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#1 Old 15th Feb 2014 at 12:12 AM
Default Combining Rabbit Holes
I used to do this all the time in Sunset Valley - any of the base game rabbit holes could be plunked down onto the same lot. Only the "special" non-rabbit hole lots such as Fire Station, Laundromat, Consignment store could not be combined onto a single lot.

But in Island Paradise, when I put the Hospital, the Grocery/Bistro, and the Bookstore/Office building on the same lot, I get a message telling me that there is a "special building" on the lot that Sims won't come to because its the wrong sort of lot ("Community/Visitors Allowed").

Since these are all buildings I've combined in the past, I'm not sure what the issue is. I thought maybe the "Bistro" was really a hangout, which IS one of the "special" lot types, but removing that building doesn't remove the warning. In fact no combination of any 2 of those buildings results in a warning-free plop.

Heck, in Sunset Valley the default world has the movie theater, the grocery, and the book store all lined up on one lot, so I'm not sure what the beef is in IP. And I replaced the bookstore with a Bistro, put a park on the far end, and moved the police station, the city hall, the bookstore, AND the grocery to a subterranean shopping mall I built under the central park. So all those RHs SHOULD go together just fine.

So what's up with the Island Paradise Rabbitholes?

If I don't answer a direct question on the technical forums, I didn't see it. Feel free to PM me.
Mad Poster
#2 Old 15th Feb 2014 at 12:28 AM
I don't know why I or you get the messages but I have play tested that same situation and the RH still work properly. I have a lot in Roaring Heights with the grocery store, bookstore/spa RH on the same lot with my consignment/elixir shop. Something like a shopping center. The only issue I have is the consignment and elixir registers are not map tagged.

In a small island world I am playing I have a total of 9 RH rugs on a 30x30 lot. Still each one works properly, they can be partnered and bought out with the appropriate uses still being displayed. Works out fine for me and yeah, did get the message, went in the lot and the RH rugs were still there.

I don't think it should be an issue, unless you are trying to put them on a residential lot.

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#3 Old 15th Feb 2014 at 12:36 AM
Quote: Originally posted by lewisb40
I don't know why I or you get the messages but I have play tested that same situation and the RH still work properly. I have a lot in Roaring Heights with the grocery store, bookstore/spa RH on the same lot with my consignment/elixir shop. Something like a shopping center. The only issue I have is the consignment and elixir registers are not map tagged.

In a small island world I am playing I have a total of 9 RH rugs on a 30x30 lot. Still each one works properly, they can be partnered and bought out with the appropriate uses still being displayed. Works out fine for me and yeah, did get the message, went in the lot and the RH rugs were still there.

I don't think it should be an issue, unless you are trying to put them on a residential lot.

Well right now I'm not using the RH rugs - I'm using the actual building objects. I'm playtesting EllaCharmed's Island Paradise redo that's supposed to reduce routing failure and lag so I've not added any CC or even store content into the game yet, until I get the lagging issue worked out in Island Paradise. I have used the rugs in the past, but its a lot easier for now to just use the building objects.

So have you play-tested with the actual buildings, or just the rugs?

And yeah, I had the issue with the lost map tag when I tried to put the spa with the gym, because one is a true RH and the other is not. I think you can still direct your Sim to go there, but it broke the mechanism when NPCs are supposed to be pushed to that lot for story progression (I'm pretty sure, it's been awhile). I have been told that extensive playtesting has shown that trying to combine say the consignment shop with the laundromat will eventually corrupt your game - and again it breaks the SP Push to the lot for SP. So I only combine TRUE rabbit holes, just to be safe.

If I don't answer a direct question on the technical forums, I didn't see it. Feel free to PM me.
Mad Poster
#4 Old 15th Feb 2014 at 3:03 AM
The one I mentioned about Roaring Heights have the actual RH buildings. I have still combined buildings and rugs, sometimes both on a lot and they still work, still have the same functions and still can buy into partnerships, work in them, get the opportunities, etc. Just stating if I use only buildings and the rugs, still have the functions.

I have been told that extensive playtesting has shown that trying to combine say the consignment shop with the laundromat will eventually corrupt your game - and again it breaks the SP Push to the lot for SP. So I only combine TRUE rabbit holes, just to be safe.

I do have a lot with the consignment/elixir registers on the lot that also have a mini laundromat, but I don't label the lot a laundry, it's visitor allowed and everything works so far. I haven't had a corruption happen yet and I am about to play a second generation in that town. Sims in the town use the lot as it should, they do stop and do laundry too.

The last gameplay did show me I don't need both registers in the world, but I do it for Twallan's SP. I don't know if the townies will use the elixir register like the consignment registers.

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Department of Post-Mortem Communications
#5 Old 15th Feb 2014 at 9:08 AM
Hm, I would like to know more about this information you got that consignment store and laundromat should not be combined, because I do not really understand how this is meant and what they mean with game corruption. You cannot combine the two lot types anyway as both are lot assignments and you can only assign one lot type to a lot, obviously. So whoever told you this, did they actually mean that you shouldn't place a washing machine in a consignment store?
Mad Poster
#6 Old 15th Feb 2014 at 9:30 AM
I would like that info too, Babele. Never have I seen that but would like to know more. I have combined RHs and figuring out the rules of lot labels (what works and what doesn't) by building and testing it out. I am getting the opportunities and my sims can buy into the partnerships or buy them out and that is good for me. The townies are using the RHs (rugs or buildings) and they stick around on the lot to use the objects I have placed there. I don't know if I should be looking out for more than that.

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#7 Old 15th Feb 2014 at 10:34 AM

The laundromat is a special case - there is no register for it. If you add a washer/dryer to some other lot type, there is no push to do the laundry for the townies - so it doesn't behave in-game as a laundromat. I have not tried this - but I don't know what would happen if you sent your Sim to another community lot and tried to use a washer/dryer on a community lot that is NOT designated as a laundromat. It might not work at all, as many objects are not allowed on community lots or will not work there should you place them (for example, the stove in the Firehouse is not usable, it's just there for decoration). It might let your sim do laundry for free; or it might try to charge you the $35 laundry fee. I don't know whether the interaction is attached to the washing machine being on a community lot, or if it has to be triggered only on a lot of the "Laundromat" type.

I prefer my community lots to behave correctly so I don't combine those lots that break the interaction for townies. Since that is my preference, I can't speak to whether or not I might ever experience the corruption to save files eventually that others have found, but it is one more reason for me not to bother. My concern is that placing the 3 buildings mentioned in the OP will break the lot for townies. I don't know why it SHOULD, but since I get the warning, maybe it does. I'll have to run it and see, and then run it with the RH rugs and see if that solves the problem. Its not enough if my Sim can use the lots; the townies need to be able to use it as well. I've never seen that warning before IP so hopefully since the RH Rugs emulate the original RH lots and those haven't caused problems in other games (didn't trigger that warning) maybe the original RH building items will work where the IP buildings might not.

Basically it appears that playtesting is in order.

If I don't answer a direct question on the technical forums, I didn't see it. Feel free to PM me.
Mad Poster
#8 Old 15th Feb 2014 at 11:08 AM Last edited by lewisb40 : 15th Feb 2014 at 11:20 AM.
Yeah, reading the link I see what you mean. I don't designate the lot label on the lot I combined. As I wrote above, they are visitor allowed lots, not consignment or elixir shops, yet my sims can buy the RHs on the lot and use the registers there. Only issue, no map tag for the registers, the RHs are tagged.

I do successfully use the stadium RH rug on a gym lot, the criminal RH (Pets) building on my Rebel Hangout lot, no issues at all and I return to that world from time to time. I just built a smaller (very small) Prism studio, made it a Rebel Hangout with the criminal RH rug in it and haven't had issues with it, my sims are rebels and I send my sims to the community college instead of the Uni world. One of the community colleges have the Uni RH rug stadium and I don't have to place a regular stadium, none of the sims were using it, they went to the community college lot. That is how I learned it was repetitive.

Play testing is the only way I learn new things. Try it out, failure or success.

The laundromat is a special case - there is no register for it. If you add a washer/dryer to some other lot type, there is no push to do the laundry for the townies - so it doesn't behave in-game as a laundromat. I have not tried this - but I don't know what would happen if you sent your Sim to another community lot and tried to use a washer/dryer on a community lot that is NOT designated as a laundromat. It might not work at all, as many objects are not allowed on community lots or will not work there should you place them (for example, the stove in the Firehouse is not usable, it's just there for decoration).

That is not true. I have done it just to give my downtown a old, grunge look and used my Rebel Hangout/Criminal RH building/ with a laundromat and sims came to the lot, washed clothes, was charged a fee, $60 simoleons. While waiting to finish the wash they would go in the hangout part and play games or talk with some sim, after that go change the clothes to the dryer. I have used it and my sims were charged and did use the washer and dryer. The University washer breaks too, so my handy sim fixes them and gets paid.
About seeing the laundry fees on my visitor allowed community lot, I haven't paid attention to that. I put that in my game notes to try it tomorrow, see how that works out.

Resident member of The Receptacle Refugees
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#9 Old 15th Feb 2014 at 1:06 PM Last edited by Sojourner : 15th Feb 2014 at 1:22 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by lewisb40

That is not true. I have done it just to give my downtown a old, grunge look and used my Rebel Hangout/Criminal RH building/ with a laundromat and sims came to the lot, washed clothes, was charged a fee, $60 simoleons. While waiting to finish the wash they would go in the hangout part and play games or talk with some sim, after that go change the clothes to the dryer. I have used it and my sims were charged and did use the washer and dryer. The University washer breaks too, so my handy sim fixes them and gets paid.
About seeing the laundry fees on my visitor allowed community lot, I haven't paid attention to that. I put that in my game notes to try it tomorrow, see how that works out.

Like I said, I don't know how the washing machine will behave on a non-laundromat lot. The thing is that what you are seeing is that sims who are coming to the Criminal Hangout use what they find there just because they ALREADY happen to be there - that's not the same as "push to go to the laundromat" - do regular sims who have no business in a criminal Rabbit Hole come in and use the washing machine, or just the ones who have other business on the lot? I submit that the latter is the case.

However I don't see why you couldn't open up the opportunity to other non-criminal sims IF you can combine the washing machines into a lot with something with a less specific clientele. Since I'm playtesting anyway I guess I wouldn't be risking much if I were to try a combination Beauty Salon/Tattoo parlor/laundromat. As long as there is only one register on the lot it should be less complex. Or maybe add a faux-laundromat with the RH grocery store - that would probably make the best sense. I don't see too many tattoo-laundries in RL, LOL! Of course I don't see to many tattoo - beauty parlors, either.

The IP combined lots are kind of weird anyway - I would have combined the grocery store with the laundromat and the book store with the bistro, and will - once I'm done playtesting the IP world to reduce lag as much as possible. The things it make sense to me to combine are:

Criminal rabbit hole and tattoo parlor
Spa-beauty salon
Police and city hall - the IP "civic center" is not a bad attempt but it includes military which makes that not appropriate for anything larger than an island country. Which reminds me, I need to go in and disable the astronaut career in IP... not many astronaut programs being run by island nations.

Ideally I would like to build a mall that includes all the commercial retail establishments but I don't like to lose map tags - I'd have to plan it on separate lots next to each other or across the street. I think if you can avoid any situation where you lose a maptag your chances of hitting the game crashing problems are probably pretty minimal. But some of those combinations mean you will lose the map tag and the designation to push to that service ... and sometimes if you try to break up larger EA created lots and replace them with smaller Edit Town-created lots, you end up losing significant building space because the Edit Town mode won't late you replace the lot - usually because EA has put street lights in the way that you can't remove except in CAW.

Anyway. It's a more complex problem than it ought to be, but there you go.

The push system can get really odd when compounded with the attraction system - I built a custom police station for Sunset Valley and not only did the Sims enter the building to get to the real police station in the basement, but I ended up with standing room only in the Chief's office on the 2nd floor, and Sims wandering around using the coffee machine and what-not. It was just party-time at the cop-shop all the time!

I'm going to have to download that mod to allow you to lock doors on community lots - boy do I miss MoDoors! There were so many things you can do with MoDoors that EA just will not let you do, or not as well or as easily or as sensibly.

If I don't answer a direct question on the technical forums, I didn't see it. Feel free to PM me.
Department of Post-Mortem Communications
#10 Old 15th Feb 2014 at 2:54 PM Last edited by babele44 : 15th Feb 2014 at 3:18 PM.
Funny that Writin_Reg at CS3 mentions Rflong as a reference because I am playing a world by Rflong where she did exactly that - a lot designated as Hangout and which contains the bookstore, spa and groceries rabbitholes plus a food register for the actual hangout. All of this works. The world Rinn Fada by conorsims does the same, like a lot designated as Salon and having the Bistro rabbithole buried in the basement and this world hasn't exploded yet either. Both are creators for whom, I think, Writin_Reg has been a tester.
From my experience it is true that inactives won't use washing machines on community lots that are not labelled as Laundromat, but placing these on any other community lot hasn't caused any problems for me yet.
I think you can very well combine functions of several lots in one lot, it all depends on what you combine with what. EA, by the way, occasionally does the same. The Showtime lot Coffeehouse in Starlight Shores and the one that is in the lot bin both contain the Diner rabbithole, which is not at all required for the Coffeehouse function. They work independent from each other. I have several games where I combine the consignment and elixir consignment functions. The lot itself is labelled as Elixir Consignment Store. I've also placed the Fortune Teller Wagon on Hangout lots and it works, just like the Vault of Antiquity that EA themselves placed on a Library lot.
I think it is important to pay attention to whether a lot type has business hours and then to not place objects there that require 24/7 access. Like placing the Diner rabbithole on a lot labelled as a Late Night bar will not work. It will block access to the rabbithole during the time the bar is closed, depending on where you place the rabbithole. It is also a bad idea to place a food register in a Late Night bar. This will break the link of the NPC with their register object after a while, because food registers are manned 24/7 but the closing time of a bar will boot the NPC out and as a consequence break the NPC role. Once you know what lot type allows or requires what it's sort of easy to figure out what is and is not possible or might lead to problems.
Also several role assigning objects work only on the lot type for which they are intended. A tattoo chair will only spawn a tattooist in a Salon, but placing one in a Park will not. This, on the other hand, has the advantage that your active Sims can use that chair to practice their tattooing skills on unsuspecting townies
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#11 Old 15th Feb 2014 at 7:34 PM
Quote: Originally posted by babele44
Funny that Writin_Reg at CS3 mentions Rflong as a reference because I am playing a world by Rflong where she did exactly that - a lot designated as Hangout and which contains the bookstore, spa and groceries rabbitholes plus a food register for the actual hangout. All of this works. The world Rinn Fada by conorsims does the same, like a lot designated as Salon and having the Bistro rabbithole buried in the basement and this world hasn't exploded yet either. Both are creators for whom, I think, Writin_Reg has been a tester.

Bookstore, Spa and Groceries are all "regular" rabbitholes and the food register is not tied to any specific lot type. They are a sort of "general purpose" register not prone to some of the problems of, say, the Consignment register. They advertise their own "attraction" on a lot that sims are pushed to go to for some other reason.

Since you note that Writin_Reg has been a tester, that lends credence to her contention that for some people trying to combine the Ambitions non-rabbithole lots - I'm talking about the Consignment store and the Salon and the Firehouse, I forget off the top of my head what else might be in that category - the laundromat of course - that it CAN cause problems for some people. If you'll read her posting she never makes the claim that it will happen to everybody, but for those who are affected, if it happens once, it's likely to happen again. So - uploaded lots with combined RH and non-RH community businesses notwithstanding - it's a risk. If you choose to take that risk, that's fine - as long as you are aware of it.

However, some people play very very long-term games, with sim Families several generations on to whom they are attached. Should a game like that experience such a bug that crashes it, they could lose years of gameplay permanently. With this kind of bug it is impossible to tell how far back the corruption actually occurred and even if you go in and delete the offending lot, the corruption may already be there, waiting to ripen and crash your game again.

Some people just won't want to take that risk.

My issue with combining some of these lot types is that you lose the map tags and you lose the game's auto-push for townies. If the laundry equipment will get used even on a non-laundromat-specific lot, if you combine it sensibly with something all Sims will go to eventually - like the grocery store - then it's just as good as having the separate laundromat. All I want is to simulate every day life and a laundromat next to a grocery store is well within reasonable, while still helping to save oh-so-precious (especially in Isla Paradiso) real estate.

If you put RHs together they each continue to advertise separately and appropriately (at least the Sunset Valley versions do); but when you start adding in the lots such as Consignment, Fire Station, etc, only one will advertise. Whether or not the tattoo chair crashes a game when you put it on the same lot with a Consignment register isn't exactly insignificant, but the fact that you lose the map tags and break the advertisement system for at least one of the businesses you combine in this manner is enough for me not to want to do it anyway.

As far as unmanned registers go - you should be able to assign sims to work them via Twallan's Master Controller. I have to do that anyway because the assignment function for the Consignment store NEVER works in my game. It will never assign anyone to work the register at all, in a straight-up install of the bog-standard EA-provided consignment store (even after replacing the bugged register).

If I don't answer a direct question on the technical forums, I didn't see it. Feel free to PM me.
Department of Post-Mortem Communications
#12 Old 15th Feb 2014 at 8:39 PM Last edited by babele44 : 15th Feb 2014 at 8:57 PM.
Well, W_R uses the word corruption quite profusely without actually defining what she means with corruption and her description of rflong being unable to combine Consignment and Salon functionality in one lot is, really, normal.
when you combine the Ambitions lots with ANY other lot
- this is totally impossible, you cannot combine lots, you can only add objects that could add different lot functions to another lot. A rabbithole is an object, not a lot and you can place rabibtholes on almost all lot types, whether certain rabbitholes on certain lot types cause "corruption" remains to be seen. In EA worlds I've seen rabbitholes on Small and Big Park, Library, Coffeehouse, Visitors Allowed, No Visitors Allowed lots and my example of rflong's lot is a Hangout, which is an Ambitions lot and those were the subject of that thread, weren't they?
The first example she mentions is adding the Criminal Hideout rabbithole to a lot tagged as Junkyard if I understand her correctly and this seems to have caused problems. I can't say anything with regard to that as it has never come to my mind to do such a thing, but what seems to have worked is simply to add the junkpile spawners to a neutral lot that also contains the rabbithole.
The second example is exactly what I described. On a lot tagged as a consignment store an added sylist station will remain unmanned and probably vice versa.
The third example
Finally it was determined all ambitions lots need to be on their own little lot not attached to rabbitholes or anything else to eliminate the various corruption they cause.
is a mystery to me because it only contains claims but no further details. Who "determined", what "various corruption" and the rather bold affirmation that rabbitholes and "anything else"(whatever this could mean) cause this? And why should the Ambitions lots be different from other lot types?
Hidden underneath this rather foggy statement is the only thing that is actually true: as soon as an object is involved that causes an NPC role to spawn you have to be careful. And this is actually something that rflong has neglected in several of her worlds that I have seen.

But as regards the pushes you mention. You mean NRaas StoryProgression pushes? Because EA SP does not push. It is MetaAutonomy that pushes inactives to certain lots and then it is their own autonomy which causes them to use the objects on a lot or not, depending on their mood and their traits.

But going back to your initial post which is just concerned with combining rabbitholes
Quote: Originally posted by Sojourner
I used to do this all the time in Sunset Valley - any of the base game rabbit holes could be plunked down onto the same lot. Only the "special" non-rabbit hole lots such as Fire Station, Laundromat, Consignment store could not be combined onto a single lot.

But in Island Paradise, when I put the Hospital, the Grocery/Bistro, and the Bookstore/Office building on the same lot, I get a message telling me that there is a "special building" on the lot that Sims won't come to because its the wrong sort of lot ("Community/Visitors Allowed").

Since these are all buildings I've combined in the past, I'm not sure what the issue is. I thought maybe the "Bistro" was really a hangout, which IS one of the "special" lot types, but removing that building doesn't remove the warning. In fact no combination of any 2 of those buildings results in a warning-free plop.

I just tried to reproduce this and couldn't trigger the error message you got. I started a fresh game in Sunset Valley and placed the IP Hospital, Groceries/Diner and Bookstore/Business RHs on an empty 60x60 community lot tagged as Visitors Allowed. They placed fine and no errors. I think what you did is change the lot assignment after placing the rabbitholes. That does trigger this error message but I'm pretty sure that it can be ignored. I've done this so often and never suffered from any ills. And yes, my games last very long. I rather think that this is a default message that triggers when a lot with rabbitholes gets a lot assignment change. But if you want to be on the safe(r) side, make your lot assignment first and then add the rabbitholes. This won't trigger any error messages.
In addition, I then tagged it as Junkyard and added the Criminal Warehouse. No error messages and no crash.

Edit: I just read your posts again and begin to understand your concern. But I guess there's no real need for worry. Rabbitholes advertise themselves to inactive townies on their own, they pull visitors independent of the lot type, that's why this multi-rh square in Sunset Valley works. You can increase the attraction of such a lot, however, by giving it an additional lot assignment that draws its own audience. Laundromat would probably not be a very wise choice because this will mainly attract Neat Sims, while Big Park draws real crowds. And this I am pretty certain about will not be interfered with if you place a rabbithole in a park.
Mad Poster
#13 Old 16th Feb 2014 at 12:04 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Sojourner
Well right now I'm not using the RH rugs - I'm using the actual building objects.

How the donkey balls

Seriously, I've seen people do this before. A bunch of rabbit hole buildings on one lot, crammed together in the basement and a more world-theme fitting building plonked down on top. I don't understand how the hell people make the rabbit holes fit!
dodgy builder
#14 Old 16th Feb 2014 at 11:38 AM
Quote: Originally posted by BL00DIEDHELL
How the donkey balls

Seriously, I've seen people do this before. A bunch of rabbit hole buildings on one lot, crammed together in the basement and a more world-theme fitting building plonked down on top. I don't understand how the hell people make the rabbit holes fit!

Yes, it's very handy if you have little room. Put them down with moveobjects on probably, all on top of each other, just make sure all the doors are accessible. I have to try that once
#15 Old 16th Feb 2014 at 7:21 PM
Um... if you want to have combined rabbit holes... wouldn't it be easier to just use the IP ones? I mean, they do have several shoved together - City Hall now being the City Hall, Military Base and... something else in one spot.

Field Researcher
Original Poster
#16 Old 18th Feb 2014 at 3:19 PM Last edited by Sojourner : 18th Feb 2014 at 3:39 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by Volvenom
Yes, it's very handy if you have little room. Put them down with moveobjects on probably, all on top of each other, just make sure all the doors are accessible. I have to try that once

Not on top of each other - you'll end up with horrible routing issues, LOL! I'm not sure it would work at all that way. I usually place them with the entrances facing in towards the center but not overlapping. You can let sides and backs hang out into the void as long as the entrances and exits are all inside the basement. However after running a game with several lots like this for an extensive period of time I discovered that rarely it would glitch and sims would need to be reset. I don't remember the details anymore - something about getting stuck I think ... it didn't corrupt anything or destroy any sims (I have Overwatch to automatically take care of issues like that) but I prefer to stick with the RH rugs as much as possible instead. They're just easier to deal with anyway.

Quote: Originally posted by CatMuto
Um... if you want to have combined rabbit holes... wouldn't it be easier to just use the IP ones? I mean, they do have several shoved together - City Hall now being the City Hall, Military Base and... something else in one spot.


No, because they still take up too much room. For an island nation the size of Isla Paradiso, that building is just excessive, IMO. In fact the idea of it even having a military is sort of ludicrous. So the plan is to replace the single lot eating Civic Center with a Civic Center (which I may just go to the City Hall RH Rug and a Police RH rug instead), business building, and the hospital. I'll be replacing the stadium/school with a stadium/university and will place the school(s) for elementary and high school probably on the lot where the hospital used to be. The bookstore/spa and a beauty salon (no tattoo chair) will go in the parking lot next to the library. The parking will be redistributed around the edges of the lot (not blocking building access or access to the new features in the old parking lot - like parallel street parking).

This frees up several lots, including at least one downtown lot for a residence. Also, there are 2 art museums on the island - I will probably get rid of one of them. One is plenty. I have never heard of combining an art museum with anything else - my guess is that it has to be on a designated art museum community lot or you won't get the perks and lifetime reward points for wishes associated with going to the art museum. You could probably combine it with a RH theater but that really doesn't make a lot of RW sense - unless it's an art theater? LOL! I may try it though to see if LTR points for wishes are granted for the respective activity when they are on the same lot. I surmise that the game may recognize a theater on a lot designated for art museums, but will not recognize an art museum on a lot designated as anything else.

I do use Twallan's SP, but as I recall, EA SP does push townies to lots on which the active Sim is, otherwise it would be a ghost town. I think Twallan's SP adds pushing them to other lots whether the active Sim is there at the moment or not, so you don't end up with something that looks like a swarm of bees following the active Sim around. I could be wrong about that - I haven't played without Twallan's mods almost since I first started playing. ANYway ...

The problem with IP is that the routing is so bad that even if you can find a spot to plop a new lot, you're probably going to break routing. This means creating low-income housing for Sim families to progress (YAs moving away from home, etc) is difficult. I like to put at least a half dozen low-income cheap lots to encourage adults living at home to move out on their own. Can't do that in IP very easily, hence I have an even greater push than usual to combine community lots in some sensible manner. Isla Paradiso is really really small. And even after loading up EllaCharmed's "fixed" IP world, routing is awful on houseboats. I consider houseboats a dead loss. Sadly it seems I can't hammer marinas (which they are calling "ports" for some unfathomable reason) without a mod. For now I'm just ignoring them.

In further testing it turns out that if I use the RH rugs - which I have since downloaded (I had a freezing problem I had to solve before adding any CC) I do NOT get the warning message I get when using the buildings. For whatever reason. Which, btw, I have only tested in Isla Paradison - given the objects are just recolors of the basic game rabbitholes, I surmise the issue is something directly related to IP which I would not necessarily expect to see in, say, Sunset Valley.

My preference is to use the rugs anyway. Odd things (rarely) happen when you let RH objects hang out into the void in somebody's basement, even when you make sure to put in Buydebug lighting and that all the doors are accessible. Besides, it's just sort of weird - though it does work most of the time.

I haven't tested excessively yet - still in the process of plopping rugs and modifying lots - but it appears that placing a tattoo chair will pull a tattoo artist to man the chair, but I was not getting anybody in the criminal RH I had hidden in the basement under the Tattoo shop. Everything else seems to work, except maybe the spa, which apparently requires a mod to pull townies - but it still should have been pulling employees. Further testing is needed to see what's up with those.

Laundromats, btw, seem to work fine when placed on a lot with a RH. Townies come to the lot to do their business and are able to use the laundry machines as if they were on a dedicated laundromat lot.

I can't speak to any possible game corruption - but I'm pretty lackadaisical about starting games over. I don't share lots so I don't worry about corrupting anybody else's save games. As long as the advertisements work and Sims visit the lots I'm happy.

Re Sims not being pushed to lots - I was really thinking of jobs. The Fire Station, consignment store, salon, probably some others - are all non-RH lots that Sims get assigned to go to work at, as well as all the "normal" RH jobs at City Hall etc. If anything breaks that job-pushtojob link that's a problem. The only thing I've seen that doesn't seem to work so far is the criminal hideout, and MAYBE the spa, and I'll need to playtest some more before I can say whether that's an actual issue yet.

If I don't answer a direct question on the technical forums, I didn't see it. Feel free to PM me.
#17 Old 14th Mar 2020 at 6:34 AM Last edited by goderguy : 14th Mar 2020 at 7:17 AM.
I thought I’d be creative and save lot space for other things, so I placed rabbit hole rugs for the grocery, day spa and bookstore on a lot designated as art gallery. I made it into a small strip mall, with a playable art gallery on one end. After adding some furniture and things at the front of each rabbit hole “store” so it looks like the type of business it’s supposed to be, I sent my first Sim there.

First time, so many other Sims showed up the game crashed after my active Sim toured the grocery, but before I could send him to the bookstore. The second time, I sent him home as soon as he was done touring the bookstore, and he was halfway home when the game crashed. I didn’t go into detailed view the second time.

I’m wondering if I have too many objects on one lot, or too many rabbit holes? I’ve read elsewhere that rabbit holes will attract a lot of NPC Sims, and if your active Sim stays too long you will get a code 12 error or something. But the second time, they left immediately after touring the bookstore.

As much as I love what I achieved looks wise, I’m not married to the idea of 3 rabbit holes plus an active community lot in one large lot, but just wondered what could cause the crashing. Before building this mall, I’ve never combined rabbit holes in any number before, and my game rarely if ever crashes during game play.

TIA for any advice!

Undead Molten Llama
#18 Old 14th Mar 2020 at 8:00 AM
I don't see why there should be a problem with multiple rabbit holes on one lot. I play tiny/small worlds, mostly -- a bunch of them in one save, "linked" by NRAAS Traveler. Since there's not a lot of space on any of the worlds in my save, I tend to use multiple rabbithole rugs on one lot and/or bury actual rabbithole buildings in the "basements" of community lots. In one such case, the "town square" -- which is a park and a small building that sort of looks like a town hall but that functions as a library -- has a bunch rabbithole buildings crammed in its basement. *laugh* There's the combo city hall/military/police, the film studio, the vault of antiquity, a combo science lab/hospital, and the criminal HQ and possibly one or two more that I'm forgetting. The lot is classed as a library...I think. Across the way, there's a big lot with a consignment shop (both elixir and the regular one in one shop, with alchemy stuff and the fortune teller wagon in the basement), plus the grocery, bookstore/spa, theater, and the business/restaurant rabbithole buildings. That lot's classed as a consignment shop, I think. It's also got outdoor seating, dumpsters for diving in, vending machines, and even a little space with some playground equipment to keep kidlets occupied while their parents shop. I've also got one with a stadium, the little boxcar diner, and a playable gym/spa on it. To date, I've not had issues with going to and playing those lots, and they've got more stuff crammed in them than what you're describing.

That being said, I DO play small-in-size worlds with small populations -- or rather, large populations but just spread out over multiple linked worlds -- but only one is loaded at a time. This way I don't get Error 12 and my game never crashes. If the world you're playing is large with a large population, it might just be that a busy lot is tipping you over the edge. If it's not that and if you've added anything new lately, perhaps something is conflicting or you need a properly updated version?

I'm mostly found on (and mostly upload to) Tumblr these days because, alas, there are only 24 hours in a day.
Muh Simblr! | An index of my downloads on Tumblr.
#20 Old 14th Mar 2020 at 12:34 PM
2 of the 3 rabbit holes are markets - grocery and bookstore - so they could be attracting too many people all at once. Right now, this is a test world of Lucky Palms, as I screwed up the world aesthetically by deleting existing lots and trying to replace them with different sized ones.

When I was actually playing this world, I already did a total annihilation of the population except for 16 households. I also limit my population to 100. My game is fully patched, and the rabbit hole rugs I’m using are patched/fixed for Pets; I couldn’t find anything newer when I was downloading rugs. So I am not sure what’s causing it to crash. Perhaps I will try another Sim to visit, as I already suspected the Sim I used to test it is from a possibly borked household.

Thank you for the information. I’d hate to lose the many hours of work I put into creating the lot, but again for the sake of being able to play without crashing, I’m not married to it either. Off to do more testing or new building... Thanks again!

Undead Molten Llama
#21 Old 14th Mar 2020 at 12:52 PM
While you're testing...Maybe dump a copy of the lot in a different world or two, just to see if the crashing still happens? Could be that it's something about the Sim population or about an individual Sim or three in the current world or just something about the current world in general that's causing the crashing. If the crashing doesn't happen with a copy of the lot placed in different worlds, that would seem to me to indicate that the problem isn't the lot itself but the world it's sitting in.

I'm mostly found on (and mostly upload to) Tumblr these days because, alas, there are only 24 hours in a day.
Muh Simblr! | An index of my downloads on Tumblr.
#22 Old 14th Mar 2020 at 2:35 PM
Update: I tested a different Sim from a different household and they went, socialized and got home before the game crashed. I tested the lot with a Sim in Riverside, no issues. I am now testing it in a new test version of Lucky Palms, and also no issues. It must be my Sims and/or world itself in the original Lucky Palms that is the issue. Thanks again for the advice!

#24 Old 14th Mar 2020 at 3:11 PM
I think my problem is solved; the world or Sims were corrupted. But when you say market, do you mean grocery? And I don’t want to attract Sims just for the sake of attracting them; I want there to be 3 rabbit holes there, or I’ll just scrap and start over with less rabbit holes on a whole new lot. But again, it seems to be working fine in other worlds.

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