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Virtual gardener
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#1 Old 12th Jul 2023 at 5:10 PM Last edited by Lyralei : 16th Aug 2023 at 6:35 PM.
Default Looking for new Queue Moderators and Community Helpers!
That's right, we're recruiting again! But this time, also with a new kind of staff... the Community helpers! We'll get into that in a bit.

Forms are closed!:
We'll send the participants a PM in mid-late September! If you haven't got a PM, that may mean we got the required number of moderators we need.

If you have any questions, do feel free to ask in the Discord!

[Queue Moderators] What we're looking for:

  • Passionate simmers who use a lot of modded content (or create their own)
  • Who knows how to navigate the site relatively well.
  • Can be frequently online (Only just the weekends is fine!)
  • Regular time available in the afternoon/evening (western Europe) aka morning/afternoon (eastern North America). You don't need to actually be in those areas, just have availability during the equivalent hours.
  • Good English-language skills. We have quite a few ESL speakers (like me!), and native speakers are welcome too! If you're not quite sure if your english would be good enough, it's good to ask yourself the question "Can I describe things relatively well? (Think, problems with a download)", "Can I express my concerns relatively well", etc.
  • Positive attitude and good teamwork skills.
  • Not afraid to go a bit out of their comfort zone (Especially if you're a creator who creates, say, only lots. We are usually training people to also do other types of downloads )
  • (Optional) Great at coming up with new suggestions on improving the moderation process.

[Queue Moderators] What does a moderator generally do:

What the moderation process somewhat looks like behind the scenes:
  • We do all the communication through Discord (It's all Text based though, so no worries about voice chat or anything like that!) Whether it's a quick chat or asking around about a difficult download to moderate, it's all done there!
  • We have a download Queue where all the downloads awaiting moderation temporarily stay. From there, we go with the download that needs the highest attention, so everything is prioritised!
  • All downloads in the Moderation queue have their individual "Pass or Fail" option that are all based off the Guidelines. So, no need to memorise them all! We will teach you what we expect as minimum requirements and quality of each guideline. Which therefore means creating knowledge isn't necessarily mandatory.
  • If other members aren't around on discord to discuss the download, you can always put the download you moderated up for review. Once other moderators are online, they can take a look at it and "review" the download, giving helpful tips!
  • Each download you've moderated (and needed changes to be made) has its own thread to see all the moderation choices made (By you or a previous moderator) and any questions that the creator has. Which will make it easier as well to help the creator if they have any questions on an issue.

Overall, pretty straight forward stuff! Of course, if you find yourself having some questions about the moderator stuff, you can also ask not just here, but on our discord is fine too!

[Queue Moderators]Training:

We usually start the training with the basics (How do we access the queue, going briefly over all the staff tools, going briefly over the guidelines). After that, we always start with the most common downloads we get, which are: Lots, CASPart/bodyshop items (recolours first, later meshes) and tuning mods for all 3 games. Which actually isn't as overwhelming as it sounds, trust me!

[Queue Moderators]How do I apply?:

Right here! - It should take about 5-10 min to do.

And remember, it's not a job application We're just looking for some cool volunteers with a passion for sims content! (whether it's spending 3 hours downloading things for your 100GB mods folder, or creating things :p... or both!)

[Community Helpers] What's this Community helper you're talking about?!:

We've somewhat talked about this in the past, but usually that was more from a site helper point of view. Other times, we moderators just really wanted to do something engaging with the community (Like, meet the creator, or themed uploads). But helping out the site or moderator and doing community stuff on the side, can be quite a lot of work... Therefore, the community helper!

Initially what we have in mind, is quite flexible, so any creative thinking is welcome! (Which of course we'll all do together)

But think of a community helper as someone who could (so these are all hypothetical examples! Not something you'll be doing all at once, we don't want you to work yourself to death!):
  • Coming up with potential Contests. Or running annual ones! (Like the calendar one, which we really should pick up again!)
  • Coming up/handling Themes! You know, the upload themes we used to run that got you fancy stickers!
  • Coming up with/working on doing community-like things for creators and members alike, like we did with "Meet the Creator".
  • Curating downloads to make a post in site news, based off "themes" downloaders can check out (i.e, a list of downloads for the, say, "Halloween" or "Autumn" theme.)
  • Composing a post on gameplay tips and tricks? Or a post with funny bugs that can be submitted by members. Because the sims have some of the best Bugs :p
  • This thing we once had called Movie night, some of you might remember

Again, these are just examples of what you and other Community Helpers might really like to check out and work on!

[Community Helpers] What we're looking for:

  • Enthusiastic about one or more of the sims games.
  • Who knows how to navigate the site relatively well.
  • Can frequently be online, as this might depend on what works with the other community helpers.
  • Good English-language skills. While being a ESL is perfectly fine! But keep in mind that you'll find yourself writing a lot and doing a lot of discussing/brainstorming. Although even this can be different depending on the teamwork. (As in, one does the writing, the other collects links/brainstorms, etc)
  • Positive attitude and good teamwork skills.
  • Creative mindset who isn't afraid to share ideas on the spot.
  • (OPTIONAL) has experience with Graphics Design-y things. (Like working with Illustrator/2D vector programmes and/or Photoshop/Graphics software)

[Community Helpers]How do I apply?

Right here! - It should take about 5-10 min to do.

And, as mentioned with the moderator application, this is purely volunteering work! All we're looking for is enthusiastic members who love to engage with other members and come up with entertaining things to do

I have Questions!
Feel free to comment on this thread (And, of course, mention if this is about the Community helper position or Moderation position) or ask on our Discord ! (Preferably in the General Channel)
Mad Poster
#2 Old 13th Jul 2023 at 3:28 AM
How much of a time commitment would you be looking for with the Community Helpers? I'm interested but I'm also contending with a job that uses up most of my emotional energy most days, and for obvious reasons trying to improve that will have to be my priority, but I'm also interested in getting some experience dealing with the moderator's side of social media!

Welcome to the Dark Side...
We lied about having cookies.
Virtual gardener
staff: administrator
Original Poster
#3 Old 13th Jul 2023 at 10:52 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Zarathustra
How much of a time commitment would you be looking for with the Community Helpers? I'm interested but I'm also contending with a job that uses up most of my emotional energy most days, and for obvious reasons trying to improve that will have to be my priority, but I'm also interested in getting some experience dealing with the moderator's side of social media!

Probably less than a Queue helper, since community related things are often once a month (or even in 3 months). So, I'd say that's most likely an easier one for if your schedule is a bit unsure Plus, more emotional recharging time! :p
Mad Poster
#4 Old 18th Jul 2023 at 4:35 PM
I can probably moderate lots for Sims 2 and run a building contest for Sims 2 as well (wanted to do that for some time) - but I am pretty useless with Sims 3 and 4.

As I live in South Africa, our time is the same as Western Europe (more or less, we don't do the daylight-saving stuff here, we just get up in the dark).

I cannot always be online, though, since we do have something called load shedding in my country, but I am able to be online every day.

For the record, English is not my first language and I do make a mistake once in a while, but I think if you look at my posts and uploads, you will see that it will not be a problem.
Former Hamster
retired moderator
#5 Old 18th Jul 2023 at 4:42 PM
Are former mods eligible? Asking for a friend, lol. (If yes, I may be interested but it depends on how my eye doctor appointment goes Friday.)
Virtual gardener
staff: administrator
Original Poster
#6 Old 18th Jul 2023 at 7:53 PM
Quote: Originally posted by mustluvcatz
Are former mods eligible? Asking for a friend, lol. (If yes, I may be interested but it depends on how my eye doctor appointment goes Friday.)

Former mods are totally not a problem! We already got another previous moderator wanting to return (Though will warn you beforehand, LOTS has changed since you were around :p)
Just fill the form in and things will be taken care of from there!

Quote: Originally posted by Justpetro
I can probably moderate lots for Sims 2 and run a building contest for Sims 2 as well (wanted to do that for some time) - but I am pretty useless with Sims 3 and 4.

As I live in South Africa, our time is the same as Western Europe (more or less, we don't do the daylight-saving stuff here, we just get up in the dark).

I cannot always be online, though, since we do have something called load shedding in my country, but I am able to be online every day.

For the record, English is not my first language and I do make a mistake once in a while, but I think if you look at my posts and uploads, you will see that it will not be a problem.

Regarding moderating other games (or only one), I did mention this on discord, since you're not the only one with the question:

We currently have trained moderators for all games and categories (and have for 3-4 years ) since 99% of the downloads have the same quality criteria. Though TS4 is often more popular, especially lots and tuning mods. Once you find yourself moderating any downloads you'll see what I mean

But it sounds like the online time wouldn't be a problem, even if you can only be online on the weekends, that should be fine as well. It's not that we expect people to be online 24hr a day that would be... cruel lol

I don't see your name yet on the form list though, so if you want to fill that out, that would be really helpful for us! (See my first post)
Trainee Moderator
staff: trainee moderator
#7 Old 19th Jul 2023 at 1:49 AM
I've applied. I think I have a pretty good track record across the community. i actually have experience moderating. I have a subreddit, a discord and a Facebook page. I'm also online quite a bit. usually sporadically until 5 then i'm online until about 2 am.
Mad Poster
#8 Old 19th Jul 2023 at 10:03 AM
I have applied now.
Mad Poster
#9 Old 24th Jul 2023 at 10:53 AM
I applied, but I do also have a problem with moderating Sims 3 or 4. I don't even have the games installed, so I can't look at things in game or in the equivalent of Bodyshop.
Former Hamster
retired moderator
#10 Old 25th Jul 2023 at 4:00 AM
Ok, I did it. There is a however though: I'm going to be having cataract surgery, which means I'll be able to see good enough to do this. However (there it is, lol) I don't know when yet and don't know if it will interfere with me being able to be online at all.
Virtual gardener
staff: administrator
Original Poster
#11 Old 25th Jul 2023 at 10:10 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Charity
I applied, but I do also have a problem with moderating Sims 3 or 4. I don't even have the games installed, so I can't look at things in game or in the equivalent of Bodyshop.

Generally speaking (which I guess could be like a secret insight to what makes your mod pass ;p) is that if the images are incredibly lacking, it gets CR'ed. Rather than downloading the file and see for ourselves. Because in the end, it's the downloaders' first impression as well that should show "Ah so this is what the mod looks like/does in my game"

So I think the last time I had to check something and had to download it, was probably months ago for stealing reasons. So even if you don't play/own the games, you should be fine
Mad Poster
#12 Old 25th Jul 2023 at 12:05 PM
I was thinking that I'd have to check out clothes etc. in game to make sure that the bones were set correctly when the sim moves and that the clothes showed up in the right places.
Mad Poster
#13 Old 12th Aug 2023 at 5:43 AM
I've applied for this, but is it too late for it?

Also I find the questions for the "what games do you play regularly" and "what game have you played in the last 2 years" a bit lacking. You can only choose one option, I chose TS2, but I play all 4 of them?

Because the earth is standing still, and the truth becomes a lie
A choice profound is bittersweet, no one hears Cassandra Goth cry

Test Subject
#14 Old 16th Aug 2023 at 5:33 AM
is there a minimum age you have to be?
Virtual gardener
staff: administrator
Original Poster
#15 Old 16th Aug 2023 at 6:29 PM
@HarVee still in time! I got a bit delayed with closing the form due to personal reasons and working on my own website :p. I'll probably close them now given the number of people we got signed up

Regarding those 2 questions... yeah, that was supposed to be a multi select box! My bad! I'll fix that up for the next time

@thatemokidvirgil I'd personally set it at a minimum of 16, but I'd say adults would be a bit more favourable, since schedule-wise it's a bit less hectic and chaotic often.
Test Subject
#16 Old 17th Aug 2023 at 3:18 AM Last edited by Kittlin : 17th Aug 2023 at 3:32 AM.
I'm interested, too. Long time looker, long time player, LOVE my CC and love Sims 3! I'm also an old broad so I have LOTS of free time! hahahaha
Mad Poster
#17 Old 21st Aug 2023 at 7:47 PM
I'm interested in being a helper because I'm an English major, so helping ESL creators would make OCD's like me happy (and maybe other "readers"). But looks like the applications are closed. Maybe I could be a "Helper 3rd class" and just have this limited duty?

Stand up, speak out. Just not to me..
Test Subject
#18 Old 5th Sep 2023 at 6:52 AM
Hi! I would like to apply for the community helper role! I have been using MTS site for a long time so I'm quite familiar with this. Also, I am familiar with sims 2 and sims 3 and I would love to contribute my love and knowledge of these games to the community. I hope it's not too late to apply.
Virtual gardener
staff: administrator
Original Poster
#19 Old 8th Sep 2023 at 11:55 AM
For the Queue Moderators:
I've sent out the PM's to the queue moderators! We got a lot of entries, so if you didn't receive one, you may have been a bit unlucky due to that. Though, there's always next time!

For the Community Helpers:
I'll send the PMs a little later, possibly late September or beginning October. This is so that I can focus on group and then the other (the first group being Queue Moderators).

The thread is now closed as well as the entries! Anyone who replied after the 16th, we weren't able to include. But there's always next year!
Virtual gardener
staff: administrator
Original Poster
#20 Old 11th Jan 2024 at 7:24 PM
Anyone who signed up for Community helpers: I'm SO Sorry for being so late! I know I promised to get in touch in October, but truth be told, I got so overwhelmed with life, and just lauched my own website, and then also on top of that training moderators, that I wasn't really able to add anything additionally to it all.

However! I'm almost done training the queue helpers, so with that said, I think I should be good to go in February hopefully!
Locked thread | Locked by: Lyralei Reason: Sent out the first PMs, entries have been looked over!
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