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#1 Old 9th Feb 2021 at 6:42 AM Last edited by Shiozawa : 9th Feb 2021 at 7:30 AM.
Default Changing Chance Cards - SimPe help
I'm trying to change the $ amounts from chance cards to better match my low $ game play. (Getting paid $200 a day, but receiving $20,000 from a card is a little overkill). I'm editing the Athletics career. Level 4's Pass A is [Money 20000]. However, Level 10's Pass A is [Money 50] and Pass B is [Money 40]. In what format is money done? I would like to change Level 4's Pass A to $1,400. Is this possible? Would I type 1400 or 1.4 or something entirely different.
Also, I found files for the Base and Uni careers. Where can I download Seasons/Freetime careers? From my understanding, looking at this page, Seasons/Freetime careers don't have chance cards? I'm going to assume I'm able to create my own?

I also think I posted in the wrong spot but I'm not able to delete the thread? I'm not sure if I should repost to the proper spot though....

Thank you.
Me? Sarcastic? Never.
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#2 Old 9th Feb 2021 at 3:00 PM
@Shiozawa I've moved the thread to create.  There are 4 BCONs to edit, Tuning - Chance - A - Good - Money, Tuning - Chance - A - Bad - Money, Tuning - Chance - B - Good - Money, Tuning - Chance - B - Bad - Money.  If you look at the values listed, it show both hex and decimal values.  Just change the dec value to what you want and commit.

You can clone the careers in simpe.  It's in Other/person, just untick all boxes to create an override.  And I'm pretty sure all game careers have chance cards, the education one does for sure.
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