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Lab Assistant
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#1 Old 8th Oct 2014 at 2:16 PM Last edited by TeckieSimmer : 16th Feb 2015 at 4:26 PM. Reason: fixed some stuffies
Default •♥•The "Do it as you Go" Challenge-Sims 4 Edition!•♥• [Updated Monthly]
•♥•The "Do it as you Go" Challenge•♥• [Updated Monthly]
This challenge is built for those who love different things going on in there game!
Your goal? Simply to have fun/Survive the insanity.

This challenge was made by Emmyzrulz for The Sims 3, and now there is a Sims 4 version! Check the original !

The Owner and Co-Owner of this challenge are:
Emmyzrulz and TeckieSimmer

Before you begin, you need to get this site up.
Andrew Hedghes Random Thing Picker
Its just a comma separated random generator, I will put lists here in spoiler form, take those and copy them then paste them into the small box you see on the thing pickers website.
[You don't need to read the lists. Believe me, it's funnier if you don't! ^^]
After that, press "Pick One!" And your randomly generated choice should be bellow the box.
ANY Comma separated random generator will work.

Test it out with this list if you want!


Alright, now here are the create-a-sim lists for when you create your family.

Use this list any time you create/have/adopt/or anything to do with gaining a sim to your active family.
Copy and paste it into the thing picker, and roll 3 times. Make note of the things you roll and add them to your male.
You get 2 Re-rolls for any aspects you dislike. Use them wisely.
Other then rolls you can create your sim any way you like.

Use this list any time you create/have/adopt/or anything to do with gaining a sim to your active family.
Copy and paste it into the thing picker, and roll 3 times. Make note of the things you roll and add them to your female.
You get 2 Re-rolls for any aspects you dislike. Use them wisely.
Other then rolls you can create your sim any way you like.

Now that you have your two sims, perhaps you want more! That's fine, you can roll this Optional sim list ONCE for more sims! Roll it ONLY once however, and you get no re-rolls! You can roll it more times if you want a very large family, but know that with this challenge less is more! ^^

From here on out you can move to any lot, house, or anything. Build it how you want!

This list is the mother of all lists. You HAVE to randomize this list ONCE EVERY 3 DAYS(or daily,or weekly, or whenever you want. It has to repeat though.)
every event randomized MUST be completed in 3 days or you fail the challenge.
You have 3 re-rolls to use for the entire challenge, you only gain a re-roll when an elder sim dies of old age.
For Absolute challenge takers, Play this list without Re-rolls. >:D

Randomize this list ONLY ONCE every 9 days (3 events), there just tiny bonuses, you have the high possibility of getting nothing however!

Some rules to note:

1} Have fun. This is the biggest rule and most important! I wish you to have the most fun possible!
2} Post Pictures! Alright, you don't HAVE to post pictures... But it gives me much joy.
3} You don't like a rule? Change it!
4} You can do anything in the days in between when you roll for an event. Like try for a baby/ Re-Decorate!
5} Although this challenge is AWESOME Solo, It's also fun to play with other challenges! You can combine almost any challenge with it and create something amazing! But I recommend this only for people who HAVE played it solo before.
6} It's Recommended you play on short lifespan, but normal is fine, and won't make this challenge any less fun! ^^
7} You MUST Have at least one couple at ALL times.

The challenge itself whilst it might be fun, what makes it fun is you. No, really, your personality in the challenge makes it unique and fun, so except my thank you!

Bookworm,Loves The Cold,Couch Potato,Dog Person, Insane Psychopath ;-D
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#2 Old 18th Oct 2014 at 6:10 PM
C'mon guys, give it a chance! It's really cool!

Bookworm,Loves The Cold,Couch Potato,Dog Person, Insane Psychopath ;-D
#3 Old 18th Oct 2014 at 6:24 PM
This is good, but you should edit it slightly So it fits with TS4. There is no military career but you could joking the spy career or astronaut career instead.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#4 Old 18th Oct 2014 at 7:08 PM
Yeah, still working on it. I'll probs edit it completely tommorow.

Bookworm,Loves The Cold,Couch Potato,Dog Person, Insane Psychopath ;-D
Test Subject
#5 Old 28th Oct 2014 at 10:54 AM
This looks great, I'll definitely try this.

One question... when kids are born, is it necessary to use the 'add extra sims list' ?
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#6 Old 28th Oct 2014 at 4:16 PM
Quote: Originally posted by fawkes0317
This looks great, I'll definitely try this.

One question... when kids are born, is it necessary to use the 'add extra sims list' ?

No, you use the male/female sim lists. Extra sims lists are only used in the beggining, and that is optional.
Glad to hear you are trying this!

Bookworm,Loves The Cold,Couch Potato,Dog Person, Insane Psychopath ;-D
Test Subject
#7 Old 28th Oct 2014 at 5:55 PM
I'm going to try this and will post pics on my sim blog: http://evaplayssims.tumblr.com/
Test Subject
#8 Old 28th Oct 2014 at 6:57 PM
Some of these things aren't possible without CC, like unusual colored eyes or unusual skin that isn't blue or green. For those things I've just been rerolling, but a more up-to-date list would be nice.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#9 Old 30th Oct 2014 at 9:37 PM
Uuuuuuuuurghhhhhhhh, I am SO sorry for that! I've been downloading so much CC lately that I don't even know what came with the game, and what is custom. It will be repaired in the next couple of days, I promise.

Bookworm,Loves The Cold,Couch Potato,Dog Person, Insane Psychopath ;-D
Test Subject
#10 Old 5th Nov 2014 at 3:17 AM
im like really confused about the rolling thing
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#11 Old 5th Nov 2014 at 3:41 PM
Quote: Originally posted by allythesims
im like really confused about the rolling thing

It's actually quite simple. You roll for your sims 3 times.You roll for an event once every 3 days(or when you are finished with last one, whatever). You roll a perk once every 9 days.
Simple, am I right?
Also, I will try to edit the list as soon as possible. I'm having some troubles with school, but mini fall break is coming so I will probably do it then.

Bookworm,Loves The Cold,Couch Potato,Dog Person, Insane Psychopath ;-D
Lab Assistant
#12 Old 12th Nov 2014 at 6:21 AM
Finally! A sims 4 edition! Even though I still don't have ts4 until December, I will DEFINITELY be doing DIAYG a sims edition! I loved the ts3 DIAYG and it is one of my favourite challenges!
Test Subject
#13 Old 29th Nov 2014 at 11:15 PM
I will definately try this and I'll make sure to post pictures of my *cough* lovely *cough* sims here after I make them

(please ignore my username, I was 13 and stupid.
Test Subject
#14 Old 30th Nov 2014 at 4:43 AM
Meet QWERTY Keyboard (the woman) and P.C. Keyboard (the man).

Erm.. I feel bad for them. Apparently something about them is "inappropriate" so they can't be uploaded to the gallery. I was like: <(WTF?)

(please ignore my username, I was 13 and stupid.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#15 Old 30th Nov 2014 at 8:13 PM
They sure do look nice, I have no idea why are they inappropriate. Can you post what you rolled for them too? Some are obvious(like QWERTY) but I'd love to see the full list.
Thanks for trying it out!

Bookworm,Loves The Cold,Couch Potato,Dog Person, Insane Psychopath ;-D
Test Subject
#16 Old 9th Dec 2014 at 1:18 PM
Wow, i am going to try this. It looks so funny cx
Lab Assistant
#17 Old 18th Dec 2014 at 8:06 PM
I've missed this challenge! I'm starting right now
Test Subject
#18 Old 21st Dec 2014 at 1:20 AM
Name her QUERTY
Short hair

Evill trait
Blue/red/green/purple skin
Large chin


I like them so far. o3o

(please ignore my username, I was 13 and stupid.
Test Subject
#19 Old 15th Feb 2015 at 9:01 PM
Interesting. I'll be adding a DIAYG male as a mating partner for my first gen Random Legacy. She's already an insane, loner. He'll be insane, possessed, and freckletastic.
Yes, she's already reproduced with her husband (created for the legacy), a townie, a blue-haired sim I created, and, just now, she's pregnant with Bob Pancakes love chiled. That's right, five children with five partners.
Test Subject
#20 Old 16th Feb 2015 at 1:56 PM
SIlly question time! lol
Do I random the once-every-three-days event list when I first start my challenge or wait three days and then do the first roll?
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#21 Old 16th Feb 2015 at 3:47 PM
You randomize the event as soon as you start. It doesn't have to be 3 days though, you can do it daily, or weekly or when you finish the last event. It's up to you!

Bookworm,Loves The Cold,Couch Potato,Dog Person, Insane Psychopath ;-D
Test Subject
#22 Old 1st Sep 2015 at 10:43 PM
Any chance of this getting an update?
Lab Assistant
#23 Old 5th Sep 2015 at 2:13 AM
I'm confused about when to roll when a baby is born. When creating a family in CAS, it makes sense to roll all three options at once. When it's a baby, it's kind of iffy? I rolled to delete or kill the sim. Can't kill a baby, so, am I supposed to kill her as soon as she ages up? (How tragic! ) I can't assign any traits to a baby either, although I suppose I can save a text file to keep track of any traits that are assigned.
Test Subject
#24 Old 25th Sep 2015 at 6:48 AM
I rolled the challenge that I wasn't allowed to use the fast forward buttons - I've had like twenty near misses cause i'm so used to it. It's so frustrating and challenging but so fun as well :p
Lab Assistant
#25 Old 9th Apr 2016 at 8:32 PM
This was a cool idea, too bad it never got fully updated as there are a lot of options that don't work for TS4
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