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#1 Old 28th Dec 2022 at 4:14 PM
Default Vampire / Supernatural Make up
Why is some make up (e.g. lipstick) shown correctly on vampires and some other isn’t? I am asking mainly because I love to create my own make up and I want it to show correctly on all creatures and life states. I know that the vampire skins are basically just full face and body make up and unlike other creatures not skins on their own.

How can I make sure my make up is shown correctly on sims and all supernatural creatures?

Thank you.
Mad Poster
#2 Old 28th Dec 2022 at 8:20 PM
I'd think this has to do with the vampire skin overlay, and which items goes over this one and not. I can't tell you which ones do/don't, but reasonably sure that's why.

The makeup probably has to be made with the overlay items that go correctly over the skin overlay, so check out which ones are working and which ones don't. Likely it's the same types (full-face, lipstick, blush, eyeshadow and eyeliner).

Full-face makeup, blush and lipstick can be layered, so it's possible those types are the ones that work with the overlays, without saying it for sure (been ages since I played with the supernaturals).
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