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#1 Old 24th Mar 2020 at 1:46 PM
Default The Family Collections Challenge
Ok, so while we all know that the sims 4 is lacking in certain aspects of the gameplay, one thing that I really enjoy in this version of the sims is the extensive collections system, which is what inspired me to create this challenge.

Here's the rundown of the challenge:
-Your aim is to complete every single collection in the sims (including all the additional items from any expansions you may have that are technically not counted by the game towards completing the collection)
-The way you do it is through several generations, meaning that each generation of a family is only allowed to complete 1 (or 2 depending on the collection and how you play) collection before moving onto next generation
-That is not to say that your sim can ONLY work on 1 collection at a time, however they cannot COMPLETE it. For example, it's impossible to differentiate between spawning of metals/crystals/fossils/time capsules when digging so it's inevitable that your sim will continue to find objects from more than one collection when searching for something specific.
-Some collections are easier to complete than others, which is why I recommend putting some of them in pairs and having the sim complete 2 before moving onto next generation. Which collections you decide to pair up is completely up to you and will depend entirely on what packs you own.
-Also, to make it a bit more challenging, each time your sim has a child for next generation: the todler must master all the skills, the child needs to complete a least 1 aspiration, both as child and as teen they need to get A in school. If you own parenthood then the child need to grow up with 3 positive character traits. Only then will the child be eligible to carry on the next generation as the 'heir' if you will. Your sim can have more than 1 child, but only 1 can carry on the collection challenge.

-BONUS ROUND: if you want to make it a bit more challenging, try to also collect all that things that the game does not categorise as collections, and what I mean by that is things like: all the potions from herbalism skill, all the serums from the science career, all the potions from alchemy skills etc. basically anything your sim can MAKE

Throughout the years of playing sims I have completed most of the collections myself, so if you want any tips or help with specific objects let me know in the thread. Good luck
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