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#1 Old 30th Dec 2024 at 1:19 PM
Default Looking for guidance on how to amend custom careers please!
Hi all,

I am not a modder AT ALL but I have some custom careers in my downloads that I want to amend slightly for my own personal use but I have no idea of how to go about doing it

The aspects of the careers that I want to change are as follows;
• Job titles
• Salaries
• Work outfits
• Carpools

I have tried to fiddle around in SimPE as I've read a few discussions/tutorials on this site but I can't even open the customer careers as I get an error that honestly means absolutely nothing to me... 'Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index'

Sorry for being such a noob and obviously it's not the end of the world if I never manage to change the careers but just thought I'd ask to see if anyone can help and/or guide me on this!

Thanks in advance,
Test Subject
#2 Old 15th Jan 2025 at 4:07 AM
1. Launch SimPe.
2. Extra > Preferences > SimPE Settings >
- here make sure you have both 'Advanced mode' and 'show OBJd Filename' checked.
3. Restart SimPe.
4. Start Object Worshop (wait for it to load)
5. Under 'Other' category, select 'Sim Type' (sub-branch)
6. Scroll down until you come across a list of 'JobData - Adult -...'
7. Here, select (for example), JobData - Adult - Artist.
8. Clone obj (uncheck everything under clone if you only wish to change default values, otherwise see * comment below) and click Start
9. Once the package loads, save it in Downloads folder.
10. Load up the saved package *VERY IMPORTANT STEP in order to trigger control*
10. Once loaded, select Tools (top menu) > Bidou's Career Editor (thanks to this guy for making things easier)
11. Here you can change whatever you like. Commit/ Save.
*If you want a custom career, separate from the default ones, when cloning the obj package,
select Set Default before cloning, and save package as shown above.
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