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#1 Old 28th Mar 2013 at 3:26 PM
Default Castaway Stories tombstones fix?
In The Sims 2, when an elder dies with full aspiration meter (platinum), while being prepared for afterlife you get a nice golden grave with a little picture of Sim's aspiration. If you put the grave outside, it's going to become a tombstone, and if you put it inside, it'll be an urn.

In The Sims Castaway Stories however, the utterly smart EA only included an urn. So, if your elder Sims die outside, you're basically screwed with a stuck invisible object because the golden tombstone has no body.

I've never been more surprised. To forgot to make something a physical object in game that determines your neighborhood corruption? Really? How the F can you miss that...

(The regular tombstones are okay, though.)

Is there a mod that re-creates the tombstone? Doesn't even have to be the golden one, it just has to be one.

Thank youuu.

Jonain päivänä mä toivon, että pääsen käymään Suomessa – ja heti perillä unohdan kaiken, mitä oon oppinut suomen kielestä, ja sanon vaan 'kahvia'.
DJ. who?
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#2 Old 14th Aug 2023 at 1:36 PM
I just encountered this bug, is pretty annoying. Have you found a solution? Maybe there's a way to add a tombstone using SimPE?
Original Poster
#3 Old 15th Aug 2023 at 5:21 PM
I haven't, no. Luckily, it's not that big of a deal (April Black explained on YouTube what is and isn't corruption). A workaround is still just placing the urns inside somewhere. I think of it; the platinum aspiration Sims deserve their own little shrine, even if it be a 1x1 room with an end table and a roof.

Jonain päivänä mä toivon, että pääsen käymään Suomessa – ja heti perillä unohdan kaiken, mitä oon oppinut suomen kielestä, ja sanon vaan 'kahvia'.
DJ. who?
Test Subject
#4 Old 23rd Dec 2024 at 11:14 PM
Quote: Originally posted by topp
I haven't, no. Luckily, it's not that big of a deal (April Black explained on YouTube what is and isn't corruption). A workaround is still just placing the urns inside somewhere. I think of it; the platinum aspiration Sims deserve their own little shrine, even if it be a 1x1 room with an end table and a roof.

I found a workaround. Whenever my tombstone disappears I use mod urnstone spawner link: https://modthesims.info/d/236885/th...d-09-28-08.html
and we are good. There is no platinum option, the urnstone looks basic, but for storytelling purposes it's just fine.
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