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#1 Old 29th Dec 2017 at 6:28 PM
Default Hermagerg
hermagerg marries susan and her twin sister gregamreh marries boyd,they have 23 children each who all marry blair and have 4 kids

I May Be Life Dumb But I'm Sim Smart(mostly).
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#3 Old 29th Dec 2017 at 7:46 PM
hermagerg all started when:
at school my friend drew this thing called bert which was disturbing (for some reason if i see a creepy drawing i laugh) and then it escalated into hermagerg,hermagerg was what susan is to you a goddess anyway it was weird and it escalted to me saying if you live on the sun there is only one drop of water a month they give birth using their eyes and i am hermagergs parent eventually the ignored twin gregamreh was also formed

I May Be Life Dumb But I'm Sim Smart(mostly).
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#5 Old 29th Dec 2017 at 10:26 PM
maybe...oh and the hermagergian sisters have a machine called the muncher where they put human sacrifises in,they invite susan,boyd ,blair,cycl0n3 and erin to see the next event at new years day will they come?

I May Be Life Dumb But I'm Sim Smart(mostly).
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#7 Old 29th Dec 2017 at 10:41 PM
they wont get sacrificed oh no they'll be the spectators and of course rheadar shada and feindar too although the refugees from the disasters will be the victims...

I May Be Life Dumb But I'm Sim Smart(mostly).
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#9 Old 29th Dec 2017 at 10:44 PM
and the hermagergian empire

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#11 Old 29th Dec 2017 at 10:49 PM
we started on the sun and spread elsewhere we are also know by others as the "OMG THEY WILL WEAR OUR SKIN AS HATS!!! RUN FROM THE DEMONIC CREATURES PASTOR PRAY FOR US " gang

I May Be Life Dumb But I'm Sim Smart(mostly).
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#13 Old 29th Dec 2017 at 11:19 PM
yes the children shall be rulers of seperate empires and the new empires will be...

skank empire:an intergalactic prostitution agency

housewife empire: all women stuck in 1950s phase

bleugh empire:plague carries

I May Be Life Dumb But I'm Sim Smart(mostly).
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#15 Old 30th Dec 2017 at 12:17 PM
yes an the empire believes that altantis does exist,so they drag it up nd it turns out to be simnation...

I May Be Life Dumb But I'm Sim Smart(mostly).
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#17 Old 30th Dec 2017 at 1:52 PM
and then everyone takes turn in impregnating susan

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#19 Old 30th Dec 2017 at 2:52 PM
apart from us cultists

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#21 Old 23rd Jan 2018 at 8:24 PM
it seems so strange without other comments

I May Be Life Dumb But I'm Sim Smart(mostly).
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Lab Assistant
#22 Old 23rd Jan 2018 at 8:54 PM
kaiko is gone

Sometimes I feel like one of the unborn Ottomas twins.
Original Poster
#23 Old 23rd Jan 2018 at 8:55 PM
how? tell me?

I May Be Life Dumb But I'm Sim Smart(mostly).
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Lab Assistant
#25 Old 24th Jan 2018 at 5:30 PM
Who is disagreeeing on most posts just stop, honestly, and any way HOW, HOW? is it you love that Kaiko is gone oh wait helpful too?

Sometimes I feel like one of the unborn Ottomas twins.
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