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#1 Old 15th Sep 2012 at 6:38 PM
Default For All The Smokers
So, you're a smoker, and hate the way society puts us in a corner, makes us always smoke outside, and all of that. Well now you have a safe haven to chat with other people who enjoy sims and who smoke cigarettes or cigars, you can also join if you like to do things like snuff and chew tobacco. I don't plan on quitting any time soon.
#2 Old 11th Oct 2012 at 6:19 PM
Aye, I'm a rather late smoker. I didn't start until two/three years ago when things were getting out of hand at home. I started for stress relief, and I still get stress relief. Yes, its bad for us all, and my husband HATES it, but ah well. I actually enjoy smoking. It means five minutes of relief.
Test Subject
#3 Old 12th Oct 2012 at 5:06 PM
I have my ciggy's laying here, right next to me now. I started smoking... three years ago, when I saw someone abandond their nearly full package and I thought: "What could be the harm in trying?" I don't smoke much because smoking too much makes me naxious. But I do love the stress relief and clearing my head for the couple of minutes.
Anyway, nice to meet you people.
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