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#1 Old 7th May 2014 at 12:25 AM
Default Who's your favourite character?
Hi, so I just created this group after searching for one like it and coming up with no results.
Hopefully there are some other fans out there. There's so much about the show that could be brought up so I decided to just start with the most common questions.

Whose your favourite character?
Who's your least favourite character?

My favourite has to be Darly Dixon, yes I'm on the band wagon.
He's my favourite because he comes across so hardcore and badass but he's actually really sensitive and sweet.
My close next favourite though is Maggie, because she is so strong willed.

My least favourite that has been in the show so far has to be: Lizzie, absolutely hated that girl.
Why? Well, mostly because she was cruel to animals. :p
#2 Old 27th Jun 2014 at 8:01 PM
My favourite is Daryl and Michonne.
The worst is Andrea (hated her).
Test Subject
#3 Old 16th Dec 2014 at 12:32 PM
My favourite is carl cause he never stays in the house get it get it? XD
And least favourite is the governor cause he's an evil son of a bitch but I felt sorry for his daughter
Test Subject
#4 Old 5th Apr 2015 at 10:30 PM
I just joined I'm in love with Daryl and t-dog r.I.p my least fav was Shane and andrea
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