Tutorial: How to Create Custom Service NPCs [New CAS Method!]
Hi everyone! Remember the tutorial on
how to create custom service NPCs I wrote a few years ago? Where you'd let the game generate the NPCs first and use Alt Sim Surgery to modify their appearances?
Well, with April Black's recent
discoveries about sims corruption, especially with respect to
whether or not NPCs are safe to play as, it has been discovered that creating custom NPCs is actually way easier than we all thought!
Plus, with Chris Hatch's updated
SimPE (0_77_69), NPC creation has never been easier before!
So first things first, credit goes to all these amazing people who helped within the sims community and discovered new stuff up to this day! It's crazy how new things are still being discovered well after 20 years from the release of a 2004 game!
Alright, let's get to the tutorial.
You'll need:
SimPE (0_77_69)
FFS Debugger, aka Batbox
Step 0: Always, ALWAYYS back-up your neighborhood first before doing anything unusual or
SimPE in general.
Please do not skip this step! Made your back-up now? You're good? Good!
Step 1: Create your custom NPC just like a regular sim in CAS. You don't even have to worry about their NPC outfit, just create your sim as you wish to create them! You can create any NPC you like, I'm creating a Drama professor for this tutorial, as professors are the only NPCs that need a bit more special tweaking in order for them to work properly.
You can even give them a family if you want to. This is especially useful and interesting if you're creating custom neighborhoods for upload! Always wanted to create a playable sim who's the sister of an imfamous bank robber? Or a playable uni sim who has professor parents? Well, now it's your chance!
Step 2:):
Note: This extra step is only needed if you create custom uni professor NPCs! Otherwise, skip to
Step 3!
Using the batbox, give your sim a college degree in that major you wish to assign your custom professor to. You can do that by selecting
"Upgrade Sim.../Pre-Uni.../[Major of your choice]".
Since I want to create a Drama professor, I'm choosing Drama. If you want to create a professor for the hidden major
"Undeclared", don't give your sim a college degree. You can just skip to
Step 3!
Step 3: Customize your sim as you like, you can give them even careers, skills, relationships, etc. as you like!
As you can see, for my custom Drama professor NPC, I made her 1 brother and 3 daughters, one of which is also a cheerleader NPC. You can link as many NPCs as you want (or not if you prefer for them to not have customized family trees). You can even add ancestors if you want! All up to you ^^
Step 4: Now, comes the magic, lol! Open up your neighborhood in
SimPE and select your sim's SimDescription file. Under "Type" select the NPC type you wish to assign your sim to.
Step 5: A pop-up will appear then, telling you that changing a sim's NPC type won't make them into an actual NPC, but only give them the special powers associated with that NPC (i.e. giving playable sims the ability to sneak if you give them the Burglar sim type). To make them an actual NPC, hit the button
"Fix Original GUID".
Oh, and don't forget to commit your changes! You can save and close
SimPE afterwards.
Step 6: Load your household your newly created NPC sim is in... and tadaaa! Upon load, your NPC sim should be properly initalized now and should wear their respective NPC clothing.
Now is your last change to make any additional changes, i.e. interests, skills or relationships, etc. Once you've fully customized your NPC sim, you can continue with Step 7.
Step 7: Your sim should be ready to go now! Now, use
InSimenator's FamilyTree to remove your sim
as an NPC from your household.
IMPORTANT! You really need the InSimenator for this. Teleporter Shrub/Cat/SimBlender can unfortunately
only remove sims as townies, not NPCs, hence not so useful in this tutorial. The only "use" it may potentially have is to clear non-residents off your lot
after you added them to the NPC household
using InSimenator.
But this can also be done with InSimenator's Summoner or just with a simple Force Error >> Delete. You can technically also just ask the NPC sim to leave the lot using a playable sim. You don't technically have to clear off the NPC sim from your lot at all, that's more a cosmetic thing to do, lol.
Step 8: Now, feel free to check whether your newly created NPC really works as intended. If you for instance created custom maids, they should be available for your sims to hire now or any custom burglars may come to rob your houses at night, etc. As you can see, my custom Drama professor suddenly fell in love with everyone except her family members,
as she should... oh, well!
That's it! I hope you have fun creating your custom NPCs! It's quite fun and simple with the new
SimPE update actually!