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#1 Old 12th Aug 2016 at 10:37 PM Last edited by Gulloh : 14th Oct 2016 at 3:33 PM.
Default [Age of Sims Challenge] Turn Sims 3 into a strategic game :)
[Before Read]--> I am soo sorry for my english, this post is going to contain few english errors

Age of Sims
Little prologue(No-lore)
Since when i was 5 i played strategic games, like Celtic Kings and American Conquest(Ah...the good old games ( ; ) and i used to play the sims 3 when i was a kid.
In these days i restart to play the sims 3, i like it very much, and I love the variety of ways to play it(Challanges, Create yourself, exc...), then i install some mod to have more sims on a lot(Master Controller and Portrait Panel) and then i realize: Well, lets make a city on a lot. I start to build some houses, streets and parks. Then i remember how i love strategic game and one of my favourite one: Age of Empires II.
In that game you start with few guys and the objective is to destroy all other players or build a Wonder and you can improve your troops and building by spending food, stone, wood and gold.
I focalize on the last two aspects, build a Wonder and improvement. Then i start to play the sims 3, 2 days later and i have a big idea for a challange.
And now, ladies and gentleman, i start with background and the real challange(that is still in Work in progress).

After a epidemy, the city became a jungle, no one lives there by decades and the building have become ashes . You and your friend are, apparently, the only survivors here. You camp near what was a park, but you are determinated to rebuild this city.

Before the challange, do those things for a correct experience of it:

+)Buy and install the dlc World Advenure, thats optional, but you need it if you want to experience all aspect of the challenge and have more immersion

+)If you want you can install other dlcs, i suggest you the following dlcs: Seasons, Pets, Ambitions, Generations and Late Night

+)Install five essential mods: Master Controller,Portrait Panel,Mover, Woohooer and Scribbling Pad you can found them here : MC:http://nraas.wikispaces.com/MasterC...er+Interactions PP:http://nraas.wikispaces.com/PortraitPanel+Interactions Wh:http://nraas.wikispaces.com/Woohooer Mover:http://nraas.wikispaces.com/Mover Scribbling Pad:http://modthesims.info/download.php?t=422974

+)Plan something before play it, i think this is a not so hard challange but a complex one: feel free to use a paper and a pencil or to project some points :D

+)When you are done with the previous instructions, start a new game.

+)Remove all the buildings, unless they are fishing spots

+)Set all the fishing spots to No visitor allowed lot

+)Cover all the places there were community and residential lots with trees and bushes for a better immersion.

+)The city will appear like this: http://i.imgur.com/chz0QW7.jpg

+)Place two lots, one min: 40x40 max 60x60 in a place that you like, than a little 30x20 lot near it

+)Set the first as a no visitor allowed lot, and the second as a residential lot

+)Ctrl + Shift + C and type those two codes: testingcheatsenabled true and buydebug on

+)Go on the residential lot, place two tends, one portable fire pit with 6 chairs, and 5 plants(Choose one you like the most, i am italian so tomatoes are my choice XD), then build a 2x1 little house far away from the tents, place the most economic toilet and hide it with some trees or bushes. Also place a two boxes for the storage of the food, use them as a village/city inventory.

+)Now you got something like this: http://i.imgur.com/x2PLkeF.jpg

+)Now, the part that tons of you likes most, create two sims, a male and a female, give them some unique features like bright color eyes or hair or a strange skin color. I gave the male bright red eyes and the woman light blue eyes.

+)Disable Story progression and set lifetime as normal(90 days)

+)Now place them in the lot, and start play my challenge

Rules and objectives:
Little note: All the challange focuses around foods, skills, paintings, scultures and all collectable things you can place in the inventory. This not only a simple challange, you can add some other challenge(like Legacies or builing ones) while you play it. I am here only to present you my challenge and i only want your enjoyment while play this, also feel free to suggest me some ideas or add to this challenge some personal rules : ) we are free after all.

+)The main objective is the survive of your people and the build of the wonder, but as i said before, feel free to add some others objectives

+)You start as some primitive folks, you can't build other things than fences for plants or tents. Elettricity stuffs or modern furnitures are non allowed, all the things you build/place must remember some rude and primitive style(i suggest you to change the style of the tents from cotton to leather )

+)Motherlode and Kaching: you can play with them and use them when you run out of money or ban them and use only the simoleons you earn from selling stuff.

+) Only married or boyfriend/girlfriend sims can try for babies.

+)You can place communitary lots and sets them as convenients store, parks or visitors not allowed lots for 250 units of food. You need also a total population of 10 sims.

+)All vegetables value as 1 unit of food, all fish all 2 unit of food, nectar as 10 units of food. Units of food not used yet must be in one box, units of food already used in the other box or selled.

+)Gems are usefull for spawning sims and buildings, Gold ore let you build a consignment store in a community lot, Silver ore let you build another residential lot for expand your people, Iron ore let you build a park in a community lot. Example: You want to build a market near your residential lot/village, you need 250 units of food and a gold ore. Other metals value as Gems. Meteors are usefull for buildings in the Medieval Era.

+)Bugs are now useless, if i will get a good idea i will introduce them and give them some uses.


+)When you got 5 plats, one cutted gem and 10 food you can spawn via Master Controller a sim.

+)At the beginning feed your sims with veggies or roasted fish(roast it in the fire pit), no fridges or pizza. If a sim die of hunger, feels lucky! you have unlocked another improvement XD

+)You can place a tent for 20 food for every two sims.

+)When you got 50 units of food and a gem you can build your first building: a small hut. It is a 8x4 house with no floor(you can change the terrain texture and make it looks like mud) ,mud/bare stone like walls(i suggest you to use the Travel Adventure dlc's wall covers) and straw roof. For windows i suggest the egiptian ones from Travel Adventures. Furnitures must be very essentials: two beds (or a double one) made of wood and with tartan blanket, some wooden stools,wooden wardrobes, torches as light sources and some decorations like a little stone table with a potter on it or some logs out side the hut. Examples:http://i.imgur.com/EvCO8Gl.jpg / http://i.imgur.com/R611LcB.jpg

+)When you got 8 sims, 200 units of food and 3 gems you can place a 60x60 residential lot where you like as long is it close to the 60x60 communitary lot you place in the beggining. Then move all of your sims to that lot.

+)When you have 400 food, 3 gems, 5 iron and a total population of 15 sims, you unlock an improvement: Religion. You can now build a temple and place inside the tombs of your dead sims. Religion gives you some cool bonuses:
[INDENT]-When you got 4 sims with max gardening skill you can place a statue/decoration in the temple that resembles a Godness of Crops, this will give you 10 growed up plants of the same type you can choose in the debug menu(except Life fruit,Omni plant, flame fruit, only "real plants") and you can place irrigators.
-When you got 4 sims with max Logic skill you can place a statue/decoration in the temple that resembles the God of Science, this allow you to build for free library in the Classical Era.
- When you got 4 sims with max Atletics skill you can place a statue/decoration that in the temple resembles the God of War, this allow you to add for free a barrack in the Classical Era
- When you got 6 babies you can place a statue/decoration in the temple that resembles the God of Fertility, this allow you to build for free a Pubblic nursery in the Classical Era
- When you got all the statues/decorations that resemble all the gods, you can place a statue/decoration that resembles the Father God that gives you a free building and 5 free sims.

+)When you got a population of more that 10 sims and 200 food you can build a Granary: this building is one of the most important for the Ancient Era, this building have inside 2 more boxes, and, if you have 6 different plants in you village/city, a fridge.

+)When your village have no more tents you can upgrade huts to houses, you need 150 food each huts you want to upgrade. This house is now 5x10 and have a 2x4 bathroom with the most economic toilet and the most economic sink. You can place a wooden or bare rock floor.

+)If your village have two kids you can give them a ball, life in the Ancient Era is so boring... only woohoo and gardening...

+)When you got a Granary, A sim with a fridge, 200 units of food and 12 sims you can build a Canteen near the Granary, in the canteen you need 3 counters, the most economic stove, the most economic sink and a table with 6 chair.

+)Next era: Classical era, you need 500 units of food, all previous buildings/improvements and 5 gems.
When you enter the Classical Era you unlock new improvements to the pre-existent buildings:
-All the houses gets 2 more rooms,stone/brick walls, stone/wood floors, the possibility to build a second floor, a kitchen, decorations of the appropriate culture and a chimney.
-All the furnitures upgrade to to the next one. Example: "SimChar Dual-State Stove" became a "Cowpoke Stove"
-Adopt a Culture: You can choose between European(Roman/Greek/Viking(something that look like a early medieval culture) like in Classical Era, European in Medieval Era and French in Reinassance) Egyptian(Egyptian/Indian in the Ancient era, Islamic/Indian/Ottoman in the Medieval and Reinassance) or Chinese(Ancient Chinese/Oriental in Classical Era, Chinese/Japanese/Korean/Oriental in Medieval and Reinassance) and build following its style. I choose the European one and this is my village in classical era: http://i.imgur.com/vc4GT51.jpg

+) If you adopt a Culture, you got 16 sims and 320 food you can build a square/platea, this building replace the ancient era fire pit and must have 3 benches,decorations of the culture and trees.

+)When you got 200 units of food you can upgrade the Granary, it now have the "L'amour des Fruits Nectar Maker" and you can make nectar.

+)When you unlock the God of Science statue/decoration you can build a free Library, this building can be placed only near the Gymnasium and must have scribbling pad.
Literal masterpieces can replace the painting masterpieces/sculptural masterpieces.

When you unlock the God of war statue you can build a barrack, a building that is focused on martial arts and allow you to build walls and a castle in medieval era

+)When you got 500 units of food you can build the Gymnasium, it is the first building that allows you to raise up logic,athletic,guitar(or one of the other instrument) and painting(and sculpture with Ambitions) Must build close to the plaza and with a garden close to in(or the plaza itself). If you choose to place a Pedestrian Sculpting Station you can only sculpt stone, wood, metal and clay.

+)When you got 400 units of food you can build a Insulae, The insulae is the latin for condominium, its floor has 3 rooms of 8x4 each. You can build the insulae without adds a kitchen or a chimney.
It is not needed to unlock the new era.

+) When you got 250 units of food you can build the Public Bath / Termae , this place rise the hygiene of the citizens , it has a pool , 2 bathtubs and the pool must be at open air

+)If you have 5 gems , 500 units of food , and 8 sims you can make them emigrated to a residential plot . You first need to buy a second residential lot, build on it houses for all the sims, a canteen and a farm. Then simply move 8 sims you want to be part of the new village to the lot.This new residential lot is called "village", this is the beginning of the reconstruction of the city ;D

New Era: Medieval Era: need 800 units of food, 10 brillant paintings/10 stone sculpture, all the previous buildings(except the insulae), 4 alive or dead max logic sims and 2 villages.
All the buildings changes style from classical to medieval(example:Roman Temple become a Cattedral, brick walls became timber frame walls)
Now you can build 3 floor houses, and all houses have now a bathtub and a skill related forniture.
All the fornitures upgrade to the next one("Cowpoke Stove" become "Tri-Forge Stove").

+) The new era allow you to build the first half of the Wonder, you can now buy the 60x60 community plot and build the background of the wonder, with the shops(4 consingment store), the museum where you put the paintings/sculptures needed for the new eras and a large flat area where the wonder will be built

+)If you have 150 units of food(and i am sure you got ) you can build a mine, for the spawning of ores you need to place a iron spawner from the debug menu. Now for place a park you need 3 gems, iron needs for buildings and improvements :D

+)When you got 3 masterpiece paintings ,a meteor,10 iron and 300 units of food you can convert the gymnasium in an university, it adds a second floor and a telescope. This building gives you 10 science point every day.
Scienze points are the new "food" of the medieval and reinassance era, they are provided by university, logic skill, books and meteors/astronomy:
University +10 science points everyday
5 logic skill sim +1 science points everyday
small meteor +1 science points everyday
large meteor + 5 science points everyday
huge meteor +20 science points everyday
All the meteor must be collocated inside the university

+) When you got 20 iron and 600 food you can build a castle/tower and a wall around the city , this castle is a sort of " better" insulae , it must provide home to 8 sims and must be four stories tall. Here will live the descendants of the first 2 sims This buildings nees a barrack

+)Taberna/Inn needs 5 iron and 10 bottles of nectar, a place where sims can stay together : )

+)Blacksmith needs 1O iron and 300 food adds 3 more ore spawner at the mine and an inventor table in the blacksmith

New era: Reinassance Era: needs 50 iron, 10 painting masterworks,750 science points, all previous buildings,800 food and 6 villages.
Add a third floor to all the houses, walls change from timberframe to marble, all furniture upgrades to the next one(example "Tri-forge Stove" become "Festus 44")
you can now build the Wonder.

+)Science points are doubled
University +20 science points everyday
5 logic skill sim +2 science points everyday
small meteor +2 science points everyday
large meteor + 10 science points everyday
huge meteor +40 science points everyday
+)Science points now gives you some new technologies:
250 sp= Showers
500sp=All forniture become the best furnitures in the game(example"Festus 44" become "Streamlined Stove")

+)When you got 15 iron and 250 science point you can add to the university an observatory, this upgrade gives you 1 science point everyday for every star you discover

When you got 1000 food, 100 iron, 10 masterworks and all the technologies you can build the Wonder and win the challenge.
For the "Wonder build an architectonic wonder in the style of your culture, it must be the biggest and the greatest building in the game.
Some examples of a "Wonder" will be Versailles for French, Hagia Sophia for the Ottomans, Taj Mahal for Indians or the Porcelain Tower for the Chinese. Feel free to build whatever you want to, that is also your wonder ;D
It must be built in the large flat area at the 60x60 comunity lot.

Congratulations, you win my challange :D
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#2 Old 12th Aug 2016 at 10:49 PM
feel free to tell me some ideas or suggestion for this challange :D
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#3 Old 21st Aug 2016 at 1:00 PM
Has someone tried my challenge?
Test Subject
#4 Old 25th Aug 2016 at 11:20 AM
(Sims 3 doesn't allow sims to write on a simple piece of paper XD) that can be used only for writing
there is a useful mod here at modthesims http://modthesims.info/download.php?t=422974
so you don't need a computer
#5 Old 30th Aug 2016 at 2:08 PM Last edited by Elynda : 3rd Sep 2019 at 1:01 AM. Reason: Adding to
You could start this challenge out in a place like Finnington (http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=441238) which is already empty. I find this world useful for all kinds of things. It sounds like a very interesting idea, I might give it a try. I've the very sim in mind for one of my founders, I'll just go see if I can find a picture of her...

While I'm here, what do you mean by 'boxes' for storing food? Do you mean something like those treasure chests from WA?

EDIT: Yes here she is, I thought I still had her in my sim bin!

Her name is Oota, and she's a Cro-Magnon girl who somehow got transported through time to the present. Well, that was her story when I originally played her. Anyway, she's a fine, healthy outdoor sort of filly, I think she'd do well in a post apocalyptic world. I think I'll partner her with a skinny wimpy little guy in the remains of a three peice suit. Yeah, Oota can 'take care' of him. Oh yes! I'm gonna go for it! Let you know how I get on.

Legend is history as we would like it to be. We pick through the dusts of time for what is worth keeping and, here and there, we occasionally find treasure.

tumblr: Elyndaworld *** tumblr: Queen Lucy (new)
#6 Old 2nd Sep 2016 at 3:33 AM

Sorry to double post, but I have a question. What about hygiene? Sims are going to get pretty stinky, and unless we make them slobs, they're not going to be very happy about it. Maybe they could have a bathtub hid away in those bushes. What do you think?

I think somebody ought to make a mod that lets sims get clean by swimming, that'd be better for our purposes.

Legend is history as we would like it to be. We pick through the dusts of time for what is worth keeping and, here and there, we occasionally find treasure.

tumblr: Elyndaworld *** tumblr: Queen Lucy (new)
Test Subject
#7 Old 3rd Sep 2016 at 4:48 PM
This sounds very interesting! I might try it out later.
#8 Old 5th Sep 2016 at 2:21 PM Last edited by Elynda : 3rd Sep 2019 at 1:07 AM.
Well, I made a start. This is my home lot, following the above rules:

This was just by way of introduction, I haven't yet decided where I shall be posting updates, possibly on my Live Journal, which I haven't used much yet.

Legend is history as we would like it to be. We pick through the dusts of time for what is worth keeping and, here and there, we occasionally find treasure.

tumblr: Elyndaworld *** tumblr: Queen Lucy (new)
Field Researcher
#9 Old 9th Sep 2016 at 1:13 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Elynda

Sorry to double post, but I have a question. What about hygiene? Sims are going to get pretty stinky, and unless we make them slobs, they're not going to be very happy about it. Maybe they could have a bathtub hid away in those bushes. What do you think?

I think somebody ought to make a mod that lets sims get clean by swimming, that'd be better for our purposes.

Bluegenjutsu has a mod for raising hygiene and cooling sims down by swimming, over at Naughty Sims Asylum. Can't link since you have to create an account to get access, but it's free. It's a bit hit & miss if it works, though. Should be compatible with the last patch but it doesn't work in all worlds. Nraas Tempest can possibly override it.

Here's some nice "stone age" stuff that might suit the challenge. stone age and rustic cc

Personally, I think the castaway set part 2 is the most useful for simple toilets/showers. Even better with a no privacy mod for the waterfall shower. Still works even if the set is old.

Absolutely Cuckoo - I'm Surrounded By Idiots
Pollard - a Boolprop EPIC challenge
#10 Old 10th Sep 2016 at 12:54 AM
Ah, some very interesting stuff there! Not just for this challenge, but for other things I have in mind too. Thanks for the links. And I do have an account with Naughty Sims Asylum, so I shall certainly check that out.

Legend is history as we would like it to be. We pick through the dusts of time for what is worth keeping and, here and there, we occasionally find treasure.

tumblr: Elyndaworld *** tumblr: Queen Lucy (new)
Test Subject
Original Poster
#11 Old 7th Oct 2016 at 8:13 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Elynda
Well, I made a start. This is my home lot, following the above rules:

This was just by way of introduction, I haven't yet decided where I shall be posting updates, possibly on my Live Journal, which I haven't used much yet.

Nice roleplay! i am happy, someone is playing my challenge
Yes! Boxes/Treasures Chest from World Advenure are what i meant
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#12 Old 7th Oct 2016 at 8:18 PM
Guys! I want to write an update which include social classes, hierarchy, events and possibilities
In these days i am playing a lot of Europa Universalis 4 and i love the random event that can turn the game in a defeat or a victory :D

Another little note:
The canon for my challenge is that they are primitives ; ) BUT! fell free to do some variations! Here some ideas:
Post Apocalitic World
Colonization of a new planet
Age of Empire roleplay XD
Russian Colonization of Siberia / Vikings in North America (this is kinda fun i think ;D)

Thanks for playing my challenge, i appreciate it
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