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#1 Old 14th Oct 2014 at 10:58 AM Last edited by itsceecee : 23rd Jan 2017 at 5:49 PM.
Default Revenge of the Gifted - Supernatural Orphanage
| Backstory |
Long, long ago in the Simsverse, there was a time when its people were still skeptic and fearful of the Supernatural, the witchcraft criticized and witches condemned. This is a tale of those dark times. Your founder is a young witch who escaped town after his/her parents were captured and executed for the art. Now alone in a new town he/she vowed revenge on the mortal society and intended to do so by building his/her own army of supernaturals - and what's better than starting with the future generation, for they hold the most potential?

| Introduction |
You are to build an orphanage that holds no less than six kids at a time (adopted through sims social service), and your founder will serve as the caretaker who looks after their needs. Each kid will be released to the society - moved out - once they reach adulthood, and the founder must transform them into any of the supernatural species (witches and zombies excluded) before the release for it to count. When the founder has reaches the life stage of elder, you may choose one of the children as your successor, whom you will turn into a witch. He or she shall continue your mission/legacy after your character dies, and upon the founder's death the successor shall become your new witch character. The challenge is completed once 100 orphans have been transformed - there, hopefully by then you'll have a town full of weirdos with glittering wings and glowing blue skin.

| Making your founder |
The founder has to be a witch who bears the traits of Evil/Mean-spirited (either one, though you can include both), Grumpy and Loner whose Lifetime goal is Alchemy Artisan. Everything else about him/her is completely up to you. You're advised, however, to avoid the 'Loves the Outdoor' trait because the witch will not be not allowed to leave the lot except to get groceries/books.

| Building the orphanage |

This is the room where your founder works on potions for his/her evil transformation. As you're starting, you are allowed to have only one alchemy station, one of the cheapest bookcases, one chair/armchair and one lamp. This room should be locked to all but your founder.

You are to have one single bed (cribs for toddlers and babies) for each Sim on the lot (with the exception of your founder, who can have a double bed). As you're starting, you are only allowed to use the cheapest beds. There should be a room for girls and a room for boys - you can expand later, but kids of different gender shall always sleep separately.

You are to have only two bathrooms on the lot, and should you ever expand in the future, you can only ever go up to three. As you're starting, each of the bathroom should contain only: a toilet, a sink and a shower, all of which of the cheapest price available. Note that in your future efforts to upgrade you should only ever have either a shower or a bathtub in one bathroom, not both.

As you're starting you are to have only: one sink, one counter (excluding the one you installed your sink onto), the cheapest fridge and the cheapest stove. You are allowed to upgrade the kitchen in the future but you'll have to deal with the lack of Microwaves, Food processors, Dishwashers, Trash Compactors because Electrical appliances aside from the default ones you started with are not allowed... because you're supposed to hate them. (and grudgingly think that some of them are annoyingly useful!)

You are allowed to have only four chairs placed around one table. No High Chairs.

The only area that are not locked to guests, so this is where guests brought home by the kids would be during their stay. As you're starting, this area should only contain a double-seats couch and a table. You are allowed to upgrade the area later.

- Computers, TVs, Phones, Alarms, etc. - all forms of electronics are forbidden on the lot. Except for cellphones, but only because you can't help it.
- A bookcase (the cheapest one, obviously) and three desks & chairs - for the kids to do their homework - shall be placed anywhere you'd like around the house.
- Only 2 Kids' toys. To entertain your little toddlers.
- Only three skill-building items, pools and ponds included.

- Computers, TVs, Phones, Alarms, etc. - all forms of electronics are forbidden on the lot. Except for cellphones, only because you can't help it, ha.
- A bookcase (the cheapest one, obviously) and two desks & chairs - for the kids to do their homework - shall be placed anywhere you'd like around the house.
- Only 2 Kids' toys. To entertain your little toddlers. Start with the cheapest ones.
- Only three skill-building items, pools, ponds included, alcemy station, kitchen stove and the aforementioned bookcase and mirrors excluded. Again, start with the cheapest ones and upgrade later.

*You are allowed to build the house however you like - the structure, how big you want it to be. Choose wisely for the wallpapers and flooring, because any changes will go in your future upgrade, which you have to earn for.
*You are allowed to have the one cheapest ceiling light for each room as you're starting - again, upgrade later!
*You are allowed to upgrade these facilities in the future without switching categories (i.e. no exchanging pools for basketball hoops, but you can, of course, switch one stuffed toy for another or trade your cheap bookcase in for a better one) and increasing the amount of it (you'll only ever have one bookcase, 3 items of entertainment and 3 skill-building items).
*You are allowed to purchase as many decorative items as you please in the future.

| Rules |

{THE FOUNDER} (Or Successor, after the death of your founder)
- You are not allowed to lock bathrooms / bedrooms for yourself/ founder.
- You are not allowed to leave the lot except to buy books/groceries. Deny any opportunities that insist on your founder to go to anywhere else aside from bookstore and groceries.
- You must look after the orphans - that means cooking for them, cleaning up and paying the bills and generally preventing them from being taken away by social workers.
- You are free to interact with the orphans.
- You must achieve at least the relationship status of Friend with an orphan before he/she leaves the house. It's only sensible to maintain a good relationship if you want them to carry on your evil deeds once they're out there in the world! You are allowed to maintain the relationship after they have left the lot, but it's fine as well if they grew distant and stopped being friends. No deduction in score for that, though if you have managed to maintain the relationship up until the death of the founder, there'll be bonus points for you. ^_^
- The founder is the only one who is allowed to host parties. Outside of the house building, preferably. The only area guests are allowed in is the seating area.

- Start with 1 baby, 2 toddlers and 3 children. After that you can adopt only babies and toddlers - so it gets harder.
- Curfew - 11pm for teens and 6pm for children.
- When they reach their teenage years, you are to get them part-time jobs to contribute to the house funds. The same goes for when they reach adulthood, get them a full-time job through the newspaper.
- Their transformation must be completed before they are released out of the house, and they are only allowed to be released after reaching adulthood.
- If the orphans got pregnant and gave birth to a child on the lot, you are to take the child in as one of the addition to the house. He/she must be transformed as well before being leaving the house, and he/she must move out alongside the mother - this means the mother will continue to stay until the transformation of the child is achieved. During this period, the mother is forbidden to leave the lot completely.
- If they are to invite others for sleepover, the guests can only sleep in the seating area. Heh heh.

- Oh, those annoying mortal guests disturbing your peace! No one would blame you if you put them to use by testing a little potions on them - Flask of Angry Bees, Melancholy Serum and the likes! Doing so gives you an increase in score.
- You are not allowed to, however, demonstrate spells or any other kind of magic in front them. That means no 'I Can Fly' while you're glowing from your fairy dust etc. Doing so will result in deduction of score.
- Any deaths of guests on your lot will cost your deduction in score. Their graves must remain on the lot. Allow the ghosts to roam freely.
- You are allowed to turn these guests into zombies. Doing so gives you an increase in score.
- You are not encouraged to turn these guests into other supernaturals, as they don't count - because they, unlike the kids you raised, will not obey you! You're trying to rule here, your majesty, best not to cook up rivalry and competition already.
- Orphans who have left the lot are allowed to visit, and no, you cannot kill them. Should they die on the lot their death will cost you a deduction in score like any child guest's will.
- All that being said, you're still allowed to befriend guests if you want to. No worries.

- You're allowed and advised to have a pet to hunt for the ingredients that you might need for the potions. The pet can be either adopted or created, and in doing so you're granted to right to add pet items to your house. You are to start with only one pet bowl, one pet toy, something to sleep on and one litter box (should you get a cat). The pet is not allowed to breed.
- You are encouraged to get the electronic (ha, the irony) safeguard gate so that no guests slip in without your notice. In case, you know, you miss some of the fun. But the gate is not absolutely necessary - it's up to you!
- You are not allowed to purchase cars.
- If the orphans somehow get turned back to humans after being released (say you realize this one day when you run into them on the streets), don't worry. The transformation still counts. Doing it again, however, to a previously transformed Sim does not contribute to the count of transformed Sims, so I doubt you'd bother.
- No reviving the dead, Ambrosia etc.
- Free will must be set to high. Aging must be on. You're free to choose whatever Lifespan you'd like.
- You must start with only 1000 Simoleons - use the reset familyfunds cheat to do this.
- The only services you're allowed to call for is the Police Department, the firefighters, Pizza. That's right, no Maids, Butlers and Babysitters. We don't want people discovering your evil plan now, do we? Babysitters are only allowed in the seating area, and this is usually used when you needed someone on the lot while you leave for groceries, etc. Repairman is also only allowed in the seating area, but I can't imagine what could you have in there that will possibly require service, anyway, unless you're planning to dedicate a bathroom to your guests... Though why would you? It's much more fun seeing them pee all over the floor
- The death of founder/successor without a witch in the household to take his/her place (before the 100 transformations goal is achieved) results in termination of the challenge. You lose, then~!

| Scoring |

+1 for every transformation of orphans
+1 for every friend the witch has by the end of his/her life
+3 for every orphans whom he/she remained friends with
+1 for every baby born on the lot
+1 for every skill level the orphan has by the time he/she is leaving the lot
+1 for every friend the orphan has (excluding residents on lot) by the time he/she is leaving the lot
+1 for every career level the orphan has (excluding level 1) by the time he/she is leaving the lot
+1 for every time an orphan gets on the honor roll
+1 for every time you use a potion on a visitor/guest
+1 for every time you turn a visitor/guest into zombie
+5 for achieving your founder/successor's lifetime wish
+1 for every 10,000 lifetime happiness the founder/successor has achieved

-1 for every time the orphans break the curfew
-1 for every repoman visit
-2 for every social worker visit
-2 demonstrating magic in front of guests/visitors
-3 every child visitor's death on lot
-4 every orphan's death on lot

This is pretty new - I just thought of it earlier today, and it's something that isn't thought out very thoroughly as I thought it'll be very fun to do and am therefore very eager to share haha. Basically I just typed down everything I thought of and posted this - suggestions are welcomed~!

Happy simming!

Edit: I have made some changes - previously i have the witch as the only playable character on the lot and the orphans unplayable, similar to the way the inmates are in some asylum challenges, but found it to be restrictive for storytelling, and I feel like the whole point of this challenge is to function as a fun storytelling backdrop/device. You're welcomed to stick to the older version where you can control only the witch and his/her pet, if you'd like, though!
Test Subject
#2 Old 5th Dec 2014 at 3:42 AM
Sounds interesting. I think I'll print this off and try it out. Thanks.
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Original Poster
#3 Old 17th Mar 2015 at 9:21 AM
Thank you! I hope you enjoy it ^^
Test Subject
#4 Old 17th Mar 2015 at 11:42 PM Last edited by Buzzler : 18th Mar 2015 at 1:20 PM. Reason: Merged posts: 4705938, 4705940, 4705994, 4706147
I think I might try it too and since you answered today I think. You'll probably answer quickly (maybe &#128540 umm so here are some questions. 😃😄
-3 skill items not including the alchemy station right?
Umm what were my other questions... Let me think.... Oh yeah I remeber one of them! 😜
-are the orphans adopted?
-can we cheat and like give her a mansion or something?
-and what town do we start in?
But I migh not try this but hmm thanks in advance 😃😄

What just showed up on that? Hmm...

Would you like me to try and post pictures if I do, do this?

My iPad thinks I posted that yesterday!! :P
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Original Poster
#5 Old 8th Jun 2015 at 12:32 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Lily-Cat
I think I might try it too and since you answered today I think. You'll probably answer quickly (maybe &#128540 umm so here are some questions. 😃😄
-3 skill items not including the alchemy station right?
Umm what were my other questions... Let me think.... Oh yeah I remeber one of them! 😜
-are the orphans adopted?
-can we cheat and like give her a mansion or something?
-and what town do we start in?
But I migh not try this but hmm thanks in advance 😃😄

What just showed up on that? Hmm...

Would you like me to try and post pictures if I do, do this?

My iPad thinks I posted that yesterday!! :P

1. Yes, excluding alchemy station.
2. Yup, adopted through Sims Social Service.
3. Well yes, you can make your house as big as you pleased but the items inside are all stated in the rules - you'll have to follow.
4. Any town that you'd like.

If you do it I'd love to see pictures! ^^
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#6 Old 25th Jun 2015 at 5:08 AM
This seems awesome! I'm putting at the top of the list of challenges I want to do.
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#7 Old 8th Jul 2015 at 2:19 AM
This is the best supernatural challenge I've seen so far!!
Test Subject
Original Poster
#8 Old 23rd Jan 2017 at 5:47 PM
Glad to see that you guys like it! ^^
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#9 Old 6th Apr 2017 at 10:30 PM
I found this thread yesterday and spent p. much ALL my free time making a starting house and sim for it. Before I start, though: is the founding Sim allowed to have a SO/woohoo/have a kid? If so, are there any special rules concerning that scenario?
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