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#1 Old 28th Aug 2019 at 5:52 AM Last edited by Sunrader : 29th Aug 2019 at 12:54 AM.
Default Tweaking Dance Floor Tiles Color Changes
I tried this in Stupid and Random but I guess it wasn't random enough....
Can anyone tell me how the Zecutine's Catwalk or Chazz Gassed Tiles work? I tried a few things with BCONs to figure it out, but nothing seems to go as I would expect.
I really just want the tiles to only flash yellow/red/orangey colors so they match my nightclub decor, and I don't want to have to own the lot to configure it, so I was thinking just a quick and dirty replace all the options if I have to, or the default if I could tell which it is, or delete all but one option... with just the warm colors I want, but I can't tell by looking at it how they are identified or how it works in general. Suggestions?
Mad Poster
#2 Old 28th Aug 2019 at 12:13 PM
Maybe they are controlled by settings in the txmt or lght resources instead?
Original Poster
#3 Old 28th Aug 2019 at 5:34 PM
Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
Maybe they are controlled by settings in the txmt or lght resources instead?

It seems like, even if it were, I should be able to just change the colors referred to, but I can't figure out how the colors are designated. Any ideas there?
Field Researcher
#4 Old 28th Aug 2019 at 7:23 PM Last edited by clsve : 28th Aug 2019 at 7:54 PM. Reason: Spelling
Clicking on a tile in the dancefloor open a Pie Meny with a Configure Submeny in which there are 10 different colormodes for the dancefloor . You find the colormodes in BCON 0x1003 Color Tables in Group 0x7F8FF653 (Chazz Gassed Tiles).
Structure in this is
Line 0 :Number of sets.
Line 1 – 10 Number for BCONS with RGB- values for the different modes:
# BCON Name
1 . 0x1001 RGB
2 . 0x1000 Pastels
3 . 0x1005 All Lights
4 0x1006 Blue Green
5. 0x1007 Orange Yellow
6. 0x1008 Res Purple
7. 0x1009 Night Club
8. 0x100A Restaurant
9. 0x100B Bowling
A 0x100C Kid’s

Structure in RGB- BCON:s :
Line 0 : Number of colors
Line 1 R-value color 1
Line 2 G-value color 1
Line 3 B-value color 1
Line 4 R-value color 2 and so

So you have to make your own RGB-BCON and replace one of the game’s RGB- BCON.
Original Poster
#5 Old 28th Aug 2019 at 11:29 PM Last edited by Sunrader : 29th Aug 2019 at 12:55 AM.
Quote: Originally posted by clsve
Structure in RGB- BCON:s :
Line 0 : Number of colors
Line 1 R-value color 1
Line 2 G-value color 1
Line 3 B-value color 1
Line 4 R-value color 2 and so

So you have to make your own RGB-BCON and replace one of the game’s RGB- BCON.

Thanks. I had figured out all the first part, but couldn't figure out how the numbers identified colors, and the labels in the table don't seem to correspond with what I see in the game, but now I think you are saying that the numbers are actual RGB values, three entries per color. I will try that, thank you!

EDIT: Yep, that's what I needed to know. See... I knew this was a stupid question... thank you!
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