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#1 Old Yesterday at 2:53 PM
Need help converting a default replacement mesh to custom
My sister asked me to convert these pants to custom CC for her. I've tried for many hours, but I just can't get the mesh linked properly, even after adding the extra groups in Property Set (GZPS). It always shows up as either the default pants mesh (gray base game pants with a belt) or invisible. Can someone please help?
Mad Poster
#2 Old Yesterday at 10:41 PM
Are the groups/subsets named the same in each set of PropertySet/mesh group/TXTR/TXMT resource? (If they have different names, say the mesh and all the other resources use "bottom + shoe + noblend" while the PropertySet use "bottom + shoe+ legs", the "Noblend/legs" group won't show up properly).

Also make sure you're workig with a new recolor file, and that it's the SavedSims file, not the one in the Project folder. Doing changes to the Project Package file won't change the one that got imported to the game (and you also won't see any changes in the project itself - the initial project can in most cases be considered scrap).

If the names are fine, can you upload the files? It's very difficult to figure out what is wrong without looking at them.
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