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Field Researcher
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#1 Old 18th Aug 2014 at 9:57 PM Last edited by MistyDW : 26th Aug 2014 at 5:29 AM.
Default Welfare Challenge

So about a month ago I tried posting this and it got rejected for being a duplicate post yet I couldn't find the original post anywhere either SO lets try this again!


I do realize this is not an original idea; however, it’s my take on it. I certainly give credit where it’s due if, by accident, I have anyone else’s ideas in here. I would hate someone to do that to me so if this seems too much like someone else’s challenge, let me know!

BACKSTORY: Emma frowned at her Pre-Calculus book. Who is ever going to use this crap anyway? Her disposition didn’t change when her eyes drifted to her swelling tummy. What was she going to do? Could life possibly get any worse than this?

Her mother died almost a year ago leaving her dad to raise Emma, her brother Jackson (now 8), and her little sister Sophie (only 2). Instead of being there for her dad, she rebelled like an idiot and started dating Jake Adams, the town dead beat. When Emma announced that she was pregnant, her dad just threw his arms into the air and said to hell with it all. He packed his things that night and never came back. Through the help of welfare, she managed to get herself emancipated and become the temporary guardians of her siblings. The judge gave her a month to prove she could hold their family together AND finish her schooling, a tall order for a 16 year old with her own baby on the way. Emma rested her head in her hands and sighed, “What am I doing to myself?”

MODS: The only mod that is required is NRaas Woohooer (for the teen woohoo/try for baby options).

1. Seasons should be set to normal (7 days).
2. Pets are fine and are actually a part of the challenge (see the family life section)
3. Age should be set to: Infant (2 days); Toddler (7 days); Child (14 days); Teen (30 days), YA+ (your choice). You may increase age times if you like but do not decrease them.
4. Traveling is not available unless there is a teen/adult staying home with the children.’
5. Make sure that your teen has 30 days before aging to young adult when you start the game. You may have to pause aging for a few days if they are not on the first day of being a teen.


Step One: Create a household containing the following sims (to up the challenge, use random.org to roll between 2-5 and whatever number you get is how many siblings your teen has to raise).
Teen (Male or Female)

Your main teen can be a good (trying to hold her family together and following all the rules from welfare) or a complete jerk (only makes the family look good but spends the money on him/herself and doesn’t really give a care about the kids happiness). Essentially you are either a caring, nurturing individual that wants to hold your family together or you’re trash, popping out babies for the welfare money!

Traits (Good): Family Oriented, Nurturing, Neat
Traits (Evil): Party Animal, Slob, Couch Potato, Rebellious
She may not have any traits that would have prepared her for this challenge (i.e. green thumb, natural cook, handy, etc.) as the intent is that she is going to make mistakes, set a few fires, etc.
Female Teen: Before the challenge begins, get her pregnant. I had an adult in the family at the onset (not related) and had them get together to get her pregnant and teach her how to drive, then I gave him the boot).
Male Teen: He needs to be an expectant father. Once the mom gives birth, have her come to the house with the baby, add the baby to your family (using testingcheatsenabled) and have her leave (essentially dumping the baby off on your doorstep). Alternatively, you could start with a female adult in the family, have her and the teen get together, and after she has the baby, she runs off.

Child (Male or Female)
Traits: Must be opposite of your teen (if your teen is good, this child should be a hellion with traits like rebellious, mean spirited, evil, etc.)
Toddler (Male or Female)
Traits: Totally up to you.

Step Two: When your father left, the bank foreclosed on your family home. Welfare has allowed you to participate in one of their programs which grants you a small house (worth $20,000). The house should be cramped with children having to share rooms, bunk beds, etc. You can build on to it as money permits although money is tight in this challenge. I’d suggest giving the home the look of being pre-fabricated or something you’d find in a development.

Step Three: Set family funds to (cheat is “family funds name amount” without the quotes). Allot yourself 430 simoleons per child (not counting the teen). So if you have two children and your family name is Jones, enter the following cheat: familyfunds Jones 860

Before the family court judge will name your teen as the permanent guardian of her siblings, they must be confident he or she is up to the task of raising children, caring for themselves, not to mention their own child (and future children).

Benefits – The teen will receive $250 per week per child (not including themselves). Children on the way do not get money (so no money for being pregnant) and once a child ages to young adult, they no longer receive a government check. In addition, everyone in the household is entitled to health benefits (at the hospital). That includes allergy/flu shots, pregnancy care, checkups, whatever is available (these are optional but available). Just use the family funds cheat to add the amount spent back into your funds (or beforehand if you’re broke).
Learn to Drive! – Welfare is requiring your teen sim to learn to drive in order to cart the kids around. To do that, have a random adult in your family at challenge start. Have them teach the teen how to drive and then kick the adult out.

Education Requirements – Everyone must attend school (including the teen). If at any time during the 30-day period, anyone’s grades drop below a “C”, the challenge is lost. If you have the home school mod from NRaas, you can use it for your teen only (to keep her at home so she doesn’t have to pay a sitter while she’s at school). Other children must go to public school. You cannot send children to boarding school.
After-School Activities – Each school-age child must be enrolled in an after-school activity (i.e. ballet, scouts, etc.).

Food – You will spend most of your money allotment paying for babysitters, items the kids need, etc. so welfare is giving you food stamps. Your teen must go to the store at least once a week and purchase food for meals. If you click on the fridge and a meal has a cost next to it, you don’t have the ingredients to make that item and cannot make it until you go shopping. You cannot use “quick meals” in this challenge. You earn $30 per week per child at the grocery store (not including the teen). This isn’t a lot and it’s recommended that you supplement by gardening. You must pack a snack in each child’s backpack every school day (this could be a candy bar, apple, whatnot). Obviously if you’re choosing to play “good” you’d choose a nutritional snack. Otherwise, you’d give them junk or even try to pass off spoiled food!

Making Money – If your teen gets a part-time job, welfare will cut your benefits in half ($125 per child per week). Granted you will be making more than that from the part-time job, but you’ll also be paying a babysitter more often. Additionally, you CANNOT make money from painting, writing, sculpting, writing, inventing, or any other big money making skill. Other than your welfare money, these are the ONLY other money-making options:
1. Selling extra food from your garden, harvesting/selling honey
2. Selling inexpensive collectables (i.e. flowers, seeds, etc. that have a value of less than 100 simoleons each)
3. Selling items you find while dumpster diving (you may only perform a dumpster dive once per day and you may sell whatever you get regardless of cost or opt to keep it).
4. Going to the junkyard and collecting/selling scrap metal (no more than one hour per day)
You will be reported to welfare if you try dragging babies around with you while you’re dumpster diving/at the junk yard so you will have to pay a sitter.

Needs – Children’s needs must be met. If a social worker takes any of the children the challenge is lost. There is more to this than just filing their bars. Make sure you’re doing everything under the “Family Life” section below (if you’re playing the evil version, at least make it look like you care).

Career Training: Welfare wants to eventually get your teen sim on his/her feet when they become an adult. To prepare for this, your teen sim must choose four skills that they want to develop and take one class per week for each skill. For example, if my teen is thinking she might want to be a CEO someday but also likes music, art, and cooking, I might send her to a charisma class one week and a guitar class the next, a cooking class the next, etc. By the end of week four, you should have completed four skill classes.

Yours is a unique situation and a lot of people are watching VERY closely because no one believes a 16 year old can take care of themselves, let alone multiple children. That means you have to be even more convincing that you not only can do this, but provide a stable, loving, traditional home for the kids (or at least make it look good).
Should vs. Must: You’ll notice I use the word “should” throughout these requirements. If you are trying to play a good teen that does the right things and loves her siblings/children, replace should with must. If you’re going the other route, should means you can find creative ways to work around the requirement (i.e. maybe the kids get cold leftovers form last night instead of a hot breakfast before school, or maybe they just get a candy bar for breakfast and be grateful if you bother to get out of bed). A lazy teen might get involved with a baby-daddy, have him move in, and insist he take care of the kids while she goes to the stylist for a new look.

Meals – Your teen should prepare two meals per day (on weekdays) and three on weekends (or days off of school). They should be nutritious and the kids should eat before they leave for school in the morning. Other meals should be served at a decent hour (i.e. dinner between 4-6pm, etc.). You can order pizza for one meal per week (i.e. Friday night was my pizza night) and you should have one big family dinner (i.e. Sunday dinner) where you serve a nice meal and desert.

Hygiene – Kids must take one bath per day. Infants and toddlers diapers should be changed when needed. Kids should brush their teeth at least once per day (funny how that gets forgotten). Additionally, if you have it, make sure there is a washer and dryer in the home. Your teen should do laundry regularly.

Pets – A family pet is a nice addition and shows the social worker that you are trying to provide a family-oriented environment. If you neglect the pet then welfare will take the children as well and your challenge will end. Dogs should be walked at least one per day (cats need to be cleaned up after). Pets should have a bath at least once a week.

Toddlers – Toddlers should be taught to walk/talk and potty trained (you can use the store items like the playpen). In addition, before they age up you should read at least one of each color toddler book to them (green, yellow, and red) and they should max out (Level 3) at least one skill (i.e. xylophone, peg box, etc.)

Children/Teens – Children must attend school unless they are sick or there is a snow day. You should not send sick children to school to get rid of them. Children have to be allotted time in the evenings to do their homework and get some fun time in front of the TV, playing a game, etc. They must also max out at least one skill before they age up to adult to prepare them for their future. As stated above, they must have at least one after-school activity.

Chores – It is perfectly acceptable to assign each child chores. Once my toddlers became a child, they were all expected to make their own beds and clean up after themselves. Beyond that, one might be responsible for clearing dishes while the other might have to walk the dog. Your teen mom should be doing most of the chores though.

Family outings – There should be at least one family outing per week. Pick a place to go and, if at all possible, everyone in the family should attend. In the beginning this is impossible because you only have the one teen and once their child is in the house, you’ll have an infant and toddler. In that situation, one will have to stay home with the sitter (I wish there was a mod or double stroller for that).

Birthdays – Children’s birthdays should be celebrated fully (cake, a gift, balloons, the whole nine yards). Hopefully by this point the child has some friends from school that can come to the party.

Night Out – Your teen deserves a night out (or at least a couple hours). Pizza night is a convenient time for this. Just order the kids a pie, call the sitter, and go see a movie or something.

Do you know where your kids are? – You should be active with your kids’ friends’ parents. Get to know other moms, let your kids have sleepovers; your teen should take an active interest in who their kids’ friends are and what is going on at school (field trips, etc.) If your kids stay out past curfew, the police will bring them home. The first time is a warning, the 2nd time, social services will be informed and you will be fined $100 on your next welfare check. The third time ends the challenge.

Little Touches – Don’t forget to do the little things with the kids. Read younger children to sleep at least a couple times a week. Sit down with your toddler while they’re playing the xylophone and play with them. Let the kids make muffins in the little oven and sell them at a stand outside the house. The teen should ask the children how their day was when they get home from school; perhaps offer an after-school snack/treat. Things like that!

Holidays – Every holiday should be celebrated fully. For example, kids must trick or treat on spooky day, you must have a gift giving party on snowflake day (or whatever it’s called), and so forth. Make them BIG events in your home (or barely skate by with the essentials if you’re playing that way). Decorate for them, plan in advance.

Mother’s Day/Father’s Day – Choose a day in the 30-day period to be either mother’s day (spring) or father’s day (summer) depending on the sex of your teen. This is the day the kids appreciate the teen for what they’ve done for them. Have them use their little oven to bake them a yummy, clean the house, etc. This only applies if you are playing a “good” game where the children would actually appreciate the teen.

Discipline – The teen is the disciplinarian. If kids get a desire to set a trap, you should let them do it and then have the teen discipline them (i.e. send them to their room without supper, no playing video games for the next day, etc.)

Take Pictures – Social Services will want to see a family atmosphere in your home. Take family photos!

Once per week (or as often as you like but no more than once daily), roll 1-20 and follow the instructions provided:
1-2: One of your children broke a neighbor’s window and you have to pay for it! Remove $200 from your family’s funds.
3-4: Your teen went to a wild party on her night off and found out that she’s pregnant (or if your teen is male, he got someone pregnant)! (Immediately find someone for your teen to try for baby with. If you have the woohooer mod, you can set it up to woohoo with strangers). It must have been a wild party because your teen doesn’t even remember who she woohoo’d with (or for guys, the mother will dump the kid with him after she gives birth, you can use edit down to move the child into your home).
5-6: After hearing your story, the community got together and started a collection for you. They managed to raise $150! Add that to your family funds.
7-8: Your refrigerator quit working overnight and all the food inside went bad. You’ll have to replace it.
9-10: You took your eyes off of one of your younger children (toddler or child) for a second at the supermarket and they were gone! After an hour long search by the store, you manage to recover them but the store owner contacts welfare and they suspect you of neglect! The social worker is coming to your house in 3 hours! The house must be spotless and your kids’ moods must be in the green. If not, you lose your next welfare check.
11-12: One of your nosier neighbors is spreading rumors that you are not taking care of your children. Before Welfare gets notified, you need to take everyone out prove to the community that you are a happy family. Prepare to take your kids to the festival at some point and spend at least 2 hours there. Each child must have their mood in the green and participate in at least one festival activity. Toddlers cannot be left on the ground. They have to either be in their stroller or your teen’s arms at all times. If you have more than one toddler/infant, take one with you and the rest have to stay with a sitter.
13-14: Your welfare check is being cut! Now you only earn $50 less per child, per week!
15-16: Your teen met someone nice for a change and had a whirlwind relationship with them. She’s now pregnant with their child (or if you’re playing a guy, his girlfriend is pregnant). Unlike his/her previous child(ren), this is not a dead beat dad/mom! He/she gives you $100 per week for his/her child and will come over one night a week and help you out with the kids. (This will require you to choose a sim to be the other parent. Once the teen becomes a YA, she/he can marry the father/mother of their child if you like).
17-18: There is a sale at the grocery store today. Everything is half price! (meaning if you buy $100 of groceries, add $50 back to your family funds).
19-20: Welfare is increasing your check each week by 50 simoleons per child!

You can’t risk stealing. If you were to get caught, your teen would go to jail and all the kids would be sent to an orphanage! No kleptomaniacs and no raiding other people’s gardens for food, etc. You can get away with the one dumpster dive per day and nothing more.
Harder Challenge: If you are playing the darker version of this challenge, you could try being a klepto and raiding gardens, etc.; however, if you are seen the challenge is over.

You win the challenge if you make it through 30 days without having the social worker take any of your children (or pets). Each week the social worker will do an “assessment”. If you met all expectations, you are good to go. They are tolerant to if you’ve done everything but perhaps missed a family outing of some sort, you’ll be forgiven; however, if you did a poor job of taking care of the kids (or making it look like you did) then the social worker will determine you to be unfit and take your siblings and place the teen in a foster home.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#2 Old 19th Aug 2014 at 1:28 AM
Wow I can't believe I finally got this published.
This isn't one of my BEST challenges but it is one I wrote a long time ago and thought I'd share.

I do have a very new a very different challenge coming soon though! Tell me what you think of this one if you give it a try!!
Lab Assistant
#3 Old 19th Aug 2014 at 2:42 AM
i like it..... very very interesting
Field Researcher
#4 Old 19th Aug 2014 at 4:33 AM
I love this! Looks super fun! expect pics (once i get my game fixed
#5 Old 19th Aug 2014 at 10:43 AM
Quote: Originally posted by MistyDW
So about a month ago I tried posting this and it got rejected for being a duplicate post yet I couldn't find the original post anywhere either SO lets try this again!


I do realize this is not an original idea; however, it’s my take on it. I certainly give credit where it’s due if, by accident, I have anyone else’s ideas in here. I would hate someone to do that to me so if this seems too much like someone else’s challenge, let me know!

BACKSTORY: Emma frowned at her Pre-Calculus book. Who is ever going to use this crap anyway? Her disposition didn’t change when her eyes drifted to her swelling tummy. What was she going to do? Could life possibly get any worse than this?

Her mother died almost a year ago leaving her dad to raise Emma, her brother Jackson (now 8), and her little sister Sophie (only 2). Instead of being there for her dad, she rebelled like an idiot and started dating Jake Adams, the town dead beat. When Emma announced that she was pregnant, her dad just threw his arms into the air and said to hell with it all. He packed his things that night and never came back. Through the help of welfare, she managed to get herself emancipated and become the temporary guardians of her siblings. The judge gave her a month to prove she could hold their family together AND finish her schooling, a tall order for a 16 year old with her own baby on the way. Emma rested her head in her hands and sighed, “What am I doing to myself?”

MODS: The only mod that is required is NRaas Woohooer (for the teen woohoo/try for baby options).

1. Seasons should be set to normal (7 days).
2. Pets are fine and are actually a part of the challenge (see the family life section)
3. Age should be set to: Infant (2 days); Toddler (7 days); Child (14 days); Teen (30 days), YA+ (your choice). You may increase age times if you like but do not decrease them.
4. Traveling is not available unless there is a teen/adult staying home with the children.’
5. Make sure that your teen has 30 days before aging to young adult when you start the game. You may have to pause aging for a few days if they are not on the first day of being a teen.


Step One: Create a household containing the following sims (to up the challenge, use random.org to roll between 2-5 and whatever number you get is how many siblings your teen has to raise).
Teen (Male or Female)

Your main teen can be a good (trying to hold her family together and following all the rules from welfare) or a complete jerk (only makes the family look good but spends the money on him/herself and doesn’t really give a care about the kids happiness). Essentially you are either a caring, nurturing individual that wants to hold your family together or you’re trash, popping out babies for the welfare money!

Traits (Good): Family Oriented, Nurturing, Neat
Traits (Evil): Party Animal, Slob, Couch Potato, Rebellious
She may not have any traits that would have prepared her for this challenge (i.e. green thumb, natural cook, handy, etc.) as the intent is that she is going to make mistakes, set a few fires, etc.
Female Teen: Before the challenge begins, get her pregnant. I had an adult in the family at the onset (not related) and had them get together to get her pregnant and teach her how to drive, then I gave him the boot).
Male Teen: He needs to be an expectant father. Once the mom gives birth, have her come to the house with the baby, add the baby to your family (using testingcheatsenabled) and have her leave (essentially dumping the baby off on your doorstep). Alternatively, you could start with a female adult in the family, have her and the teen get together, and after she has the baby, she runs off.

Child (Male or Female)
Traits: Must be opposite of your teen (if your teen is good, this child should be a hellion with traits like rebellious, mean spirited, evil, etc.)
Toddler (Male or Female)
Traits: Totally up to you.

Step Two: When your father left, the bank foreclosed on your family home. Welfare has allowed you to participate in one of their programs which grants you a small house (worth $20,000). The house should be cramped with children having to share rooms, bunk beds, etc. You can build on to it as money permits although money is tight in this challenge. I’d suggest giving the home the look of being pre-fabricated or something you’d find in a development.

Step Three: Set family funds to (cheat is “family funds name amount” without the quotes). Allot yourself 430 simoleons per child (not counting the teen). So if you have two children and your family name is Jones, enter the following cheat: familyfunds Jones 860

Before the family court judge will name your teen as the permanent guardian of her siblings, they must be confident he or she is up to the task of raising children, caring for themselves, not to mention their own child (and future children).

Benefits – The teen will receive $250 per week per child (not including themselves). Children on the way do not get money (so no money for being pregnant) and once a child ages to young adult, they no longer receive a government check. In addition, everyone in the household is entitled to health benefits (at the hospital). That includes allergy/flu shots, pregnancy care, checkups, whatever is available (these are optional but available). Just use the family funds cheat to add the amount spent back into your funds (or beforehand if you’re broke).
Learn to Drive! – Welfare is requiring your teen sim to learn to drive in order to cart the kids around. To do that, have a random adult in your family at challenge start. Have them teach the teen how to drive and then kick the adult out.

Education Requirements – Everyone must attend school (including the teen). If at any time during the 30-day period, anyone’s grades drop below a “C”, the challenge is lost. If you have the home school mod from NRaas, you can use it for your teen only (to keep her at home so she doesn’t have to pay a sitter while she’s at school). Other children must go to public school. You cannot send children to boarding school.
After-School Activities – Each school-age child must be enrolled in an after-school activity (i.e. ballet, scouts, etc.).

Food – You will spend most of your money allotment paying for babysitters, items the kids need, etc. so welfare is giving you food stamps. Your teen must go to the store at least once a week and purchase food for meals. If you click on the fridge and a meal has a cost next to it, you don’t have the ingredients to make that item and cannot make it until you go shopping. You cannot use “quick meals” in this challenge. You earn $30 per week per child at the grocery store (not including the teen). This isn’t a lot and it’s recommended that you supplement by gardening. You must pack a snack in each child’s backpack every school day (this could be a candy bar, apple, whatnot). Obviously if you’re choosing to play “good” you’d choose a nutritional snack. Otherwise, you’d give them junk or even try to pass off spoiled food!

Making Money – If your teen gets a part-time job, welfare will cut your benefits in half ($125 per child per week). Granted you will be making more than that from the part-time job, but you’ll also be paying a babysitter more often. Additionally, you CANNOT make money from painting, writing, sculpting, writing, inventing, or any other big money making skill. Other than your welfare money, these are the ONLY other money-making options:
1. Selling extra food from your garden, harvesting/selling honey
2. Selling inexpensive collectables (i.e. flowers, seeds, etc. that have a value of less than 100 simoleons each)
3. Selling items you find while dumpster diving (you may only perform a dumpster dive once per day and you may sell whatever you get regardless of cost or opt to keep it).
4. Going to the junkyard and collecting/selling scrap metal (no more than one hour per day)
You will be reported to welfare if you try dragging babies around with you while you’re dumpster diving/at the junk yard so you will have to pay a sitter.

Needs – Children’s needs must be met. If a social worker takes any of the children the challenge is lost. There is more to this than just filing their bars. Make sure you’re doing everything under the “Family Life” section below (if you’re playing the evil version, at least make it look like you care).

Career Training: Welfare wants to eventually get your teen sim on his/her feet when they become an adult. To prepare for this, your teen sim must choose four skills that they want to develop and take one class per week for each skill. For example, if my teen is thinking she might want to be a CEO someday but also likes music, art, and cooking, I might send her to a charisma class one week and a guitar class the next, a cooking class the next, etc. By the end of week four, you should have completed four skill classes.

Yours is a unique situation and a lot of people are watching VERY closely because no one believes a 16 year old can take care of themselves, let alone multiple children. That means you have to be even more convincing that you not only can do this, but provide a stable, loving, traditional home for the kids (or at least make it look good).
Should vs. Must: You’ll notice I use the word “should” throughout these requirements. If you are trying to play a good teen that does the right things and loves her siblings/children, replace should with must. If you’re going the other route, should means you can find creative ways to work around the requirement (i.e. maybe the kids get cold leftovers form last night instead of a hot breakfast before school, or maybe they just get a candy bar for breakfast and be grateful if you bother to get out of bed). A lazy teen might get involved with a baby-daddy, have him move in, and insist he take care of the kids while she goes to the stylist for a new look.

Meals – Your teen should prepare two meals per day (on weekdays) and three on weekends (or days off of school). They should be nutritious and the kids should eat before they leave for school in the morning. Other meals should be served at a decent hour (i.e. dinner between 4-6pm, etc.). You can order pizza for one meal per week (i.e. Friday night was my pizza night) and you should have one big family dinner (i.e. Sunday dinner) where you serve a nice meal and desert.

Hygiene – Kids must take one bath per day. Infants and toddlers diapers should be changed when needed. Kids should brush their teeth at least once per day (funny how that gets forgotten). Additionally, if you have it, make sure there is a washer and dryer in the home. Your teen should do laundry regularly.

Pets – A family pet is a nice addition and shows the social worker that you are trying to provide a family-oriented environment. If you neglect the pet then welfare will take the children as well and your challenge will end. Dogs should be walked at least one per day (cats need to be cleaned up after). Pets should have a bath at least once a week.

Toddlers – Toddlers should be taught to walk/talk and potty trained (you can use the store items like the playpen). In addition, before they age up you should read at least one of each color toddler book to them (green, yellow, and red) and they should max out (Level 3) at least one skill (i.e. xylophone, peg box, etc.)

Children/Teens – Children must attend school unless they are sick or there is a snow day. You should not send sick children to school to get rid of them. Children have to be allotted time in the evenings to do their homework and get some fun time in front of the TV, playing a game, etc. They must also max out at least one skill before they age up to adult to prepare them for their future. As stated above, they must have at least one after-school activity.

Chores – It is perfectly acceptable to assign each child chores. Once my toddlers became a child, they were all expected to make their own beds and clean up after themselves. Beyond that, one might be responsible for clearing dishes while the other might have to walk the dog. Your teen mom should be doing most of the chores though.

Family outings – There should be at least one family outing per week. Pick a place to go and, if at all possible, everyone in the family should attend. In the beginning this is impossible because you only have the one teen and once their child is in the house, you’ll have an infant and toddler. In that situation, one will have to stay home with the sitter (I wish there was a mod or double stroller for that).

Birthdays – Children’s birthdays should be celebrated fully (cake, a gift, balloons, the whole nine yards). Hopefully by this point the child has some friends from school that can come to the party.

Night Out – Your teen deserves a night out (or at least a couple hours). Pizza night is a convenient time for this. Just order the kids a pie, call the sitter, and go see a movie or something.

Do you know where your kids are? – You should be active with your kids’ friends’ parents. Get to know other moms, let your kids have sleepovers; your teen should take an active interest in who their kids’ friends are and what is going on at school (field trips, etc.) If your kids stay out past curfew, the police will bring them home. The first time is a warning, the 2nd time, social services will be informed and you will be fined $100 on your next welfare check. The third time ends the challenge.

Little Touches – Don’t forget to do the little things with the kids. Read younger children to sleep at least a couple times a week. Sit down with your toddler while they’re playing the xylophone and play with them. Let the kids make muffins in the little oven and sell them at a stand outside the house. The teen should ask the children how their day was when they get home from school; perhaps offer an after-school snack/treat. Things like that!

Holidays – Every holiday should be celebrated fully. For example, kids must trick or treat on spooky day, you must have a gift giving party on snowflake day (or whatever it’s called), and so forth. Make them BIG events in your home (or barely skate by with the essentials if you’re playing that way). Decorate for them, plan in advance.

Mother’s Day/Father’s Day – Choose a day in the 30-day period to be either mother’s day (spring) or father’s day (summer) depending on the sex of your teen. This is the day the kids appreciate the teen for what they’ve done for them. Have them use their little oven to bake them a yummy, clean the house, etc. This only applies if you are playing a “good” game where the children would actually appreciate the teen.

Discipline – The teen is the disciplinarian. If kids get a desire to set a trap, you should let them do it and then have the teen discipline them (i.e. send them to their room without supper, no playing video games for the next day, etc.)

Take Pictures – Social Services will want to see a family atmosphere in your home. Take family photos!

Once per week (or as often as you like but no more than once daily), roll 1-20 and follow the instructions provided:
1-2: One of your children broke a neighbor’s window and you have to pay for it! Remove $200 from your family’s funds.
3-4: Your teen went to a wild party on her night off and found out that she’s pregnant (or if your teen is male, he got someone pregnant)! (Immediately find someone for your teen to try for baby with. If you have the woohooer mod, you can set it up to woohoo with strangers). It must have been a wild party because your teen doesn’t even remember who she woohoo’d with (or for guys, the mother will dump the kid with him after she gives birth, you can use edit down to move the child into your home).
5-6: After hearing your story, the community got together and started a collection for you. They managed to raise $150! Add that to your family funds.
7-8: Your refrigerator quit working overnight and all the food inside went bad. You’ll have to replace it.
9-10: You took your eyes off of one of your younger children (toddler or child) for a second at the supermarket and they were gone! After an hour long search by the store, you manage to recover them but the store owner contacts welfare and they suspect you of neglect! The social worker is coming to your house in 3 hours! The house must be spotless and your kids’ moods must be in the green. If not, you lose your next welfare check.
11-12: One of your nosier neighbors is spreading rumors that you are not taking care of your children. Before Welfare gets notified, you need to take everyone out prove to the community that you are a happy family. Prepare to take your kids to the festival at some point and spend at least 2 hours there. Each child must have their mood in the green and participate in at least one festival activity. Toddlers cannot be left on the ground. They have to either be in their stroller or your teen’s arms at all times. If you have more than one toddler/infant, take one with you and the rest have to stay with a sitter.
13-14: Your welfare check is being cut! Now you only earn $50 less per child, per week!
15-16: Your teen met someone nice for a change and had a whirlwind relationship with them. She’s now pregnant with their child (or if you’re playing a guy, his girlfriend is pregnant). Unlike his/her previous child(ren), this is not a dead beat dad/mom! He/she gives you $100 per week for his/her child and will come over one night a week and help you out with the kids. (This will require you to choose a sim to be the other parent. Once the teen becomes a YA, she/he can marry the father/mother of their child if you like).
17-18: There is a sale at the grocery store today. Everything is half price! (meaning if you buy $100 of groceries, add $50 back to your family funds).
19-20: Welfare is increasing your check each week by 50 simoleons per child!

You can’t risk stealing. If you were to get caught, your teen would go to jail and all the kids would be sent to an orphanage! No kleptomaniacs and no raiding other people’s gardens for food, etc. You can get away with the one dumpster dive per day and nothing more.
Harder Challenge: If you are playing the darker version of this challenge, you could try being a klepto and raiding gardens, etc.; however, if you are seen the challenge is over.

You win the challenge if you make it through 30 days without having the social worker take any of your children (or pets). Each week the social worker will do an “assessment”. If you met all expectations, you are good to go. They are tolerant to if you’ve done everything but perhaps missed a family outing of some sort, you’ll be forgiven; however, if you did a poor job of taking care of the kids (or making it look like you did) then the social worker will determine you to be unfit and take your siblings and place the teen in a foster home.
Misty, i love love love yor challenges!
And i love this too! im going to try it! :D
Test Subject
#6 Old 19th Aug 2014 at 10:58 AM
Quote: Originally posted by ShannonSimmerYummyCookies
Misty, i love love love yor challenges!
And i love this too! im going to try it! :D

IKR!! this is really cool, I just have to get the mod!!!!
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#7 Old 19th Aug 2014 at 12:07 PM
Thanks guys!
Right ow I'm working on the escape to nowhere challenge on my youtube channel and Ill be launching my High School Dreams on there as well within a week, but at some point I'll try to do this one as well
#8 Old 19th Aug 2014 at 4:38 PM
Everything you put onto the forum is always so well thought-out. You deserve an award or something similar. Will be trying it!
#9 Old 20th Aug 2014 at 5:58 PM
Great challenge-as usual!! I'll probably try this out after I'm finished one of my own challenges!
Lab Assistant
#10 Old 20th Aug 2014 at 8:20 PM
Misty you did it again. Another one that will make my head spin trying to keep up with all the rules but that I will have to try. Thanks for sharing!
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#11 Old 21st Aug 2014 at 12:45 AM
Thanks for all the kind words guys!!
My next challenge is about 60% done and I ca't wait to put it out there for you guys. I hope you'll find it as exciting as I do.
Test Subject
#12 Old 21st Aug 2014 at 12:50 PM
Quote: Originally posted by MistyDW
Thanks for all the kind words guys!!
My next challenge is about 60% done and I ca't wait to put it out there for you guys. I hope you'll find it as exciting as I do.

GIVE USSSSSS A HIIIINNNNTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Test Subject
#13 Old 21st Aug 2014 at 4:16 PM
OMG Love this! Gonna try this.... like now! Also, since for the good teen there is only 3 traits, can we choose the fourth?
Test Subject
#14 Old 21st Aug 2014 at 6:11 PM Last edited by greenlionawesomeness : 21st Aug 2014 at 6:12 PM. Reason: Quote
"3. Age should be set to: Infant (2 days); Toddler (7 days); Child (14 days); Teen (30 days), YA+ (your choice). You may increase age times if you like but do not decrease them."

But, um, teen only goes to 28, max
Test Subject
#15 Old 21st Aug 2014 at 7:03 PM
Default Look!
I've finsihed the sims, and the building. Here's some pics. :D
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#16 Old 21st Aug 2014 at 10:36 PM
Quote: Originally posted by greenlionawesomeness
"3. Age should be set to: Infant (2 days); Toddler (7 days); Child (14 days); Teen (30 days), YA+ (your choice). You may increase age times if you like but do not decrease them."

But, um, teen only goes to 28, max

You have to move the slider up to a longer life to get more days
It's located above the section with all the age sliders.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#17 Old 21st Aug 2014 at 10:38 PM
Quote: Originally posted by greenlionawesomeness
I've finsihed the sims, and the building. Here's some pics. :D

I love your pictures!!!
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#18 Old 21st Aug 2014 at 10:39 PM
Quote: Originally posted by greenlionawesomeness
OMG Love this! Gonna try this.... like now! Also, since for the good teen there is only 3 traits, can we choose the fourth?

Yes. The 3 are just all that's mandatory, add remaining as you like.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#19 Old 21st Aug 2014 at 10:44 PM
Quote: Originally posted by BubblesSims
GIVE USSSSSS A HIIIINNNNTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry I was too freaking lazy to copy and paste everyone's questions into one reply! So i'm about 70% done now.
The challenge is called "high school dreams"

Basically you are gong to be the principal of your own high school but there is a lot more to it than that. Imagine trying to balance classes, teens skipping curfew, and a lift on the teen woohoo/pregnancy limitations (meaning you and your staff will have to break up the make out sessions in the halls and pray that no one sneaks anyone up to their dorm roomon your watch).

It's not just about classes either, I have incorporated OTHER things that are high school related (which I won't reveal here). You can modify the challenge to make it less hectic or amp up the craziness. I will be premiering the challenge on my youtube channel and you will get to see the high school replica I found (lockers and all).

Sound interesting at all?
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#20 Old 22nd Aug 2014 at 4:56 AM
Wow there has been about 50 views since I posted above and no responses. Maybe my challenge idea isn't that great of an idea. Let me know what you think.
Test Subject
#21 Old 22nd Aug 2014 at 5:38 AM
The High School Dreams challenge sounds amazing I can't wait to see it!
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#22 Old 22nd Aug 2014 at 5:45 AM Last edited by MistyDW : 22nd Aug 2014 at 6:42 AM.
Quote: Originally posted by Artemis15
The High School Dreams challenge sounds amazing I can't wait to see it!

I just finished the initial draft and sent it to one of the good people who review my challenges for fatal flaws! Hopefully it will be out by tomorrow!
Field Researcher
#23 Old 22nd Aug 2014 at 6:34 AM
Misty, you are perfection. Honestly. I don't know how you keep coming up with such great ideas. I keep dropping you challenges just to pick up on your new ones & I'm sure this one will be no exception.

The high school one sounds like a great idea, just that it may be a little similar to your Save the Children challenge. I'm sure you've already thought of that, though, so I'd be excited to see it if you put it out!

Queen of the Land of Typos.

Check out my simblr.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#24 Old 22nd Aug 2014 at 6:47 AM
Quote: Originally posted by NaeShelle
Misty, you are perfection. Honestly. I don't know how you keep coming up with such great ideas. I keep dropping you challenges just to pick up on your new ones & I'm sure this one will be no exception.

The high school one sounds like a great idea, just that it may be a little similar to your Save the Children challenge. I'm sure you've already thought of that, though, so I'd be excited to see it if you put it out!

I did think of that; however, while HSD and STC have the same "school" element, they go at it from completely different angles. HSD will be much more about the full teenage experience including prom, the school sports team, your first love, and it's up to you to control the chaos.

STC had a whole underlying story (with kids being kidnapped) so the school "experience" wasn't zero'd in on like HSD.

If that makes any sense! But it is a very valid point.
Lab Assistant
#25 Old 22nd Aug 2014 at 7:33 PM
This sounds like fun! I'm going to try it. You do a really good job with explaining your challenges! :lovestruc
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