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Manipulator of messy meshes
retired moderator
Original Poster
#1 Old 11th Oct 2005 at 5:00 PM Last edited by boblishman : 6th Jan 2018 at 4:09 PM.
Default Tutorial: Making objects available in Community Lots
Sometimes you may wish to use a previously downloaded object in a Community Lot that is currently only available/buyable in Residential catalogue.

Here's how to make it available/buyable in both Residentail and Community catalogues:

If you are an object creator, you can follow the same proceedure when making your new package, to make your new objects available in both Residential and Community lots. It may save you time answering a lot of requests and posts!

Copy the original file from your downloads folder and put into an new folder on your desktop.. (I also suggest that you make another copy of this file for backup purposes, just in case you make a mistake!)

Open the copied package file with SimPe... (this tutorial uses SimPE v 0.48c)

1. Click on Object Data..

2. Then click on Object Data in the right hand window to highlight it

3. Click on Raw Data Tab...

and you will see....

1.Click on the radio Button marked Decimal

2. Change the Commuity Sort from 0 to 128
(you may have to scroll up the listings to find the Community Sort, depending on your screen resoloution)

3. Click Commit....

and then save your package....

4. Put the newly saved package file into your downloads folder.

(You will get a message asking if you wish to overwrite the original file....click YES.)

Your object will now appear in the Community Catalogue as well as the Residential one.


The Quiet One
retired moderator
#2 Old 11th Oct 2005 at 5:09 PM
Thanks, Bob, for this tutorial. I know there are lot of people who want to be able to convert their objects but don't know how.

Could you indicate what version of SimPE you're using? Also, you can upload the pics here, if you feel like it.
Lab Assistant
#3 Old 12th Oct 2005 at 2:58 AM
Thanks Boblishman! I covered this in another thread, and actually used the info that you gave me originally This is much nicer with the screenshots and all. Brilliant!
Test Subject
#4 Old 13th Oct 2005 at 9:33 PM
Thank you, Boblishman. I have been looking for this since I-don't-know-when. I once got a reply to my request concerning this issue, that I have to create a new collection and put each object into it in order to make it / them available on a community lot. The problem is, that I did not have access to this new collection from a community lot. Your solution is much simpler though it might not look simple.
Thanks again.
Lab Assistant
#5 Old 19th Oct 2005 at 7:01 PM
There are actually different values for Community Sorts depending on where you want the object to appear. For example, if you want it to be in Food section only or Food and Outside or any other combination. I have some values and I've tested them but I don't have all the combinations possible. Would you happen to know them?
Manipulator of messy meshes
retired moderator
Original Poster
#6 Old 19th Oct 2005 at 7:15 PM Last edited by boblishman : 19th Oct 2005 at 7:23 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by Qwigqwag
There are actually different values for Community Sorts depending on where you want the object to appear. For example, if you want it to be in Food section only or Food and Outside or any other combination. I have some values and I've tested them but I don't have all the combinations possible. Would you happen to know them?

Hi Qwigqwag,

Yes, you're right.... but no....unfortunately I don't know them all

I have noticed that there are several values to enable them to show up....though '128' does seem to be the most common one I've seen.

Would you please help us all by posting here the values that you DO know....then hopefully other members will be able to add to the list...until we have the whole set of values listed....



***** PLEASE NOTE *****

Do not upload any of my original mesh files ANYWHERE...either as part of your recolour posts or included in any LOTS or SIMS. Thank you

Lab Assistant
#7 Old 20th Oct 2005 at 4:10 AM Last edited by Qwigqwag : 20th Oct 2005 at 4:13 AM. Reason: Adding info
I'd be happy to. I am not a modder at all by any stretch of the imagination, so if I'm wrong, please forgive me. Also, I got some of these values from wes_h so kudos to him.

If you want object to show in Food section - use 1
Shopping - 2
Food & Shopping - 3
Outdoor - 4
Food & Outdoor - 5
Street - 8
Miscellaneous - 128
Food & Miscellaneous - 129
Shopping & Miscellaneous - 130
Food, Shopping & Miscellaneous - 131
Outdoor & Miscellaneous - 132
Outdoor, Street & Miscellaneous - 140

Obviously, there's a pattern here. I just haven't had time to tinker with the other sections.

Hope that helps. Oh, and I found out that for those objects that have more than one object data (I think they're 2-tiled or more), you would only change the value in the main object data. Also you won't find object data in recolors.
Field Researcher
#8 Old 20th Oct 2005 at 4:21 AM
Ok great work and info guys. I'm going to print this out and give it a shot, wish me luck, lol. Deeme
Field Researcher
#9 Old 22nd Oct 2005 at 5:57 AM
Hey Bob, Can you please tell me, just how safe is Sim Pe? I want to be able to do this so badley, but I'm so scared to download Sim Pe. Is it really safe???? Deeme
Manipulator of messy meshes
retired moderator
Original Poster
#10 Old 22nd Oct 2005 at 12:27 PM Last edited by boblishman : 22nd Oct 2005 at 12:38 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by Deeme
Hey Bob, Can you please tell me, just how safe is Sim Pe? I want to be able to do this so badley, but I'm so scared to download Sim Pe. Is it really safe???? Deeme

Hi Deeme.

Well, the answer to your question is: SimPE is a tool.

Like any tool, if used with respect it will accomplish a task.

Also, like any tool, you have to learn how to use it properly, which involves practice.

You wouldn't give an electric saw to a three year old child.
Nor would you expect any adult to be able to carve a marble sculpture the first time they used a hammer and chizzel.

Yes, you WILL make mistakes. But (to quote my late father) ... 'a man who never made a mistake, never made anything'.

The great thing is, if you do make a mistake (and believe me, you will!) and the resulting package is 'wrong' then it will probably crash your game.

However, because of the way the game works, all you have to do is remove the 'wrongly built' package from your downloads folder...and bingo...the game is 'back to normal'.

I must have crashed my game over 100 times .... and I've never needed to do a re-install....or lost any Sims, lots houses or objects.

The 'trick' really is to start slowly.
Don't try and create some amazing new hack/animation the first time you open SimPe.

Start off with a really simple task.

Get the tutorials....read them....and follow them to the letter.

As you get used to using it, (like any tool) you will become more skilled (and more confident) and will want to try more advanced tasks.

So....the answer to your question is ....: It's a safe as any tool.

Remember.... It's not the tool that's dangerous....it's the person using it.

I'm pleased you're a bit 'frightened' of it.... that means you will treat it with the respect it deserves.... and use it safely

(I would also advise you to back-up your entire My Documents/TheSims2 folder (yes, the entire folder, not just the Downloads folder) on a regular basis.
This is not because if what SimPE might do .... it's because you never know when your computer (another tool) might decide to malfunction and 'screw' your game/installation/operating system.
I recently had a hard disc failure (a mechanical fault, nothing to do with any software I had installed), and, because I had backups.... I was able to restore all my Sims, houses lots and objects onto a newly bought and formatted hard drive.)

***** PLEASE NOTE *****

Do not upload any of my original mesh files ANYWHERE...either as part of your recolour posts or included in any LOTS or SIMS. Thank you

Test Subject
#11 Old 24th Oct 2005 at 9:27 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Qwigqwag
I'd be happy to. I am not a modder at all by any stretch of the imagination, so if I'm wrong, please forgive me. Also, I got some of these values from wes_h so kudos to him.


Obviously, there's a pattern here. I just haven't had time to tinker with the other sections.

Indeed there Is. This looks like a Decimal interpretation of a Binary UseMask.

Therefore, each 'category' is a power of 2, Therefore:
Food 1 (bit one)
Shops 2 (Bit two)
Outdoor 4 (Bit 3)
Street 8 (Bit 4)
Misc: 128 (Bit 8)

You then set the decimal value equal to the sum of the various categories you want the object enabled in; such as 10 (4 + 8) to have an item in the Outdoor and Street categories only, or 143 (1+2+4+8+128) for all presently known Community lot types...
Lab Assistant
#12 Old 25th Oct 2005 at 3:16 AM
I knew there was a reason why I didn't become a mathematician. It was staring right in my face. Thank you.
Lab Assistant
#13 Old 22nd Nov 2005 at 1:24 PM Last edited by katgyrl : 23rd Nov 2005 at 4:18 AM.
omg, and here i was thinking you could just change an already made residential collection to a community collection :-( this would be way too time consuming to make all my custom furniture available on community lots if it has to be done one at a time. it's weird tho' because before nightlife, all my custom content would automatically show up in my res-to-comm collections - as i installed new objects they would just magically appear in them & now all i have is the cruddy maxis made objects. gah !

edited to say: doh! there is a way to convert a res collection to a comm collection, just figured it out.

if you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning
Lab Assistant
#14 Old 7th Dec 2005 at 5:32 PM

You seem to have a nack for writing tuturials in a nice 'for dummies' manner. I mean that as a compliment since I find it very easy follow. Modding can be complicated and you shed light on it. Thank you.
Test Subject
#15 Old 8th Dec 2005 at 2:12 PM
Much appreciated!
#16 Old 14th Jan 2006 at 12:23 AM
What do we do when there is more than one entry under object data? For example, with IndigoRage's altar, there are four different entries- which one would we change?
Manipulator of messy meshes
retired moderator
Original Poster
#17 Old 14th Jan 2006 at 4:22 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Ellatrue
What do we do when there is more than one entry under object data? For example, with IndigoRage's altar, there are four different entries- which one would we change?

if there is more than one object data you only need to change the MAIN one...(the one without and brackets and numbers ...(e.g. (1,0))
Test Subject
#18 Old 20th Jan 2006 at 11:46 PM
What 3D Software do you use to make objects :D
Manipulator of messy meshes
retired moderator
Original Poster
#19 Old 21st Jan 2006 at 2:00 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Beeza999
What 3D Software do you use to make objects :D

I use Milkshape ....
Test Subject
#20 Old 21st Jan 2006 at 2:02 AM
ok thanks :D
Forum Resident
#21 Old 7th Feb 2006 at 4:14 PM
Thank you again Bob. I love you!
Field Researcher
#22 Old 21st Feb 2006 at 10:05 PM
What do you do when no Object Dats file shows in the list.

I'm trying to make a Coffin Downtown enabled
Lab Assistant
#23 Old 2nd Apr 2006 at 8:57 PM
Hello? Um, sorry to be a pest/ bother, but can some one post the OFB objects on? I know a lot of people who would be grateful. Please message me if your up to the challange, and are/ is going to tackle it.

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Mad Poster
#24 Old 18th Apr 2006 at 4:04 PM
Whew. I admit to being rather shaky after making moving IndigoRage's altar (hey, what can I say? It's popular) to a Community purchase, but it seems to have worked. The altar isn't crashing the game or producing any strange colors or shapes.

I can see what you mean about SimPE, though. It doesn't seem to wise to use it to convert EVERYTHING ... only a few items that you really want to move.

Thanks for all your help!
Test Subject
#25 Old 27th Apr 2006 at 10:34 PM
How exactly do I make a community object available in a residential place..? I can't find the answer.
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