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#1 Old 26th Apr 2017 at 7:31 AM Last edited by Zarathustra : 3rd May 2017 at 5:19 AM. Reason: Jo told me to... ;)
Default Hoooooooowwwwllllll!!!!!
It seems like in discussions of EPs, Pets usually gets the least attention. Likewise, in discussions of supernatural life states, werewolves get the least attention! Yet there are still interesting stories and approaches to gameplay to be found regarding them, I'm sure!

So, how do you play werewolves? Are they integrated into society, or social outcasts? Can people trust them, or do they have a tendency to drive away all human contact? Are other Sims awestruck or terrified by their transformations? Etc...

Welcome to the Dark Side...
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Field Researcher
#2 Old 26th Apr 2017 at 8:50 AM
Currently they are living in forests around Desiderata Valley and avoiding all sims like plague. If/when Violet Jocque gets her way, both werewolves and sims will have to find a way to co-exist.
My creatures usually try to use their differences from regular sims in a way that benefits them financially. Just yesterday I created few CAS-plantsims and build a commune for them. Fortune plant-sim Hazel Leaf plans to use the fact that she can pass down all her skills and badges to plantbabies to create an army of low-needs, high-skilled workers.
Werewolves, when the time comes, will find similar ways to make a living. Someone will probably open a dog training center. Or a pet shelter. Some may become security workers.
Mad Poster
#3 Old 26th Apr 2017 at 9:53 AM
At the moment the only were wolf I have is Remus Lupin from Harry Potter, so I've been using the HP rules for werewolves. Have to be locked up, vicious, etc. It does get annoying when sims keep rolling cure wants. It's not supposed to be curable. XD

I do have a hack that doesn't change the personality, as HP werewolves are supposed to be normal humans when it isn't a full moon and I also have a hack that reduces the wolfy nights to 3 nights a week, so my poor werewolf isn't locked up every night.
#4 Old 27th Apr 2017 at 1:54 AM
I have one just for the sake of having one. He is married to Lola Curious. I just keep forgetting I can have them

"Oh look, my grandchild is now an elder. They grow up so fast. Gee, I wonder when I'll finally graduate college." Sims 2
#5 Old 27th Apr 2017 at 3:00 AM
do not yet have the Pets expansion. do have its Prima Guide.

when I get the expansion, werewolf sims would do all pet training in their respective households.
might add wolves to some of those households; using the werewolf interaction that summons them.
#6 Old 27th Apr 2017 at 3:02 AM
I've never managed to make a werewolf. I tried, in my Transylvania neighbourhood, but the glowing-eyed wolves just weren't interested in human contact and would leave the lot as soon as I directed a Sim to interact with them. Maybe this is why people tend not talk about them - they're too hard to get without a cheat?
Mad Poster
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#7 Old 27th Apr 2017 at 3:33 AM
They are probably the hardest ones to get, at least at first (once you have a playable become a werewolf, it's a lot easier to have THEM spread lycanthropy, rather than always a Leader of the Pack)... I think I created my first one using testingcheats to manipulate the relationship between my Sim and the Leader of the Pack I ended up summoning. Maybe that difficulty is part of why they tend to be disregarded so often?

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#8 Old 27th Apr 2017 at 3:40 AM
non-cheat/non-hack/non-mod I imagine would not be much harder than for sims to become vampires or witches/warlocks.
the non-discussion is probably a player-interest issue rather than the methods for sims to become them.
Mad Poster
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#10 Old 27th Apr 2017 at 4:45 AM
It takes a good relationship, and then the LotP will "nibble" your Sim as I recall... two things that seem totally backwards from what you'd expect of stereotypically savage werewolves... The good relationship is where I run into trouble. When I played trying to get supernatural playables, I found it much harder to get the necessary relationship with the LotP than I did with the Grand Vamps or the High Witches- pets are trickier than humans, at least to me...

Welcome to the Dark Side...
We lied about having cookies.
#11 Old 27th Apr 2017 at 5:46 AM
I've been hesitant to play werewolves for the same reason I've avoided zombies: I don't like the thought of a sim's personality being changed so drastically. There is a mod by Cyon that helps reduce the amount, but it's still very noticeable. Most of the sims I've had, I've liked their current personalities too much to give up just for those life states. So even though I have the mod (both for werewolf and zombie), I'm still on the fence of ever playing them.
Mad Poster
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#12 Old 27th Apr 2017 at 6:13 AM
Maybe there should be another mod that only acknowledges the body skill and personality changes at night when a werewolf is transformed? And during the day, they keep their normal alignment and strength?

Welcome to the Dark Side...
We lied about having cookies.
Mad Poster
#13 Old 27th Apr 2017 at 7:51 AM
The only sim I ever wanted to turn into a werewolf - Trent Traveller Hart of the GS Uberhood Challenge - couldn't get Mr. Boots (the LotP was named Mr. Boots!) to stay on the lot quite long enough. He was a very busy guy, and the challenge ended shortly after his toddlers grew up. If I ever go back, maybe I'll be able to get it done. His personality won't actually change much.

I have got a concept for a hood in which the Plantsims and the Werewolves are feuding, with the normal humans caught in the middle, but I have to finally finish Bigg City first.

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
Top Secret Researcher
#14 Old 27th Apr 2017 at 7:59 AM
I only managed to turn one Sim into a werewolf (without cheats), but I got bored with him pretty quickly. He died accidentally in a fire (which I didn't really attempt to extinguish).
#15 Old 27th Apr 2017 at 8:54 AM
I originally read the title of this topic as "How !!!!!" thinking it's one of those "You dumb Sim, how can't you get past the teddy bear, silly pixel!" threads. Pleasantly surprised and positively tickled to discover otherwise.

Currently I'm playing one werewolf. He comes from a tribe of werewolves. He ran away because he thinks he's not fit for the mindset of the culture he comes from. He's currently residing in the outskirts of the current place he's at. It's hard for him to find someone who's ok with the fact that by night, his sensitive figure turns into a hungry night's beast. And it's also hard for him to face that fact himself.
The quote I'm currently playing by is "I can't change the way I look, but I can change how I look at it." It's going great so far.

I'm mentally recovering from my exams, and I'm really missing my Sims, so it feels good to be back in the game.

Jonain päivänä mä toivon, että pääsen käymään Suomessa – ja heti perillä unohdan kaiken, mitä oon oppinut suomen kielestä, ja sanon vaan 'kahvia'.
DJ. who?
#16 Old 27th Apr 2017 at 9:08 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Zarathustra
Maybe there should be another mod that only acknowledges the body skill and personality changes at night when a werewolf is transformed? And during the day, they keep their normal alignment and strength?

Oooh, something like that maybe combined with making the transformation happen less often? I think I saw one that reduces it to three nights a week. It would probably be hell to code, though. I don't think there's any mechanic in the game that temporarily changes a sim's personality. There would need to be some way of storing the sim's original personality, so that it could be restored at the end of the transformation.
Mad Poster
#17 Old 27th Apr 2017 at 10:33 AM
There's this. It also has versions that have no personality change. https://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=219826
#18 Old 27th Apr 2017 at 12:14 PM
Thanks, Charity! I'm not surprised it's a mod done by Black Spirit. I already have a few of their other supernatural mods. Hmm, I suppose I could always use the sim blender to temporarily change personality for the night I choose to have them transform.
#19 Old 27th Apr 2017 at 2:31 PM
From what I've read, and seen in game, wolves will show up more frequently when the lot has a lot of trees. Having a baby or toddler also attracts them for some reason. Maybe it was intended for toddlers to begin a friendship which would grow slowly until the toddler became a teen. After that would be the chance to convert to wolfish ways. I tried having a wolf just once and got annoyed at the constant wants and fears from everyone in the neighborhood. Even after that sim was transformed back to his old self, the wants and fears don't fully go away. (:

When you forgive, you heal. When you let go, you grow.
Mad Poster
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#20 Old 27th Apr 2017 at 7:23 PM
I've always assumed that it was kind of a callback to the evil "big bad wolf" who was so scary to young children in various fairy tales... that if you had toddlers, wolves were more likely to show up because they wanted to take away the children.

Fairy tales have some really dark stories, guys....

Welcome to the Dark Side...
We lied about having cookies.
Mad Poster
#22 Old 27th Apr 2017 at 10:27 PM
I've decided that werewolves when they transform have only animal instincts. They will immediately try to get either food or sex from whoever is in the vicinity, and if they refuse, the werewolf becomes angry and attacks. Apart from that, I leave them alone, but I quite often end up with whole families of them and they love howling away in their little packs!

However I do allow sims to freely buy the potion to cure werewolfness if they can afford to hire the trainer, and roll the want. Sometimes they'll even buy the potion as a gift.

Check out my thoughts on Psymchology (Sim Psychology) - latest post is on the main six aspirations.
#24 Old 27th Apr 2017 at 10:49 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Charity
There's this. It also has versions that have no personality change. http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=219826

I am glad to have this, though it helps only a little. My only werewolf at the moment is Angua from Ankh Morpork, and she is miserable about her condition - as indeed she is in the Terry Pratchett novels. She is so miserable that I am disinclined to visit her lot. Perhaps with this new mod, she might be a less depressing sim. I can't see any advantage in lycanthropy.
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