15th Sep 2023 at 12:55 AM
Yandere's Mania Challenge
This is a challenge inspired by Yandere but comes with a slightly different story.
Play as a Yandere who is a university student and become obsessed with one special Sim and go to extreme lengths to keep them close, while maintaining a facade of normalcy to avoid suspicion.
Required University & Mods:
The challenge takes place in university and requires a mod for the purpose to eliminate rivals. If you want to use cheats instead of a mod, you can do it. The second Mod you must have is ACR. Any mod that gives your sim autonomous romantic interactions is necessary to make things unfold.
Making Yandere and Senpai Rules:
• Create a new Sim as Yandere, can be male or female. Make them Japanese with fitting name. Choose their Turn on and off to make it match to the appearance of Senpai. Yandere have to move to a dorm solo.
• Create a new Sim and make them as Senpai, can be male or female. Name them Senpai with matching last name. Their Turn on and off have to be randomized. You have to make Senpai either a townie or move them to a different dorm from Yandere. (If your only choice is to have Senpai in the same dorm with Yandere, make sure to set their relationship to
Dorm Rules:
• Once in the dorm, your Yandere have to maintain good to average grades to avoid being expelled.
• Explore the university to find Senpai and be friendly to everyone around you. And pay close attention to the rivals who is being too friendly or romantic towards Senpai.
• If a sim or Senpai is too friendly or romantic to each other, that sim is a rival and have to be eliminated.
Interaction with Senpai Rules:
• The only interaction you are allowed to perform with Senpai is friendly and entertaining.
• If Senpai is flirting with you, you are allowed to preform same romantic interactions with them. Except for a kiss. Senpai have to kiss Yandere first.
• Keep your relationship with Senpai safe until graduation.
• If there is no chemistry and good communication between Yandere and Senpai in the day of graduation, the game is over.
• If Senpai is having a crush or falling in love with another sim before Yandere or after, this is game over.
• Any student that is being too friendly to Senpai is a rival and have to be marked to be eliminated.
• The elimination have to take place when Yandere standing next to a rival, and this has to happen when no other sims is looking/ present in the room/area. Yandere must leave the area before other sims are coming to mourn. If a sim caught Yandere in action or in the room, the game is over.
• At the day of graduation, the relationship and attraction with Senpai have to be high. If they are so, they can move back to the neighborhood together and you won the challenge.
• If their relationship is bellow 90 and have no attraction (1 bolts/none) You lose.
How To Win:
• Have good relationship and attraction with Senpai.
• Senpai is falling in love with you first.
• Be friendly to everyone.
• Eliminate rivals, students that have good relationship with Senpai. Without getting spotted.
• Have a perfect relationship and attraction with Senpai at the day of graduation.
What Is Game Over?
• Senpai is not getting along and not attracted to your Yandere by the day of graduation.
• Senpai is having a crush or falling in love with another Sim before Yandere or after.
• Getting caught eliminating rivals either during the action or not leaving the room/area.