love love love this challenge! I was already planing to make a family in this style but making a whole town is so so so much better!

So I'm thinking of making the Sims different colors for different casts but that would get very confusing so a blue Sim marries a red Sim... some of their kids are blue some are red... are they of different casts?

If they aren't that could get very confusing after only a few generations. If they are of different casts that would mess with some of the rules as to taking the cast of your mother or father... the first child being the heir (if they are the wrong color)

What do you advise?

Again I love love love this challenge!

So I tend to answer my own questions sometimes... I thought about using the last name as the cast description... So when they marry the wife becomes part of the husbands cast and the children would all have that name... along with illegitimate children taking on their mothers name.

The only time that would change is in the case of an NPC and they should take the name of the playable Sim and join their cast... that would work I believe although I like the skin color better.

If you have another idea please let me know

God Bless
Test Subject
#4 Old 21st Aug 2009 at 9:15 PM
I think that your not the first one to have think about it. EmilyJud had already done the job here .
Test Subject
#5 Old 25th Aug 2009 at 7:18 PM
Default Question
I'm having trouble finding custom content for this challenge and I was wondering if anyone has some stuff they really like or know where I can download some?
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#6 Old 26th Aug 2009 at 4:32 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Smileyks05
I'm having trouble finding custom content for this challenge and I was wondering if anyone has some stuff they really like or know where I can download some?

I haven't found any myself but I just made them have moderns clothes but royal rules.

Also Elisabeth I Seen that seen at the bottom of my post
Test Subject
#7 Old 30th Aug 2009 at 3:01 AM
Default question
okay so im kinda a newbie to this site and i have the sims 3, i was wondering what does CAS mean?? (Make 1 King and Queen for your royal family in CAS).
Test Subject
#8 Old 30th Aug 2009 at 5:30 AM
Quote: Originally posted by simsgal001
okay so im kinda a newbie to this site and i have the sims 3, i was wondering what does CAS mean?? (Make 1 King and Queen for your royal family in CAS).

Eekk sorry thought about it and i know what it is lol (its create a sim) duh lol thanks anyways
Test Subject
#9 Old 1st Sep 2009 at 2:55 AM
Can Someone post a medieval town pic? I would love to see one.

Im thinking of trying this for fun but Im having some question pop up that need answering.

- Do I control every sim for a few Sims days so they have their corresponding limited jobs?
- Do I only control the Royal family or I can choose which family to control?
- Can I control or try to control every town member so that they fall in love with sims of their class or just let Free Will take control?
- Can I start as a peasant and sort of work my way up the Class system each generation?
Example: Start of by marrying another Peasant. The child marries a Merchant and have a half-blood merchant child. The half-blood merchant child marries another merchant so the "blood" becomes purer and be considered a full merchant. So this new bloodline gets married to a noble and they have a pure-blood noble child. I repeat the process to become a pure blood noble and marry the Royal family.

- Can I have perhaps 2 Royal families? Good Royal and Evil Royal so the town could be split between Good and Evil. This would be cool because it could add a certain Feud between villagers of each faction.

- What limit should I consider for children in the Royal family? 1, 2 or 3? Until a son is born?

I may have other questions but for now this is it. I will try to choose a theme to play by and make the town follow that theme. By the way this would be a little easy if the game had more TS2 stuff and options.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#10 Old 3rd Sep 2009 at 12:54 AM
-just try to play each for the same amount of time (every family for like 2-7 days or more)
-control all
-whatever you want but standard rules apply (peasents cant marry royalts for example)
-no you cannot,a peasant can become a merchant but a merchant cannot move up a rank
-sure go ahead maybe you can make both in political and the first to reach the top of career becomes royalty and the other just becomes a noble
-however many you want/can handle

yes it would be easier. it'd also be easier if we had more CC i just made my royal neighborhood "Modern" but with the same strict rules.
Test Subject
#11 Old 4th Sep 2009 at 1:26 AM
Gonna be hard. I will start to make the neighborhood now in a new york-suburban style in the "Mafia Era". Easier to do and it would fit with the 2 Factions stuff. Would be great if I could make sims of the 2 factions hate each other right off the bat.
Test Subject
#12 Old 13th Jan 2010 at 10:00 PM
Quote: Originally posted by rafa323
To keep all the families and classes in the same generation try to play each family for a specified number of days and then move on to the next family. Play one family from each class before you move on to the next.

They already stay in the same generation even if you don't play each house. I'd suggest perhaps choosing a predetermined number of families of each class to actually play, and leave the others as filler if you don't want to spend the time playing every single one. The town ages in sync in S3, as opposed to the single household aging in S2.

What would we do with Townies?
Test Subject
#13 Old 13th Jan 2010 at 9:59 PM
Quote: Originally posted by NakedFury
Gonna be hard. I will start to make the neighborhood now in a new york-suburban style in the "Mafia Era". Easier to do and it would fit with the 2 Factions stuff. Would be great if I could make sims of the 2 factions hate each other right off the bat.

That sounds neat! And since there's far less free custom content, and less appropriately themed content, we can still go for modern-day monarchy. Ever watched Kings? That's what I'll be imagining for my town!
#14 Old 15th Jan 2010 at 12:09 AM
Default What is a new york-suburban style in the "Mafia Era"?
Quote: Originally posted by NakedFury
Gonna be hard. I will start to make the neighborhood now in a new york-suburban style in the "Mafia Era". Easier to do and it would fit with the 2 Factions stuff.

Are you talking about the Las Vegas "Rat Pack" suburban style of the 1960's as depicted in the film "Goodfellas" (whose characters lived in NY though the style was pure Las Vegas)? Or did you mean Chicago during Prohibition? I'm an adult NYer (born & bred) and I've never heard of NY having a "Mafia Era" style per se.
Quote: Originally posted by NakedFury
Would be great if I could make sims of the 2 factions hate each other right off the bat.

That would be cool. If you figure out how to do it let me know, I'm bored by of my Sims3 homogenous friendly goodness.
Lab Assistant
#15 Old 6th Mar 2017 at 3:47 AM
Quote: Originally posted by simsgal001
okay so im kinda a newbie to this site and i have the sims 3, i was wondering what does CAS mean?? (Make 1 King and Queen for your royal family in CAS).

It is short for Create a Sim
Test Subject
#16 Old 6th Mar 2017 at 8:13 AM
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