#1 12th Apr 2014 at 4:49 PM
Last edited by Diversion : 13th Apr 2014 at 12:16 PM.
Posts: 19
Descendant Of The Ancient Challenge Part 1
Requirements: The Sims 3: Supernatural
Chapter 1: A New Descendant Is Born
In the misty forest of Moonlight Falls, people are gathering I front of the palace to celebrate the new King and Queen. Everybody danced drank and had lots of fun. Right after the coronation, an assassination took place. It killed thousands of people there. The King and Queen ran in the castle and locked the door. The musketeers started battling the assassins. From the window, the King and Queen are watching the battle. The musketeers were clearly losing. So the King and Queen took a big risk. This weapon... is a weapon that all the people in Moonlight Falls made an oath not to use it. But this was the last resort. So the King and Queen used a plasma cannon from a military base in Oasis Landing. The King and Queen shot it at the assassins causing big dents on the lot. The force was so strong that it destroyed the castle too. Unluckily, the Queen got hit by the force, she became queasy, nauseous then she fainted. The King summoned all the builders to rebuild the castle.
The King was shocked. He froze there for a moment, then he snapped our of it.
"Summon all the doctors from all corners of the land instantly, immediately, NOW!" shouted the King half terrified half fierce.
The doctors rushed here at once. They all discussed as they examined her and checked her. At the end of the day, the doctors found nothing. The King was worried sick. He did not eat, sleep, bathe, drink, or do anything the whole day. The next day, another doctor came in, he checked her, consulted her very carefully. Soon, he found something.
"Your Highness, Your Queen is not sick, she is still alive," said the doctor.
"Are you sure, doctor?"
"I am,"
"Oh how could I repay you?"
"Maybe if you allow me to stay in your land,"
"JOHN!!! Send this guy to an empty house with at least 4br and 4ba," shouted the King.
"Right aw-w-way your highness," replied John.
So John gave the doctor a Victoria's Victorian Home 431 Huckleberry Street.
After a few days, autumn bid farewell and winter had arrived. At that exact day, the Queen woke up from her slumber. When the maid went to clean the Queen's room she screamed and fainted. The King and Queen rushed over. When the King looked into the Queen's room, he saw there were cobwebs everywhere and bones laying on the floor. There were bloodstains on the wall too. The King summoned all the cleaners in the castle to clean her room. At night, when the Queen was asleep, the King snuck out to find another woman to marry. Everything ran smoothly for the next few days.
One night, when the Queen was asleep, she heard many voices.
"Malady, you are a descendant of the ancients, you are the only one that survived this long without getting killed by those mobs. All descendants of the ancients give out a scent that only mobs can recognize. This scent is the scent of the Anciontas. The first Ancient. This scent will lure all the mobs to you. In order to fight better mobs, you need to select a class. Warrior, Sorcerer, Gunner. (You will select a class) After you select a class, you'll need proper training. And, did you know tha- sorry time has come, you need to wake up,"
So the Queen woke up, finding her room somewhat clean for some reason. So the Queen decided to go with the Sorcerer class.
"I will go with the Sorcerer class," chanted the Queen.
She floated in midair for a while then she came back down, realizing she has a purple necklace on her neck. At the same time, she realized she was pregnant!
The Queen told the King the good news.
"Hun, I'm pregnant!" exclaimed the Queen excitedly.
"I'm so excited," said the King.
The Queen took good care of the baby in her stomach. She gave the baby everything it needs. The King still went out at night finding the right woman. So when everyone was asleep the King snuck out again. He went to the place where he usually goes. He started flirting with the same girl that she flirted last few nights and asked her to WooHoo with him! She accepted it... And I don't want to talk about it. So the King went home Stride of Pride style.
While the King was at the usual place that he used to go, the Queen practiced her Sorcery skill. She can now do the Flaming Wall spell and the Poison Splash spell. She practiced all night until 3, then she went to bed. Leaving fire stains on the carpet. The King came back and went to bed.
So everyday was the same until today...
That night, the Queen heard the same voices again.
"Malady, you have done well, now I will let you choose either one of the promotions.
Elemental Lord - Has the power to use all elements
Force User - Has the power to control space and time.
So which will you choose? If you had made up your mind, go outside into the hallways and chant this
"I choose <promotion> because..."
So the Queen got up and chanted
"I choose Elemental Lord because it is more flexible and has more choices of elements,"
"Very well," said the voice. "You are officially an Elemental Lord,"
Just as the Queen wants to go back to her room, he heard the door close... Thud!
She waited at her room door until the person walks up.
The King was walking as quietly as possible. Hoping that the Queen won't here him. But that would never happen today...
The Queen caught a glance of the person' s face.
"Hun!?" said the Queen. "What are you doing at this hour!?"
"Erm... Going out..."
"Can I follow you?"
"No! I mean no, you can't,"
"Why not?"
"Just go to bed, I will tell you tomorrow morning,"
So the King left. But the Queen can see where's he going, so he followed him. The Queen followed him to the Van Goulds Supernatural Bar. She stayed outside. But she can still see what's going on. She saw the King talking to another woman, then she saw them kissing, then she saw them going into the bathroom to WooHoo. She sobbed and ran back home.
"I...I... am pregnant for 9 months already... and tomorrow is officially the 10th month how dare he does this... this to me..." sobbed the Queen.
The Queen did not say anything to the King since then.
One fine day, the Queen was going to give birth! She went to the hospital herself and she gave birth to a baby boy/girl depends. But in here she gave birth to a girl. When she came back, she walked into her room and saw the King and the lady WooHooing in her bed. She cast a spell on the bed to make them fall out. The King saw her and tried to explain to her but she did not listen. She cast a spell on the King to be unWooHooable. Then she kicked them out.
The Queen put the baby in the crib. Then she cast a spell on herself, committing suicide. The Baby is the Last Descendant of the Ancients. She needs to raise her skills quickly so that she can help her mother complete the destiny.
Create a King and a Queen. Give them medieval clothes. For the Queen's traits choose Ambitious, Neat, Natural Cook, Slob, Commitment Issues. For the King's traits choose Hopeless Romantic, Flirty, Insane, Inappropriate, Ambitious( if possible)
Chapter 2: Realization
Build a mansion/castle house. Start with 10,000 simoleons. The King and Queen cannot get a job. They will earn 1,000 simoleons in taxes every month. Make sure that the Queen sleeps in a different room. Make the King and Queen married, then try for baby. Make sure it's only one child. If you have twins or triplets, I'm sorry but you have to delete them. Right after the Queen realized that she's pregnant, you need to choose her a class.
Gunner - Easy
Warrior - Medium
Sorcerer - Hard
For gunner, you need to download this mod.
For warrior you need to download this mod
For sorcerer, you need to buy the Bottled Witch's Brew and drink it.
Gunner Levels:
Kill 1 sim
Kill 5 sims
Kill 10 sims
Kill 25 sims
Kill 50 sims
Kill 80 sims
Kill 120 sims
Kill 180 sims
Kill 260 sims
Kill 350 sims
Warrior Levels:
Kill 1 sim
Kill 5 sims
Kill 10 sims
Kill 25 sims
Kill 50 sims
Kill 80 sims
Kill 120 sims
Kill 180 sims
Kill 260 sims
Kill 350 sims
Sorcerer Levels:
There are already sorcerer levels.
After the Queen is pregnant, the King will go out at night to find a girl to flirt with. On the 5th night WooHoo with her.
After the Queen gave birth to the baby randomize the traits. After the baby is born, the King will invite the lady to their house. Then WooHoo in the Queen's bed.
Let the Queen walk in and divorce then kick them out.
Kill the Queen.
No cheats
You must start with 10,000 simoleons
You can only have one descendant for now
The King can be only kicked out after the Queen gave birth
The King and Queen cannot get a job
Add 1,000 only as taxes from the people
You can only age up the toddlers once they know how to walk, talk and potty train
You must hire a maid
Your goal is to make the baby go through young age until he's a child. The child may go to school. The second part will explain what to do next.
I have merged chapters 1 and 2, as chapter 1 by itself was not a challenge. I understand that it is a lot of text, which is probably why you split it like you did, but I have merged it, placing the back story under a spoiler, so as not to be too long of a post
I have merged chapters 1 and 2, as chapter 1 by itself was not a challenge. I understand that it is a lot of text, which is probably why you split it like you did, but I have merged it, placing the back story under a spoiler, so as not to be too long of a post