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#1 Old 12th Apr 2014 at 4:49 PM Last edited by Diversion : 13th Apr 2014 at 12:16 PM.
Descendant Of The Ancient Challenge Part 1
Requirements: The Sims 3: Supernatural

Chapter 1: A New Descendant Is Born

Create a King and a Queen. Give them medieval clothes. For the Queen's traits choose Ambitious, Neat, Natural Cook, Slob, Commitment Issues. For the King's traits choose Hopeless Romantic, Flirty, Insane, Inappropriate, Ambitious( if possible)

Chapter 2: Realization

Build a mansion/castle house. Start with 10,000 simoleons. The King and Queen cannot get a job. They will earn 1,000 simoleons in taxes every month. Make sure that the Queen sleeps in a different room. Make the King and Queen married, then try for baby. Make sure it's only one child. If you have twins or triplets, I'm sorry but you have to delete them. Right after the Queen realized that she's pregnant, you need to choose her a class.
Gunner - Easy
Warrior - Medium
Sorcerer - Hard
For gunner, you need to download this mod.
For warrior you need to download this mod
For sorcerer, you need to buy the Bottled Witch's Brew and drink it.

Gunner Levels:
  1. Kill 1 sim
  2. Kill 5 sims
  3. Kill 10 sims
  4. Kill 25 sims
  5. Kill 50 sims
  6. Kill 80 sims
  7. Kill 120 sims
  8. Kill 180 sims
  9. Kill 260 sims
  10. Kill 350 sims

Warrior Levels:
  1. Kill 1 sim
  2. Kill 5 sims
  3. Kill 10 sims
  4. Kill 25 sims
  5. Kill 50 sims
  6. Kill 80 sims
  7. Kill 120 sims
  8. Kill 180 sims
  9. Kill 260 sims
  10. Kill 350 sims

Sorcerer Levels:
There are already sorcerer levels.

After the Queen is pregnant, the King will go out at night to find a girl to flirt with. On the 5th night WooHoo with her.
After the Queen gave birth to the baby randomize the traits. After the baby is born, the King will invite the lady to their house. Then WooHoo in the Queen's bed.
Let the Queen walk in and divorce then kick them out.
Kill the Queen.

  • No cheats
  • You must start with 10,000 simoleons
  • You can only have one descendant for now
  • The King can be only kicked out after the Queen gave birth
  • The King and Queen cannot get a job
  • Add 1,000 only as taxes from the people
  • You can only age up the toddlers once they know how to walk, talk and potty train
  • You must hire a maid

Your goal is to make the baby go through young age until he's a child. The child may go to school. The second part will explain what to do next.
Toaster Strudel Addict
retired moderator
#2 Old 12th Apr 2014 at 7:27 PM
I have merged chapters 1 and 2, as chapter 1 by itself was not a challenge. I understand that it is a lot of text, which is probably why you split it like you did, but I have merged it, placing the back story under a spoiler, so as not to be too long of a post
Test Subject
Original Poster
#3 Old 13th Apr 2014 at 12:42 AM
Quote: Originally posted by justJones
I have merged chapters 1 and 2, as chapter 1 by itself was not a challenge. I understand that it is a lot of text, which is probably why you split it like you did, but I have merged it, placing the back story under a spoiler, so as not to be too long of a post

Thanks a lot
Test Subject
#4 Old 28th Jul 2014 at 6:24 PM
This seems fun, I'll attempt it
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