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#1 Old 21st Aug 2021 at 9:59 PM Last edited by AlphaIsTimZ : 17th Sep 2021 at 8:49 PM.
Rags to Riches: Zombie Apocalypse Legacy Challenge
Hi, everyone, it's been years since I was here, but I lost my account and set up a new one. Anyway, here's the challenge :3

Since the rule is too long here, I put everything, including my future challenges in this Google doc link https://docs.google.com/document/d/...dit?usp=sharing and search for [TS4//1] in the document.

Happy simming!
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#2 Old 22nd Aug 2021 at 12:45 PM
Guys, I've added random events and I finally split scavenger into scavenger and fisherman, so check those out!
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#3 Old 25th Aug 2021 at 1:21 PM
Hi, I revise the rules even further and I think I'm happy with this. I don't think I'll do major revision again, so please read it thoroughly again. I'm open for suggestions, so please feel free to throw your comments here :D
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#4 Old 15th Sep 2021 at 7:20 PM
Hi it's me again! I hope that some people are interested in doing this challenge. I'll stream it maybe next year.
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#5 Old 29th Sep 2021 at 12:12 PM
Now that we have canning with Cottage Living I'm thinking that mod isn't necessary right? Also, since we want to make this our October challenge for our Facebook group, do people really need the sleeping bag mod? Can't they just put down a blowup bed or a tent? Reason I'm asking is most do use MCCC so they only have to download the Zombie one and we always try to keep it 0-2 mods. Thank you!
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#6 Old 4th Oct 2021 at 7:15 PM
@suesimming Cottage's canning is inferior compared to the mod and very tedious, while the mod's canned goods never spoils and you get nice shelves if you have GTW. Besides, you need sugar which actually grocery-exclusive. I personally won't order grocery in such condition since zombies are literally everywhere. I mean, yes, you can make sugar buyable in buy mode using cheats, but it feels like it pops out of thin air.

Sleeping bag can be replaced by 1-sim tent (does it exist) or the cheapest bed if you prefer I think. I use sleeping bed since it's much easier to use indoors. Tbh I wonder if there are any cheaper energy 10 beds other than Cordelia. I haven't got all of the packs now.

Anyway, thanks for checking my challenge out and even want to make it challenge of the month! I appreciate it so much! I'll stream this early next year after I'm done with my current 100 baby challenge, rags to riches, couple edition and I'll do rags to restaurant challenge after that. I use Facebook btw, so I think I'll check it out once I'm freer since I'm busy these days. Sorry, I check this site a little less often these days.
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