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Field Researcher
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#1 Old 11th Feb 2025 at 2:21 AM
Default How would I push interactions back in the pie menu?
I'd like to edit Midge's "Friendly Break Up" mod so that the "Break Up" interaction doesn't appear on the first page of the pie menu (because I keep accidentally clicking it). If I could get it to show up under a submenu, that'd be even better (because some of my sims now have two "Break Up" interactions due to using the Adult Go Steady mod as well), but I'll settle for pushing it back. How would I go about accomplishing this? Thanks in advance for any help!!
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#2 Old 12th Feb 2025 at 8:07 AM
I'll detail the following steps:

1. With SimPE open, find the MakeActionString in the Text Lists (STR#). If the its name is different, then find it by the Instance 012E.

2. To make a pie menu, change the corresponding string to [pie menu].../Break Up.

Like, say, Ask.../Break Up.

For pushing the option back furthur, I have no idea.

Here's an example I did with kestrellyn's Found Family mod. I put the Count as Family under the Ask... submenu:
#3 Old 12th Feb 2025 at 12:33 PM
That will bring the rest of the Ask menu forward.

With Open for Business, use My UI Interaction Priority. This is what bring the business socials up front.

At the end of the guardian script add My 0x0068 (Interaction UI Priority) := Literal 0xFFFE

Now Break Up is at the end.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#4 Old 12th Feb 2025 at 4:38 PM
Thank you both for your replies!!

@Big Woe - I wasn't able to use your method because there is no Instance 012E that I can find. Thank you for letting me know this was possible, though!! I am sure it will come in handy in the future.

@jonasn - I added "My 0x0068 (Interaction UI Priority) := Literal 0xFFFE" to the end of Social - Break Up - TEST following your guide & it moved one of the interactions, but not the other. I went back & added it to the end of Social - Break Up - Teen - TEST as well, but no change. Am I doing something wrong? I've attached what I see.

Thanks again for the help, I really do appreciate it!!

Queen of the Land of Typos.

Check out my simblr.
#5 Old 12th Feb 2025 at 5:35 PM
You need to connect it the rest of the flow. Go to line 6 and point the true target to line 7.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#6 Old 12th Feb 2025 at 5:53 PM
Ahhhh, thank you so much, that worked!

Queen of the Land of Typos.

Check out my simblr.
Test Subject
#7 Old Yesterday at 1:48 AM
@jonasn - I never even know about the My UI Interaction Priority! Thanks, I will keep it in mind.

@NaeShelle - It seems the Break Up interaction mentioned must've been a BG interaction and not a user-made interaction. Its 012E string is therefore most likely within the Objects file (which contains all the hundreds and hundreds of interactions), too. My bad.

Jonasn's method is indeed right.
#8 Old Yesterday at 7:23 AM
There is an advanced way of changing the name of this interaction without editing person globals. Lots of mods want to edit person globals and conflict.

1. Pick or create an object that will serve the purpose of holding the string. Maybe use the Social - Break Up. Could be any unrelated accessory.

2. Create the MakeAction string 12E in this object.

3. Create a new BHAV in this object and name it to one of the availabe strings in global called trees, for example "CT - Set Interaction Data", which is not used by the object.

4. In this BHAV create one line 32, Add/Change the Action String. It can be expanded for more uses.

5. Back in the TEST file, add two lines at the end to call this new CT:

(a) 20. Test Object Type (guid of other object, 00,00, 0A, return GUID selected in Temp 0,1: True) -- This selects the helper object.
(b) 1C. Run Tree By Name (the chosen tree, push onto my stack by guid)

This will change the action with data from the other object.

I have an example of this in my Novel mod where I avoided editing the computer strings, and instead used the Book - Novel - Icon Helper.
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