29th Dec 2024 at 12:35 AM
Last edited by M_M_McGrue : 5th Jan 2025 at
11:23 AM.
[abandoned] Store Content Freakout Requiring Fresh Download From Store
Why did my game freak out a refuse to accept the Store Content and it's backups and I required to download from the store directly? Which sucked but was doable. Honestly, was a while back I don't even remember what I was messing within the game files at the time.The only 2 possibilities that I can think other is downloading
a lot of CC from MTS or unistalling/reinstall an EP/SP for whatever reason...Honestly, I can't remember if I've actually had to do the 2nd one.
FYI, I don't download CC from anywhere but MTS and a few from SS MTS. And I almost all bunch new CC together in test batches to test quality and workable before I fully intergate into larger packages. And always with a test world, not my main saves. But I do not remember if this hypervigilance with CC came before or after the mass Store Content reinstall required (Which happened in June 2024ish?!). This was everything too, clothes, items, worlds, etc. All my purchased Store Content required redownload. So without actually knowing exactly what I did, when this occured or what caused it, does
anyone know potental reasons why parts/files would suddenly having quit having a cohensive working relationship?
Some extra info that may/maynot help:
-...actually looking at the time stamps of the files I installed my Island Paradise EP 20 mins before I mass redownloaded my Store Content. But in IP EP defense, I have successfully bought and installed several EP/SP since with no issues. But against IP EP goodwill, all since purchased EP/SP have been through the EA App. Whereas IP EP was CD. The lastest CD installation I believe. Instereting enough, the file folder for my Pets EP, is dated last modified Sept 2024, though I confirmed with my digital email receipt that I purchased back in 2021. So Island Paradise is the lastest CD install I believe...If that matters...Just brainstorming here: But could the older edtions of files within the the CD be misbehaving with the decade-ish newer files downloaded from Store, EA and Origin? And that's what caused the miscollabration?!
-But also, I do remember a bad CC world from MTS that caused my game to repeatly crash.
-And also, another time, something about a Grove SC and/or something about Atomic Pets Registration SC misbehaving. But besides the obvious of uninstalling in launcher, deleting file and clearing caches, I do not remember what steps I took.
-Oh, I just remembered, there was the time I discovered some addtional free Store Content that I didn't know about previously (Generation Clock, Honeycomb Bookshelf, Renault Twiszy, etc.). I learned about these from a Sims 3 forum. Which is funny lol because I swear I EXPLORED the store THOROUGHLY a long time ago tracking down and installing all the free stuff (I guess I missed 21 of them ((I just counted))). According to my Store History, those 21 new pieces are dated 5/30/24, so 3 days before I had to mass reinstall the Store Content. 5/30/24 was a Thursday and 6/3/24 would have been my day off, so if my Store Content broke the game, I can see me waiting until my day off to fix (because again mass downloading all your store content is a looonnngggg endeavor) Is bad CC from the Store possible? My computer files within Documents/Downloads files from those objects are dated reinstall 6/18/24. I know #1 Fanatic never behaved in the launcher, but the others, I'm not sure. But it looks like some, if not most, (yeah...I dont feel like counting right now) of those 21 files I have reinstalled and my game has no issues...I think.
-I know, I'm getting a bit personal with my question, however, I trying to give all the possible scenarios/factors that lend to this problem so hopefully I and anyone else, can avoid this in the future.
---End of extra Info---
Though currently, I have not issues with my game, EPs/SPs, store content, or CC. I feel that this might be an important question because I fear the Sims 3 Store will not be available forever, so if I continue the custom my game in the coming years and I do...something...and my game suddenly refuses to accept the Store Content or its backups, a fresh download will no longer be possible. Furthermore, if it wasn''t the CC, but rather the CD version of EP that caused the error, I would love to know becasue I plan on tracking the CD Limited Edition of Sims 3 EPs
https://sims.fandom.com/wiki/Limite...he_Sims_3:_Pets. (see other post). But if the introduction of CD EPs will break my Store Content, I would love to know. Or if it's something else causing it, I feel like that's good to know. Possibly to avoid it in the future?!
In the end, what scenario I'm avoiding in the future is where the cannot custom my Sims 3 game anymore without rsiking inaccessiblity of my purchased Store Content after the Sims 3 Store is yanked offline and goes the way of the dodo. I do not want to fear that I could potential lose access to all my Store Content files anytime I want so new CC or I mess with my files. That I risk breaking the cohension between my store content and my game.
Is any of this making any sense?!
Has this happened to anyone else?
Any insights is appreciated.
Thank you,