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#1 Old 3rd Jun 2022 at 5:40 PM
Default The Murder Hobo Challenge.
In Dungeons and Dragons, a "Murder Hobo" is a player who tries to kill literally every NPC they come across. On Youtube, there is a Youtuber and his Associated Sim who is rather infamous for this sort of behavior. In honor of the Youtuber and Sim, I propose a challenge where we embrace this behavior and decimate the world where your own personal MurderHobo(tm) lives.

Creating the Murderhobo(TM):
-Start with one sim, YA or older, and give them the Evil, brave, and Mean Spirited traits. The other two traits can be whatever you'd like.
-This sim can be "Obviously evil" or "Unsuspecting evil", whichever you pick for their clothes.
-DO NOT MAKE THIS SIM A SUPERNATURAL. This sim can acquire a supernatural state later in the game, but they're just a plain Human Sim for now.
-While there's nothing stopping you from recreating The original Sims Murderhobo(TM) He primarily exists in the Sims 4, not the Sims 3. His associated backward-compatible Traits are most likely: Evil, Brave, Mean Spirited, Kleptomaniac and Commitment issues.

The World suspects nothing:
-Turn off aging for this challenge. Having a sim die of old age would be too darn easy now!
-Plonk the Murderhobo(TM) down in the world of your choosing. Make sure it's a world you aren't particularly fond of.
-For added fun, when the challenge is complete, move on to another world with the same family. Start in Sunset Valley, and move on down the expansion packs, all the way to Isla Paradiso. (Sub-worlds are not required to be eliminated for this challenge, at least not until you get to Isla Paradiso, as they are all attached to the associated world you're playing in.)

A Challenge appears:
-The goal of this challenge is to kill all the pre-made (YA or older) NPCs in the world. (Sub-worlds do not need to have their populations exterminated though)
-Your Murderhobo(TM) can have whatever job you wish, and they can also earn degrees (But you can't actually visit any of the sub-worlds if you're playing the variant until you reach Isla Paradiso).
-Your Murderhobo(TM) can also acquire a supernatural status if you so wish.
-You can play as a "Black Widow" and marry sims for their money before killing them off.
-You can also breed with whichever sim you'd like, but the resulting children will most likely be taken away by social services before you can off the offspring.
-You can capture a sim before killing them by trapping a sim in your home lot, then you can kill them off later if you so choose.
-While it is possible to kill Teenaged or younger Sims in this game, you are not required to do so. (Not to mention, the Pesky Social Workers might make things difficult)
-As for the graves of the NPCs you've offed, you can keep them or delete them. it does not matter.
-If you come across an NPC that you're rather fond of, you don't have to kill them, just add them to the active family. Now Murderhobo(TM) has an accomplice or several!

Now get in the game and make the Grim Reaper proud! (Or exhausted)
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#3 Old 4th Jun 2022 at 3:42 PM
Quote: Originally posted by nitromon
I don't do challenges, but just out of curiosity, how do you manage to kill your NPCs? Assuming without the murder mod, since I didn't read it in this post. In a clean vanilla Sims 3 with expansions, there are very few ways a sim can actually die. The only real way you can make them die now is either starve them or keep them outside in the freezing snow. I suppose it is possible to put them in a closed room with a stove/fireplace and a rug to set it on fire, but that requires some chance as it doesn't always catch fire. Then there is having them fix an electronic device or better yet the dishwasher while they stand in a puddle of water. But again, that is hard if not impossible to achieve as you can't really make them fix things.

Perhaps there are more ways in Sims 4, that is why this originated in Sims 4.

Ah yes. I forgot to mention this challenge should not be played with the Murder Mod.

However, all the ways you listed as ways to kill a sim will work.
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