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#1 Old 29th May 2022 at 3:09 PM
Default Owning Two Houses for one family in a different world
Hello Guys!

Help me please, I have a question.

Is there any way - mods, cheats or something else - that my sim family could owning two or more houses in a different worlds?

I mean: they're living in Willow Creek, but I want buy a house in Sulani or in Windenburg for them.

I know that there's a mod from LittleMsSam's - buyable venues, but this mod - as far as I know - it helps me to buy on the current location, where I'm playing, where my family living.

Thanks for the help!
dodgy builder
#2 Old 1st Jun 2022 at 8:59 PM
You will probably be better off posting in the WCIF or "where can I find" forum: https://modthesims.info/f/707/
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