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Mad Poster
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#1 Old 10th Oct 2009 at 9:44 AM
Default Australian TV
So Australia has a heap of shows, from dramas to talk shows to all things in between. What are some of your favourite Aussie shows to watch?

I, as bad as it is, have been known to watch All Saints, which is finishing at the end of the month. I used to watch Neighbours, but it's just so bad now that I've stopped watching.
I usually watch Good News Week as I find it absolutely hilarious, but it's been getting very vulgar lately =/.

Oh, also, I don't watch Rove much, but I was in Melbourne last week and at night had nothing else to do so I watch TV, and this was going on just as I turned on the TV. It's Rove's mating dance apparently XD

What about you guys?
#2 Old 10th Oct 2009 at 9:49 AM
i feel really scared of arguments saying this, but whatever.

My favourite would have to be Rove, it's very funny (especially last week with his wife on and the mating dance!)
i also like Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader, Australian Idol (sometimes, and i'm pretty sure this might be it's last season), Talkin' About Your Generation (funny.) and Spicks and Specks (my friends tease me for that, but whatever. it's funny)
I guess i like a lot of shows that i find funny... if that makes any sense.
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#3 Old 10th Oct 2009 at 9:55 AM
Gah, Spicks and Specks is absolutely HILARIOUS! I used to watch Idol, but the talent started dwindling in my opinion, so I stopped watching.
Top Secret Researcher
#4 Old 10th Oct 2009 at 9:58 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Beccapixie10
i feel really scared of arguments saying this, but whatever.

Why? Here you can complement or bitch about whoever you want without fear!

(I shall respond to the topic when I'm less drunk... goodnight australia )
#5 Old 10th Oct 2009 at 10:35 AM
okay then Simbalena...

spicks and specks is definetly HILARIOUS!! and the talent on idol has been dwindling, though there are some okay ones this year...
Forum Resident
#6 Old 10th Oct 2009 at 11:21 AM
When I was a kid, I LOVED Home & Away... I know! I have never been into Neighbours, but was seriously into McLeod's Daughters in the first few seasons. Talkin' About Your Generation is good, as is Spicks & Specks.
Lab Assistant
#7 Old 10th Oct 2009 at 1:31 PM
I love spicks and specks and Good News Week. Talkin about your generation is awesome too...I'm going to see Josh Thomas in a few weeks...I may abduct him!

And my guilty pleasure: Border Patrol and all those police ones...mindless entertainment!

"Those who mind don't matter; and those that matter don't mind" - Dr Suess
Forum Resident
#8 Old 11th Oct 2009 at 2:49 AM
I'm not a huge fan of Aussie TV. I used to watch Neighbours, but like you said..it's gotten SO bad recently. I missed a few weeks, came back and there were all these new, annoying characters. I can't stand Sunny!

I like Good News Week, I usually watch that if it's on in the loungeroom.
Used to love McLeod's too, I stopped watching it though so I missed the last few seasons.

Can't really think of any others..
Forum Resident
#9 Old 11th Oct 2009 at 3:59 PM
I don't watch TV... but I love Sea Patrol. :P

Remember, being paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not after you.
Test Subject
#10 Old 12th Oct 2009 at 4:49 AM
Good News Week, Spicks & Specks, the news.... I don't really watch a lot of TV anymore cause most of it is crap. I prefer watching DVD's of older, better shows.
#11 Old 25th Jan 2010 at 12:49 PM
Food Lover's Guide to Australia, Food Safari, Australian Story, Wine Lover's Guide to Australia, Gardening Australia, East of Everything, Underbelly (the first season especially), old re-runs of Heartbreak High *lol*, Love My Way (when it was on tv).....

Sorry for resurrecting the thread, but since no one mentioned these gems
Field Researcher
#12 Old 21st Sep 2011 at 8:45 AM
Anyone remember the Glasshouse? That was always a hoot, I loved watching that. I agree with Spicks and Specks so much fun to watch.
Also how about Thank God Your Here? Another personal favourite.
I did grow up on Australia's Funniest Home Videos, such a sad sad show.
What about Hey Hey It's Saturday, how could I forget that.
The Gruen Transfer, not too bad as far as shows go.
Swift and Shift Couriers! A relatively new one, but hilarious.
Then you know Saturday or Sunday morning, getting the music fix from RAGE on ABC.
Kath and Kim! Oh gee what an iconic Aussie show that was.
PIZZA, you know Fat Pizza! Always funny.
Then there was SkitHOUSE and The Wedge, always a hoot.
And what about the original version of Wilfred? not the American one now playing, but the good ol' Aussie one.

If you want to know more Aussie shows, or are thinking of one and cannot for the life of ya remember try wiki here:
It brought back quite a few very fond memories!

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Not much up there right now, this is only the beginning! :D
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