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#1 Old 8th Feb 2024 at 3:43 PM
Default Custom Food Mesh: Face Count Mismatch Error

This is my first official post on here, and I hope it's in the right place.
I'm fairly new to cc creation, and tried to follow ArielFlare's great tutorial for creating custom food (https://modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=512383), but I'm running into some problems when trying to make a custom mesh.

I imported a mesh from a custom deco object (bread) and followed the tutorial and I now have 3 morphs (full/half/empty) for the "serve object", which is a stack of 5 breads/3 bottom breads/no bread. I also copied the original names and comments over to the new morphs like instructed. But when I try to export it I get the error "~00MORPHMOD.2 has face count mismatch" and I also can't import that file again becaus it gives me an "file read error".

From what I read I understand the face count mismatch means that my morphmod.2 (half empty) has less faces than the main morph (morph state), which I realize it does, becaus it' only 3 breads instead of 5. Is there any way to work around that? Is it becaus my single breads are not connected?

I would appreciate any help. Sorry if it's something glaringly obvious/stupid. ^^"
Mad Poster
#2 Old 8th Feb 2024 at 5:13 PM
The morphs for one mesh group need to have the same vertex count (and placement, except the vertices you want to move around) to work as morphs.

The easiest way to do this in your case would probably be to keep the same number of breads but collapse the "hidden" breads down to a tiny size (close to the size of a single vertex) and hide it inside the other breads. That way it still has the same vertex number, but will be hidden when need be.
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#3 Old 9th Feb 2024 at 7:55 AM
Oh, it worked! Thank you so much for your help! )
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