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#1 Old 29th Apr 2013 at 6:13 AM
Default After extensive Benchmarks and tests, here are the *best* ways to play the console versions
So, i now own ALL versions of each console release.

Yes. Seriously.

So after doing many tests ive come up with the following results, and will list the problems each have:

Playstation 2 Versions:
The Good:

TSBO had online multiplayer support.

Urbz had better music quality.

Sims 2 had eyetoy support.

Every main console version was released on this system, while GC missed 1 game and xbox missed 2 games.

The Bad:
All sims games on PS2 lag either when you use fast foward, or when you are in heavily populated locations.

TSBO required a memory card on this version and the GC version.

While each The Sims console games for PS2 can be emulated on B/C PS3 systems, they have heavy issues. A full list can be found online.


Gamecube Versions:
The Good:

TS1, BO, Urbz and Sims 2 all had practically no lag, and very short load times.

TSBO had connectivity and exclusive content if connected to the GBA version.

Urbz had an exclusive wardrobe trunk, and access to both Roxanna Moxie`s and Ewan Wahtahamee`s outfits.

TS2 had better texture compression than other systems.

All GC released games can be backwards compatible played with completely no problems on a first gen Nintendo Wii.

The Bad:
Some content was not present in these ports, such as:
- Eye Toy Support for TS2
- Online Support for TSBO (Understandable though due to no built in LAN)
- Slightly lower res CG cutscenes in all games
- The GC missed 1 title: The Sims 2 Castaway

Xbox Versions:
The Good:

-Both the sims bustin out, The Urbz and The Sims 2 featured support for the Xbox HD Cable.
-The xbox version of each has more save space due to the HD.
-The Xbox versions of each have exclusive loading screen images.
-The xbox 360 can B/C play The Urbz and The Sims 2, but with some issues.

The Bad:
- The Sims Bustin out, although the xbox had online play, bustin out lacked online for this platform anyways.
- Every sims game on xbox (Aside from the HD support), lacked any physical exclusive content others had.
- The xbox version of The Sims and The Sims bustin out will not play on the xbox 360.
- The xbox missed 2 titles: The Sims 2 Pets and The Sims 2 Castaway.

In conclusion:
After my personal findings, the *gamecube* versions are the ideal versions to play, due to the following things:

- The GC Versions offers shorter load times and better framerate.
- The GC Versions are all fully BC on a Wii.
- The GC Versions of TSBO and The Urbz feature cool exclusive content.
- The GC Versions have higher res graphics.

If you do buy them, its your choice on platform. But i HIGHLY recommend the Gamecube versions for sure.
Top Secret Researcher
#2 Old 18th May 2013 at 5:00 AM
I got it on the PS2 and Xbox. And I gotta admit, the HD helps with the Xbox. It really does. o.o

But what irritates me. Is I want...MAZUIKO's boots. But thank you, ResidentEvil, for this. I now need the game for the gamecube, lol. I will just get every single game for each console :P

"Queen of the Damned seeks knight in shining piercings for pleasure, pain and purring"--Scary Mary from the Urbz: Sims In The City

"A Famous Explorer once said: 'The extraordinary is in what we do, not who we are.'"--Lara Croft from Tomb Raider 2013
#3 Old 28th Jun 2013 at 5:59 PM
I have a ps2,wii,3ds,psp with sims on it.But my game cube doesn't, because stores barely
sell game cube games anymore.

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