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#1 Old 6th Jul 2015 at 5:18 AM
Default What are you afraid of?
My recent hunt for glue sticks for a project made me wonder .... Some people don't like spiders or thunderstorms or peanut butter stuck to the roof of their mouths .. I love thunderstorms and use the catch and release method for spiders - but show me a hot glue gun and I am 'nofuckingwaynofuckingwayhalp!'

don't laugh

Once upon a time, not so long ago I picked up a hot glue gun in my home (I live with a 'crafter') that I imagined was 'off'. It was on and deposited a *massive* globule of hot glue onto three of my fingers and it proceeded to harden. I, not being aware of the ways of hot glue guns, they are not in my arsenal of accoutrements under normal circumstances, pulled my fingers apart and .... you've guessed it, most of my finger prints were torn right off! Ultimately I ended up at the doctors office having a cream which contained silver being applied to my fingers and bandages that had to remain for a week! - I also got a lollipop from my doctor because I was 'good' (he was a sarcastic bugger).

I also eye kitchen mandolins with some reservation too ...

What about you?
#2 Old 6th Jul 2015 at 5:26 AM
As a firm believer in the paranormal and Ufology being a hobby of mine, I am terrified of the idea of being abducted by aliens. I kid you not, my biggest fear is to be abducted by aliens. And I'm scared of ghosts. Come to think of it, as enthralled with the paranormal as I am, I would be scared to death if I ever came face-to-face with any of it. Also, I haven't had a jawbreaker since I was 7 after almost choking to death on one. I was far from the house in the woods with only my then 10-year-old sister, so luckily I managed to swallow it. If not, I'd be dead right now.
Mad Poster
#3 Old 6th Jul 2015 at 5:47 AM
Well, if we're going to include the completely ridiculous, there-is-no-good-reason-to-be-afraid-of-this, wholly irrational fears, I cannot seem to convince myself that i don't need to fear accidentally drinking the fabric softener like it's a shot of whiskey when I'm doing the laundry. I've never even come close to doing it, I don't know anyone who's done it, and I've never even heard stories of anyone doing it, but still- every time I do the laundry, I go through that same routine in my head... "add water, add dirty clothes, add detergent, add fabric softener AND DON'T DRINK IT DAMMIT, run machine..."

Welcome to the Dark Side...
We lied about having cookies.
#4 Old 6th Jul 2015 at 5:49 AM
Im scared of death. Something triggered it, when i was 9 or 10, and i said i wouldnt like to wake up dead. Scared me ever since.

Also being trapped in my flat with no way out, except through the one and only door leading outside. Apparently, if theres a fire downstairs, my only escape route would be thru my bedroom window, which id have to climb out of. Not possible for me to do. So yeah, im trapped.

'You're a pretty pair of babies, playing with your live doll' Mrs Higgins, My fair Lady
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#5 Old 6th Jul 2015 at 5:54 AM Last edited by Thranduil Oropherion : 6th Jul 2015 at 6:50 AM.
@Eronel I can understand that feeling you have about abduction.

When I was younger I harboured fear of ghosts which passed when I got older, but I've always been what I'd call 'sensitive' to atmospheres (others would call it cowardice). The truth of that you can judge for yourself below.

For example on a university trip (many years ago) we went to a well preserved 400 year old Tudor mansion house to look at it's architecture and all went well for me until we had to enter a certain bedroom which contained an architectural wonder of some kind (possible linen fold paneling). I refused to enter the room and simply could not pass the threshold. I had such a feeling of panic and dread I could barely move. I left the building and went downstairs and leaned sullenly against the bus which was hired to bring us to the house.

Eventually my fellow students came back to the bus and my lecturer then proceeded to tell me the story of the bedroom I refused to enter - you've guessed it, it was allegedly haunted by a woman who in great grief at her husband's unfaithfulness threw her baby from the bedroom window to it's death 350 years ago ...

This wasn't the first time or the last time this sort of thing has happened to me.

However, I am not sure I believe in ghosts per se but I do believe certain 'acts' leave behind a residue of it's happening and I believe that's what some of us feel.

@Zarathustra I don't think there is any such thing as an irrational fear - you fear it for a deep seated reason. I would be the last person to call such a fear irrational.

@stitch_too I can see how that would be scary - a friend of mine has a similar fear and oftentimes there is really no explaining it.
#6 Old 6th Jul 2015 at 7:58 AM
I fear the future. I fear the way the world leaders are taking humanity.
#7 Old 6th Jul 2015 at 8:20 AM
Spiders, being alone in a dark room/house/outside when it's dark, strangers, social situations, things that go bump in the night....

Quote: Originally posted by stitch_too
Im scared of death. Something triggered it, when i was 9 or 10, and i said i wouldnt like to wake up dead. Scared me ever since.

So, we can't be friend's? :<

The secret ingredient is phone.
Growing up means watching my heroes turn human in front of me.
Thank you, O Mighty Doom Deity! - BL00DIEHELL
Forum Resident
#8 Old 6th Jul 2015 at 9:23 AM
I'm terrified of cockroaches, and my knees turn into jelly when I see heights even if they're just 1 storey high. If only I could fall/fly without going splat on the ground.

Avatar model: Shi Gaik Lan / Atroxia "Jade Orchid" Lion (Source: Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires).
The Four Stars (Table of Content)
Mekageddon, the Interactive Story. (Remake Discussion) (Dev Tumblr)
#9 Old 6th Jul 2015 at 9:42 AM
I'm afraid of screwing up relations with other people. I like people to like me!


Stitch_too can be your friend. It's <death> not <Death> that they are scared of.
#10 Old 6th Jul 2015 at 9:43 AM
Quote: Originally posted by IAmDeath
Spiders, being alone in a dark room/house/outside when it's dark, strangers, social situations, things that go bump in the night....

So, we can't be friend's? :<

Im not scared of u, personally. So yes, we can be friends. its the actual dying/taking last breath/going to the other side part that scares me.

'You're a pretty pair of babies, playing with your live doll' Mrs Higgins, My fair Lady
#11 Old 6th Jul 2015 at 9:52 AM
Quote: Originally posted by stitch_too
Im not scared of u, personally. So yes, we can be friends. its the actual dying/taking last breath/going to the other side part that scares me.

YAY! *gives you a hug without reaping your soul*

The secret ingredient is phone.
Growing up means watching my heroes turn human in front of me.
Thank you, O Mighty Doom Deity! - BL00DIEHELL
#12 Old 6th Jul 2015 at 9:55 AM
Quote: Originally posted by stitch_too
its the actual dying/taking last breath/going to the other side part that scares me.

To a degree we are all scared of death. I believe that it isn't the end but still it makes me afraid that I haven't helped people enough or really at all.

I read somewhere that it is more the method of dying than leaving this world that people generally fear more.
#13 Old 6th Jul 2015 at 10:10 AM
Quote: Originally posted by IAmDeath
YAY! *gives you a hug without reaping your soul*

*hugs you back* :D

'You're a pretty pair of babies, playing with your live doll' Mrs Higgins, My fair Lady
Mad Poster
#14 Old 6th Jul 2015 at 12:16 PM
I don't really know how to describe it. I guess intruders. Even though I live in probably one of the safest places in the UK I am terrified of say walking into the living room one day and finding someone hiding behind the sofa or something. It started when I read a news article about a woman living in someone's house for a year or so without him noticing. It stems further than that though, because of this I'm also quite weary of the dark. When I was in a hotel last month, I couldn't sleep at all on the first night. I was convinced someone would easily find their way into my room or had been hiding under the bed or in the wardrobe all night waiting for it to get dark so they could do God knows what. It was a really old building so I heard constant creaks and bangs all night.

Also the idea of being followed while walking down the street at night. I think everyone's kinda scared about this but I take it further, I often go strange ways to my destination just to make sure whoevers behind me isn't following me, and I plan out what to do in my head. That's why I'd be scared to go to America (even though I really wanna go) because I can never be 100% sure someone doesn't have a gun.

I use to live in Manchester, so whenever I visit my home town I am on constant red allert.

~Your friendly neighborhood ginge
Mad Poster
#15 Old 6th Jul 2015 at 12:37 PM
Nothing honestly, I could jump off a rooftop and not feel the fear of death. Why? Because fears are irrational. When you live a life of fear you become weak and brittle. The thing you're fearful of, regardless of how frivolous, takes over your mental state, controlling your thoughts and manipulating your emotions. And in a world of logic, there is no need for that. No need to become a slave to fear, when you're already a slave to society.

Because the earth is standing still, and the truth becomes a lie
A choice profound is bittersweet, no one hears Cassandra Goth cry

#16 Old 6th Jul 2015 at 1:34 PM
I'm afraid of humans. Really. It's a torture for me even speaking to them sometimes.
Close relationships. It's like a miracle that i have a boyfriend. Hugging and kissing are not common for me. I hate being touched. >_<
This is probably because of my social anxiety but i'm always afraid of losing him and being alone. Damn paradox!
#17 Old 6th Jul 2015 at 4:51 PM
Anything medical related: illness, failing health, death, hospitals, medical tests, medical procedures, and even reading stories about people who have health issues freaks me out. It's a crippling phobia for me.
The future, mostly because I may feel fine today, but I know with age brings health problems and eventually death.
Accidents, like car and plane crashes, and I even worry about falling and slipping down stairs in the winter. Also worry about other people accidentally doing stuff, like putting toxic cleaner into the soda machine, so I always take a tiny sip of my soda at first to make sure it doesn't taste toxic.
Heights. I even get unbalanced and have a panic attack even going up a flight of stairs if there is no wall. Tried climbing an open staircase with a glass rail right next to a huge window once, start getting really wobbling and almost paralyzed by the 3rd floor.
People I don't know. If I know I have to interact with a stranger, then I will feel fearful with anticipation until the appointment. I will literally be anxious for weeks, even if it's just seeing someone about my taxes.
Phone calls. I dread making phone calls, and I feel a lot of anxiety every time the phone rings.
Public speaking. Even not-so-public speaking. I get freaked out, mispronounce words, mind goes blank, and just totally completely shut down if I even have to speak to a group of 2 or 3 people. I don't do well in meetings and tend not to speak up.

I'm pretty much afraid all the time. I don't want to be a slave to my fear, but I don't know now not to be. Only way I know of to cope with fear and worry is to be distracted, hence why I play computer games so much.

Resident wet blanket.
Lab Assistant
#18 Old 6th Jul 2015 at 6:05 PM
I'm sorry to go all serious, but I have crippling emetophobia. Over the years I've developed pretty frequent OCD tendencies because I'm so worried about the thought of unwellness (< see? I can't even type out the proper S word. I'm too scared to.). Last year was really bad for me as I couldn't get the worry out of my mind at all. It was to the point where I couldn't even say/read the S word without silently freaking out. I've recently been getting a little better at coping, though. I'm not trying to look for pity, sorry if it seems like it. Just wanted to share.

the token lesbian
(currently wishing it was 2011 again)
please ignore my cringy username. just call me jorgel.
Mad Poster
#19 Old 6th Jul 2015 at 8:33 PM
Bridges collapsing beneath me, human vomit and people in general.

Personal Quote: "I like my men like my sodas: tall boys." (Zevia has both 12 and 16 oz options)

(P.S. I'm about 5' (150cm) in height and easily scared)
#20 Old 6th Jul 2015 at 8:36 PM
1)Loosing my teeth
2)Falling (like when you're about to jump off something/ rollercoaster starts going down the steep bit and that panicky thing happens)
3)Loosing my sight- I'm short sighted enough as it is
4)Insects - especially spiders etc. (Does Wormy the Worm from the school field count as an insect?)
5)Failing things I should be able to do eg exams
6)Damaging our environment to such an extent that we reach "the end"
7)The crazy political stuff that's been happening
8)Identity theft etc (I can get paranoid at times, all the "what ifs" or the "they know" thoughts. Big Brother and shit)
Mad Poster
#21 Old 6th Jul 2015 at 8:37 PM
Quote: Originally posted by rosalinarocks232
I'm sorry to go all serious, but I have crippling emetophobia. Over the years I've developed pretty frequent OCD tendencies because I'm so worried about the thought of unwellness (< see? I can't even type out the proper S word. I'm too scared to.). Last year was really bad for me as I couldn't get the worry out of my mind at all. It was to the point where I couldn't even say/read the S word without silently freaking out. I've recently been getting a little better at coping, though. I'm not trying to look for pity, sorry if it seems like it. Just wanted to share.

I hear you on that rosalina, cause it bothers me to the point of doing a 1 minute mile if someone is about to puke.

Personal Quote: "I like my men like my sodas: tall boys." (Zevia has both 12 and 16 oz options)

(P.S. I'm about 5' (150cm) in height and easily scared)
Mad Poster
#22 Old 6th Jul 2015 at 8:53 PM
I don't fear anything, not even evil spirits; I've battled some (I hear you snickering!). Really, if people just knew how Powerful they are! Oh, wait -- I do fear something - death. Both the possibility of a long, painful, humiliating death, and the possibility of being dead (if "dead" means "end of existence" - which I try to convince my rational mind is NOT the case)

Stand up, speak out. Just not to me..
#23 Old 6th Jul 2015 at 8:54 PM
I'm still afraid of the dark.

Self-entitled jocks scare me, especially if they're drunk or in groups.
#24 Old 6th Jul 2015 at 9:15 PM
Bees, wasps and anything of the like.

Life is paradoxically coincidental to the ironical tyranny applicable to the unparalleled definition of reverse entropy.

"A thunderstorm breaks the wall of darkness." - Lyrics to Storm

"Meh." - me
#25 Old 6th Jul 2015 at 10:37 PM
Quote: Originally posted by stitch_too
Im scared of death. Something triggered it, when i was 9 or 10, and i said i wouldnt like to wake up dead. Scared me ever since.

Also being trapped in my flat with no way out, except through the one and only door leading outside. Apparently, if theres a fire downstairs, my only escape route would be thru my bedroom window, which id have to climb out of. Not possible for me to do. So yeah, im trapped.

Same with death, same with fire. I'm always questioning life and death in my head, occasionally aloud, and with fire, hopefully I won't break my legs jumping out the window onto a matress.

But what still upsets and scares me slightly, which has been a problem for my whole autistic life are fire alarms.

Well you can tell why.
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