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Virtual gardener
staff: administrator
Original Poster
#1 Old 29th Apr 2016 at 3:51 PM
Default SimPE's object workshop doesn't see all objects.
Hi Guys!

I have an issue with simPE's Object workshop. It seems that it doesn't see all objects that the game has. There are more base game objects and I could only find about 10 objects that weren't base game but from a EP/SP.
Here is what I already tried:
- Patching the program
- Checked the paths
- Checking if it actually looks into the other EP/SP's files which it does.
- Checked the file table, all are checked.

And still it doesn't seem to see most of the EP/SP objects. It doesn't even has a tag called 'pets' which a lot of SimPE with Object Workshop seems to have. I own all the EP and SP's so i'm really confused why these are unreadable. Also, I tried to look through the 'other' tag and I found most stuff from The sims life stories, but that was about it. Does someone knows how to fix this?
Virtual gardener
staff: administrator
Original Poster
#2 Old 5th May 2016 at 11:05 AM
So I realised that SimPE is really buggy when it comes to EP/SPs.

I was following this tutorial: http://simswiki.info/index.php?titl...ics&oldid=51012
When I used the 'body tool' it seemed that everything I exported with BodyShop that were EP/SPs had an error telling me that SimPE couldn't find these meshes, even though SimPE did look into the other packages. So I eventually ended up writing down the names of what it's called in-game, and tracked them down by looking it the EP/SPs 'Sims00-06' packages where I eventually found the mesh. Sadly it seems that this is the only way I can extract anything EP/SP related by tracking it down manually.
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