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Original Poster
#1 Old 29th Jul 2010 at 5:15 AM Last edited by toyou1214 : 29th Jul 2010 at 10:19 PM.
Default General Information about Project #1.
I created this thread so that if you are new to our group, or you just forgot where something is, you can find it.....(as you might have guessed, i forget...a lot) Anyways, feel free to add info, links etc that you think are important, but that is all this thread is for, NOTHING ELSE. Hope this helps.


Call me Tyu. (:
Original Poster
#2 Old 29th Jul 2010 at 10:18 PM Last edited by toyou1214 : 29th Jul 2010 at 11:32 PM.
Okay, so here is some quick info on the CAW group and this project,

What is CAW?

Create a world, a program created by EA for the Sims 3 so that people like us could create a world! (:

What is CAW Group?

CAW Group is a group of people who have a passion for building and designing lots, worlds, sims, stories, and anything else you would need for a world!

When was it founded?

CAW Group was founded in February of 2010, and has been working on a world ever sense.

Who is in charge?

The creator of CAW group as well as the person in charge is Lanawinst. But ultimately we are all in charge, because it is a world we all created TOGETHER. She is the director that keeps everything in order for us! (Thank you Lana!)

What EP's do we use?

For our first project we are using The Base Game and World Adventures, THIS IS NOT UP FOR DISCUSSION!

However on future projects it might be. (if the majority of members want it to be.) Just not for the world that we have already started.

What is the theme for the first world?

For our first world the theme is a Mediterranean Beach/harbor town, with a harbor, town center and plenty of areas for your sims to live and explore! (again, not up for discussion. wait for the next world please.)

What does the CAW group expect of all members?

We expect that everyone is kind to each other, constructive criticism only! We expect everyone to put the best work up, and always work to there fullest potential, Our worlds are something that we are very proud of, and we want others to be able to enjoy these worlds, with top quality lots, and no problems! We expect you to work in a timely manner. Yes, we ALL have a life, and get busy with things, we all understand this! But we do need to be able to finish our worlds in a timely manner, if you do not have the time to put towards this, please do not join. (sorry, that sounds harsh...) And of course... HAVE FUN! I personally have met a lot of great people through this, that i really enjoy working with, and i hope that others can feel the same way!

What if i only have time for a small amount of lots?

That is just fine! (: We welcome anything you can contribute! Just as long as it is done in a timely manner, and is top quality! It would also be nice if you could let us know in advance on how many buildings you are thinking of building, just so we know what is left and what lots you could possibly build!

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask! You can send me a PM (Toyou1214) As well as lanawinst. You could also probably get a hold of SleepyRose and DeluxeDesigns, i just cant not speak for them! (:

Call me Tyu. (:
Forum Resident
#3 Old 30th Jul 2010 at 9:47 AM Last edited by sleepyrose : 17th Aug 2010 at 3:06 PM. Reason: Post will be edited on a regular basis for updates
The name of our Mediterranean town is Porto Corrado.

This is the current participant list:

- Leader: Lanawinst

- Storyline/world background writers : CharmingFirewaller, litt0_lia

- Inhabitants Creators : HystericalParoxysm, litt0_lia, SimGirlTasia232, SleepyRose, unlikely

- Map Artist: kiwi_tea

- Town Architects: CharmingFirewaller, Craggles, Deluxe Designs, Lanawinst, missroxor, ninotchka, nivaso, sleepyrose, toyou1214

If you decide to join, we'll add your name to the list and you will receive the link to the town's map.

Basically you can choose any lot you want to build, as long as it's not completed, or in progress.
For reference you can use these pictures with a legenda of the map. They will be kept up to date, to avoid the confusion of who's working on what.

The Town Center:


1.Residential - Run down home 1 - empty – $40,472/$28,672 - Ricci family - Completed by Tyu
2.Residential - Run down home 2 - 59,395/37,200 - Completed by Tyu
3.Residential - Run down home 3 - $44,303/$28,678 - Carlos Mendez House - Completed by Tyu
4.Community - Small Park - Completed by Tyu
5.Residential – middle income - In Progress by Tyu
6.Residential – middle income - In Progress by Tyu
7.Residential – high income - In Progress by DeluxeDesigns
8.Residential – high income - Completed by Tyu
9.Residential – ? income - In Progress by Tyu
10.Community - Restaurant - In Progress by Nivaso
11.Community - Hospital - In Progress by Missroxor
12.Community - Bookstore - In Progress by Tyu
13.Community - Elementary School - In Progress by Lanawinst
14.Community - Church - In Progress by Craggles
15.Residential - Boulevard loft 2 Chippolini - $21,789/$29,626 - Completed by SleepyRose
16.Residential - Talulah & Anita's Studio - $28,754/$40,871 - Completed by SleepyRose
17.Residential – Yazmin Vasquez House $52,230/$31,524 - Completed by SleepyRose
18.Residential – Buon Inizio – empty starter - $16,456/$10,208 - Completed by SleepyRose
19.Community – Graveyard - In Progress by Craggles
20.Residential – High Income - Completed by Tyu
21.Residential - Boulevard loft 3 – Mancini - $28,027/$40,903 - Completed by SleepyRose
22.Residential – In Progress by SleepyRose
23.Residential – ? income
24.Community - Windmill - Completed by Tyu
25.Community - Main plaza – grocery - In Progress by Lanawinst
26.Residential - In Progress by Missroxor
27.Community - Museum - Galleria Bellissima - Completed by SleepyRose
28.Residential – In Progress by Ninotchka
29.Residential - Castillo house – $45,772/30,631 - Completed by SleepyRose
30.Residential – High Income - In Progress by DeluxeDesigns
31.Residential – Completed by Nivaso
32.Community - Police station - Completed by Tyu
33.Community - City Hall - Completed by Lanawinst
34.Residential (with room for a tatoo parlour) - In Progress by Lanawinst
35.Community - Park
36.Residential – Starter Home - In Progress by SleepyRose
37.Residential - 15 Via Guilia – Miramar - $19,843/$30,912 - Completed by Lanawinst
38.Community - Porto Corrado library - Completed by Lanawinst
39.Residential - 17 Via Guilia – Revello - $46,281/$65,318 - Completed by Lanawinst
40.Community - Park - In Progress by Tyu
41.Community - Park - In Progress by Tyu
42.Residential - 19 Via Guilia – Vargas - $51,377/35,571 - Completed by Lanawinst
43.Community - Movie Theater - In Progress by Tyu
44.Residential - Gypsy camp - In Progress by Lanawinst

Vacant Lots:

23, 35

Lot sizes:
23: 30x20
35: 12x25

The Port


1.Community – ? - In Progress by Tyu
2.Community- Gym - In Progress by SleepyRose
3.Community - Stadium - In Progress by Lanawinst
4.Community - Lilith Death Spot - In Progress by Craggles
5.Community - Criminal Hideout - In Progress by Tyrone
6.Community - Park/Pool - Completed by SleepyRose
7.Residential - (Antonio Ortega's Fishing Shack ) – $10,962/$20,825 OR Vita Semplice – empty starter - $13,344/$16,485 - Completed by SleepyRose
8.Residential – In Progress by Missroxor
9.Residential – In Progress by DeluxeDesigns
10.Residential – ? In Progress by DeluxeDesigns
11.Residential - ? In Progress by DeluxeDesigns
12.Residential - ? In Progress by DeluxeDesigns
13.Community - Bell tower - Completed by DeluxeDesigns
14.Residential - ? In Progress by DeluxeDesigns
15.Residential (Port Rose No.3) – $41,386/$67,191 - Completed by DeluxeDesigns
16.Residential (Port Rose No.2) – $54,356/$38,664 - Completed by DeluxeDesigns
17.Residential (Port Rose No.1) – ? income - Completed by DeluxeDesigns
18.Community - SPA - Completed by Nivaso

*Unmarked Lot - Community - Business Center
*Unmarked Lot - Community - Science Center

Vacant Lots:


Overview of residential an community lots:

Overview Of The Completed Lots:

If you download the completed lots, these maps will show you where to put them:

On the right side of the town there are two areas where the lots still have to be added in CAW.

Some of the lots we have in mind for those sections are:
A Nectary
The Military Base
An Old Castle (castelvecchio)

Some lots also have to be added to the port's seaside:
A Beach Front
A Residental Lot
The Swordfish Bar (which is already completed by CharmingFirewaller)

So as you can see, there's still plenty to choose from. We hope you like to join us and have fun building!

Forum Resident
#4 Old 30th Jul 2010 at 11:49 AM Last edited by sleepyrose : 16th Aug 2010 at 11:43 PM.
The CC list

We would like the world to be as easy as possible to install for people and keep the cc to a minimum. Unless there's an item that *really* contributes to the world, we ask you to please keep it to this list.
All of the cc items are free.

Store Content:

Harvest Bounty

Happy Valentines! Eye of the Bolder ‘10

The Sims Celebrations:
In the Dawn of Sims


The Sims Strike Back

Let there be Sims!

Registation Rewards:
Explorer's Loot


Here's a picture of all the items, for easy reference:

Other Items:

Tower-clock - Around the sims 3


Fish and vegetable stands by SimsTrastos


Lana used the tower clock for the town hall, because we don't use the rabbit hole from the game.
The fish and fruit stand are used for the town center, to create a realistic market.

I forgot to mention that you can use all the stuff from the buydebug, as long as it's not from Ambitions.
Forum Resident
#5 Old 17th Aug 2010 at 2:02 AM Last edited by sleepyrose : 21st Aug 2010 at 11:33 PM. Reason: Post will be edited on a regular basis for updates
Default Inhabitants List
This is the list of sims that are finished:


The Roomies – 2 sims - lot #16 town center

1 Anita Torres
2 Talula Alvero

Vasquez Household – 1 sim lot #17 town center

3 Yazmin Vasquez

Ortega Household - 1 sim - lot #7 port

4 Antonio Ortega

Mancini Household - 2 sims - lot #21 town center

5 Dante Mancini
6 Nadia Mancini

Castillio Household - 1 sim - lot #29 town center

7 Herberto Castillo

Mendez Household – 1 sim - lot #3 town center

8 Carlos Mendez

Costa Household - 4 sims - lot # ?

9 Raul Costa
10 Cecillia Costa
11 Leona Costa
12 Julien Costa

De Luca Household - 4 sims - lot# ?

13 Camilla de Luca
14 Leo de Luca
15 Bellina de Luca
16 Lucio de Luca

Ricci Household - 4 sims - lot# ?

17 Predita Ricci
18 Gabriele Ricci
19 Marietta Ricci
20 Santino Ricci

Campbell Household - 1 sims - lot# ?

21 James Campbell III

Cipollini Household - 1sim - lot #15 town center

22 Dario Cipollini

Miramar Household - 2 sims - lot #37 town center

23 Annie Miramar
24 Brendan Miramar

Vargas Household - 6 sims - lot #42 town center

25 Horatio Vargas
26 Maria Vargas
27 Belinda Vargas
28 Diana Vargas
29 Johna Vargas
30 Hector Vargas

Revello Household - 5 sims - lot # 39 town center

31 Cora Revello
32 Martin Revello
33 Anton Revello
34 Clair Revello
35 Sarah Revello

Sharp Household - 1sim - lot# ?

36 David Sharp

Ventura Household - 5sims - lot#8 town center

37 Massimo Ventura
38 Bianca Ventura
39 Maurizio Ventura
40 Marcellina Ventura
41 Bernadetta Ventura


41 sims

Elder: 6
Antonio, Predita, Gabriel, Cora, Martin, Bernadetta

Adult: 11
Raul, Cecillia, Camilla, Leo, Horatio, Maria, Martin, Clair, David, Massimo, Bianca

Young Adult: 15
Talula, Anita, Yazmin, Dante, Nadia, Herberto, Carlos, Bellina, Lucio, Marietta Santino, James, Dario, Annie, Brendan

Teen: 5
Leona, Bellina, Belinda, Diana, Maurizio

Child: 4
Julien, Lucio, Johna, Sarah

Toddler: 2
Hector, Marcellina

Male: 21
Female: 20

8 families
2 roomies
10 singles (6 male/ 4 female)

Jobs and Job Levels:

Law Enforcement



Traits List

Absent-Minded - 5 - Anita, Carlos, Bellina, Predita, Bernadetta
Adventurous - 3 - Yazmin, Annie, Brendan
Ambitious 5 - Santino, James, David, Horatio, Belinda
Angler 3 - Antonio, Leo, Brendan
Artistic 5 - Anita, Carlos, James, Dario, Cora
Athletic 5 - Dante, Jonah, Sarah, Bianca, Marcellina
Bookworm 6 - Talula, Antonio, Nadia, Belinda, Sarah, Maurizio
Brave 5 - Dante, Leo, Lucio, Gabriele, Brendan
Can't Stand Art 1 - Martin
Charismatic 3 - Leona, Santino, Anton
Childish 1 - Cora
Clumsy 2 - Julien, Diana
Commitment Issues 1 - Anita
Computer Whiz 2 - Julien, David
Couch Potato 4 - Horatio, Martin, Massimo, Maurizio
Coward 0
Daredevil 2 - Santino, Diana
Disciplined 2 - Yazmin, Brendan
Dislikes Children 0
Easily Impressed 1 - Belinda
Evil 1 - Hector
Excitable 3 - Talula, Nadia, Belinda
Family-Oriented 10 - Dante, Nadia, Cecillia, Camilla, Predita, Gabriele, Horatio, Maria, Massimo, Bernadetta
Flirty 1 - Maria
Friendly 3 - Yazmin, Anton, Sarah
Frugal 3 - Cecillia, David, Massimo
Genius 2 - Julien, Hector
Good 3 - Cecillia, Annie, Horatio
Good Sense of Humor 5 - Talula, Camilla, Santino, Cora, Anton
Great Kisser 3 - Dante, Predita, Anton
Green Thumb 1 - Herberto
Grumpy 4 - Leo, Martin, Massimo, Marcellina
Handy 4 - Raul, Leo, Massimo, Maurizio
Hates the Outdoors 1 -Claire
Heavy Sleeper 4 - Raul, Lucio, Gabriele, Martin
Hopeless Romantic 3 - Nadia, James, Dario
Hot-Headed 3 - Camilla, Lucio, Bianca
Hydrophobic 1 - Talula
Inappropriate 2 - Diana, Bernadetta
Insane 2 - Carlos, Dario
Kleptomaniac 2 - Raul, Brendan
Light Sleeper 2 - Marietta, Bianca
Loner 3 - Anita, Marietta, David
Loser 1 - James
Loves the Outdoors 5 - Antonio, Herberto, Leo, Marietta, Annie
Lucky 3 - Anita, Herberto, Diana
Mean Spirited 1 - Gabriele
Mooch 2 - Carlos, Martin
Natural Cook 6 - Herberto, Camilla, Predita, Annie, Maria, Bernadetta
Neat 6 - Leona, Camilla, Maria, Cora, Claire, Bianca
Neurotic 2 - Carlos, Maurizio
Never Nude 2 - Antonio, Claire
No Sense of Humor 1 - Horatio
Over-Emotional 2 - Antonio, Maria
Party Animal 3 - Raul, Bellina, Jonah
Perfectionist 4 - Talula, Bellina, Dario, Claire
Photographer's Eye 2 - Dario, Annie
Schmoozer 3 - Yazmin, Cecillia, Anton
Slob 3 - Raul, Jonah, Bernadetta
Snob 5 - Nadia, Cecillia, Bellina, Claire, Bianca
Technophobe 3 - Herberto, Gabriele, Cora
Unflirty 0
Unlucky 2 - Marietta, James
Vegetarian 2 - Yazmin, Dante
Virtuoso 3 - Leona, Predita, Marietta
Workaholic 1 - David
Forum Resident
#6 Old 17th Aug 2010 at 2:09 AM Last edited by sleepyrose : 24th Aug 2010 at 8:42 PM.
Default CC For the Sims
This is the list of CC we'll be using for the Sims

Increased Texture Detail & Shine - TS3 Skin Replacements

Aikea Guinea's faces (they're at the bottom of the thread)

Oh My Tiffany -an eye set- by escand

Kittyklan Default Facial Hair

...and eventually Natural Lip colour by Arisuka @ MTS
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