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#1 Old 1st Dec 2009 at 12:07 AM
Default Halloween costumes
hellos people! I was reading and replying to some threads and was wondering, 'who were these guys for halloween?' So who were you? were you the joker(such as me) or scarecrow? Barbie or prince charming? *giggle*

Also, 4 all you joker fans, there is a popular series on youtube called the Joker Blogs. you might want to check it out. the guy who plays the joker is really good!

Happy December!
Mad Poster
#2 Old 1st Dec 2009 at 11:46 PM
Well, I was sick with the flu on Halloween and around a week before and after so I was the sick chic on the couch Next year I'm going to be the heroine of time (me as Link ) xD Anyways when you mentioned youtube and the Joker I instantly remembered this amazing video which made me laugh because it's soo true imo. But I can honestly say I love batman and the joker, and robin and the riddler and... ect XD

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