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#1 Old 4th Jul 2016 at 9:55 PM
Test of Time Challenge!
I was NOT the creator for the original Version, if you want to play the original, check out SwallowTail87 and Anna220's rules here(Sims 2 and Sims 2 Seasons REQUIRED!!!): http://www.modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=438591

As I have stated, this is the Sims 3 Recreation. You'll need The Sims 3 Seasons AT LEAST! If you need base clothes, use The Sims 3 Movie Stuff or The Sims 3 Supernatural, World Adventure, or,if you want Supernatural Sims, well...Still use The Sims 3 Supernatural. If you want a Medieval World, get The Sims 3 Dragon Valley
Basically, you have to pass plenty of generations of time.
Times Played:
-Ancient Egyptian
-Roman Empire
-Dark Ages
-Post-American Slavery and Exploration
-Modern Ages
CC you'll need for the Dark and Medieval Ages: http://www.thesimsresource.com/arti...ine/id/1011837/
A Mod You'll Need From Roman-Post Slavery:
Master Controller

General Rules:
-Only Bloodlines from the Original Families Allowed!
-If a Sim fights another, the loser must die, unless otherwise stated
-After the Neanderthal Stage, graves are to be put in a Graveyard--No buts!
-Women MUST take the Men's last name
-No Woohoos...Try For Baby ONLY!
-If You Marry a Higher Social Class, you become that class!
-Get any Empty Town off here, this will be used the entire time
-During The Neanderthal Stage, Summer is the only season allowed!
-After the Neanderthal Stage, you MUST have all seasons set to "7 Days"
-All Male Pregnancies from Aliens MUST end with the baby kept
-Most Objects are to be allowed after the Neanderthal Stage, aside from Electronics, also, Telescopes are not allowed until the Renaissance.
-Sims MUST NOT exceed their salary caps. If they do, they MUST QUIT THEIR JOBS!
-Unfortunately, Women Can't have jobs unless you are in the Egyptian Stage. Then they can have any job.
-Women after the Egyptian Stage can be painters or gardeners

"Basic: Welcome to the prehistoric times, Simmies! In the today's world we make think that we have all the knowledge, but can modern Sims last in this ancient world? Like all challenges, you must start with humble beginnings. Humble indeed!"-Anna220

-Start with 6 couples, each with an adult male and female. Create two couples with an unnatural tone of your choice, two with the lightest natural skin, and two mixed with two skins of your choice. Each couple is to move into a small lot, placed next to each other and near water.
-The couples are to interact only with each other. They may not even greet townies or NPCs.
-The couples are to try for babies as frequently as possible. As soon as one baby is born, then try for another, unless a motive is low
-They cannot get jobs, or visit any community lots of any sort. They must hunt for fish
-Seasons are set to summer year-round.
-Objects allowed:
One small shack
5 beds (Hammocks, tents, or the lowest cost single or double bed. Double beds and tents count as 2 beds.)
1 cheap loveseat
1 cheap stove
1 cheap counter
1 cheap phone
Cheapest table and three cheap chairs
Farming plots or fruit trees (You can buy more as you get more money)
A pond
One sink
One toilet stall or the cheapest toilet
One cheap dresser
One fridge (To serve only meals that the family grew/caught such as ‘Bass with Squash’ and to get baby bottles.)
-Once the kids grow up, they are to each buy the same size lot as their parents and have their funds set to $3,000, with the exception of the oldest two, who may live on their parents’ farm. (They both don’t have to, but one must.)
-As soon as you have gone through 3 generations, and the oldest Gen. 3 child turns into a young adult, move on to the next step.
-Ranks are developed based on which family has the most money. To find out which has the highest rank, take any families with the same last name who have the lightest skins, and add them together. Example: Melissa and Jon Smith have light skin, and their son Mike also has this light skin whilst Rita has a soft rainbow tone. Because Rita took Mike’s last name, her last name is also Smith, and therefore you add the total amount of money between Melissa and John’s family with Mike and Rita’s money. You do the same thing for each family. Whichever family has the most money will be the Royal Family of Egypt.
Egypt (Generations: 5)
Basics: Everyone is fairly rich, except for the Israelite Slaves, the first born son of the royal family's 4th Generation must be killed. Once their siblings have grown up, they must move to the Roman Stage.
-The Royal Family can visit any place, and Men can only get jobs as the Military.
-Try for Baby often
-Every Saturday, you MUST GO TO THE TEMPLE!
-The Royal Family MUST have 5 slaves
-Females can have any job
-Any rebels of the Egyptian Empire will be killed
-After the Eldest Child is a Young Adult, the royals are the Emperors, and afterwards the ones with the most money are the Patricians, the next are the Plebeians, and last are the Slaves. There should be more Slaves than Plebeians, more Plebeians than Patricians, and only 1 Emperor’s family. However, only people with light skin can be Emperor, unless in later generations darker skin tones marry up ranks.

Roman and Byzantine Empires (Generations: 4)
"Basics: Now that humanization has progressed from the stages of early life, those who are smart enough to earn money have distinguished themselves as the most important in society. The great Roman Empire rises under the rule of only the richest, upper-class elite, and in comes the first period of great learning."-Anna220

Emperor’s family:
-The total amount of money calculated for the Royal Family is the amount of money the Emperor can begin building his Palace with (along with a bonus of $35,000). The Emperor’s family must start out with a large lot. Each additional spare child of the Emperor must be sent away upon marriage with a $5,000 gift. If relatives who are best friends with the Emperor are low in money and the Emperor has extra to spare, then you may subtract funds from the Palace and add them to the relative’s house.
-Can marry Patricians only, or other blood relatives. They are the top of the top. They can take any job they want (Aside from the Emperor. He must be in Politics or Military), hire a maid, and just about buy anything but electronics and hot tubs. (Use your common sense, though. Ask yourself if Romans would find have certain furniture.)
-The Emperor is the eldest male in the family. The eldest male of your richest family from the Neanderthal Age is the starting Emperor. If he has no male descendants (unlikely) then as soon as he dies, then the next oldest daughter without a darker tone takes the throne, and her husband becomes Emperor.
-The Emperor must have at least two Slaves or servants working for them.
-Emperor’s family may stop having kids after giving birth to two boys. Keep in mind, though, they could get accidently murdered if another Sim assaults them on free-will.
-Teens must go to school. The heir may take a job in politics; however no other teenage jobs are allowed for anyone.

Patrician Families:
-Start with a large lot, and give each Patrician family a bonus of $20,000. Patricians may take any job, aside from the heir, who must take a “respectable career” (Example: Doctor, Politics, etc). If you are planning on having a Patrician male marry a descendant of the Emperor, then they must have a job in Politics. If a daughter is planning on marrying a descendant of the Emperor, then she must have a $3,000 gift in her inventory. If a daughter is planning on marrying the Emperor, then she must have creativity and charisma maximized, and a gift of $5,000 in her inventory. Salary cap: $1000
-Can marry Patricians, Emperor’s Family, and non-heirs can marry Plebeians.
-May have a slave or servant.
-May stop having kids after four kids are born.
-Must send their teens to school. The heir also cannot take a teenage job.
-May own community businesses, as long as they aren’t too extravagant. Also may own farms, however a small farm requires 1 Slaves, a medium one 2 Slaves, and a large one requires 3 Slaves.

Plebian Families:
-May take jobs in anything but a “respectable career”, or that a modern person would have to attend college for. Salary cap: $400.
-May own community businesses, as long as they aren’t too extravagant. Also may own farms.
-May marry Patricians, Plebians, or Slaves.
-Girls must have a $1,000 gift in their inventory if marrying a Patrician. No gift is required for slaves.
-May stop having kids after 6 are born.
-May choose to send teens to school. If they are not sent to school, they are required to work at home or as a live-in-servant for Patricians and the Emperor’s family.

-May take jobs working for Patricians, Plebians, or the Emperor’s family. They are not to be paid.
-As soon as a slave is married, they are required to move away from their master’s house and into their own house (small lot)
-Slave women must take jobs working for any of the other classes until they are married.
-Slave men may take jobs working for other classes, or a job in Criminal. Salary cap: $400.
-May never stop having kids.
-Slaves houses may not have a bathtub, and can never have anything above the cost of $1,000. If they do, and a member of the Emperor’s family walks past the house, the adult male Slave is accused of stealing and is killed at the Coliseum within 3 days of the accusation. If the adult male is already dead, then his wife is killed, then the decreasing order from oldest to youngest.

Community Services
-Roman Coliseum: Anytime a slave is caught having romantic interactions by their master, or is caught with an object that costs over $1,000, they are subject to the death of your choice at the Coliseum. The coliseum should be a large community lot. Once every seven days, a slave must be randomly chosen to be killed in the Coliseum. You can select them randomly by putting all the names of slaves into a draw, adding a name for each slave born, and removing one once it has been drawn.
-Bathhouse: A community bathing lot should be complete with a pool, hot tub, sink, and bathtub. You may also include a toilet.
-There is to be one clothing store.
- A variety of other small restaurants and shops may be available.
Dark Ages, The Renaissance, and Middle Ages
"Basics: The Empire has fallen, and the Black Death and Vikings sweep across the land. Those who were once rich isolate themselves into individual manors, and cling to Feudalism for support and protection. The Emperors dissolve into monarchs, the Patricians into Lords, the Plebeians into Vassals and Vikings, and the Slaves into Serfs. Whenever someone falls sick, there is no other option than to kill them. The more children for protection, the better. There is no limit to the number of children you can have. Old customs are forgotten, and any NON-HEIR can marry anyone from any class. Heirs are restricted to marrying people of their own class. Villages are abandoned, and therefore community lots are destroyed."-Anna220
-Live in a medium lot clustered around the houses of 2-4 lords and 4-6 vassals.
-May take any job except Law Enforcement, Politics, and Military. $600 salary cap.
-If any object above $3,000 is purchased and a Viking walks past the lot, the entire family is to be killed, and the Viking’s family comes into possession of the object.
-Teenagers must go to school.
-One of bookcases (cheapest) is allowed.
-No recreational objects are allowed, aside from the bookcase. This rule applies to any musical instruments, telescopes, chess tables, etc.
-Must have at least one servant, and one Knight.
-May stop having kids after one son; however keep in mind that if that son is killed, and the family is unable to reproduce another, then the entire family is demoted into Nobles.
-Must live in a large lot.
-Must have either a servant or Knight.
-If a noble is attacked, if a Knight has higher body than the attacker, then the attacker is killed.
-Teenage women must be shipped away to Finishing School as soon as they turn teenager.
-Heirs must marry Monarchs and Nobles, however non-heirs can marry Merchants or Knights also. They can fall in love with and reproduce with a Peasant; however if they are caught by anyone with a relationship lower than 50/50 then consequences occur. If they are male, then they are demoted to Peasant and can marry their lover. However, if it is a female, then she and her children are punished and isolated in her parent’s house. No visitors may visit her, however once her children turn adult, if they have maxed charisma, creativity, or logic, then they may leave. If they have maxed body skills and are at a relationship less than 10/10 with the woman’s parents, then they free the whole family and kill the parents. If they have maxed body and are at a relationship greater than or above 10/10, then they find a way to escape and their whole family is freed. Please note that this section has little historical reference, but is merely dramatized for plot twists.
-Teenage non-heirs may take jobs.
-Heirs can be females! However, only one out of every 5 Noble families can have a female heir.
-May stop reproducing after two children are born. 9) Male Teens must go to school. Once they are at least 7 days from adulthood, they may be sent to universities.
-If a Noble is marrying a Monarch, then they must have a job in Politics or Military, and have logic or charisma maxed. If a female is marrying a monarch, she must also have a gift of $3,000 in her inventory.
-Males may take any job; however the only job females may take is a Madame at the Finishing School.
-Salary cap: $900

-Live in a 3x3 lot.
-May take any job except Law Enforcement, Politics, and Military, and Intelligence. $400 salary cap.
-If any object above $3,000 is purchased and a Viking walks past the lot, the entire family is to be killed, and the Viking’s family comes into possession of the object.
-Teenagers cannot go to school.
-No recreational objects are allowed.
-Must give a gift of $1,000 to their Monarch every 7 days.

-Live in any lot smaller than 3x3.
-Must make their only income from farming.
-At least 2 Serfs are required to work as farmers.
-Must give a gift of $200 to their Lord every 7 days.
- Teenagers cannot go to school.
-No recreational objects are allowed.

-Must have a 50/50 relationship with their Vassal before marrying anyone.
-Only upon marriage may Serfs leave their Vassal’s land.
-Teenage Serfs must be sent to work for a Vassal. These Serfs may not attend school and must work as a full-time farmer.
-If a Viking walks past a house with no Vassal and only Serfs, the family is to be killed.
-Serfs may not get a job, but earn money by any other means necessary.
-Parents may never befriend their children.
-If a woman befriends another male Viking, they are forced to reproduce. If they are caught cheating, then the husband must fight the other Viking. If the husband wins, then the wife and other Viking are to be killed. If the other Viking also had a wife, then the Husband must marry her. If the Viking wins the fight, then the husband is killed and this Viking must continue to reproduce with her until she is an elder. If the Viking is unmarried, then he is required to marry her. However, if the woman befriends another Viking and is caught cheating once again, then the cycle starts all over again. Please note that this section has little historical reference, but is merely dramatized for plot twists.
-Anytime someone walks past a Viking’s lot, then they are killed and the Viking wins money. If it is a Monarch killed, he is awarded $1,000 If it is a lord, $700. If it is a Vassal, $200. Serfs are killed anyways, but no money is gained. If another Viking walks past, then he/she is not killed.
-Vikings may take jobs in the Criminal Career only, salary cap $500
-No recreational objects are allowed.
-Teenagers cannot go to school.
-Women must marry.
-May take any job; however heirs must take a job in either Politics or Military.
-Male teens must go to school. Once they are at least 7 days from adulthood, they may be sent to universities.
-Teenage women must be shipped away to Finishing School as soon as they turn teenager.
-Can marry Monarchs and Nobles.
-No teenagers may take jobs.
-If a monarch is attacked, and a Knight has higher body skill than the attacker, then the attacker is killed. If the Knight has less, then the Monarch and Knight are killed. -Monarchs must start with a 0/0 relationship with their Knight. Once per week, their relationship increases by 10/10, unless the Knight undertakes a quest (See Knight rules).
-Heirs cannot marry women with dark skin.
-May take jobs as Guards for the jail, working for Nobles and Monarchs, or work in the Military or Law Enforcement. Salary cap: $600
-Males only!
-Live in medium lot.
-The first-born male child is born a Knight; however women are born Merchants (if the Knight works in a career track or as a Guard) or Nobles (if the Knight works for a Noble or Monarch). Other born males may choose to be a merchant or knight.
-Can marry Merchants, Peasants, Nobles, or Princesses (Monarch daughters). However, if the Princess is caught doing romantic interactions and the Knight’s relationship is less than 50/25 with the King, then the Knight is to be demoted to Merchant level. If a Knight winds up accidently getting a Princess pregnant before marriage, then the Knight is sent to jail and the Princess’s baby is sent away. If she visits the knight and becomes pregnant again, then the Knight is killed and the Princess is thrown out of the house along with her child.
-OPTIONAL: Knights may take on quests to rescue princesses, fight a monster, etc. You can choose these quests. These quests will raise your relationship (You pick the amount varying on quest difficulty) with the King every time one is completed.
-May take jobs as Servants or an “un-respectable” career. Salary cap: $400
-Male teenagers may go to school.
-Teenagers cannot go to Finishing School or Universities.
-Can marry Peasants, Knights, Merchants. They may fall in love and reproduce with Nobles; however, this carries consequences (See the Nobles rules) 6) If they possess an object worth over $2,000 and a Merchant, Noble, Knight, or Monarch with a relationship less than 50/50 walks by, then they are accused of stealing, and the eldest male is sent to prison.
-Unlimited number of kids.
-Jail: Stony prison that contains the living quarters for prisoners. People who also have negative daily and lifetime relationships with the king are sentenced here. People may visit the jail from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Breakfast is oatmeal (cereal) served at 7:00 a.m. and dinner is spaghetti served at 7:00 p.m. Prisoners may carry out romantic interactions with visitors if it is their wife or the girl they are courting; however if a guard walks past, then the prisoner misses the next meal. Jail cells are to have see-through windows, or a fence that stretches to the ceiling to replicate bars. There are to be two guards.
-A variety of other community lots are acceptable.
-One university. The family must pay $10,000 per son who attends.
-One Finishing School containing a variety of things directed towards launching women into society. Must have two Madames (class Noble) as workers. The family must pay $5,000 per daughter who attends.
Exploration, Colonization, and Slavery(Gen. 3)
"Basics: Finally, people are starting to get out there and see the world! Many families, including yours, have decided to be one of the many American Colonists, and see life across the Atlantic for yourself. Monarchs and Patricians morph into the Upper Class, Knights morph into the middle class, and Peasants morph into the Lower Class. Any medium skin families must morph into Native Americans, and dark skin families into slaves."-Anna220

Upper Class:
-Large lot.
-Marry only Upper or Middle class.
-Male teenagers are to attend school. They may go on to attend universities.
-Non-heirs may take teenage jobs.
-Female teens are to stay at home and help around the house.
-Must hire 1 Servant.
-Males can take any job. Females remain unemployed. If they are plantation owners, then they are to hire at least 4 farmhands (Indians, the Lower Class, or Slaves).
-Women and men may have affairs; however if the women is caught in an affair, the husband and other man fight. If the other man wins, then the Husband is killed and the Woman lives alone unless someone chooses to marry her. If the husband wins, the other man is killed.
-May stop having kids after 1 child is born.
-If they are farmers, then they are to live on a plantation.

Middle Class:
-Medium lot.
-Can own businesses or farms.
-May have one servant.
-Males can take any job. Females remain unemployed. If they are farm owners, then they are to hire at least 3 farmhands (Indians, Slaves, or the Lower Class). Salary cap: $700
-Women and men may have affairs; however if the women is caught in an affair, the husband and other man fight. If the other man wins, then the Husband is killed and the Woman lives alone unless someone chooses to marry her. If the husband wins, the other man is killed.
-Marry only Upper, Middle, or Lower class.
-Male teenagers are to attend school.
-Teens may take teenage jobs. 9) Female teens are to stay at home and help around the house.
-May stop having kids after 2 children are born.
-If they are farmers, then they are to have a small plantation.

Lower Class:
-Small lot.
-Males may work as Farmhands or any career that, in modern times, does not require a college degree. Salary cap: $400
-Females may work as servants.
-Teens may not attend school.
-Male teens may get jobs; female teens must help around the house.
-Marry only Slaves, Indians, Middle Class, or Lower Class.
-Women and men may have affairs; however if the women is caught in an affair, the husband and other man fight. If the other man wins, then the Husband is killed and the Woman lives alone unless someone chooses to marry her. If the husband wins, the other man is killed.
-May stop having kids after 5 are born.

Native Americans:
-Must live in a large, wooded lot.
-Sleep in tents, hammocks, or teepees (small, octagonal rooms).
-Must have at least two kids.
-No teens may attend school.
-Houses should be clumped around other Native Americans, forming Tribes.
-Get jobs as Farmers, Servants, or Farmhands.
-They are killed or forced to sell their land and relocate if other families live too close to their tribe.
-Marry only other Native Americans and the Lower Class.
-Starting bonus of $10,000 is family-funded ONLY to purchase Native-themed furniture and landscaping.

-Must live in a small lot.
-Can work as Farmhands, Farmers, or Servants.
-Must marry only slaves and lower class.
-Killed if they get into a negative relationship with anyone with skin 1 or 2 in the Upper, Middle, or Lower Class.
-Killed if they have an object worth over $1,000 and someone in the Upper Class walks by.
-If a slave is working as a farmhand and gets caught performing romantic interactions without their Master’s permission, they are killed. If they woohoo with and become pregnant by their master, the baby is put into slavery. If a male and female both have over 5 body skill and work as farmhands, their master forces them to reproduce, and the baby is born into slavery.
-Unlimited Kids!
-If they are a servant, as soon as they marry, they must move out.

-One University. They must pay $20,000 per child due to the only universities being overseas.
-A variety of other shops.
Victorian Era (Gen.3)
"Basics: People have definitely settled down quite a bit since the original colonies had formed, and now the era points towards highly-groomed women and intelligent gentlemen. Say hello to bustle skirts and operas, in comes the Victorian Era! Native Americans slowly either are forced to move or face the wrath of the government. Yours have luckily chosen to stay behind; however half your Native American Families have been killed. The other half slowly blend into the Lower Class, until it is common to see a Native face in the cities. All slaves have been freed, so it has also become common to see a dark face in the cities. However, that doesn’t mean society treats former-slaves very well. People with light skin can only marry People with light skin, unless if they have over 7 nice points or have mixed parents. It’s about time a stable government has finally locked down on their Police Force, so now you don’t have to worry about any more murderous fights. However, now anyone who fights someone a class above them is thrown in jail, even if they lose. Congrats, you’re almost done!"-Anna220

Upper Class:
-Large lot.
-Marry only Upper or Middle class.
-Male teenagers are to attend school. They may go on to attend universities.
-Non-heirs may take teenage jobs.
-Female teens are to stay at home and help around the house or attend Finishing Schools.
-Must hire 1 Servant.
-Males can take any “respectable” job. If they are Plantation Owners, then they are to hire at least 3 Farmhands (Lower Class). Females remain unemployed or work as Madames at Finishing Schools
-Women and men may have affairs; however if the women is caught in an affair, the woman is shunned by society (demoted to Middle Class), she and her husband are to be divorced, and she is sent to live with her parents or the man she was having an affair with.
-May stop having kids after 1 child.
-Parties must be thrown once every two weeks.

Middle Class:
-Medium lot.
-Can own businesses or farms.
-May have one servant.
-Males can take any job, including a Jail Guard or Farmhand. If they are Plantation Owners, then they are to hire at least 3 Farmhands (Lower Class). Females remain unemployed or work as Madames at Finishing Schools. Salary cap: $700
-Marry only Upper, Middle, or Lower Class.
-Teens may take teenage jobs.
-Female teens are to stay at home and help around the house or go to Finishing Schools.
- May stop having kids after 2 children.
-Women and men may have affairs; however if the women is caught in an affair, the woman is shunned by society (demoted to Lower Class), she and her husband are to be divorced, and she is sent to live with her parents or the man she was having an affair with.
-Parties must be thrown once every two weeks.

Lower Class:
-Small lot.
-Males may work as Farmhands or an “un-respectable” career. Salary cap: $300.
-Females may work as servants.
-Teens may not attend school.
-Male teens may get jobs; female teens must help around the house.
-Marry only Middle Class or Lower Class.
-Women and men may have affairs; however if the women is caught in an affair, they are to be divorced, and she is sent to live with her parents or the man she was having an affair with.
-Unlimited Kids!

-Jail: Stony prison that contains the living quarters for prisoners. People who are convicted of assault live here. People may visit the jail from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Breakfast is cereal (Oatmeal) served at 7:00 a.m. and dinner is spaghetti served at 7:00 p.m. Prisoners may woohoo with visitors if it is their wife or the girl they are courting; however if a guard walks past, then the prisoner misses the whole next day without food. Jail cells are to have see-through windows, or a fence that stretches to the ceiling, to symbolize bars. There are to be two guards.
-A variety of other community lots are acceptable.
-One university. The family must pay $15,000 per child who attends.
-One Finishing School containing a variety of things directed towards launching women into society. Must have two Madames as workers. The family must pay $10,000 per child who attends.

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