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#1 Old 2nd Mar 2025 at 10:34 AM
Default Custom hat hair distorting/exploding with morphs

I have been converting TS4 clay hairs to TS3 for a little bit and have recently decided to try converting some as hat hairs through TSRW. Although I've gotten some to work, I seem to run into a problem with a few others. The hair I am currently working on distorts when I move the morph sliders. This has happened before with a different hair, but I ended up just trashing it. However, since this particular problem keeps occurring I've decided to see if anyone can help me figure out the problem. I've tried renumbering the meshes through MTK to see if that would help, but to no avail. I have no other clue as to what could be the reason for the distortion (except maybe the morphs themselves). Along with this message I have attached a photo showing the problem and my work files if anyone would be willing to look at them and see if they can find a solution to my problem. I would appreciate any help and/or feedback. Thank you!
Attached files:
File Type: zip  Nelu - Daylifesims Barbie Sailor Girl Hair Conversion.zip (42.98 MB, 2 downloads)
Forum Resident
#2 Old 4th Mar 2025 at 11:37 PM
The BGEO are busted somehow.
Delete the BGEO in S3PE and save, exit (I used the _recalculated package).
Then use MTK to add the geom morphs you have back to the package (Package Tools > Add Morphs, untick 'Change morph blend TGI')

I don't use TSRW so I don't know how it might have happened in the first place or what the steps would be to avoid it. Might have just been a quirk of the EA hair

thecardinalsims - Cardinal has been taken by a fey mood!
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#3 Old Today at 12:51 AM
Quote: Originally posted by CardinalSims
The BGEO are busted somehow.
Delete the BGEO in S3PE and save, exit (I used the _recalculated package).
Then use MTK to add the geom morphs you have back to the package (Package Tools > Add Morphs, untick 'Change morph blend TGI')

I don't use TSRW so I don't know how it might have happened in the first place or what the steps would be to avoid it. Might have just been a quirk of the EA hair

Thank you! At first it didn't work because I was using the original morphs for both lod0 and lod1, since I don't have recalculated morphs for lod1, but of course it didn't work. I tried a second time using the same original morphs because I had thought that I had added an incorrect morph somewhere, but this time MTK threw an error stating "your meshes have overlapping vertex IDs within a lod and the morph may not work correctly", I guess that's what was causing the distortions, although it's weird that I didn't get the error the first time I re-added the morphs into the package🧐So I tried once again, this time using my recalculated morphs and it worked! The thing is, I still have to add morphs for lod1, right? I'll try and use MTK to auto-create morphs using the recalculated one's this time around and add them in for lod1. Hopefully this doesn't break anything...Anyway, I can't thank you enough💕
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