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#1 Old 30th Jun 2010 at 12:47 AM Last edited by Phaenoh : 6th Feb 2014 at 8:59 PM.
Default War: What is It Good For?
EDITED 7/26/10: Clarified the Military risk versus the Killed in Action risk.

EDITED 7/13/10: At the suggestion of ArabellaDTerroroftheSeas, I added a Handicaps section that includes several optional ways to make your Sims' lives hell--er, more interesting. The Rationing handicap was built directly off of suggestions made by Arabella and Eccentricgnat.

EDITED 6/30/10: Added a couple of clarifications about gay/lesbian couples and their restrictions when it comes to having babies.

Also adjusted the Subversive risk to allow Discovered Sims to rejoin their careers after they reach the top of the Criminal career, in the interest of fairness (Patriots get to rejoin, after all). I also adjusted the odds for all the risks. Sims now have roughly a 17% chance of dying, being captured, or being sent back to war.

Changed the Service Sims so that your family can hire a nanny. Without a nanny, it'd be almost impossible to have an heir AND hold down jobs.

Lifted the restriction on gardens, but placed a restriction on selling produce.


The Sims 2
The Sims 2: University EP
The Sims 2: Seasons EP
The Sims 2: Free Time EP

**These are required because they supply the careers needed to complete the Subversive and Patriot tracks. However, if you are missing some of these EPs, Katalina522 posted links to CC versions here.


At first, you thought you had the perfect life.

You married your high school sweetheart, moved out to the country, got a nice house, got a great job with great benefits. Life was good. Life was awesome. You talked about having kids, built up skills, met friends and made contacts that you thought you’d keep for life. Peace reigned, complete with chirping birds and a lovely garden.

That was before the war.

When the Drones from SimParadise attacked SimCity, your entire world changed. The government issued a draft that forced all teenage and adult men into the military for at least one tour of duty. It passed laws declaring that anyone “subverting” the cause by speaking out against the war would be jailed. It outlawed homosexuality and declared that any Sims practicing it would be forcefully exiled. And SimCity settled into a terrified rut, hopelessly toiling on as bombs fell, people died, and the Drones marched ever onward.

You have to persevere, though. On the one hand, you can join the swelling ranks of subversives, trying to end a purposeless war. On the other, you can join the equally swelling ranks of patriots, working tirelessly to support the men and women fighting Over There and help the country win. What you choose will determine the path of your children, so choose wisely…


Carry a Sim family, starting with a married couple, through several generations until they help successfully bring the war to an end. Choose a path through the challenge as either a Subversive or a Patriot and help your Sims’ descendants rise to the top of the careers in that path. The challenge ends when all of the careers in either the Subversive or Patriot path have been completed. Each Sim may only complete one career path.

If, for some reason, you find yourself unable to complete the challenge (your Sims have aged without reproducing, your heir has been taken by the Social Worker, etc), then you lose. As long as you can successfully raise your heirs and get them into career tracks that will help you continue, you’re fine.


1. To begin, create a married couple (preferably a man and a woman, but if you’d like an added challenge, you can make them a homosexual pair) in Create-a-Family. Move them into a nice-sized house, not a slum but not a mansion. At this point, you may use money cheats to fill the house with the necessities of comfort and fun, etcetera. Include ONE skill-building item from each skill category (one for Logic, one for Creativity, etc). There are no limits on electrical appliances, etc except ones that you impose for yourself.

2. Play the couple in whatever careers you like, doing whatever you want, for one Sim week. For best results, figure out the path you want them to take and the job you want them to have well in advance so that you can work on their skills during this period.

If you somehow manage to complete a career under either the Subversive or Patriot path during this time, it will not count toward finishing the challenge.

Your Sims may reproduce during this time. I encourage you to make them do so, to give you a head start on producing an heir. Gay and lesbian couples may adopt only during the first week.

3. At 6 P.M. on the final day of the first week, the war begins. All male Sims in the house aged teen or adult must quit their jobs and join the Military (either through the newspaper or with a cheat). All female Sims in the house aged teen or adult must quit their jobs temporarily as well.

Choose one of the paths, Subversive or Patriot, listed below. Once you choose one, you cannot switch to the other. If you started with a homosexual couple, you MUST join the Subversive path. If you have a lesbian couple, make one of them join the Criminal career path; the other can join any career under Subversive. If you have a gay couple, make one of them join the Military career path and the other join any Subversive career.

Once the men reach the top of the Military career, they may quit and find a career as a Subversive or a Patriot.

4. Each segment of your Sims’ lives comes with certain risks, outlined in the Risks section and the Subversive and Patriot section. Sims in the military run the risk of dying; Subversive Sims run the risk of getting caught; Patriotic Sims run the risk of being sent back to war after completing their original tour; and all Sims run the risk of losing their house to a bombing raid and having to move. Make sure you have a die handy.

5. Play through your family’s chosen path. Now that the initial shock has passed, use the newspaper (no more cheats) to help the women of the family find a job under the chosen path. Produce an heir. Only your starting Sims, heirs, and heirs’ husbands or wives may reach the top of a career, and they may only reach the top of one.

When your Sims have successfully completed all of the careers in their path, the war ends and all restrictions are lifted.


1. Your heirs may be any gender. When they reach adulthood, they must also find a mate and produce another heir. Each heir and their loved one may complete only one career. Any “extras” (children that are not heirs) must move out when they age to adults. Extras may move out as teenagers if you send them to University. Extras cannot complete careers.

2. Men must join the military as teens. If your heirs attend college, they may skip the Military track requirement in adulthood and move straight into a career in their path. Otherwise, they must join the military as an adult and complete the Military track before they may move on. Women are allowed to join the military, but I wouldn’t advise it, since it’s not required.

3. Your starter Sims may have any Aspiration. Roll dice to determine your heirs’ Aspiration. 1 = Knowledge, 2 = Family, 3 = Romance, 4 = Pleasure (or you choose, if you don't have Nightlife), 5 = Fortune, 6 = Popularity. Your Sims’ Secondary Aspirations may be whatever you like.

4. Your heirs MUST marry Townies. I can’t stress this enough. Please don’t create Sims for your heirs to marry. If you want to create a new neighborhood and use new face templates to make pretty Townies, knock yourself out. But don’t make wives and husbands for your heirs.

If an heir’s spouse dies, the heir may remarry. If the original spouse failed to complete a career path, the new spouse may.

If your heirs are gay or lesbian, they may not marry someone of the same sex--the government will not recognize same-sex marriages anymore. They may, at their peril, live with their partner, but this increases the Subversive risk. You may use hacks so that they can have a same-sex pregnancy. You may also create surrogate mothers and fathers to artificially carry or fertilize babies, but they may not complete any of the required careers. Adoption is not allowed after the first week.

5. The Internet is down now that the war has begun in all its ferocity. Delete all computers from your house.

Sims at University are exempt from this.

6. The roads are now restricted from use by civilians to help facilitate the easy movement of army cargo. Your Sims may not own a car and they may not travel to community lots. They may still attend work, of course. They may also invite people over to visit, but they cannot throw parties.

Sims at University are exempt from this.

7. Skill-building objects, especially expensive things like instruments and chess boards, are hard to come by. You may own only one of each skill-building item and you may not buy any more. If one is stolen, you may replace it with the cheapest version of it in Buy Mode (for example, replace the expensive chess board with the outdoor concrete one).

8. You may not own a burglar alarm. The members of the Law Enforcement track have enough to do tracking down Subversives--they have no time for petty theft. You’re on your own.

9. You may own smoke detectors. The firefighters, when not rescuing people from the latest bomb sites, are happy to help you.

10. You may not use any Aspiration Rewards.

11. You may use the Career Rewards that your Sims earn.

12. You may use Free Time’s Lifetime Aspiration Points to make your Sims’ lives somewhat easier.

13. If you have Bon Voyage, you may not dig for buried treasure. Anyone standing in their backyard digging holes is bound to attract undue attention.

14. Your Sims may plant gardens, but they may not sell the produce.

15. Your Sims may not call repairmen, butlers, maids, or gardeners to care for their houses. As far as you’re concerned, the “Service” selection in the phone is off-limits. The only exception is the Nanny--your Sims may hire a Nanny to take care of the children so that they can go to work.

16. Your Sims may paint to earn extra cash.

17. If you have Open for Business, you may not start a business.

18. You may not use any cheats except to force your men into the military track or as allowed in the Risks section.

You may use hacks to shorten the time that University takes, since the point of the challenge is not University, but playing out the consequences of war. I particularly like Cyjon's University hacks; you can pick one that suits you equally. HOWEVER, you may not install a hack that gives your Sims the traits of a graduate at the push of a button. Even if it’s only for a day, if you choose to send them, they must actually GO to University and graduate.

19. Your adult Sims may bring home friends from work, but your children may not bring home friends from school or invite them over. Send schoolmates home immediately. However, kids may talk to their friends on the telephone.

20. Gravestones and urns must remain on the lot.

21. Your Sims may not become “special” (werewolves, aliens, and so on). If they do, use an appropriate potion to change them back. If a Sim gets abducted and comes home pregnant, you may either end the pregnancy or play it through, but then move out the alien baby once it reaches adulthood. Alien children may not become the heir.

22. If your heir or heir’s spouse hasn’t completed their career when they turn into an Elder, they may continue until they complete the career. Elder Patriots are also out of the running to return to war, and Elder Subversives aren’t considered dangerous enough anymore to be captured. You may use a hack to shorten how long Elders live.

23. Once each career track is completed under the path, you’re finished! The war is over! Enjoy life in peace.


Both of these risks must be observed regardless of which challenge path your family takes.

Military -- All Sims in the military, even women and teenagers, run the risk of being killed in action. Starting the day after the war begins, roll a die every other day at 6 P.M. for each Sim in the military (so if three of your Sims are in the military, you’d roll the die three times every other day). If you roll a 6, the Sim you were rolling for must die immediately. You can use a cheat or a hack for this and he/she can die of anything. If you use boolprop testingcheatsenabled true, you can do “Kill…Die By Flies” or “Spawn…Rodney’s Death Creator.” Alternatively, there is a buyable Rodney's Death Creator up for download here. You may not use the Paranormal career reward or a cheat to revive any dead Sims.

Once you have no Sims in the Military track, this risk is void. However, it begins again if a different Sim joins the military. If a Patriot Sim incurs the Drafted risk, then the Killed in Action risk supplants the Military risk for that Sim: he or she will die if you roll a two, not a six.

Bombing -- With bombing raids becoming more frequent, your Sims run the risk of having their house destroyed. Starting after the war begins, roll a die every Wednesday at 6 P.M. If you roll a 3, a bomb strikes your Sims’ house. If you are a Patriot, you must move to a new house, but you may use “motherlode” ONCE as compensation from the government for your loss. Repurchase one of each skill-building object. If you are a Subversive, you must move to a new house AND you lose your savings. If, when the bomb hits, you currently have more than 40,000 simoleons, then use familyFunds to set your simoleons to 40,000. If you have less than 40,000 simoleons, do not use the cheat. Repurchase one of each skill-building item when you have the money to do so.

Your Sims may salvage any Career Rewards they earned and take them with them.



Discovery -- All Subversive Sims, except those in the military, run the risk of being discovered by the government and forced into hiding. Starting the day after the war begins, roll a die at 6 P.M. every other day for each adult Subversive, non-military Sim on the lot (so if you have two Sims on a Subversive lot that aren’t in the military, you would roll the die twice). If you roll a 4, the government has discovered this particular Sim. He or she must quit his or her job immediately and join the Criminal career track (you may use a cheat for this). The Sim may only rejoin their career after they reach the top of the Criminal career track. Sims in hiding may still have heirs, and their heirs may still continue the path.

If one member of a homosexual couple is discovered, both members must join the Criminal career.

Capture -- If you have a Subversive Sim in hiding, he or she runs the risk of being captured by the government. If a Subversive Sim has already activated the Discovery risk, this risk replaces it. For the hidden Sim, roll the die every other day at 6 P.M. to determine whether or not the government has found him or her. If you roll a 2, the government has located that Sim and sentenced him or her to death. Use a cheat to kill the Sim.


*You may complete these in any order, but ALL must be completed to finish. Men must first reach General rank in the Military career before beginning these. However, if your men attend University, they can skip the Military career and join one of these when they graduate college.

*Each time you successfully complete a career, add another day between rolling the die for the Discovery risk. For example, once you complete the first career, roll the die every two days; when you complete another, roll it every three, and so on.

*If you are missing any of these careers, you may download CC versions of them. There are some listed here.

Artist -- During your time at college, you realized just how terrible war really is. All that it serves to do is hurt people and separate families. In your heart of hearts, you believed (and still believe) that you can open the eyes and hearts of the people around you and help them understand that the war, for the good of everyone, must end.

When one of your Sims rises to the top of this career, their heartrending paintings of weeping mothers, mournful children, and razed countryside help change people’s opinions of the war. Suddenly, the Subversives don’t seem so crazy. Your Sim’s family is one step closer to bringing peace.

Education -- Your post as college professor brought you into contact with many college students, all angry about the war, about the draft, and about people dying every day. They all demand to know: what are we fighting for? You don’t have an answer, and that knowledge gives you the strength to stand with them and protest the war at all costs.

When one of your Sims rises to the top of this career, their efforts to teach students about activism and social justice pay off. Their students go on to become politicians and fervent activists, teaching others that the war is a useless gamble of human life. Peace is possible.

Journalism -- As a writer for the Sim Times, you started out repeating everything the government said, condensing it into sound bytes to help people understand it. Then your editor in chief sent you to SimParadise to cover the war and its effects there. What you saw--strife, misery, anger--shocked and appalled you. Your views on the war changed, and slowly, you began to use your writing to change other people’s views.

When a Sim achieves the top level in this career, they start their own Subversive newspaper and act as editor in chief, publishing article upon article by top activists about the war, the pain it causes, and the real reasons behind it. As your paper becomes more popular, you sway the opinions of more people, bringing the Subversive view to the forefront.

Law -- As a prosecutor, you represented the government against Subversives, bringing them to court before a frequently unpleasant, uncaring judge. It became increasingly clear that the government was uninterested in what they had to say, and even less interested in their innocence. Disgusted, you changed tactics, aiming instead for the judge’s seat in the hope of giving these people a fair trial.

After a Subversive becomes The Law, they hold fair trials for all those accused of being Subversives. Under their watch, many are still prosecuted, but far fewer are executed and even fewer than that receive unfair trials. The new face of the law allows the Subversives to state their case without censor, and their arguments change the face of the war.

Music -- You picked up a guitar one day and the magic just started to happen. The war gave you even more magic to work with. You hate the idea of someone forcing people to fight for something they don’t believe in, and you hate the idea of someone shutting you up. Both of these things make for great music.

As Rock Gods, Subversive Sims change the hearts and minds of their fans, making awesome music while remaining true to themselves and their opinions. Sure, there’s always the chance of being captured and killed, but who cares? This music can change the world!

Politics -- Enough is enough is enough. You bypassed all the artistic options and blasted straight up into the real world. At the heart of the government, you intend to use your power and leverage to stop this damn war dead in its tracks. If you can’t do that, then at least you’ll have had your say.

Once a Sim reaches the top of this track, they spend their time arguing viciously for an end to the war, an end to the embargo on SimParadise, an end to the death and destruction. Their oratory skills amaze everyone. Their fearlessness inspires others to take up the Subversive mantle. With them at the helm, peace sits just beyond the horizon.



Drafting -- As a Patriot, your Sims--male and female alike--run a constant risk of being sent to the battlefield. Any adult Sims not currently serving in the army must roll for a chance to return to combat. Starting the day after the war begins, roll a die every other day at 6 P.M. to determine whether or not each adult non-military Sim on the lot will be sent to war (so if you have three, roll the die three times). If you roll a 4, that Sim must immediately quit his or her job, join (or rejoin) the military, and serve until he or she reaches General rank. After that, he or she can quit and start their career again.

Killed in Action -- Drafted Sims run a risk of being killed in action. For all Patriot Sims currently serving a second tour or higher in the military, roll a die every other day at 6 P.M. to determine whether or not they die in battle. If you roll a 2, the Sim you were rolling for must die immediately. You can use a cheat or a hack for this and he/she can die of anything. If you use boolprop testingcheatsenabled true, you can do “Kill…Die By Flies” or “Spawn…Rodney’s Death Creator.” You may not use the Paranormal career reward or a cheat to revive any dead Sims.

For Drafted Sims, this risk supplants the Military risk outlined under the general risks.


*You may complete these in any order, but ALL must be completed to finish. Men must first reach General rank in the Military career before beginning these. However, if your men attend University, they can skip the Military career and join one of these when they graduate college.

*Each time you successfully complete a career, add another day between rolling the die for the Drafting risk. For example, once you complete the first career, roll the die every two days; when you complete another, roll it every three, and so on.

*If you are missing any of these careers, you may download CC versions of them. There are some listed here.

Business -- War is a political game; business is a monetary one. Your shrewd intelligence, so crucial in the business world, is helpful to the government now. Your money is helpful, too. You fund campaigns, raise awareness, and strictly observe the trade embargos with SimParadise.

When a Patriot Sim reaches the top of the Business career, he or she holds enough sway over the business community to urge them to support the war with campaigns, commercials, and money. Victory is almost assured.

Intelligence -- The ultimate sacrifice for your country. As an intelligence officer, you give up your identity and your life to work undercover, infiltrating the government of SimParadise and the houses of dangerous Subversives. Under your watchful eye, the intelligence group expertly supports the army’s effort to win the war.

After a Patriot Sim finishes the Intelligence career, he or she stands as the epitome of all patriotism. He or she supports the army and the government’s efforts to win this war. With this Sim’s help, peace and victory are on the way.

Law Enforcement -- When you signed up for this job, you knew you would have to combat crime and unhappiness on the streets. With the war at hand, though, you also have to combat Subversives, reckless people undermining the authority of the government and putting the men and women of the military in danger. Between bringing them to justice and keeping petty crime down, you have your work cut out for you.

Once a Sim achieves the highest level of the Law Enforcement career, the people of SimCity grow more hopeful of a victory. Without as many Subversives skulking around and whining on street corners, army morale rises. The people sleep comfortably in their beds knowing that your Sim is looking out for their safety.

Medicine -- As a member of the prestigious medical community, you know that your duty lies in helping the military’s men and women recover from battle. Working in one of SimCity’s best veteran’s hospitals, you develop technology and techniques that can help people walk again, speak again, and function as a member of society again.

Under the intelligent guidance of your Chief of Staff Sim, crippling injuries are practically a thing of the past. Now that your Sim has revolutionized the medical industry, the war moves much more smoothly, and veterans counter the Subversives’ claims with honest accounts of your kindness and competence. Peace may be possible soon.

Politics -- Faced with the ire of Subversive candidates, all preaching the negative parts of war, your job on the campaign trail was to win the hearts and minds of the people. Having done so, you vowed to use your position in the government to support a clean, dignified victory for SimCity. With you leading the charge, SimCity can defeat SimParadise with a minimum of cruelty and a maximum of war spoils.

After your Sim becomes Mayor, he or she deftly steers SimCity toward a victory. Although Subversives occasionally spring up to protest the war on basic principle, your Sim’s smooth and well-articulated arguments silence them, allowing him or her to focus on bringing the army home safely. Peace is imminent.

Science -- No army is complete without weaponry, and what better person to make a weapon than a scientist? You studied science to help the country protect itself against invaders, and after the war began, you rose to the occasion, developing viruses, biological weapons, and specialized guns to quickly stop the enemy.

Once a Sim becomes a Mad Scientist, the army reaches a new level of sophistication. With your Sim’s weapons, the Drones won’t stand a chance. Their army is still stuck using Gatling guns while SimCity uses handheld Atom Scramblers! One way or another, SimCity will achieve peace.


*These are optional extra rules that you can add to your particular family to increase the level of difficulty.

*You may implement more than one of these at a time at any time during play. However, once you implement a handicap, you cannot nullify it. So if, in your third generation, you decide to use Bombing Raids and build your Sims a bomb shelter, you must follow the Bombing Raids handicap until the challenge ends.

Rationing -- As the war drags on and bombing raids ravage SimCity's vast expanses of farmland and destroy its railroads and highways, food becomes scarce. With both a massive army and a massive population to feed, the government implements a drastic rationing scheme. It also advises that every family plant a Victory Garden to save food for the troops.

Your Sims may not use the stove more than twice a day--so if Mom!Sim makes herself breakfast and dinner, the stove is off-limits to everyone else until midnight of the next day (for this reason, it's probably best to always serve meals). They may not eat snacks or desserts. They may not cook turkey, lobster thermidor, salmon, or pork chops. They may put away leftovers, but these must be deleted every Friday at 6 P.M.

Your Sim may not order more than 150 simoleons' worth of groceries at a time (so 100 simoleons of groceries plus 50 simoleons for delivery). They may not order groceries more than once a week.

Sims do not have to have Victory Gardens, but if they do, then they may eat as many meals as they like as long as the fridge is stocked with produce. They may not sell produce.

Bombing Raids -- SimParadise's army is sparing no expense. They stage bombing raids almost every night with massive explosives that pepper the country with debris and kill thousands at a time, wiping families off the map. The government advises that everyone build bomb shelters to hide themselves in.

This handicap supplants the Bombing risk listed above. Your family's lot must include a "safe house" that acts as a bomb shelter. Preferably, this would be a small, covered underground area, but if you have trouble building underground, you can make it a small above-ground room. The shelter can only be attached to your Sims' house if it acts as a basement. Otherwise, it must stand alone. If above ground, it may have only one door and no windows.

The shelter must be one room and may contain one refrigerator, one stove, one toilet, and as many beds as you like (but no double beds).

Every Wednesday at 6 P.M., your Sims must retreat into the bomb shelter and remain there until 6 A.M. If you have any Sims off-lot for any reason at 6 P.M., roll a die for each absent Sim. If you roll a 1, that Sim was caught in a blast off-lot and must die immediately upon returning home. If your Sim returns home safely before 6 A.M., send them to the bomb shelter.

At 8 P.M., roll a die. If you roll a 3, your Sims' house is destroyed. Any Sims outside of the shelter when the house is destroyed must die immediately. (Off-lot Sims are safe unless you rolled that they had to die earlier.) If you are a Patriot, you must move to a new house, but you may use “motherlode” ONCE as compensation from the government for your loss. If you are a Subversive, you must move to a new house AND you lose your savings. If, when the bomb hits, you currently have more than 40,000 simoleons, then use familyFunds to set your simoleons to 40,000. If you have less than 40,000 simoleons, do not use the cheat. Your family may salvage their Career Rewards and bring them to their new house.

Sacrifice -- Sims serving in the military are returning home, more and more often, missing...pieces of themselves, be they physical pieces or mental pieces. Although the government offers some aid and counseling, it is limited. Most soldiers struggle for the rest of their lives with their newfound disabilities.

With this handicap in effect, you must roll a die whenever a Sim reaches General rank in the military. If you roll a 5, the Sim returns home suffering from either Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or a permanently debilitating injury (you choose). For the next five days, while the Sim recovers, they may neither find another career nor skill-build for more than two hours a day. For the rest of their lives, PTSD sufferers may only sleep five hours a night before nightmares wake them. Injured Sims must spend at least five hours a day lounging on a couch or relaxing (not sleeping) on a bed to help themselves heal.

NOTE: Both PTSD and permanent debilitating injuries are serious and life-changing problems for real-world soldiers. If you tackle this handicap, do so respectfully and consider the real-world implications of both of these issues.

Spies, Spies Everywhere -- With the war on, the government is more wary than ever of Subversives. It monitors known Patriots and suspected Subversives alike, planting spies in workplaces to weed out anyone suspicious. In an environment such as this, every potential friend is dangerous.

If your Sims bring home a friend from work, then that friend is a government spy that has followed your Sim to examine their house for suspicious clues. None of your Sims may ask the friend to stay the night. The Sim that brought the friend home must become best friends with them before a) the other Sim leaves or b) it is 9 P.M.

If your Sim fails, they have either failed to prove their loyalty (for Patriots) or failed to sway the spy to the Subversive cause (for Subversives). Patriots must immediately quit their careers and join the Military track. Subversives must quit their careers and join the Criminal track. If your Sim is already part of the military or already a criminal, roll a die. If you roll a 2, the spy turns your Sim in to the government and gets them mysteriously killed in action or captured and executed. Kill the Sim immediately.

Pets -- Both the Patriot and Subversive causes understand the importance of animals in people's lives. People treat their pets like members of the family, loving them, caring for them, and keeping them safe. For Patriots, pets are an opportunity to aid the war effort; for Subversives, pets are an opportunity to convince people that war is wrong.

If you have a Patriot family, then each heir must breed or purchase an adult dog or cat when they age to adult. That dog or cat must join the Security career track and work through the ranks. When they reach the Pet Corps, they officially join the military's canine and feline units, locating bombs and contraband weapons and protecting soldiers.

If you have a Subversive family, each heir must breed or purchase an adult dog or cat when they age to adult. Said dog or cat must join the Show Biz career and rise to the top rank. As a Star, the pets work on TV shows and star in movies that demonstrate the atrocities of war, aiding the Subversive cause.
Top Secret Researcher
#2 Old 30th Jun 2010 at 1:01 AM
Oh man. This is well thought out. After reading the whole thing I want to start immediately.

Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#3 Old 30th Jun 2010 at 1:16 AM
It took me the better part of several hours to type this up today, although the idea's been in my head for a week or so. XD I tried to think of every eventuality, but if anyone has any questions, feel free to post them here.
Test Subject
#4 Old 30th Jun 2010 at 1:47 AM
Wow! This sounds so awesome. I wish there was something like this for sims three.... I'd do it, but my sims two is long gone, because my computer can't take it...
Top Secret Researcher
#5 Old 30th Jun 2010 at 1:57 AM
Two questions regarding homosexuals: For the gay males, is it possible to have a surrogate mother on the lot? For the lesbians, can either of the ladies get pregnant "artificially?"

Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#6 Old 30th Jun 2010 at 2:20 AM
Yes and yes. However, the surrogate mother can't contribute to completing any of the careers--only the dads can. If you create an in-vitro father for a lesbian couple, the same applies to him.
#7 Old 30th Jun 2010 at 6:03 AM
Awesome! I like this challenge! Might be a while before I do it though since I'm working on another one of my own.
Top Secret Researcher
#8 Old 30th Jun 2010 at 12:34 PM
Before I go any further (I'm on my first day), can homosexuals adopt before the first week is over or is surrogate/in-vitro the only method?

Field Researcher
#9 Old 30th Jun 2010 at 3:46 PM
Wonderful job!

I'm defiantly going to give this a whirl! ((I'll probably have to print it out though..))

What the Golden Army really was: Ginormous alarm clocks who wanted to kill you!
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#10 Old 30th Jun 2010 at 6:03 PM Last edited by HaunterMooneyes : 30th Jun 2010 at 6:14 PM.
That's a good question, Fway; I was picturing the government being okay with gay couples before the war. Mm...yeah, go ahead and let them adopt in that first week. I'll add that into the rules too.

Good luck, Refox. =) I have a note sheet, haha.

I started mine last night--I have a couple of pictures, but nothing really substantial yet--with Sylvester and Lydia Reginald. They're working on their skills at the moment.

Lydia had a hellish pregnancy for the first three days that ended, in the third trimester, in a hugely depressing miscarriage. =/ She was miserable. She's pregnant again, but I don't know if she can handle it. I've never had a Sim with pregnancies so bad. She'll literally be sitting at the table with red hunger and red energy, falling asleep in her food every other bite; she'll get through half a night's sleep and wake up in hunger and bladder desperation. She's in her first trimester of her second pregnancy right now, so we'll see what happens.
Lab Assistant
#11 Old 30th Jun 2010 at 9:06 PM
I think I will do this challenge. It sounds interesting. The only thing I will change is the gardening. In world war 2 they had victory gardens. So I would require one extra folk, in the family, to have to do nothing but garden. This sim won't be able to marry, have kids, and all sims can only have two meals a day, due to rationing. The family will have to live off of the garden, so it will pay for each generation to have at least two kids, one who will have to learn all the gardening skills, so the family can eat. Once a new sim reaches adulthood, and has his or her gardening skill, the oldest gardener can be sent to the bomb making squad or killed. Also, sometimes to many ghost can cause a lot to get all screwed up, so I will send the tombstones off to a war cemetery, after the first few folks die.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#12 Old 30th Jun 2010 at 9:37 PM
I remembered the victory gardens, Eccentric, but I wasn't sure if it was the best idea to let people have them (so I changed it so that people can have them, but can't sell the produce). Your twist sounds very interesting, though, and I'll be interested to see how it goes.
Lab Assistant
#13 Old 30th Jun 2010 at 11:21 PM
This is very well thought out, I'm tempted to try it, but I don't have University or FreeTime. I'm thinking of just doing it anyway though haha, because I'm not really sure why those are required...?
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#14 Old 1st Jul 2010 at 12:38 AM
Those are required because of the job requirements. Most of the jobs in the Subversive track come with Free Time, and another comes with University. I think the Intelligence career comes with Seasons, though, so if you have that, you can at least play the Patriot path. However, you won't be able to send your male Sims to college to get them to skip the Military career requirement.
Lab Assistant
#15 Old 1st Jul 2010 at 4:21 AM
I have access to all the careers, except Intelligence you're right. I'm thinking I could simply meet the Law Enforcement requirement twice to substitute. And as for University, not being able to skip a career is fine with me.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#16 Old 1st Jul 2010 at 8:28 PM
That should be fine, then. Let me know how it goes. =)
Top Secret Researcher
#17 Old 2nd Jul 2010 at 7:12 AM
I'm just about in the last day of the week before the war starts. I have posted the first two/three days of my progress here. Let me tell you, editing the pictures for this challenge was time consuming, but worth it.

Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#18 Old 12th Jul 2010 at 4:52 PM
I finally managed to cobble some pictures together. I don't usually take pictures when I play my other families, so I had a hard time remembering to take them this time!

They're also a bit grainy, which is likely because of my terrible graphics card. My Sims have pans for hands.

Here is the first round. Next round will feature Linus at University and possibly him returning home, depending on what I get while he's there.
Test Subject
#19 Old 12th Jul 2010 at 11:39 PM
This is giving me evil ideas about doing a Build a City challenge, and having it all peaceful and boring or whatever, giving the audience time to really know the characters then... BAM! Bombs fall, most everyone's dead and now it's WAR.
#20 Old 13th Jul 2010 at 12:17 AM
Quote: Originally posted by HaunterMooneyes
Those are required because of the job requirements. Most of the jobs in the Subversive track come with Free Time, and another comes with University. I think the Intelligence career comes with Seasons, though, so if you have that, you can at least play the Patriot path. However, you won't be able to send your male Sims to college to get them to skip the Military career requirement.

If you don't have those EPs, can't you just grab CC versions of those careers? There are definitely ones for espionage, education, music and journalism... I haven't looked, but I'm sure there are also substitutes for Law & Artist on here somplace as well.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#21 Old 13th Jul 2010 at 4:08 AM Last edited by HaunterMooneyes : 13th Jul 2010 at 8:57 PM.
Certainly you can. As a matter of fact, if anyone can find them and would like to post links to them, feel free. The more people playing, the merrier.

And Life: ha! Exactly! It's certainly a good way to traumatize your Sims. >> Sylvester!Sim was so confused when Lydia just dropped dead out of the blue.

ETA: The next round of pictures is up here.
#22 Old 13th Jul 2010 at 9:09 PM
For anyone who is lacking one or more of the EP careers, here are custom substitutes:

  • Music Career from TS1 by Jordie

Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#23 Old 13th Jul 2010 at 9:18 PM
I'll add that to the original post. And thank you.
Lab Assistant
#24 Old 13th Jul 2010 at 10:02 PM
Quote: Originally posted by HaunterMooneyes
ETA: The next round of pictures is up here.

I love your blog of this challenge! Very entertaining to read! I am definitely going to do this challenge. But I'm so sure that I'm going to get attached to my sims...and then one will need to be killed off! Ahh! It'll drive me crazy, I'm sure!
Lab Assistant
#25 Old 14th Jul 2010 at 12:07 AM
Hm. It might be kind of awesome to have a WWII type of story challenge. I know where to find all sorts of WWII and Cold War era CC and I've never had an excuse to download it until now.

Plus I went on a WWII history trip around Europe this summer, so this is a perfect chance to put my knowledge to use.

I think it would be interesting if you had a list of handicaps. For example, one handicap could be called Victory Garden and it could require that a family maintains a victory garden to supply some of their food. There could be other similar ration handicaps, like not allowing Sims to snack or have any kind of dessert. Or they have to make all of their own clothing from the sewing machine. Etc.
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