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#1 Old 20th Nov 2022 at 10:34 PM
Connecting Different Height Foundations?
So I'm trying to connect different height foundations together. I want to create a retaining wall with different step down heights, because a super tall wall looked pretty ugly. Is it possible to connect foundations of differing heights together? I don't know where to begin it is possible. Thanks in advance.
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#2 Old 20th Nov 2022 at 11:19 PM
You can but you need to use the constrainFloorElevation cheat (CFE) to slope the foundation walls downward in between the stepped levels.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#3 Old 21st Nov 2022 at 1:26 AM
Quote: Originally posted by fascisthater
You can but you need to use the constrainFloorElevation cheat (CFE) to slope the foundation walls downward in between the stepped levels.
Thanks. I didn't quite get the result I was hoping for, but I made an attempt.
#4 Old 21st Nov 2022 at 10:46 AM
I gotta ask, how do you actually put the stairs between the foundations? I tried once but it never looked right.

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#5 Old 21st Nov 2022 at 10:01 PM
Quote: Originally posted by whrm3
Thanks. I didn't quite get the result I was hoping for, but I made an attempt.

You use staircases to measure the height of each step, but I don't know if getting an exact slope is going to be possible. I was trying to find a useful tutorial, but my own are 10 and 11 years old, it's just not good enough on Youtube these days. Some people can do the most amazing things with just a hole lot of patience.

Quote: Originally posted by legacyoffailures
I gotta ask, how do you actually put the stairs between the foundations? I tried once but it never looked right.

What do you want it to look like? Do you have a pic. As I said before though patience and lots of hard work probably
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#6 Old 21st Nov 2022 at 11:58 PM Last edited by fascisthater : 23rd Nov 2022 at 6:12 AM.
Quote: Originally posted by legacyoffailures
I gotta ask, how do you actually put the stairs between the foundations? I tried once but it never looked right.

Not sure if I understand question-You don't actually put the stairs between the different foundations for creating a stepped/sloped wall like this. Trying to connect two different pieces of foundations I'm not sure is possible but you use a regular wall built parallel to the foundation wall you wish to sculpt. Using the different height (regular) walls you can and drag the level terrain tool across to the foundation wall.

If the question you are asking is just to place stairs between two seperate foundations, then just make sure one foundation is slightly lower than the other.

Edited this to add- in case what I'm stating unclear: Here is a video for CFE(constrain floor elevation) cheat: Link

If you are meaning that the wall parts underneath exterior stairs change or you don't want them -then change to differnt than standard stair size by altering foundation levels. (example picture of this on stair from dock to ship) but if you want wall part underneath stair for an outside stair for going from ground to foundation (example picture church stair)- you need to build a wall around the structure in order to trick game into creating an indoor type stair.
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