
27th Dec 2013 at 12:20 PM
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Ooh, Politics, one of the ever controversial topics. Personally, I’m pro-Monarchy. I’m from a Conservative area and so that’s the way pretty much everyone votes in this part of the country. Although, personally, I can’t say that I would vote for any of the parties. Most of the time I would sooner vote our monarchy back into power. I would sooner fight and die for Queen/King and country than for the current government. My political views are quite mixed though. I want equality for gender, sexuality and race, but then I’m quite old fashioned in thinking that everyone has their place in society and a specific social class to which they belong; i.e. Upper, Middle and Working class. I feel that the downfall of the Country House after the world wars was one of the greatest damaging impacts on society. I just feel like we, as a country, lost our way and we still haven’t found it.